
You're Lucky, My Love (Hiatus)




The two kept walking side by side as they went to the bus stop to ride a bus. It was already storming. The wind blew harshly and the raindroplets were as impatient like him to fall. Sehun hated this kind of weather. He couldn't go outside to play nor go to the mall to buy some shirts. The boy cursed quietly. He looked to his right to see if a bus will stop in front of them. Luhan was doing the same. Sehun tried to text his hyung but there was no signal. Stupid rain... He sighed in disappointment. He put his phone back to his pocket and decided to sit down on the bench because there was no sign of a vehicle passing their way. Luhan closed his umbrella and sat beside Sehun. The wind kept blowing, accompanied with cold breeze.


"Sehun-ssi -- "


"Please call me Sehun." he smiled to the Chinese Guy beside him.


"Sehun... About Kai ..."


".. Yes? What about him?"


"Is he ... your boyfriend?"


As horroble as the thunder and rain combined, Sehun's expression turned awfully disgusted. He couldn't believe Luhan would think something like that. Kai was his Hyung but a Lover? NO ING WAY!




"Well, before I left the cafe the other day, I accidentally looked at your direction and I saw that you sat with him. Just the two of you. Both of you were laughing and teasing like a couple... ", Luhan shrugged. " ..so I thought that you two are in a relationship."


"We're in a relationship, indeed.." Sehun was trying hard not to laugh. Luhan was dazed and a little bit of disappointment appeared on his face. " he's my HYUNG!"


" .. What?" The Chinese guy asked, confused.


"Kai is my Hyung ... Well actually, we are not related. He just wants me to call him Hyung because he is older than me."


"Then, why did you call him that when you're not even related?"


"  Ah..  Yes.. Maybe we're not related by blood.. but we live like real brothers.." Sehun looked at Luhan directly in the eyes and he smiled. "I'm lucky to have him, you know. My life turn around. I learned to be responsible, I became more disciplined, ... and then I met you."


Luhan was taken aback by Sehun's last statement. He didn't expect to hear it from him. "What do you mean by that?"


"You see.. If he didn't burned the food which we're going to eat that day.." He let out a small chuckle. "We wouldn't be going to that cafe and I wouldn't see you there pointing at the cafe's poster."


"Oh." Luhan blushed a little. It was his habbit to look for a Wi-fi in any place.


Sehun laughed a little because he saw how cute Luhan was when blushing. A girl in a boy's body, a light color among the dark, and a dove among the crows. That was how Sehun saw Luhan. There was still no cars passing their way. All the lights of the buildings infront of them were on. No sounds were heard except the crashing down of the rain and the noisy sound of thunder. Sehun felt cold. He only wore a shirt and a pair of shorts. He didn't know that this day would be like this one. The fellow blamed it to the weatherman.


"So .. Uhm .. Luhan--"


"Can you call me "Hyung" too?" Luhan asked, smiling shyly, while facing him. His face was glowing in the dark. It was beautiful in Sehun's eyes. His face was smooth and his cheeks were pinkish. Luhan's eyes beam like Sehun's whenever he let out a pretty smile. He was really beautiful.. even in the dark.. Sehun continued looking at Luhan. He was staring at him. Luhan blinked and felt a little conscious about himself. He was never used of people staring at him for more than a minute. Well, most of them told him that they were staring because he was pretty for a man so he was used to it. But when Sehun was the one gawking, he felt conscious.


"... Sehun.. Is there something in my face?" He said like a child and toughed his face.


"Beautiful.. ahhh.. " Sehun said, mouth hanging open.


"What? Sehun... ?"


"Bea..uti..ful..." He sniffed.




"Achoooo!" Sehun sneezed and some sticky thing appeared from his nose. Luhan was startled with the sudden incident. Sehun snapped out from his thoughts in admiring Luhan. It brought him back to his senses. He covered his nose and searched for a handkerchief inside his back. Unfortunately, he couldn't find any. He cursed silently. DAMN IT! WHERE IS MY HANDKERCHIEF?! Sehun wordlessly let out a prayer to find any thing to remove the thing off his face because HE WAS INFRONT OF SOMEONE HE LIKED AND HE LOOKED LIKE A FOOL WITH IT!!! Luhan noticed that Sehun was panicking while covering his nose with his hand. He laugh a little and touched Sehun's shoulder.


