
You're Lucky, My Love (Hiatus)




“Why are you crying?” he asked the man in front of him. His face was hidden in his own shade.

“Because … of you.” The stranger answered.

“Me? Why? What did I do to you?”

“You’re hurting me.”

“What? I-I don’t understand … Please expl—“

“Just stop and w-wake up now.”

“What? Wake up? Who are yo—“

“Please, Kyungsoo. I-I’m waiting for you.” The unfamiliar man was slowly backing and moving away from him. Kyungsoo needed to know who he was and why was he hurting the man.

“Wait!” he called but the person disappeared and all he could see was light.




A white ceiling and a small light bulb were the first things that Kyungsoo’s eyes saw as they opened slowly. Though his body was weak, his senses weren’t malfunctioning because he heard something. Someone was crying. The boy thought that he was dreaming again but he was wrong when his eyes landed on someone beside him. The man was crying which made Kyungsoo’s heart ache with a vague reason. There was this heaviness in his chest when he heard the man cry. It was weird, though. How could this man affect his heart? Kyungsoo didn’t know at all. He moved his left hand and slowly placed it on the fellow’s hair. His hair was soft against his fingers which felt good. Kyungsoo ruffled it a little and the man raised his head immediately, revealing a face familiar to him. His eyes were red and his cheeks were wet. Kyungsoo knew the guy.


“Hi, Kai.” He spoke but it was more like a whisper.


“Ky-Kyungsoo …” Kai sniffed and he began crying again like a kid. Kyungsoo stared at him without speaking. He could feel how worried Kai was. Kai’s tears continued to fall from his red eyes to his cheeks. He won’t look at Kyungsoo but the boy didn’t mind. Kyungsoo was about to wipe Kai’s face when he felt something on his hand. It was Kai’s hand. It felt warm against his skin. And Kyungsoo liked this feeling. He didn’t want to break the contact so he didn’t pull away. His left hand was free from hold so he used it instead.


“Please stop crying …” he reached Kai’s cheek. “Did you know that you’re more handsome when you smile …” Kai let out a small laugh at this. Kyungsoo found him wonderful even though his face was wet and his eyes were puffy. He looked at the guy, sweetly.


“Please smile Kai …” the boy was about to put down his hand away from him when unexpectedly, Kai leaned his cheek to Kyungsoo’s hand. Kyungsoo was startled because of this. Kai closed his eyes taking in the feeling of Kyungsoo’s presence and his lingering touch. Kyungsoo didn’t pull away but he just stared.


“Kyungsoo .. I -.. Y-You scared me. I was really afraid.” Kai looked at him with the wave of sadness in his eyes.


“I’m sorry for worrying you Kai … I’m really sorry.”


“Did you know how worried I was?  Kyungsoo, you scared the hell out of me. You-you keep making my chest tighten every minute I think of you lying here. I-I almost fell on the stage during work because you keep invading my mind, and you almost take my sanity away if it wasn’t for Sehun who kept calming me down! Damnit.” He said it without breathing. Kyungsoo was touched seeing the taller was worried for him but at the same time he felt sorry ….

Sorry… for making him worry like that. He removed his hand from Kai’s face and placed it on his stomach.


“Kai, I’m really sorry …”Kyungsoo tried to apologize but Kai cut him off.


“Please …” Kai went close to Kyungsoo. The bedridden boy’s heart started doing some acrobatics inside his chest when Kai hugged him gently. He could smell Kai’s fragnance when he buried his head on Kyungsoo’s shoulders and the other could feel him trembling a little. He spoke softly. “Please, don’t  ever scare me like that again … Please Kyungsoo..”


“I-I’ll try …”


“Thank you …” Kai moved away from him and smiled. He let go of Kyungsoo’s hand, which was the hand he was holding when he first came here. He wiped his face with his hands and smiled at the boy. Kai sat down near him and he helped Kyungsoo to sit up on his bed.


As if Kai was suddenly reminded of Kyungsoo’s condition he started his barraging Kyungsoo with his questions


“Do you want something to eat? Are you hungry? Do you want some water?”

“No. I’m fine, Kai.”


“Are you sure? Do you want anything…… anything at all?”


