How it began...

Bike Ride to Happiness


"Shush, don't argue."

"But..." Minwoo sighed and crossed his arms. His head leaned on the car door as he watched the outside scenery pass him. How he hated when his mother decided everything for him. He's a guy—a girly guy—but he could do things himself. Right?

Minwoo sighed again as the car stopped at the red light.

He looked down and started playing with his fingers. The silence in the car was getting awkward.

When he looked outside the window again, he spotted a group of teenagers his age. They were on bikes and there were about 4-5 of them. It was a hot day and a few of them were shirtless. They were really far and it was hard to see but Minwoo couldn't take his eyes of them.

Hot wasn't a good enough word to describe them.

Never in his life had he seen random people. He haven't seen ANY random people to start with. His mother cared and protected him too much. But thats not the point. The point is that Minwoo was captivated by them. Especially the blonde one. He seemed to be the leader of the group. And his smile made Minwoo blush even though it wasn't directed at him.

"Minwoo! What are you looking at?" his mother leaned over and looked outside. "Stop looking at those beggars!"

"They aren't beggars umma!" Minwoo argued.

"Fine those hobos."

"They are just regular people!"

"Don't raise your voice on me!"


"Be good and listen to your umma. Don't ever get close to people like them. Don't touch, don't talk, don't even look at them."

"Yes umma."

Minwoo's mother gave a sigh of relief and patted her son on the head.

Minwoo frowned on the inside and looked back out hoping to find the group of kids. But just as he looked out, the car started to move and drive away while the kids remained at a stoplight.

Minwoo pouted as he looked back down at his lap.

As soon as the car arrived in front of the school gates, a crowd of kids surrounded it.

"Kyahhhh~it's Minwoo!!!"

"I wanna see him. I wanna see him!!"

Security guards protected Minwoo when he stepped out of the car and walked into the school.

Minwoo was the pretty princess of the school. All the girls want to be like him while all the guys think him as their ideal type. It was scary at the same time since he had been kidnapped before. That was the reason why Minwoo's mother cares for him a lot. He was her only son and child.

"Minwoo ah good morning." Minwoo's teacher bowed.

All the teachers are nice to him or else his mother would go and tell the principle. They were one of the richest families in the whole town and no one dares mess with them.

"Morning teacher." Minwoo took a seat and the rest of the students piled in and wanted to sit next to him.

"Alright class, we are having a group project."

The whole class started to scream for their partners.

"But...stop talking!!! I'm choosing the partners."

All the kids groaned.

"I'm going to choose across classes so you guys can get to know about each other."

There were over 500 kids in just Minwoo's grade alone. It was hard to get to know everyone.

"I will post your partners later this afternoon so you guys can come see who you're partnered up with."

Minwoo dislike projects because it meant he had to work with others. He wasn't antisocial, it's that his partners would do all the work for him or ask him to go to their house and other things like that.


Minwoo lingered in the hallways and walked towards the bulletin board. A whole bunch of people were there already and discussing about the assignment.

Minwoo stood at the outside of the group and tiptoed to see who his partner was.

" A...ah! Partner is....Jo Youngmin." Minwoo found his name but frowned when he saw his partner's name.

Jo Youngmin was the known playboy of the school. He was a bad student and didn't care much about school. There are still rumors going around about why he comes to the school. Although famous, Minwoo had never seen him in person. Nor has he seen his twin. Youngmin had a twin called Kwangmin who was going out with Donghyun.

Suddenly an arm flew by Minwoo's face. The arm pointed to a name on the paper and then loud laughter.

"Hahaha you got paired up with the school's pretty boy." a voice said.

Minwoo turned around and was about to say something but stopped when he saw the face.

The blonde he saw this morning! It must be him! He was his schoolmate? How come he never knew?

A redhead patted the blonde on the back. "Hahaha Youngmin, all I can say is...bwahahaha actually, I have no words left." the guy patted Youngmin on the shoulder and the other hand holding his stomach.

Youngmin had an irritated face and rolled his eyes.

"Ah...he's...Youngmin?" Minwoo squeezed out of the crowd and tried to see Youngmin's face clearly.

Another guy, who should be Kwangmin, since he had the same face as Youngmin, came up to Youngmin and also patted him. "Goodluck bro."

“Was he that hard to get along with”, Minwoo thought.

Youngmin swept Kwangmin's hand off and sighed.

"You guys are so annoying." Youngmin muttered.

Kwangmin chuckled as Youngmin playfully hit Donghyun's head.

Minwoo stood at the same place since the beginning and couldn't take his eyes off Youngmin.

Youngmin feeling someone's watching him, turned around and his eyes met Minwoo's.