"Sehun.. You can use my towel to remove it." He took his towel from his bag and gave it to Sehun.


"Mbut.. mit's msticky..."


"HAHAHA. It's fine. Use it." The chinese lad smiled at him. Sehun shyly grabbed the towel from Luhan's hand and used it to clean his nose.




"It's okay, Sehun. I'm patient. And hey, you can go to our house to returned it and see my cousin. That will be a great timing: Two birds in one stone.."


".. yeah. Okay." Sehun inserted the towel inside his bag and closed it. It was still raining. The lad hugged himself because it was so DAMN cold. Luhan noticed it and he scooted near Sehun. Luhan's body touched Sehun's and the boy flinched a little. He was stunned to feel the guy's body heat. But it was just what Sehun needed. Thunder roared and the two of them was still there waiting. Sehun coughed and Luhan patted his back. He smiled thankfully to him.


"So, uhmm.. Luhan, what are you saying a while ago? I-I'm spacing out so... yeah. I didn't hear it."


"Oh. I was just thinking if you can call me Hyung, too.."


"ohhh..." Sehun was disappointed. He wanted Luhan to be more than just a friend. But right now, he couldn't have what he wanted. So he answered, "... Sure, Luhan-Hyung." He faked a smile.


Luhan beamed at him. "HAHAHA. Thank you, Sehun." Sehun continued to smile and hugged himself. He hated the cold weather or the stormy one or windy  or ... WHATEVER WEATHER WITH RAIN OR WIND IN IT!!!


"Are you cold?" The Foreign guy asked him.


"Naaah..  ACHOO!"


" Haha. Come here Sehun.." He opened his arms and Sehun immediately knew. "It's better if you receive heat from someone else. I learned it from my Professor." He hugged Sehun. Luhan wrapped his arms around the lad's body and he placed his head down on the younger's shoulder. Sehun felt warm inside and he liked that feeling.  I wish it'll be like this forever... I mean, Luhan hugging me not the stormy weather.


"Th-Thank you, Luhan-hyung.."


"Don't mention it, Sehun ... since I'm you're Hyung, I need to protect you." Luhan smiled but Sehun didn't notice it because he was busy containing his feels and the blush on his face. He really liked Luhan, no doubt about it. Sehun continued to feel Luhan's body heat in his body when a light passed through eyes. The light was from the bus they've been waiting for. Luhan let go of Sehun and grabbed his bag which made Sehun pouted.


"C'mon, Sehun! It's here. We can go home now!" And he went straight to the bus. Sehun placed his bag at his back and followed Luhan inside the vehicle. He cursed to the driver of the bus by glaring at him before sitting next to Luhan.


Nice timing ! You ruined my moment with Luhan, you jerk!




"I will text Hyung that I'll be going home with you."


"Is there a signal already?"


"Yeah ... Drop to our house first, okay. Grab some tea or hot chocolate.."


"No need for that, Sehun. I'm okay.."


"I insist, Luhan-hyung!! It's my token of appreciation on what you did for me earlier."


Luhan looked at the window. He thought for a second and faced Sehun again, " ... since I can't argue with you so, fine. But I won't stay long.. I need to check on Kyungsoo."




Sehun picked his phone from his pocket and text his hyung.




To: Hyung


I’ll be home soon. I’m with Luhan :) IT'S ING RAINING HARD, HYUNG!




SEND. He put his phone away and showed a two-thumbs up sign to Luhan. The guy nodded and looked away. Sehun sighed and moved his head back to lay it on his chair. They travel for almost 10 minutes when Sehun noticed Luhan. His eyes were closed and his head kept moving forward. He's already asleep.. Then, Luhan's head made a sound when it bumped into the window. Sehun made a small chuckle. He couldn't help it. Luhan was cute like a sleepy deer.


"Luhan-hyung.. Luhan-hyung.."


"Whaa-whaaat." He asked sleepily.


"You can use my shoulder. " Sehun offered with a sweet smile. "It's okay. I won't mind."


Luhan let out a weak smile and placed his head on the boy's shoulder. "... Th-thank *Yawned* you, Sehun.."


"You're welcome, Luhan-hyung." He whispered to his sleeping hyung. "You can use it anytime if you like."


