
Remember me?


After turning on the heater in your living room, you and Dongwoo both crashed on the couch.

"Do you want something to drink? Hot chocolate maybe?"

He nodded then asked, "________, where's the toilet?"

"Just turn left after the stairs."

You went to the kitchen and make 2 cups of hot chocolate, but suddenly you felt a little dizzy.

Vision started to blur so you made your way to couch and laid down.

Few minutes later, Dongwoo came out from the toilet.

"Hmm, I smell some nice chocolate.", he peeked into the kitchen but you weren't there.

"________?", he then went to the living room and saw you lying down.

He poked your waist, "Yah, are you going to sleep when you have a guest?"

You shivered and said, "Ahhh, cold. It's cold."

Dongwoo thought something was wrong so he put his hand on your forehead, "Damn, _________! You're freaking burning."

"Hmmm? Burning?"

"You must have caught a cold while we were walking back. Where's your room?"

"The one on the right on second floor.", you replied softly.

He then carried you bridal style up the stairs and into your room before resting you lightly on your bed.

He was about to go get a wet towel for you but you grab his hand, "Don't go."

"Don't worry. I'm just going to get a towel, I'll be right back, okay?"

After a while, Dongwoo came back with a wet towel and he wiped your face before placing it on your forehead.

"How are you feeling now?", he asked with a worried tone.

"Still, cold.", you then let out a sneeze.

"Gosh, you must be freezing."

He went to turn on the heater in your room and sat down next to where you laid.

Rubbing your arms with his warm palms, "How about now? Did it get warmer?"

You lightly nodded and closed your eyes, "Stay with me okay, Dongwoo?"

"Hmm, just go to sleep.", he said it and kissed your forehead.


You woke up to a soft snore the next morning, so you turned to look.

Dongwoo was sound asleep with his head just touching your shoulder.

*He really stayed here the entire night.*, you thought as you traced his facial features.

"You're really handsome, you know that, Jang Dongwoo.", you said to yourself as a smile formed on your face.

Just then, Dongwoo shifted in his sleep.

You froze and closed your eyes hoping not to wake him up.

After about 2 minutes, you heard the soft snore again.

*He must be really tired. I should go make breakfast before he wakes up.*, and you left the room, headed to the kitchen.

It was a Saturday which meant your siblings would have already left the house early in the morning.

They must've not noticed that Dongwoo has been in your room the entire night as well.

You took out the eggs, ham, sausages and started cooking.

As you were cooking, Dongwoo woke up.

He opened his eyes and didn't see you beside him.

"________! Where are you?!", he shouted as he panicked.

You then shouted back, "In the kitchen!"

Then you heard him running down the stairs, "Oh god, I thought something happened to you. Wait, are you cooking?"

"Yup. Go wash up. I've already got you a new set of toiletries. You can take a shower too if you want to."

Suddenly, you felt his arms around your waist and his chin resting on your shoulder.

"Has you fever gone down?", he asked and you nodded.

"Go wash up. Breakfast will be done soon.", you said but he never release his grip on your waist.

"You forgot to give me something."

You looked at him with confused eyes, "What?"

He then pucker up his lips, *Aish, this boy.*

You left a kiss on his cheek, "Now go."

"But, but-", he pointed to his lips and pout.

"You haven't brushed your teeth? Don't you expect me to kiss that.", and you pushed him to the toilet.


Soon, you placed the food nicely on two plates.

Took out a jar of jam and some bread, then brought them to the dining table.

Just as you took a seat, Dongwoo came running to the dining table.

He then stole a kiss from you before getting to his seat.

You blinked at him, "Don't look at me like that, I've brushed my teeth!", and he shine his pearly whites at you.

The two of you ate, and Dongwoo wouldn't stop making you laugh with his ridiculous jokes.

Once, he got milk at the corner of his upper lips.

"Dongwoo, you've got something at the corner of your lips.", you pointed.

"Here?", he tried to clean it away.

"No.", you stood up and leaned forward.

