And the end...

Bike Ride to Happiness

“Madam…” The butler whispered something into Minwoo’s mother’s ear. She nodded and the butler left.

She picked up the folder that he had just brought her. She flipped through the papers and got angrier and crumpled half of the papers.


“Hey~, aren’t you tired?”



“Yeah. I used to carry my mother around a lot.”

“Ah…you don’t anymore?”

“She’s not here anymore.”

“I’m…so sorry…”

“Nah. I’m used to it. I have my brother and my friends.”

Minwoo nodded.

“It on that road.” Minwoo pointed.“Are you sure it’s ok to leave your bike behind like that?”

“Yes. Stop nagging.”

Minwoo pouted. “I was being nice.”

“Oh…you’re being nice? That’s new. You fell for me already?”

“What!? No? You jerk!” Minwoo starts hitting his fist on Youngmin’s back and swinging his legs.

“Heyy stop~ I was just kidding alright? Geez…can’t even take a joke?”

“It was NOT funny.”

Youngmin chuckled. “That’s your house?”

“Yup, I can go from here.”

“No…it’s ok I can carry you to your door.” Youngmin cautiously steps through the gate and made a face at the security guard.

“You’re weird…”

“No you’re weird. How do you even live in such a big house? It’s like 100 times bigger than mine.”

“Er…it gets kind of lonely at times…but I’m used to it now.”

The front door swing open before Youngmin even rang the door bell. Minwoo’s mom stood at the doorway with a stern expression.


“Get in.” Minwoo’s mother instructed.

“Hi Minwoo’s umma…”

Minwoo’s mother gave Youngmin a glance before she told her servants to help Minwoo in.

“Leave now. And don’t ever touch my son again. Don’t even get near him. I don’t care as long as you leave him alone.”

Youngmin got pissed. “I wouldn’t want to be friends with someone like him anyways. Don’t worry, I’ll stay away from him as far as possible.”

Minwoo’s mother gasped and slammed the door in Youngmin’s face.

Youngmin rolled his eyes. He gets that a lot.


“Umma! What’d you do that for?”

“Why were you talking to him?”

“He’s my partner for my project!”

“I told you to not get close to these kind of people! Why wont you listen to me?”

“Umma! He’s my friend!”


Minwoo held his cheek and looked at his mother in shock.

“Go to your room. I don’t want you to come out until you understand what you did wrong.”

Minwoo obeyed and locked the door behind him.

“Umma’s being so weird today….she may scold me but she never hits me…” He got up to clean his wounds and went to sleep.


“Call the school, I want him out of this school.”

“That may be a problem, ma’am. There are a group of his friends in that school. If we kick him out, they may start chaos.”

“Fine, then suspend him for the time being.”

“Yes madam. I’ll do that right away.”

“And also, keep an eye on Minwoo. Follow him wherever he goes.”

Next day….

Minwoo limps a bit when he walks but besides that everything’s fine. He stops a crowd of people chattering in front of the bulletin board and decides to see what was going on.

“Hey, omg, yeah I know.”

“Pssshttt, look, Youngmin’s being suspended? What did he do this time?”

“I heard it was because of Minwoo.”

“What? Our princess?”

“I heard he skipped school because of Youngmin.”

“What’s their relationship? Are they secretly together?”

Giggling. “They wouldn’t be interested in each other.”

“That’s true…Youngmin is…” The girls stopped talking when they realized Minwoo was there.

They gave him a look and they all scattered.

Minwoo went to the bulletin and read the notification. There was suddenly a pang of pain in his heart. Was it guilt? It was because of him Youngmin got suspended and Minwoo knew. Although the notification said it was because he skipped school too many times, Minwoo knew better that his mother was in this.

“Hey did you hear about the news?”


“Youngmin got suspended again!”

“Hah no wonder I didn’t see the whole gang today. School’s going to be very quiet today.” Minwoo watched as the two boys walked down the hall and into a classroom.

Classes were about to start but he had other important things to do.


“Well at least count it as your little holiday.” Donghyun said with his mouth full.