Time seemed to have stopped as they stared at each other. Youngmin broke eye contact when Kwangmin called for him.

"Oh sorry Kwangmin what?"

"I said, what are we doing after school?"

Donghyun slung an arm across Kwangmin as the three walked away leaving Minwoo behind staring at their backs.

"Minwoo, sir, we have to get home now." minwoo's driver came up and disrupted his thoughts.

Minwoo gathered his things and followed the driver.

When outside, Minwoo spotted the three again getting on their bikes.

Ah...they look so cool~

"Minwoo~~~." Minwoo's mother called from the car window.

"Ah umma!" Minwoo snapped out of his trance and hurried into the car.

Next day...

Minwoo sat at his desk and unpacked his bag. He had been racking his brain for ideas on how to get closer to Youngmin but he hadn't thought of anything.

Minwoo scratched his head and sighed. How about talking to him at lunch first? Well that's a start. He'll do just that.


Minwoo sat squished between other classmates at the lunch table.

"Target at 1 o'clock. Alright, I can do this!!!" Minwoo did a fist pump.

"Hey guys look who's walking over here."

"Oooohh Youngmin!" Donghyun nudged Youngmin with his elbow.

"Guys really..."

Minwoo stopped right at the edge of the table and stared straight at Youngmin.

"Jo Youngmin shi. I'm Minwoo. Nice to meet you."

Youngmin pretended to not hear and talked to the other girl classmates at the table.

"Psst, Youngmin." Donghyun whispered.

"Youngmin shi." Minwoo called again.

"Pretty boy’s talking..." Donghyun whispered again.

Youngmin sighed as he spared Minwoo a glance.

The girls also sighed in annoyance. The populars didn't get with the smart people. They don't interact much at all.

Minwoo cleared his throat and gulped. Oh my god everyone’s looking at him...especially Youngmin...who's the one making him uneasy.

"Minwoo...what are you doing? Talk!" his inner voice scolded.

"Uh...ah...just...we need to find a time to project."

The whole table said whatever and resumed talking.

Youngmin also rolled his eyes. He stood up to leave while Minwoo followed him.

Minwoo hurried after Youngmin but lost him when he turned a corner.

"Ah...where is he?"

"I knew you'd come follow me."

Minwoo turned around and crossed his arms. "Stop playing games with me."

"I'm not." Youngmin shrugged his shoulders.

"Ok fine. Tell me when you are available."

"You want to go out with me?"

"What? No?!'s for homework!" Minwoo was catch off guard on that question and stuttered. Minwoo's eyes started darting all over the place, his heartbeat getting faster, and his breathing was unsteady again.

"Oh my god what is this?!?!?" Minwoo thought.

Youngmin chuckled and started walking closer to Minwoo. Minwoo swallowed and started backing up until he hit a wall.

"W...w...what are you doing?"

"What do you think I'm doing?" Youngmin breathed onto Minwoo's neck next to his ear. He leaned his body towards Minwoo's so that their bodies were slightly touching. His arms were on either side of Minwo's head closing off any places to run.

A shiver went down Minwoo's spine and his legs went weak. His mind is a total blank by now.

"So...ask me your question again." Youngmin snickered.

" the.......just..." Minwoo couldn't even form a complete sentence.

"Hm? You have talk clearer or else I won't know what you mean. Right?"


"What about it?"


"Homework...time...that doesn't really make sense."

Minwoo's totally dazed and unable to process anything.

"Hah you should look at yourself! Are you like this to everyone or just me? Your face is really red. How will you be able to even work with me if you keep stuttering like that?"

Minwoo touched his cheeks and felt that they were warm. "That was your fault!"

"My fault? I didn't do anything except for asking a few questions."

"B...b...but you were uh... this..a...a...and that...and..."

"I was what?"

Minwoo was speechless.

"Well I’m busy, and classes are about to start. Seeya." Youngmin did a salute and left.

"W...w...what....?!? Wait!" Minwoo heaved a big sigh as he slumped down beside the wall.

"What the heck? Why do I keep stuttering when I'm near him? Minwoo! Rarrr you're going to do this right!"

Minwoo sighed again and ruffled his hair. "Argh..."

At the dinner table...

"So Minwoo, how's school today?" his mother cut a piece of steak and put it in .

"Horribleee!!! Grrrrr!!!" Minwoo thought.

" was ok..." He said instead.

"Hm really...just ok?"

Minwoo stuffed some food into his mouth to avoid talking.

"So I have a project assigned?"

"Umma!! Are you spying on my every move? Even at school?"

"I'm just worried about you! And I also heard that you got paired up with a bad kid." his mother said matter of factly.

