Reviewing Section

❖Days in L♥ VE- Review and Prompt Shop [Too Busy]

❖Days in L♥ VE  - Review and Prompt Shop


Reviewing Section:

For your information, I am willing to tell you that I'll be reviewing your stories from a reader's point of views. This means that I'll put myself in your reader shoes to feel what they feel, think what they think when reading your stories, whether they think your fanfics are interesting, amazing or kinda boring.


My Reviewing Critiques

Title: 15 points

Title is one of the most important things when it comes to writing. Because it decides whether people will click the story or not. So a catchy title is a must!

Description & Foreword: 20 points

When readers click on a story because of the title, what makes them continue reading the next chapters are the description & foreword. No jokes! If the description , readers will bid farewell to the stories. lol... and never again will they come back and read unless the foreword changes. That's why it is really important to have an interesting description!

Flow & Plots: 20 points

Have you ever noticed? Whenever you read a story, but the story is confusing, the plots are not in order and horribly explained, I doubt you still continue reading that. Normally, if people encounter such stories, they will not hesitate to touch the unsubscribing button. So your stories need to be in order and have really good plot to keep the readers anywhere from touching the unsubscribing button!

Originality: 20 points

What is originality? Originality is what sets your fanfic different from other fanfics.

Why is it important? Just simply because... have you ever asked youself a question? Would you read a fanfic which has similiar plot to others? Or would you rather read a story which is different from others?  I doubt you choose the story which has so many similar plot to others.

The ultimate reason people choose to read the story which has its own originality and is different from others because it is unpredictable, full of twist. So it gets more exciting to read.

Gramatical & Spelling Errors: 15 points

Though I don't care much about grammar and spelling errors, it gets really annoying when the story is full of grammar mistakes and spelling errors! Lol... No jokes.. I cursed once while reading a story. It was just so full of too much mistakes.. I got so annoyed that I unsubscribed it! And thanks god, now it is not in my subscription lists anymore. ^^

I, myself, am not an English native speaker either. I make mistakes from time to time. Though it is just not as serious. So I recommend you better be more careful more in this category. You wouldn't want to lose subscribers, right?

Enjoyment: 10 points

The word 'enjoyment' has no limitations or rules whatsoever. So I will give points on how well I like it. But be on the bright side, if your stories aren't interesting, so lame, full with grammar mistakes, it wouldn't be so enjoyable, wouldn't it? I'll be fair with points. ^^

Total: 100 points

** Note:  Reviewed stories with 90 points over will be displayed in the featured section.

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xyxy60 #2
Chapter 9: Thanks for giving me the chance ö
Chapter 7: I joined the giveaway x)
Chapter 8: OMG, thank you for the very encouraging and kind review! I'll definitely take into account what you have suggested!
Chapter 7: Hey, I don't know if you haven't checked yet or something of that ilk, but just in case, my name isn't on the list. Sorry if I seem naggy -- I just want to make sure. ^^
Chapter 6:

Hello! Here's my entry to the giveaway... I'm not sure how to make the link clickable, however, so please bear with me. Thanks~!
jessica345 #9