
The Dark Arrives. DISCONTINUED
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Chapter 08

Seohyun knocked on Taeyeon's door.

"Taeyeon?" She said.

Taeyeon unlocked the door after hearing her mother's voice.

She immediately hugged her mother while tears were flowing down her face.

"It's alright." Seohyun consoled her.

"We used to be best friends. I used to be a normal person. My life is just so messed up." Taeyeon said while sobbing.

"My daughter is strong. She can get through this. I know that you can." Seohyun said while she rubbed her back.

"Can you teach me?" Taeyeon said after pulling away from the hug.

"With?" Seohyun said.

"Teach me how to control my powers." Taeyeon said as she sniffled.

"That is no problem at all." Seohyun said and smiled.


It was lunch time and Taeyeon sat alone at the staircase where no one actually walks by. 

Tiffany have been mixing around with the "popular ones" but Taeyeon would call them the "attention seekers". And of course, Kevin is also with her.

Rumours have also spread that Tiffany is now the school's queen bee ever since she was Kevin's girlfriend.

So far, Tiffany and her "friends" would roll their eyes or bang into her on purpose whenever they walk pass each other.

Taeyeon have been tolerating and always tried to control herself.

But she knew that if this goes on any further, she may just lose her temper.

Speaking of the devil, the group decided to appear.

"Such a lonely little girl. Have you lost your popularity in school?" Tiffany sneered.

Taeyeon ignored and continued reading her book.

"Hey . I am talking to you." She said and poked her on the arm.

"I clearly know that." Taeyeon said.

"So I see that you have lost all your po

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EXO_ficsnsd #1
Chapter 18: WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY this tory is fcking awesomeeee.sorry. but yeah its true.please make ure time n goodluck!
NesyArmy #2
Chapter 18: it's a fun story, please continue it..really-.-
yunyuncake #3
Chapter 18: Fighting for the exam!!
Acebabymilky #4
Chapter 16: Nextt this is cool:3
emily70 #5
yey sequel!
abcdee20 #6
Chapter 15: Please Update Soon ! I've been really really liking it !
exobap101 #7
Chapter 15: Please update
EXO_ficsnsd #8
Chapter 15: coool...update more pleasee
Chapter 15: Kevin a caster wait are we talking about the Kevin from u-kiss or another one???
Yuri just leave them alone Lolz
So tiffany is under his spell uhh
Good thing Taeyeon saw^^
SoshiLuver327 #10
Chapter 15: Wow wow wow wow wow!!!! Tiffany unnie is under his spell!?!?!?!
That's why... OH!!!!! I get it now ^^
I wonder if Taeyeon unnie will a light or dark .-.
Author-nim please update soon :D