“Yeah hyung, not going to school is much better.” Kwangmin said while feeding Donghyun food.

“Ugh, whatever. You know you guys didn’t have to skip school with me?”

“Hey, we’re your family.” Donghyun pointed out.

“Hyung, you don’t look happy that you’re out of school. Is something wrong?”

“Don’t worry about it Kwangmin. It’s nothing.”

“Ok.” Kwangmin eyed Youngmin but didn’t say anything.

Youngmin sat with a blank expression on his face. No school for a whole week. He wouldn’t be able to see Minwoo and do the project…

“I mean how do they explain the fact that they aren’t letting you go to school because you aren’t going to school?” Donghyun reasoned.

“Just be quiet Donghyung hyung.” Kwangmin sighed.

Donghyun shrugged and sat in a random chair.

*knock knock knock*

“I wonder who it is.”


Kwangmin stood up to open the door with Donghyun following behind.

Minwoo stood at the doorway and peered around. “Oh, phew I found the right place.”

“Uh…you are….Minwoo right?”

Minwoo nodded. “Is Youngmin there?”

Youngmin’s ears perked up at the mention of Minwoo’s name.

“Um…yeah he is….” Kwangmin trailed.

“Can I talk to him?”

“Y…y…yeah…hold on….” To Youngmin, “Um hyung….do…”

Youngmin stood up and started walking to his bedroom. “Tell him I don’t want to see him.”


“I heard.” Minwoo pushed past Kwangmin and stomped after Youngmin who was already in his room.

“What was that about?” Donghyun asked.

Kwangmin stared off at the wall. “Let’s go take a walk.” He pulled Donghyun out the door.

“Youngmin!” Minwoo slammed the door of Youngmin’s bedroom open.

“Why are you here? Who said you could come in?”

“Because I want to.”

“I said I didn’t want to see you.”

“Fine I’ll leave right away but after you hear what I have to say.”

“Ok. One minute.”

“What only one minute?!”

“Just talk! Ugh….”

“Well I didn’t really think about what I was really going to say. I wanted to apologize….”

“I don’t want to hear you apologize. It’s not your fault and I don’t care.”

“But…you should care! This is wrong!”

“What’s wrong? Why are you acting as if you care.”

“……..” Silence filled in.

“One minute’s up. Leave. Bye.”

“No wait. What’s with you? Why do you hate me so much? You were fine on that hill that day.”

“Don’t talk about that day. Forget about it. Pretend it never happened.”

“What??? How can I pretend it never happened!?”

“Why? Is it important to you?”


Youngmin laughed. “I knew it. You fell for me.”

“W…..wh….what are you talking about!? I did NOT!”

“Uh-huh. Then tell me why it’s important to you. Because it meant nothing to me.” Youngmin walked closer to Minwoo and backs him up. “It’s all an act. You mean nothing. Why would I ever want to get close to something like you? You’re not even my type. I don’t go that far.”

Tears started rolling down Minwoo’s cheek.

Youngmin got surprised. “Y…you….are…” He reaches out to touch Minwoo but Minwoo slaps his hand away.

“Ok. Let’s just forget about each other. You’re not important to me either. You’re nothing. You’re just a coward. You can’t even stand up for yourself.” Minwoo screams at Youngmin and runs out.

“Wait. Minwoo!”

Minwoo bumps into Kwangmin on the way out. Kwangmin sees that Minwoo was crying. “Hyung…what ha----”

Before he finished asking, Youngmin had rushed out the door.

“----ppened…” Kwangmin sighed. He never listened to me…


Why does my heart hurt so much right now? Why am I even crying to begin with?

Minwoo stopped running to catch his breath. He stoops down and hugs his knees. “Why did I have to fall for him…?”

“So you admit you fell for me?”

Minwoo turns around and sees Youngmin breathless.

“T….I…” Minwoo gasps when Youngmin suddenly hugs him.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything I said earlier. I just didn’t want…to hurt you.”

“Oh well that worked perfectly.”

