Chapter 15

You're Lucky, My Love (Hiatus)



When Kai entered the room, he found him there, watching as the clouds moved slowly. Kyungsoo didn’t notice him enter. Kai just stayed on his spot, gazing at Kyungsoo. When he found out that the boy still has no idea he was there, he called him softly.


“Kyungsoo ... “


Kyungsoo knew that voice and he immediately turned his head. Now, he was looking at him. The boy blink twice, as if he couldn’t believe was he was seeing, before he spoke.


“H-Hi Kai..


Kai went near his side (but not too close) and sat down. Kyungsoo felt his face hot because of the guy but he shook it off. The guy couldn’t look at Kyungsoo in the eye so he stared at his own fingers. Kai knew he should talk. Especially about what happened yesterday. But he couldn’t find any words (or he couldn’t find the guts to talk) so he settled for the simplest question.


“Uhmm ... How are you feeling?”

“ I .. I’m fine... I feel good.” Kyungsoo looked at him and he saw the guy’s uncomfortable state. Kai wasn’t looking straight at him, even after he asked the question, but he was still giving glances though. Sometimes, Kyungsoo caught Kai glancing then the guy would broke the eye contact and look away. The boy has a feeling that Kai wanted to talk about something ... Maybe what happened yesterday? He wasn’t sure. He was too nervous to think.


“Uhmm ... Kyungsoo ...” He’s starting, oh my god ...


“Y-Yes, Kai?” Kai was now looking at him. Seriousness on his face.


“I.. I’m sorry ...”


“For what?”


“ ... yesterday.” The guy said softly. Kyungsoo smiled bitterly and motioned for Kai to get near him. Kai moved slowly then sat near (nearer than before) Kyungsoo’s bed.


“Kai ... It’s okay... Don’t worry about it. It was just an accident, right?”


“Kyungsoo ...”


“I mean, you didn’t mean it right?” Kyungsoo looked at Kai in the eye, who bowed his head. The boy’s heart ached because of this fact. So this is the truth.  He doesn’t really mean it ... I-I should have known. I shouldn’t lift my hopes up!


“Y-Yeah. Don’t worry. I-I figured it out .... W-Why would anyone kiss me, right? I’m nothing! I’m weak and sick... And I’m going to die! ... Who would want me?” Kyungsoo didn’t know why he said that. But it was his heart speaking ... through him. His heart who was in pain.


“Kyungsoo ... stop” the guy suddenly spoke but the boy ignored him.


“Why, Kai? Why did you make fun of me? Why did you do that? Why did you kiss me? Why did you give me hope that someone might like me? Love me? Why ... did you do this to me?”


 Tears were already flowing on his cheeks. He couldn’t help it. Kyungsoo felt preposterous. He was still looking at the guy while the other stared at him, mouth slightly open. Kyungsoo laughed bitterly.


“You know what Kai? I-I think I like you ... no, maybe love? But who cares!! This is the first time I felt like this and-and it ing hurts to know that you played with me!!”


Waters from his eyes continued to flow along with his confession. He didn’t care anymore if he confessed right now. He was in pain and there was no place for embarrassment. Kai’s eyes widen because of it. He was about to say something, to confirm what he heard was true but the boy continued to speak.


“Y-You know, when you a-apologize ... I feel Insulted. S-So you apologize because you didn’t mean what you did to me yesterday  ... stealing my first kiss. It was a play right? And, of course, I’m you doll ...”


Kyungsoo bit his lip and removed the tears in his eyes using the back of his hand. Kai suddenly stood from his sit and faced Kyungsoo.


“No, you’re wrong... It wasn’t a play and you’re not my doll ...” he moved closer to Kyungsoo.


“And ... I didn’t make fun of you, either ...” He sat beside the boy. Kyungsoo stared at him curiously.


“... Anyone... Anyone CAN love you, Kyungsoo ...” he cupped the boy’s face. Kai removed the tears from Kyungsoo’s eyes completely using his thumbs. The boy was still looking at him, straight to his eyes.


“ And that ‘Anyone’ ... is me.” He slowly kissed Kyungsoo’s forehead. The boy closed his eyes as the guy’s lips touched his forhead.


“Kyungsoo, I love you ... I love you, I love you, I love you.” He kissed Kyungsoo’s nose and the boy smiled a little. Ka stared at him, still cupping Kyungsoo’s face.


“You’re amazing, Kyungsoo ... “


“K-Kai ...” Kyungsoo couldn’t find any words to say. There was too much happiness inside of him.