I want you … He thought but then he brushed it away because he sounded so weird and … creepy.


“ … Kai …”


“What? You want me?”


“Yes. What? No! I mean. I was just calling you …”


“I know. I was just messing with you.” Kai laughed. “So, why were you calling me?”


“Can I ask you something?”


“Sure.” Kyungsoo saw a grin appear on other’s face. “Much better”. He thought.


“Uhmm … why were you so worried about me? … I mean, it feels nice, don’t get me wrong, but why? I… I’m just curious..”


“I … uhmm ..” Kai didn’t dare look at him as he tried to form coherent sentences but Kyungsoo beat him to it


“Do you … uhmm .. Like me?” Kyungsoo asked. His eyes widened after that. He didn’t know why did he ask that. It was completely absurd. Why would Kai like him? He was small, weak, and sick. How could Kai like him? He was nothing special. Kai’s eyeballs were wide as well. He looked at Kyungsoo who was undeniably blushing. He raised his hands and waved it in the air.


“N-NO! Oh my god! I’m so sorry! It .. I didn’t know why did I ask that! It’s so embarrassing! Kai, I’m so sorry! Please forget it. I’m so silly! Maybe when I was asleep, the doctors opened my brain and removed a part of it or something. Maybe my brain lost his other half. Ohhhh… I’m really sor—“And he didn’t finish his sentence when a soft pair of lips landed on his.

Now, his eyes were definitely going to fall from its sockets. Kai kissed him on the lips.

 On. The. Lips.

 Now his lips weren’t anymore. It was a short kiss but Kyungsoo liked how gentle Kai’s lips were against his. And Kai was the first one to move away. He breathed some air and looked at a shocked Kyungsoo in front of him.


“I … I’m really sorry. That-that shouldn’t have happened. I shouldn’t do that. Damnit. Kyungsoo, I’m so sorry.” He looked away and stood up. “I-I should get your cousin. He’s waiting outside.”


He opened the door and went outside without looking back. Kyungsoo’s heart was still beating faster. Kyungsoo hoped that it wouldn’t run away from his chest or he would die with a missing organ from his body. He couldn’t believe it. Kai kissed him. He tried some breathing exercise. In, Out … In, Out … In, Out… He his lips because it was dry and again, he remembered that a few minutes ago, there was something else on it.


Does he like me?


But then why did he apologize?


Did he regret the kiss? Kyungsoo reminisced how Kai wouldn’t even look at him.


 He sighed.


So … he doesn’t like me at all. It was just a big mistake. But how could he steal my first kiss even though he doesn’t like me at all?




After that unexpected moment, Kai exhaled. He couldn’t believe what he just did. It was like he was the one who lost his brain. It was like his brain malfunctioned ,errors appeared then boom! His lips on Kyungsoo’s.


“N-NO! Oh my god! I’m so sorry! It .. I didn’t know why I asked that! It’s so embarrassing! Kai was still gazing at him directly in the eyes but Kyungsoo was busy ranting

Kai, I’m so sorry! Please forget it. I’m so silly! Maybe when I’m asleep, the doctors opened my brain and removed a part of it or something. Maybe my brain lost his other half.  His eyes trailed down to his nose. Then his eyes lowered on those lips of his. And he wanted to know how they would feel against his. So …

Ohhhh… I’m really sor—“  Yeah. It happened.


When he broke the kiss, he realized what he did. Yeah, Smart move, .


“I … I’m really sorry. That-that shouldn’t happened. I shouldn’t do that. Damnit. Kyungsoo, I’m so sorry.” Kai looked away and stood up. “I-I should get your cousin. He’s outside.” His heart was like a drum being played by a professional drummer. Maybe he was blushing but he didn’t give a on how he looked like. He wanted to go outside to breath. And he didn’t looked back either because he didn’t want to see Kyungsoo’s reaction. He opened the door and went outside.