“Would you let me finish? I didn’t want you to be like me. I don’t live as well as you. I don’t have anything to compare. I…”

“I don’t care. As long as I’m with you. Nothing else matters.” Minwoo hugs Youngmin back and smiles.

“And also, I promised your mother that I would leave you as far as possible. Guess that didn’t work.”

“I’m glad you didn’t.”


Youngmin sent Minwoo home on his bike. They kissed goodbye and Minwoo entered the house.

Minwoo’s mother was sitting at the living couch waiting for him.

“Where did you go? Why weren’t you at school?”

“I went to find Youngmin.”

“How many times do I have to tell you to stop interacting with these people? Why don’t you get that?”

“Umma. Why cant you just get that I want friends to? I want to choose my friends!”

“I don’t care. As long as its not him.”

“Why cant it be him?”

“Because I say so. Now listen to your umma.”

“No. I love him umma. I can’t leave him.”

“You what?”

“I love him.”

“No you don’t!!!” Minwoo’s mother screamed. “If you go with him, don’t even count me as your mother anymore. Don’t even come to this house. This house does not need people like you or him.”

“If you can’t accept him then I have no choice but to leave.”

“You’re not my son anymore.” Minwoo’s mother screamed after him.

Minwoo ran outside and continued running.


*knock knock*

“Oh my gosh, this is annoying. So many people today.” Donghyun complained.

Youngmin went to open the door and saw it was Minwoo. His eyes looked distressed and he was out of breath.

“Minwoo? Why are you here?”

“I…can’t go back anymore…she wouldn’t accept you…she wouldn’t accept us so….she told me to leave…” Minwoo started to cry.

“It’s ok. Don’t cry. I’m here for you.” Youngmin holds Minwoo while he cries.


“Madam…are you feeling alright?”

Minwoo’s mother grabbed her hair and pounded the desk. “Why….she always wins over me!”

“Madam, should we go and tell them.”

“No. They don’t need to know that they are half-brothers. I’ll have them find out themselves. I’ll have my revenge.”


Ok haha this is hilarious XD it’s like just arguments and everything :PP

This is really messed up I’m sorry…and this was my dedication…what a fail me

It makes me laugh when I write it, don’t even want to re-read it XDD

It’s like those typical dramas and everything muhahahahahha hilarious….I’m so sorry….such a disappointment

Ok yeah and the confessing part was just short haha I didn’t know what to do so hope you guys imagined it….-dies- are the dialogues getting confusing!? Yeah….maybe U_U

And its midnight…I’m jetlagged and I was supposed to sleep at 10…woops

Ok the ending doesn’t make sense well it was supposed to be a cliff ending where I should continue but I don’t think that’s a good idea haha XD

OH HEY AND!!!! I said Id promote my friend's fic so please go read it guys :DD it means alot to herr


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gothiscinsan #1
Chapter 2: Omgg dont kill us with a cliffhanger~~ ㅠㅠ
iamachesspiece #3
THIS IS COMPLETE????? Wait. Does that mean that minwoo's mom's husband's mistress had a son and they are actually related?? Yay. I do love . CONTINUE THIS! hskandbbsnsmallmsnd
So_Mi97 #4
please write moreeeeeeee :D
what????!!!!!! they're half brothers???!!!!!
Asian_Wannabe #7
You Need A Sequel.....NOW!!!!<br />
Hahahaha no but seriously you need a sequel I loved this story so much and then poof you end like that I mean ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!?!?!?!<br />
Anyway I loved the story none the less :)
Wahh I Am So Late. -.-"<br />
Mianhae,, I Didn't See This Sooner.);<br />
<br />
But Now That I Did,,<br />
This Story Is So Freaking Awesome.(x<br />
I Love The Plot And The Characters.!<br />
The Ending Got Me Like This ---> @o@<br />
And It Got Me Hooked But Then I Realized It Was Over. T.T <br />
Ahh Such A Great 2Shot This Is.(:<br />
Please Continue Writing Your Oh-So-Amazing Stories.<3
That was AWESOME!<br />
..i didnt expect the ending though..but still.. xD