At that moment, Dongwoo's heart was beating so fast that he couldn't even imagine, *. Why is my heart beating this fast. Calm the hell down, Jang Dongwoo. It's not like she's gonna do anything to me.*

As you leaned in closer and closer to his face, he closed his eyes.

*He must've thought I was going to kiss him. Silly boy.*, then you used a napkin to clean away the milk.

"There, all gone.", and Dongwoo opened his eyes, "Why did you close your eyes?"

"Uhm, I don't know.", he blushed and continued eating.



"Heyo.", Dongwoo answered his phone.

"JANG DONGWOO. WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU LAST NIGHT. WE CALLED YOU FOR OVER 100 TIMES.", you could hear Sunggyu shouting in the phone.

"Oh, hyung! Sorry, I left my phone on silent mode last night. And I'm at _______'s, she fell sick."

"Don't use ________ as an excuse! Did you went to some club without us? Did you know we had to lie to hyung that you had to help your mum?"

You heard what Sunggyu was saying and took the phone from Dongwoo, "Oppa, Dongwoo was really with me last night. I had a high fever, so he took care of me."

"Oh, ________-ah. Hmm, is that so? He'll be dead if we found out he's lying."

"I assure you he's with me. I'll ask him to go back once we're done eating, okay?"

"WHAT, YOU COOKED AND DIDN'T EVEN ASK US OVER. How nice, ________, really."

Dongwoo heard what Sunggyu said and shouted to the phone, "Yah, is my girlfriend your maid now? Cook your own breakfast."

"Is that how you talk to your hyung now, Jang Dongwoo. You're dead when you're back. Anyways, come back when you're done! We have a schedule at 12!"

"Neh. I'll chase him away later when he's done eating. Bye oppa!", and you threw Dongwoo's phone back at him.

"Don't ever do things when they ask you to, they're treating you like their maid."

"I don't mind though. I like spending time with you guys anyway.", you beamed at him.

Dongwoo then pinched your cheeks, "Aigoooooooooo, my cute little girlfriend. You're too soft-hearted. I'm sure the guys used their aegyo on your a lot." 

You shrugged your shoulders, "Maybe. You better eat and leave before Sunggyu-oppa calls and nag again."

"Oh, so this is what I get for taking care of you? Asking me to leave? Thanks, _______, thanks."

"At least I cooked a meal for you!", you defended.

"Not counted. You owe big time, _________.", Dongwoo smirked which earn a flick on his forehead from you.





And school tortures start tomorrow, ugh :/

I guess the next update would be this coming weekend?

And thanks for the nice comments you guys left, it gets me motivated to continue writing every week ㅋㅋ



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OMG thank you for the 100 subscribers guys. you have no idea how much it means to me, hehehehehee. now that you're done with this story, move on to the sequel~


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muzikkluvrr #1
Chapter 1: I just can't get over the younger brother being named Boris... It's just so... Different.
I'm the 100th subscriber whoohoooo!!!!!!
This story was sooo cute! I love it!
@bestfriend_inspirit HEY calm down~ i'm working on it so do stay tune! :>

@Jumin13 HAHAHAHAHAHAH i'm working on the sequel already :D
no!!!! why!!!!!
just why!!! why why why!!\SEQUEL please!!
Jumin13 #7
Gahhh!!! Why does she have to go????!!!!
I want a sequel!!!!

I'm wondering if will she be able to end up with
Dongwoo still... But srsly why does she have to
leave dongwoo?!!!??!! Noo!!!
*overreacting much*
@arimuchiu NAW WHY DID YOU CRY. as for the sequel, i'm almost starting to work on it ;)

@InfiniteMyungYeol but you have to! You have to leaveeeeeeeeeee.

@Love_Infinite Alrighty then!!!! Sequel will be on the way :D

@royallove HAHAHAHAHAHA thanks~
whyyyyyy T________T omg i really cried with the end T____T
sjsbhshs </3
ps1: yes please sequeeeeel T____T
ps2: Have fun!^0^ 2 months holiday is too much so be lazy~
WTH!!! WHY?!? I'm Not Leaving!!!