He ruffled his hair and sighed. He could just answered him with a simple ‘yes’ or a nod.But why the hell did he kiss him?! Now Kyungsoo would think he was a ert. . He thought. He looked from his right to left to search for Luhan and Sehun. And he found them sitting a few chairs away from his position. Kai noticed that Sehun was holding Luhan’s right hand. His faced was so near the other’s palm and Kai could tell that Sehun was looking at the chinese guy’s destiny or something. Kai looked at Luhan and he saw slight tint of pink on his cheeks. Well, who wouldn’t blush? Someone holding your hand like that. Only an idiot wouldn’t blush. Kai smirked a little. Then his eyes landed on the handkerchief on Luhan’s lap. It was the same hanky that they bought yesterday.


So, Sehun gave it already?  Kai thought. Luhan laughed at what Sehun said. Sehun smiled and his eyes were also doing the same. They look like a couple …


Kai knew that Sehun liked Luhan but he didn’t know if the feeling was mutual. He mocked a laugh and though,”I guess Sehun and I are sailing on the same boat “He was sure he liked Kyungsoo. 100% sure. But he didn’t know if Kyungsoo like him too. He was just an ordinary man. For now … Because they didn’t know his true identity or his past for that matter. He wished he could tell Kyungsoo about it but it might put him in danger. “Grave danger”

Kai wouldn’t take that risk. He pouted to himself and called out to Luhan and Sehun, breaking their alone moment.


Sorry to interrupt, Lovebirds …




“Give me your hand”




“You’re hand, Luhan-hyung …”




“Just give it!” Luhan shrugged and gave his right hand to Sehun. The other grabbed it, flipped it to see his palm, and he examined it closely.


“What do you want with my palm, Sehun?”


“I’m gonna read your destiny.”


“Oh boy. You really believe in those things?”


“No. But I like to pretend to be someone who can read fates and destinies and stuff.” Luhan laughed listening to Sehun’s reason and decided to play along with him Sehun.


“Okay. Mr. Oh Sehun, what do you see in my future?”


“Hmmm …” Sehun was still looking at Luhan’s palm. Luhan laughed a little because the younger traced the lines in his hands which tickled Luhan. Sehun hushed him, as if he was seriously concentrating on Luhan’s future

“Haha-stop it. Haha … mmm. So, did you find anything, Mr. Oh?”


“Hmmm … yes. You’re ticklish there.” Sehun grinned and continued to trace Luhan’s ticklish spot in his hand. Luhan swatted his hand away but Sehun simply took it back.

“Okay, I wouldn’t touch it anymore.”


“Hahaha … Good …But it tickles though.” Sehun resumed palm reading in his serious-inspecting face. He moved closer. And closer. Until the distance of his face from Luhan’s hand was 2 inches. Luhan blushed because he could feel the other’s breath through his palm. And Sehun was close.

Really very close……


“Hmmm … you’ll meet someone … aaaannnd…. your path will cross with his and you’ll end up together.” Sehun finished and sat up straight in his seat. He smiled at Luhan who was confused but he remembered that Sehun was just pretending to know palmistry.


“Hahahahahaha. Yeah, right.” Luhan quipped sarcastically


“It’s true! You see, this line here …” He pointed a random line on Luhan’s palm. “  … and this line here meets between the space of your pointer finger and your thumb. So you’ll meet someone and you’ll end up together.” Sehun chuckled.


“But, what about the other line? I have three lines in my palm.” Now, Luhan was really joining Sehun’s craziness.


“Nah. It’s not important.”


“Hahahahahaha. You’re such a kid, Sehun.” Luhan ruffled Sehun’s hair and the other just pouted. Then someone called both of them. They looked up to find Kai standing in front of them alerting them that Kyungsoo was awake. Luhan was really glad to hear that so he immediately went inside.




“Aren’t you coming hyung?”  Sehun noticed Kai moving to sit down on the chair.


“No … “




“I just want some … fresh air.” Kai reasoned. Sehun thought for a moment.” How could you breathe fresh air inside a hospital?” He didn’t question his hyung anymore and proceeded inside.





When Luhan went inside, he saw his cousin staring ahead while touching his lips. The boy didn’t notice him until Sehun closed the door behind him. Kyungsoo snapped out of his trance and blinked at them. Luhan went straight to him and gave him a hug to which the petite male  smiled and hugged him back.


“Kyungsoo! Oh my god! I was worried about you! Why didn’t you tell me about your medicines?” Luhan scolded him but concern lacing his form and voice. “Please don’t do that again, okay? Don’t ever, EVER forget about your medicines.”


