
The Boy Who Cried Wolf 鹿晗
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Valentine's Day has passed but I still ruv you guysh.


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the-mini-flute #1
Chapter 1: OH LAWD THIS IS ACTUAL . I am so happy I dscovered you omf I was ready to flip a table looking for a decent story but you saved me!!!!!! YOUR WRITING THOUGH. Pls stop you're too good okay? And when I say stop I mean if you stop I'll find you.
Anyways keep up the amazing work author-nim! Fighting! :3
Chapter 19: You just literally ripped out my heart straight from my body, jumped on it, stepped on it, beat it with a Major League baseball bat.

I hate you.
Chorus #3
Chapter 18: this story is just so amazing, i swear. all the reality in this, and ugh. i can't describe it in words, tbh. you should definitely do some advertising for this story -- it deserves to be known.

b t w --
you keep spelling jongin's name as jongjin.
Chapter 15: Omg!! Suho appeared! And no, I find your story and writing to be very unique and detailed. I don't usually comment on stories but your story really captivated me. It's different from the usual cliche writing that I see (mine included). Keep up the good work and I will try my best to comment often. P.S I felt a bit sad when you mentioned Suho not being particularly attractive /sniffles/ but I still love him anyway lol. Hwaiting Author-nim!
Chapter 9: I never got to read this much of your story, but like wow. This deserves to be a freaking manga or something. I think you should do some advertising or something, because more people need to know about this. It's beyond the levels of being just your average fanfic, and it needs to known.
luhanas #6
I'm honestly really surprised that this doesn't have like a billion comments and a gajillion readers. This story is so amazing. I actually don't even know how to put what I'm feeling into words right now.

Truth be told, I'm usually a er for those romance fics and the occasional friendship ones, but although this story doesn't revolve around either, I liked it so, so much more. It's truly a fresh breath of air, a tangent from all the other stories here on AFF. I have never once come across a story like this before, and I'm so happy I found yours because I'm literally in awe. The entire story feels so real, the exact definition of 'slice-of-life'. It really hits home.

I think I fell in love with you. Your style of writing is everything I love in an author. Even the layout of your chapters is perfect! I like all the quotes you put at the beginning of each chapter too. Everything's just u g h flawless.

I can't right now. I'm sorry if I'm not making sense right now? I'm like stuck in between being absolutely speechless and gushing. Heh.

This story is exactly-- exactly!-- what I was looking for. Thank you for writing this, I'm sorry I'm so mushy, aheh. Looking forward to your next update!