“Can I kiss you again?” Kai asked him. Kyungsoo smiled and nodded. He thought that the guy would kiss him on the forehead again but he was wrong. Kai touched the boy’s lips then he kissed him. Softly and slowly. As if it was there first time to do it. Kyungsoo was startled at first but he responded to his kisses following what Kai was doing in his mouth. The guy pulled away first then smiled at Kyungsoo. The boy breathed some air before facing Kai.


“... Wow.”


Kai laughed. He held Kyungsoo’s hand. “So ... the feeling’s mutual?”


Kyungsoo only nodded with a smile on his face.


“And you’re mine now?”


The boy nodded once more.


“What? I didn’t hear you ...” Kai . He wanted to hear it from Kyungsoo himself.


“I-I like you ... No, I love you Kai ... and I’m yours from now on...” Kai smiled satisfied. He kissed Kyungsoo’s cheek. Now he has a new develop hobby. Kissing Kyungsoo. The boy blushed.


“Your cheeks are soft ..” Kai his lips. “ But your lips are softer ...”


“Yah! ert! “ Kyungsoo slapped him playfully. The guy laughed then he remembered he has something for Kyungsoo. He grabbed his bag and looked for it. The boy peeked at him curiously. When he got it, Kai gave it to Kyungsoo with a grin.


“Open it.”


“For me?”




“Wow. We just became a couple a few seconds ago and you got me a present already? ... wait, did you planned this?” The boy eyed him suspiciously. Kai chuckled and ruffled the boy’s hair.


“No, silly! I didn’t planned it. I can only see the future, Soo. “ He laughed at his own joke. “Open it.”


And the boy did. His eyes became huge. He brought it out the small paper bag.


“Kai ... It’s beautiful ...”




“Yes, Kai ... It’s wonderful.” Kyungsoo wore the bracelet. It fit exactly to his wrist. The boy smiled and showed it to Kai. The other smiled too.


“Thank you ... “ Kyungsoo said to him. “You make me so happy.”


Kai hugged the boy and kiss his hair. “I’m glad I did ... oh , are you crying?”




“, please don’t cry. I hate to see you cry ...” the guys ruffled Kyungsoo’s hair and kiss it again. The boy wiped his nose.


“I-I’m not crying ...”


“Yeah. You’re not.” Kai said sarcastically. “ ... Anyway, when are you going out of the hospital?”


“Tomorrow morning.”


“That’s great!! But I can’t pick you up because we have work tomorrow ... ughhh.” He sulked as he sat. “ That .”


“Don’t worry, you can come by to our house after your work. You can bring Sehun too. Luhan will be happy for sure.”


“Okay ... But I want to be with you when you get out ...”


“It’s okay, Kai ... We’ll see each other, right?”


“Ughh ... Fine!” Kyungsoo could see that the other wasn’t cool with the idea so he suddenly kissed him on the cheeks. Only now he realized that Kai was cute when he sulked. The guy blushed because of the kiss and stared at him with wide eyes. The boy smiled at him innocently. Tomorrow, he would get out of that place and be with Kai. He couldn’t wait. Especially now that the guy was his.









For my beta reader, I didn't send you this chapter to you because I want my readers to read it already. hope you understand. but I will still send you the next chapters I will right in the future. :)


--^-^-- Heartbeat 

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GUYS! SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT. UGH. I AND I'M SORRY. I'M TRYING TO UPDATE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. We are back to school again and I'm already stressed. >.<


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Chapter 15: Can't wait for the update
Chapter 9: Dreaming of kyungsoo...oh, jong in you ball of fluff!
Chapter 7: cute!
Chapter 5: This is new type of kaisoo
yoshies #5
I gotta have me some hunhan + kaisoo
T-araFans #6
Chapter 13: Lol!!! HunHan and Kaisoo is so cute...
Nice update...
Please update soon...
T-araFans #7
Chapter 12: Poor Kyungsoo...What happen if Kai knows about Kyungsoo condition...
I hope they will be together...
Nice update...
Please update soon...
Please update MP3 huhuhu!
Ouch for Soo
Ouch for Kai
But Sehun is so sweet, ehehe! :3
T-araFans #9
Chapter 11: What happen to Kyungsoo???
Nice update...
Please update soon...
AznDuckies #10
I love how your chapters are so long keke

They should decorate (all four of them) kyungsoo room and painting the walls of the outside since he likes the view and stuff keke that would be cute