We're gonna go a long time, right?

Remember me?


It was one of those days where everyone in Infinite had schedules apart from Dongwoo and you were over at their dorm.
"Aren't you sad?", you suddenly asked.
"Why would I be when I have you here with me?", he winked.
"You know I'm not talking about that. I'm asking, schedules. Everyone else has schedules but not you."
Dongwoo then leaned back and rested his head on the couch behind him, "You know how I awkward I get when I'm on show alone with the memebers."
"Liar. You're the most talkative one out of all, and you think I don't know anything about you.", you pointed a thumbs down.
"Yah. Being talkative is a good thing. When no one talks, I do all the talking y'know. Your boyfriend's the most capable out of all members to be honest."
You pretended to vomit, "How thick is your skin, my dear."
Your fingers were near his cheeks and were about to pinch him but he stopped you, "Hey, teach me something."
Then you burst out laughing and rolling on the floor.
"What the hell is so funny?", Dongwoo pretended to get mad.
You tried to stop laughing but you just couldn't, "I. Think. You're. The. First. Person. Who. Asks. Someone. To. Teach. Singlish. Oh god. Jang Dongwoo."
"The truth is, we're having a schedule to Singapore soon. I want to get closer to the fans there, so by learning Singlish, it might work?"
"Oh, Dongwoo. You don't need to learn how to speak Singlish to get closer to them. Your charms are enough.", you ruffled his hair.
"Come on, just teach me one or two. Just the basics will do. Please?", he started to beg.
"Alright, I will. But seriously, I don't even know where to start. I at teaching, for your information."
"I don't care, as long as it's you who's teaching, I'll learn well."
"Stop with your cheesyness, gosh. How did I even endure with you for the past months."
He then elbowed you, "You know you like my cheesyness. It's my charm."
You rolled your eyes and took out a notebook and pen.
"What do you wanna know?"
"I don't know. What are the basics of Singlish?"
"Well, Singlish is actually just english but Singaporean way. I still don't get why you wanna learn it, Dongwoo."
"Just teach me!"
"Alright alright! Geez. Normally we would add words like, 'lah', 'leh', or 'lor' after what we say."
"What did you just say?"
"For example, you wanna say express your feelings after eating a meal. It'll be something like 'Chilli crab very nice leh.' "
You looked at Dongwoo who's expression was completely blank, "You don't get what I'm saying do you?"
He shook his head slowly, "I told you I at teaching. Besides, for the third time, you don't have to learn Singlish, okay?"
"I thought if I learnt them, I could impress the fans."
"Oh, so you were trying to learn it from ME, and impress GIRLS?", you raised an brow.
"Yes. I mean NO. Why would I when I already have you.", he then wrapped his arms around you from behind.
"Yeah yeah whatever. Let's stop learning, it's useless, really.", you lean your back against his chest and rested your head on his shoulder.
 "How do you tell someone you love the person in Singlish?, he suddenly questioned.
"Dongwoo-ah, Singlish is just like English, it's just the way we speak is different, not the use of words, okay? So we just say I love you to the person."
"Really? No special codes or anything?"
"Dongwoo, really? Special codes? Sometimes I really wonder if you've watched too much movies or read too much books. I should take away those novels you wouldn't keep your hands off."
After a few moments, you spoke up.
"Are your promotions starting from next week?"
"Yeah, we have to promote our follow up song. And I might not be able to-"
"Meet up.", both of you said in union.
Dongwoo your silky long hair and nuzzle his nose against it, "I'm gonna miss you a lot, ________. We've been hanging out so much now that I'll feel something missing when I don't see you for one day."
"Maybe we shouldn't have gotten together before then. So none of this would be happening."
"Shut up, babe. I don't want you to ever say stuff like that. It's not like we're not seeing each other anymore. We'll still be able to meet for sure, just not as much."
Just the thought of not being able to see Dongwoo as much made you sigh out loud without realizing.
Dongwoo was just as upset as you were, he spent almost every single day of his free time with you, spending it either your house or their dorm, seeing you in school and having lunch together. 
But when the promotions starts, Infinite's schedules would become much hetic.
They wouldn't have time to attend school anymore, they would have 5 hours or less of sleep, over 10 hours of dance practices everyday, and so much more. 
You grabbed Dongwoo's hands and held on tight which made him jumped a little, "Dongwoo-ah, can I hear your voice no matter how busy you're going to get?"
"I'll call you at night okay? Before you sleep.", he then kissed your bangs.
It rained later that afternoon, so you and Dongwoo just cuddled against the couch.
You wanted time to stop completely, stop at where you could stare at Dongwoo's flawless face forever.
Stop at where you could hold on to his hand and never let go.
Stop at where he would hold you tight in his arms.
*How long will we last again this time, Jang Dongwoo.*, you were terrified just the thought of it.
Busy schedules would often lead to arguments between couples, which you didnt want.
Also, Idols' dating life never lasts long.
Especially when their partner is not an idol, they start getting bashed by fans and everyone.
And then things would start to go downhill.
*We're gonna go a long time, right, Dongwoo?*, you hope to believe that as you snuggled into his chest and he hugged you tighter.
ALRIGHT, here I am with the second update for today!!!!
Please let me know what you think it, okay?
Comments mean alot to me, really.
I might not be able to update till I don't know when, but if I do get a chance to update again, I would :)
Thanks for all the support!!!!!!!!!! This fic has received so much love recently <3
D-10 TO MAMA 2011 YOZ~ 
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OMG thank you for the 100 subscribers guys. you have no idea how much it means to me, hehehehehee. now that you're done with this story, move on to the sequel~


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muzikkluvrr #1
Chapter 1: I just can't get over the younger brother being named Boris... It's just so... Different.
I'm the 100th subscriber whoohoooo!!!!!!
This story was sooo cute! I love it!
@bestfriend_inspirit HEY calm down~ i'm working on it so do stay tune! :>

@Jumin13 HAHAHAHAHAHAH i'm working on the sequel already :D
no!!!! why!!!!!
just why!!! why why why!!\SEQUEL please!!
Jumin13 #7
Gahhh!!! Why does she have to go????!!!!
I want a sequel!!!!

I'm wondering if will she be able to end up with
Dongwoo still... But srsly why does she have to
leave dongwoo?!!!??!! Noo!!!
*overreacting much*
@arimuchiu NAW WHY DID YOU CRY. as for the sequel, i'm almost starting to work on it ;)

@InfiniteMyungYeol but you have to! You have to leaveeeeeeeeeee.

@Love_Infinite Alrighty then!!!! Sequel will be on the way :D

@royallove HAHAHAHAHAHA thanks~
whyyyyyy T________T omg i really cried with the end T____T
sjsbhshs </3
ps1: yes please sequeeeeel T____T
ps2: Have fun!^0^ 2 months holiday is too much so be lazy~
WTH!!! WHY?!? I'm Not Leaving!!!