“I’m sorry Luhan. And I promise I won’t forget about them.”


Luhan sighed. “I missed you soooooooo much!”


“Why? Did I sleep for a week?!”


“… for a day.” Luhan corrected and Kyungsoo just gave him a smile.


“I slept for a day and you miss me already?” Kyungsoo gently mocked Luhan.




“Hahaha. Luhan, you’re so cheesy. Ewww.” Luhan was about to hit him but he just smiled fondly instead. Sehun felt awkward for a minute then eventually Kyungsoo called him.


“Sehun! Hi. Did you miss me too?” Kyungsoo joked because, come on, this atmosphere really needed lightening up.


“Hahaha. No? hahaha. But Kai did.” Then an awkward silence followed. Luhan looked at Kyungsoo suspiciously but didn’t say anything. “He doesn’t want to come inside because he said he wants to use washroom. But I said that there’s a one here.

Weird hyung…… Anyway, how are you?”


“I-I’m fine Sehun. Thank you for dropping by.” He smiled a little.


“Nah! No problem.”


“Hey. I’ll just get you a glass of water. I’ll be return soon Sehun, please accompany him.”


“Sure, Luhan-hyung!” And the chinese boy exited the room. Sehun smiled at the boy on the bed before leaving and despite feeling slightly uncomfortable Kyungsoo smiled back


“Ohhh! Why didn’t I notice it before? You’re smile is cute.” Sehun cooed at the smaller mall.


“Wh-What?” Kyungsoo blushed.


“You’re lips form a heart-shape when you smile. It’s very cute.” He said and then pouted. “I wish my lips could do that.” He tried hiding his lips, trying to form a heart-shape but failed. He simply beamed at Kyungsoo.


“Th-Thank you …” The boy hoped that he wasn’t as red as a tomato because it was really embarrassing. But he knew he was more than red when Sehun opened his mouth to speak again


“Omoooo … Kyungsoo-yah! You’re blushing!!”


Oh god.


“Oh.. I—“ he bowed his head. He couldn’t speak straight.


“Hahahaha. You’re so cuuuuuuuute!” Sehun went near him and poked his cheeks. “Now I know why my hyung likes you. Kyaaaaa! I really want to hug you but he’ll be jealous. Hahahaha. Anyway, want me to read your future?“


Kyungsoo hoped he heard it right. Kai likes him? He wanted to hear it again. His heart beats faster again. “Wh-what? Kai—“


And the door opened, revealing Luhan holding a tray with a pitcher and a glass. He placed it down on the table near Kyungsoo’s bed. Sehun went to him and tapped his shoulder.


“Luhan-hyung. I’ll be going now. I need to check on my hyung. Maybe he experienced LBM or something. Seriously, how long do you need to use a toilet? Anyway, Bye now. Bye Kyungsoo! Get well soon!” He waved.


“Sehun! W-wait!” But the man was already gone. Luhan handed him a glass of water and Kyungsoo took it gratefully  and gulped it down in a one go. He thanked his cousin for bringing him water and suddenly Luhan remembered the scene outside when he went out to get some water.




“Oh. Kai! I thought you were using the washroom?” he asked the guy who appeared a bit restless. Kai looked at him, confused.




“Sehun said that you needed to use the washroom … that’s why you didn’t enter with us.”


“Ugghh. Yeah. Anyway, I’ll just go to the washroom again.” Kai proceeded to the washroom  awkwardly. Luhan noticed the man’s sudden changed of behavior after he exited Kyungsoo’s room. He was about to ask what was wrong but Kai was gone. He shrugged and proceeded to the canteen to get what he needed.




“Luhan, can I ask you something?”




“Do you think someone will like me? Even if-even if I’m like this? Nothing special, just a plain, weak Do Kyungsoo?”


Luhan was taken aback by his cousin’s question but he decided to answer it.


“Of course, Kyungsoo! And you’re special, okay? You have your talents! Your voice is amazing. You’re smart, caring, sweet, lovable, thoughtful, and … cute!”