The sky was still angry but at least their inside the bus. Sehun could hear the loud thunder up above and he could see the tears of the clouds outside the window. He hoped that his hyung didn't went out in this kind of weather because if he did, he would smack him in the face with his bag when he got home. Sehun knew that Kai was worried about him. It was already afternoon and he promised to be home early. And also, Kai knew that Sehun didn't bring any umbrella. Haixt. My hyung can be overprotective sometimes.. He shook his head and then he accidentally smelled Luhan's hair. The smell was a mixture of daisies and roses. He never smelled something like this especially for a man. Then, his eyes were slowly closing because of tiredness and immediately, he fell asleep with his head on Luhan's.




"Sehun.. Sehun?" Luhan shook Sehun's shoulder to wake him up. They were already at their street. Sehun didn't notice that his Luhan-hyung was staring at him. "Wake up.. Where here."


"Oh. Sure. I'm awake." He yawned and scratched his eyes with his fingers while blinking. " ... Why are you staring at me?"


Luhan didn't speak but Sehun could see that he was trying really hard not to laugh. "What???" Luhan covered his mouth with his hands. Sehun didn't know why Luhan was like that. The chinese guy faced him with his sweetest smile and pointed near his mouth as if gesturing something to Sehun. The lad didn't get it.


"Whaaaaaaaat? What's wrong? Are you hurt? Can't you speak?"


"... No! You have .. uhmm.."He pointed again near his mouth for Sehun to see. "uhmm... here.. Ughh."


"What? Just tell me!! Don't make me feel nervous!"


"Your saliva is outside your mouth! Your drooling when you slepp, O Sehun!"


"OH... OH MY GOSH! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME EARLIER!" He grabbed Luhan's towel again and was about to wipe his face when the chinese guy snatched it away from his hands. "Give it back! I look like a fool here!"


"I will wipe it." He said with a grin.


And before Sehun could argue, Luhan's hand was near his face with only a soft fabric as a barrier. Luhan's hands were light and his fingers were not too big nor too small. Sehun didn't look at Luhan directly to hide the blush on his face. And Luhan's face was near Sehun's which made his heart skip a beat. He is such a sweet man...


"Are you two going to flirt there or are you going out?" The old bus driver suddenly asked, irritably.


Sehun misunderstood what the old man said. He blushed more and swallowed hard. "Wh-where not da-dating.."


Luhan laughed loudly and the old man sighed and pointed outside. "I mean... Are you going outside the bus or are you going to sit there flirting?"


"Oh! Yes! Yes! Where going outside. It's our stop!" He hurriedly grabbed his bag and stood up leading to the open door. "Thank you, sir.. for waiting patiently.." He bowed awkwardly. The bus driver just nodded and said, " ..Hmp! Teenagers.." Luhan followed Sehun and opened his umbrella. He grasped Sehun's hand and they both share in the same umbrella again. It was still raining but not as hard as earlier so they decided to walk from their spot to Sehun's house. Both of them didn't speak ... and both of them didn't noticed that they were holding each other's hands in the rain.







sorry for the late update. -3- Please forgive me. :3 ANd I hope you'll like this chapter. :))

Please continue reading and subscribing. :)) Thanks, chingus! Saranghae! <3 <3



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GUYS! SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT. UGH. I AND I'M SORRY. I'M TRYING TO UPDATE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. We are back to school again and I'm already stressed. >.<


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Chapter 15: Can't wait for the update
Chapter 9: Dreaming of kyungsoo...oh, jong in you ball of fluff!
Chapter 7: Aww.....so cute!
Chapter 5: This is new type of kaisoo
yoshies #5
I gotta have me some hunhan + kaisoo
T-araFans #6
Chapter 13: Lol!!! HunHan and Kaisoo is so cute...
Nice update...
Please update soon...
T-araFans #7
Chapter 12: Poor Kyungsoo...What happen if Kai knows about Kyungsoo condition...
I hope they will be together...
Nice update...
Please update soon...
Please update MP3 huhuhu!
Ouch for Soo
Ouch for Kai
But Sehun is so sweet, ehehe! :3
T-araFans #9
Chapter 11: What happen to Kyungsoo???
Nice update...
Please update soon...
AznDuckies #10
I love how your chapters are so long keke

They should decorate (all four of them) kyungsoo room and painting the walls of the outside since he likes the view and stuff keke that would be cute