; p r o l o g u e

Beginnings and Endings

She had fallen for him at first sight.  Even before Victoria had debuted in f(x), she had been keeping track of the who's and what's of the Korean entertainment industry.  That's how she had fallen for Mr. Nichkhun Horvejkul.  Something about him in 2PM's "10 out of 10" made her feel like a school girl giddy over a silly crush.

"Aiyah, I must be crazy!" she would mutter to herself.  "I-I mean, I'm older than him!  And and..."  Her voice trailed off as she played his part in the music video over and over again.
She followed him as he rose to stardom through 2PM releasing songs and as he gained popularity by participating on variety shows. Even after she debuted herself, she continued to fuss over him like the average fangirl.
When they coincidentally were on Star King together, Victoria felt like her heart would burst from him sitting so close to her.  Surely he could hear her heartbeat; it was beating so loudly and quickly that she felt like aliens would be able to hear.  After the recording had ended, she bumped into him backstage.
"Hi, I'm 2PM's Nichkhun.  Nice to meet you," he greeted with a slight smile as he held out a hand.  That shy, boy-ish smile...  It gave her stomach enough butterflies to start a caterpillar farm.
"The pleasure's mine, Nichkhun-sshi.  I'm f(x)'s leader, Victoria." she replied as confidently as she could muster while grasping his outstretched hand.  The handshake was an awkward second too long before they had to separate.  Nichkhun scratched his head.
"Well, I'm going this way so..."
"Oh, okay...  See you some other time."
"It was nice to meet you, really."
"It was really quite the pleasure." Victoria blushed as Nichkhun turned around and headed back to his dressing room.  She hurried back to her own shared dressing room and noticed Luna leering at her with an amused smile.  "Wh-what is it?  Do I have something on my face?"
Luna shook her head and winked.  "No, no...  It's just...  I saw you talking to a certain Thai prince outside," Victoria blushed.  "And all your 'daughters' know how you feel about that Thai prince."
"Aiyah, I don't know what you're talking about." Victoria mumbled as she lightly ruffled Luna's hair.
"You are going to be a bit busier from now on, Victoria." sighed the f(x) manager as he handed her a paper with this week's schedule.  "It looks like you're going to start filming for We Got Married this week."
"W-We Got Married?" she stammered.
"WE  GOT  MARRIED?" screamed the other f(x) girls.
"How exciting!" Sulli exclaimed as she clasped her hands together.
"We're getting an appa then?" laughed Krystal as she playfully elbowed Amber.
"He's going to love Vic's cooking." Amber smiled as she elbowed Krystal back.
Luna smiled as she gave Victoria a quick hug. "Hopefully, he's going to love Vic's everything!"
"Girls, it's just a show..." Victoria nagged as swept a stray hair behind an ear.
"You never know..." the girls replied in unison.  "Anyways, who's the lucky guy?"
"Well...  I'm about to go find out right now...  I have to head over to MBC for a lookover and whatnot..." She too was curious as to who it could be.
"I hope it's Nichkhun-sunbae," Amber chuckled softly.  "We all know how much you like him."
"Plus, he looks like he would make a good appa!" Krystal grinned.
"The couple name would be cool too...  Something like Khuntoria or 'Foreigner Couple', eh?" Luna smirked.
Victoria simply blushed as she asked the manager to take her to the MBC  building.
"Well...  This meeting is adjourned.  We'll leave you two alone to get acquainted with one another.  You guys are going to be the next big couple after all." The cheerful directer then left with the rest of the We Got Married crew...   Leaving Victoria alone at the meeting table with a certain Thai prince.
"Um, hello again," greeted Nichkhun nervously.  "I guess we'll be husband and wife starting tomorrow, hm?"
Victoria bowed slightly.  "I guess so."  She inwardly hit herself for replying in such a curt manner.  An awkward silence then proceeded to follow as the two foreigners shifted uncomfortably in their seats.
Nichkhun cleared his throat and offered another one of his shy smiles.  "Um, well...  I'm a big fan of f(x), you know..."
Victoria blushed.  "R-Really?  I'm a big fan of 2PM too."
"Who's your favorite member?"
"I'll tell you if you tell me yours."
"That's not fair,"
"What's not fair about it?"
"It's just... Not."
Victoria pouted at his childish argument.  "Well then, we'll both say it on the count of three then..."
"That's fine by me," Nichkhun nodded in agreement.  "Three..."
Victoria looked at Nichkhun.  Funny, they had both just shouted each others' name.  "You're lying," she scoffed.  "I don't believe you.  You're just saying that to be polite, because you're Nichkhun and Nichkhun's always polite."
Nichkhun raised an eyebrow, "Oh really?  I'm amused that you think you know so much about me, but I'm not lying."
"O-oh really?"  Victoria stammered again.  She seemed to do that a lot around the Thai prince.
"I like you," he said it in a way that made it sound like it was fact, like it was simply an observation.  "I like you..." he repeated.  Victoria blushed.  It was like one of her daydreams.  She pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming.  Nichkhun covered his face when he realized the weight of his words.  "Sorry, that was way too straightforward of me.  I mean, we've only met once before and-"
"I like you too.  I've always liked you.  Ever since you debuted." interrupted Victoria.  Now it was her turn to cover her face.  Maybe the last part should have been cut out.  That came out creeper-ish. There was an awkward silence before Nichkhun laughed and broke it.
"Shut up, you babo."
"Stalker," he repeated, more quietly this time as he got out of his seat and walked up to her.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Could you say those words again?" His hand was atop her's now.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about."
"I'm talking about those four words you said a minute ago in reply to this: I like you." Her breath hitched as his hand moved to cup her chin.
"S-Shut up, you babo."
"Close enough," And with that said, Nichkhun sealed her lips with a kiss.  He smiled into her lips as he mumbled, "I was hoping for an 'I like you too' though."
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AWWW so cute!!
Aw, I like the yongseo one! :)
Thank you for your kind comment, tunfish ^^
tunfish #4
sooo sweet<3<3<br />
love the stories sooo much! :) <3