"That's my own business."

"I'm your mother! I have to protect you. I'm going to call the principle tomorrow and change your partner."

"Umma! I said I'm fine!" Minwoo slammed his fork down and left the dining room leaving his mother.

School next day...

Minwoo was at the school library finding a new book to read when he bumped into something.

"Ow, I'm sorry." Minwoo bowed while rubbing his head.

"Hmm...aren't you taught well."

Or someone...

Minwoo straightened up and glared at the guy. "Of course I am." he walked around Youngmin and continued searching his book.

"Ah...don't want to talk to me today? Heh...I was thinking of maybe doing the project together today..." Youngmin sighed and looked at the shelf right in front of his as if he was looking for a book.

Minwoo looked up. "Really?" his eyes sparkled.

"Yeah but you don't seem willing..."

"Nooooo that's good!" Minwoo started clapping.

"Great. Then come with me."

"Huh?" before he knew it, Minwoo was being dragged out of the school.

"Heyyy! Where are you taking me?"

"To do the project."

"But it's school time! This is skipping school!"

"So? It's not a big deal. I do it all the time."

"That's you. Not me."

"You make me sound like a bad person."

"You are..." Minwoo gasped at what he just said. "I didn't mean that!"

"No it's ok. I get that alot. So are you coming?" Youngmin got on his bike.

"Uh...on that?"

"Yeah what else?"

"I can go get my driver."

"Psssh, nah, this will be fine, so are you getting on?"

"So it's just the two of us?"

"Yeah...there isn't anyone else is there?"

"But I mean..."

Youngmin leans towards Minwoo. "Are you afraid I'd do something to you?" he his lips.

"N-n-no! I mean we may get lost." minwoo waves his hands in front youngmin's face. He blushes and starts biting his nails.

"We're only going to the hill up there to examine the plants."


"No buts. Are you going?"

Minwoo hesitated. "Ok fine. But I've never rode a bike before."

Youngmin smiled as Minwoo got on.

"Hold me tight."

Minwoo awkwardly rested his hands on Youngmin's shoulders.

"I mean like this." Youngmin brought Minwoo's arms around his waist.

Minwoo blushed but remained calm. "Good thing he can't see me..." he thought.

"Hang on."

"wait!! I'm not ready yet." Minwoo put his hands on his chest and started inhaling and exhaling really fast. His heart was beating really fast.

"Ready or we gooo~" Youngmin announced and sped away.

"Yahhhhhh~" Minwoo's scream could be heard by the whole school.

Students hurried to the window to find out what happened.

"Heyyy guys, Youngmin's got a new girlfriend he's playing hooky with." a guy pointed out and the whole class laughed.


"Stooooooopppppppp!!!" Minwoo has been screaming for the past few minutes but he soon lost his energy to scream.

Minwoo tightly wrapped his arms around Youngmin's waist and wouldn't let go.

"Hey...we're here..." Youngmin looked back and laughed.

Minwoo has his eyes squeezed shut and a twisted expression was on his face.

With no other way of getting Minwoo to move, Youngmin puts the stopper down and the bike tilts.

"Kyahhhh!!" Minwoo's arms flew up and he teetered on his seat. Youngmin got up and caught Minwoo just in time.

Minwoo blushes from their bodies touching. Youngmin smirks and pulls Minwoo up and carries him bridal style.

"Yah! What are you doing!? Let me down."

"I can't let our dear princess here walk on soil. I wouldn't want to be blamed if your feet gets dirty."

Minwoo blushes even more and looks away from Youngmin.

"It's embarrassing...ju...just let me down already."


"I do have shoes on."

"Well not anymore." Youngmin took Minwoo's shoes off and threw them on the ground next to the bike.


Youngmin had a smug expression on his face as he climbed the hill.

Youngmin climbed the hill easily even while carrying Minwoo.

Minwoo had wrapped his arms around Youngmin's neck and his head leaned towards Youngmin's chest.

Minwoo could hear the soft beating of Youngmin's heart and it was making him flush as his heartbeat beats in sync to Youngmin's.

Youngmin's radiating heat was adding to the warmth from the sun. Minwoo couldn't tell if it was the heat or Youngmin's warmth that was making him hot.

By the time Youngmin was up the hill, Minwoo had fallen asleep already.

"Aish annoying brat. I thought you said you wan—" Youngmin started shaking Minwoo but stopped when he saw Minwoo's peaceful sleeping face. Youngmin sat down on the grass. "Aish...this is annoying." he ran his fingers through his hair but he still had no choice but to hold Minwoo while he slept.

Minwoo woke up realizing it was getting dark outside.