Kyungsoo blushed because of Luhan’s compliments. “Physical appearance is not the basis of love. Love comes to you unexpectedly. You’ll just feel it without even noticing. It is a disease of  heart with no cure at all. The only cure to love is to love more and nothing else.  When your heart pounds with no exact reason, then my dear cousin, it is a sign that you’re infected.”


“So … there’s a chance that someone will love me?”


“Yes! Kyungsoo, I’m sure of it that there is someone in this world whose heart will beat for you. And only you” Luhan smiled sweetly at him. He wondered why Kyungsoo asked him this kind of question this but he decided not to pry further in his matters. Not now. The Chinese male thought that this discussion was over because the smaller male had gone silent.

But he was wrong.


“Is it ‘Love’ if someone cares for you even though you’re just friends?”


“Mmmm … well, if they’re friends … then maybe that love is a love for a friend, nothing more, nothing less.”


“Then … uuhmm … what if he tells you that you keep invading his mind and you almost take his sanity away because he worries so much for you?”


“Nah. What if we’re bestfriends? nothing more than that.”


“Oh-kaaaaaay … then, what if … he kisses you … after you asked him if he likes you?”


“There! Then there’s something. Kisses are intimate actions. It is mostly done to show your love and affections to someone you love  because here, heart is in control and strange feelings are the side effects. Kiss is a sign. Yes! It is a sign!”


Kyungsoo was still absorbing what his cousin had said.


… there’s something!

… to show love

… it is a sign


And then re remembered what Sehun said a while ago …


… my hyung likes you….


He was still thinking and his heart started to beat faster. There’s a chance, a possibility, that Kai liked him. But why … why am I even bothering to know if he likes me? Why do I care? … Do I … like him? He asked his inner self. His knew his heart agreed when it started to pound without a reason. Oh God. I- I like him? He was snapped out of his thoughts when Luhan called him.


“Kyungsoo … Kyungsoo!”




“So … why are you asking anyway?”


“Oh! Nothing! It’s nothing! Really! Absolutely nothing!” Kyungsoo said, defensively.


“I find it odd, you know. I know something’s up …” Luhan eyed him suspiciously.


“N-nothing’s up, Luhan …” Kyungsoo won’t look him in the eye.


“Okay, come on. Spill it out. Come one. Your cousin’s listening …” Luhan sat near him and waited. Kyungsoo still denied, by staying slient, that there was something going on.


“I know you, Kyungsoo … You wouldn’t ask something strange without any reason or connection to you. I remembered when you broke our vase. You asked me, ‘ Luhan, what if I know who broke your vase?’ and then we found out that it was you”


“I accidentally dropped it …” Kyungsoo said, sheepishly.


“And when you ate all the snacks in my room, you went to me and asked, ‘ what if someone gets all your food in your room, what will you do?’ I said, ‘I’ll punch that thief on the face!!’ then you shrieked so loudly when I said that so I immediately that knew it was you.”


“I was hungry back then. And you were really scary …”


“So, my point is … all those questions of yours have something to do with you.”


“Ughh.. No?”


“Oh, Come on! Don’t you trust me?” Luhan pouted and Kyungsoo just sighed.


“Okay. I’ll tell you.”


“So I’m right! Something’s up!”


“ something was up. Okay, something happened earlier …” And Kyungsoo started explaining. He told Luhan everything. When Kyungsoo finished, his cousin gaped at him. The boy’s heart beats weird again when he remembered the scene where Kai kissed him unexpectedly. Luhan spoke softly.


“Oh my god, Kyungsoo …”


“Yeah. That’s all … Ha-ha.” He faked a laugh.


“Do you like Kai?”


 “I-I don’t know. But this …” He pointed at his chest where his heart was. “… it beats so fast whenever his near me or I see him. I-I like his touch. It was comforting … and-and when he cried earlier, my heart ached …”


“Oh, Kyungsoo …” Luhan held his hand and ruffled the boy’s hair. “I have good news for you … You’re infected! Congratulations!”


“I thought you might say that. But … do you think he likes me?”


“I’m not sure . That kiss may mean something different. I don’t know. But the best way to confirm it is to ask him yourself.” Kyungsoo gulped.


Will he visit tomorrow?