Minwoo's exclamation woke up Youngmin who also fell asleep.

Minwoo hadn't realized it at first but he was sleeping in Youngmin's embrace and on the grass.

"Yah! Why are we sleeping here?"

"Because you fell asleep?"

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Because you were sleeping like the princess. Ah yes sleeping beauty?"

Minwoo blushed but hoped Youngmin couldn't see it since it was getting g dark.

Youngmin continued to tease. "Or did you want me wake you up with a kiss?" he leaned forwards towards Minwoo.

"Y...yah!!! Go away! I didn't!" Minwoo pushed Youngmin's chest.

Youngmin chuckled.

"Hey let's go do our research."

"This late? We aren't going to find anything right."

"Then what do you suggest we do smarty pants." Minwoo crossed his arms.

"Come back next time."

"Next time? Uh!! I don't want to come back here...grrr! Yah all your fault!"

"What? How's it my fault?"

“Arghhhh, I skipped school for nothing. My umma’s going to get mad at me.” Minwoo sighed and puffed up his cheeks.

“Oh come on.”

Minwoo ignored him and started walking down the hill.

Youngmin grabbed Minwoo’s wrist and stopped him. “I’ll take you home and explain it to your umma.”

Minwoo looked at Youngmin. He pulled his wrist away. “No thanks. She’ll get even madder when she sees you. And the state we’re in.”

“What state ARE we in?”

“Nevermind.” Minwoo huffed and continued walking.

The two walked without talking for a while.

“Wahh~ why is it so dark here?” Minwoo complained.  “I can’t see anything.” He had just stepped on something slippery and it was scaring him.

“I’ll carry….”

“No thanks.” Minwoo said cutting Youngmin off. He turned to walk again when he stepped on a sharp object and yelped.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh!” Losing balance, Minwoo slipped and fell and rolled a distance.

“Hey! Are you ok?”

Youngmin bent down to help Minwoo up.

“Wahhhhhh~~ that hurttssss! My foot….” Minwoo started to tear up.

“This wouldn’t have happened if I had my SHOES!”

“This wouldn’t have happened if you’d let me carry you.” Minwoo frowned. He could never win.

“Get on.” Youngmin had his back towards Minwoo.


“Uh so stubborn.” Youngmin forced Minwoo onto his back.

“Yah! Let me down.”

“No. I’m bringing you home.”


“Oh be quiet.”

Minwoo had no choice. He rested his hands on Youngmin’s shoulders and leaned his body onto Youngmin’s back.

Was it because of the fall that’s scaring him? Why is his heart beating so fast? It feels so weird in my chest…


Ok yeah I saw a group of bike riders one day on a taxi...and one was blonde so I thought of this story haha XD I kept on staring at them :PP - me- but I thought that was soooo cool!! Kyahhhh~ XD they were like...on top of each other haha XD should have took a pic...

Oh and I saw this guy who looks like Minwoo...O.O!! Asians look alike! Haha

so I didn't want to make Kwangmin girly too like how I made Minwoo so I didn't write the part where they rode the bike...I wanted to write that Kwangmin was sitting behind Donghyun :P

I do realize they are eating steak XD asians know how to use forks and knives right? ....>.>

Ok bikes aren't as scary as motorcycles but I think it's pretty scary haha cause I can't ride them XP plus Minwoo's a rich person who doesn't ride bikes :P

This is so messed up haha and this was a one-shot XD

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gothiscinsan #1
Chapter 2: Omgg dont kill us with a cliffhanger~~ ㅠㅠ
iamachesspiece #3
THIS IS COMPLETE????? Wait. Does that mean that minwoo's mom's husband's mistress had a son and they are actually related?? Yay. I do love . CONTINUE THIS! hskandbbsnsmallmsnd
So_Mi97 #4
please write moreeeeeeee :D
what????!!!!!! they're half brothers???!!!!!
Asian_Wannabe #7
You Need A Sequel.....NOW!!!!<br />
Hahahaha no but seriously you need a sequel I loved this story so much and then poof you end like that I mean ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!?!?!?!<br />
Anyway I loved the story none the less :)
Wahh I Am So Late. -.-"<br />
Mianhae,, I Didn't See This Sooner.);<br />
<br />
But Now That I Did,,<br />
This Story Is So Freaking Awesome.(x<br />
I Love The Plot And The Characters.!<br />
The Ending Got Me Like This ---> @o@<br />
And It Got Me Hooked But Then I Realized It Was Over. T.T <br />
Ahh Such A Great 2Shot This Is.(:<br />
Please Continue Writing Your Oh-So-Amazing Stories.<3
That was AWESOME!<br />
..i didnt expect the ending though..but still.. xD