Sehun saw Kai outside, sitting on one of the chairs. He looked like he was in deep thought about something really serious. The younger walked towards him and sat next to him. Kai was suddenly back to reality and he faced Sehun. Sehun eyed him.


“Hyung … why didn’t you come in with us earlier?  I have to make an excuse for you, you know.”


Yeah. Your stupid excuse. But Kai didn’t say that. Instead, he blurted out something personal. “I kissed Kyungsoo.” Sehun just raised an eyebrow and Kai sighed.


“I’m serious, Sehun. I-I kissed him. I just saw his lips and then-then it happened!! ” Kai faced palmed himself and slumped from his sit.


“Then? So why didn’t you come?”


“Sehuuun!! I can’t face him, okay?! That’s why I didn’t go inside…” Sehun loved to see his hyung, miserable. Deep inside him, he was laughing but he showed no emotions at all. Then again, he cared for his hyung. He was not a heartless dongsaeng after all.


“Okay, okay! Calm down!” he motioned Kai to breathe and the other did. “Now … how does it feel? Is he your first kiss?”


“It feels … great. His lips were soft against mine and I could taste hi—“


“Okay, stop it! Eww, hyung! Don’t describe it! You’re disgusting.”


“Sorry. Hahahaha. And yeah, my first kiss. First kiss with my first love.”


“Ohh! So you really like him, hyung?”


“Yeah. And I think its not ‘like’, its more of ‘love’. I love him. I love Do Kyungsoo.” Kai smiled brightly. It felt right when he said that. Sehun chuckled.


“Does it feel better to admit it than deny it?”


“Yup! Admitting it is much easier.” Kai ruffled his hair and laughed.


“Hyung, will you visit tomorrow?” Kai paused and played with the hem of his shirt. The younger waited for an answer.



“I-I don’t know.”


“Well, you should.”




“Because! You didn’t tell him you love him.”


“How did you —?“


“I accidentally told him that you’re somewhat in to him and his eyes became wide. I mean, wider than his usual eyes.”


“YOU WHAT?!” Kai’s heart slammed on his chest. Hard.


 Sehun was still in his poker face stage.


“But I hoped he didn’t take it seriously so you can be the one to tell him personally.” Kai really wanted to hit Sehun right now but he wouldn’t do that.


“Fine! I’ll visit tomorrow and confess.”


“Yes! Hahahaha. You can do it , hyung!” Then Kai suddenly remembered something and smiled mischievously at Sehun. The other eyed him suspiciously.


“You know … I think Luhan likes you.”


“Really?” the younger’s eyes widen.


“Yeah. You looked like a couple few minutes ago.”Now, Sehun was the one blushing. Kai laughed at his cuteness. He stood up and brought Sehun along with him. “Come on! Let’s go home!”






Hi guys. Im sorry for updating very, very, very late. Mianhae!! Its hard to update this time because our classes resumed already which . WE ALREADY HAVE A TEST FOR PHYSICS. DAMN. -.-

Again im sorryyyy. Hope you like this chapter! ^O^ Like, subscribe or upvote. :D Thanks!




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GUYS! SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT. UGH. I AND I'M SORRY. I'M TRYING TO UPDATE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. We are back to school again and I'm already stressed. >.<


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Chapter 15: Can't wait for the update
Chapter 9: Dreaming of kyungsoo...oh, jong in you ball of fluff!
Chapter 7: cute!
Chapter 5: This is new type of kaisoo
yoshies #5
I gotta have me some hunhan + kaisoo
T-araFans #6
Chapter 13: Lol!!! HunHan and Kaisoo is so cute...
Nice update...
Please update soon...
T-araFans #7
Chapter 12: Poor Kyungsoo...What happen if Kai knows about Kyungsoo condition...
I hope they will be together...
Nice update...
Please update soon...
Please update MP3 huhuhu!
Ouch for Soo
Ouch for Kai
But Sehun is so sweet, ehehe! :3
T-araFans #9
Chapter 11: What happen to Kyungsoo???
Nice update...
Please update soon...
AznDuckies #10
I love how your chapters are so long keke

They should decorate (all four of them) kyungsoo room and painting the walls of the outside since he likes the view and stuff keke that would be cute