Every Year

DeJa Vu Miracle in December

Being together for 5 years were full of ups and downs for Chanyeol and Baekhyun. They have known each other for quite a while but it was just 5 years ago that they went steady together. People who say relationships were a bed of flowers, rainbows and marshmallows were obviously lying. It was the 5th time they spent Christmas too. As they were celebrating along with their other 10 roommates, with alcohol, lots of singing, and lots of touching too- from the touchy Kaisoo couple.

“ Bae its that time of the year again. Christmas. In 10 more minutes “ Chanyeol said while holding his arm up, looking at his watch.

“ Yes, we never forget every year huh? “ Baekhyun answered while giving Chanyeol a peck on his nose while they were sitting comfortably together on the sofa.

“ I never get tired of this conversation “ Chanyeol said while capturing Baekhyun’s lips this time, while the smaller smiled into the kiss.



 December 24, 2000

“ BYUN BAEK HYUN! “ Mrs Byun yelled while trying to grab her 8-year old son, who was running about and accidentally breaking her favourite vase- which resulted in Baekhyun running out of the house when his mother went from angry to boiling anger.

“ Get back in here! “ were the last words he heard while dashing out of his house, as he was turning to look at the back to check if his mother was chasing him, he bang into another small fluff of something.

“ Ouch! It hurts! “ Baekhyun groaned while rubbing his throbbing forehead as he was lying flat on the floor while the other ball of fluff quickly stood up and ran to him

“ Chanyeol’s sorry. Is it very very painful? “ the ball of fluff asked, he was really quite round at the age of eight… it was really cute.

“ You don’t have to apologize. It wasn’t your fault. “ Baekhyun said, even at the tender age of eight, he was a very rational boy who thought before he spoke, and at this time, he wouldn’t want to blame others who were obviously innocent.

“ Oh but everyone says its Chanyeol’s fault. Because Chanyeol’s fat…. “ by this time the boy was looking pretty upset while taking a few steps back away from the shorter.

“ Chanyeol, right? “ Baekhyun asks and the other nods

“ Come on. You don’t have to care what others think about you. I like how you are. You’re really cute and fluffy. “ he then hugs Chanyeol, and the other hugs him back while grinning really wide.

“ And one more, don’t let others blame you when its not your fault ok? You gotta learn to defend yourself. You’re a big boy now. That’s what mummy says when I get bullied in school by the bad boys “ Chanyeol just stares at him while nodding, he really took every word to heart. He already likes this smaller boy, who seems to be more intelligent than him, and confident in speaking. He has never seen a boy his age speak so well.

“ Okay, now I gotta go back to mummy. To admit to something that’s really my fault! “ he says while running off towards his home.

“ Wait up, Chanyeol wants to have your name!! “

“ The name’s Baekhyun. Goodbye ball of fluff!! “ they wave at each other and went back to their respective homes.




December 24, 2006

“ Chanyeol, now hurry up and get dressed. Mummy needs help with the last minute Christmas shopping for the ingredients “ Yora says while dragging her lazy bum brother out of the bed

“ Noona, leave me alone to sleep!! “ was the only reply she got

“ Get up get up get up!! We can get your favourite bacon for breakfast tomorrow! “  Yora purposely mentions bacon, and as expected, her 14-year old brother shoots up at the mention of bacon

“ Okay! Now get out and let me change ! Make sure you wait for me alright?! “

When they got to the mall, the two siblings were carefully looking at the shopping list while walking around the supermarket looking for the ingredients their mother needed for tomorrow’s Christmas meal.

“ Noona you just look awhile while I get the bacons! “ Chanyeol shouted while running off, and his sister sighed and shook her head at her overly bacon-obsessed brother.

Chanyeol was slowly looking for the most delicious piece of bacon, and when he spotted it, he went straight for it and to his surprise, another kid comes and snatches it from him.

“ Hey kid. I was here first “ Chanyeol tries to look tough and badass.

“ Doesn’t matter. I took it first. Better luck next time! “

While Chanyeol tries to think of something smart to shoot at him, an elder woman walks to them and calls out to the other kid. “ Let’s go Baekhyun-ah “ and to that the kid gives him a mehrong while Chanyeol stared wide eyed, until his sister walks and drags him.

On the way home, Chanyeol asks his noona if he knows why he likes to eat bacon so so much.

“ Because it tastes good? “ she answers raising her eyebrows, a little surprised with the random question.

“ Well okay, yeah, that’s one of the reason. But beside that, do you know why? “

“ What if I told you I don’t wanna know? “ his sister answered while smirking. Chanyeol ignores his sister and says “ Because it sounds like Baekhyun “ . With that, Chanyeol was smiling to himself all through the ride with his sister questioning his sudden change of mood. Chanyeol was surprised to meet someone with the same name as his first-best-friend-for-a-day . Too bad he didn’t realize, it wasn’t just the name that was the same. It was the same person.



December 24, 2008

“ Mom, i'm leaving! “ Baekhyun shouted while running down the stairs, wearing jeans too tight, and a v-neck that was a little too low, according to his mother’s opinion.

“ Where are you going dressing like that?! And we’re having family dinner tonight. Don’t tell me you’re missing out?! “

“ Aigoo, mom, its just this year! We can celebrate next year! “ and he dashed out the door.

Baekhyun was going to a restaurant to celebrate the Christmas eve and to countdown with his friends which his friends has booked, and most importantly, he was going along even though he was risking his life for skipping Christmas meal with his family for Tiffany. She was the goddess in their school and being the hormonal 16 year old he was, he quickly fell for her too. In love or not, he didn’t know. But a beauty like her would of course not be un-noticed by the wolf packs of the school.

He was riding in the public bus alone to the restaurant when he noticed a tall guy sitting a few seats infront of him. He had to admit, even with just the back view he looked charming. His broad shoulder, his height, and his voice- he was talking on the phone, to his friends who were rushing him to reach quick. Yes, Baekhyun was eve-dropping. After a few stops, he was distracted when an old lady got on the bus. It was peak hour so it was quite pack with people. There were many students around his age but they all pretended that they didn’t notice. Baekhyun felt lazy to get up and his stop was still quite far. He was even more guilty and surprised when the boy he was noticing earlier stood up to offer his seat. The old lady was very thankful and kept thanking him.

At last, when he faced the old lady and flashed his smile, Baekhyun’s heart leapt a beat and those features of his really caught his attention. Not only that, he was really touched by his little small gesture of kindness.

Later when he got to the party, he soon forgot about the nice-stranger he met on the bus and went towards Tiffany, who was drinking with her friends. He himself was also a little tipsy at that point as he smiled and asked if he could join them. They all smiled and nodded and even a few winked at him and he took it as a go-ahead sign. The next thing he remembered doing was asking for Tiffany’s phone number and asking if they could hang out.

“ What? Excuse me? You asked for my number? “ she said in the most insulting tone and laughed with her friends. More like.. her y friends. Baekhyun already fell sick to his stomach watching her suddenly change from angelic aegyeo princess. He was standing up to leave, he felt a grip on his hand and turned to see a guy very much older than him staring down on him.

“ Picking up on my girl? “ the guy asks and Tiffany runs to him and whispers and pouts to him.

“ Who do you think you are? First – you don’t have the money, next you don’t have the looks and look at that height of yours! I could easily push u off with just a finger “ he said while raising his fist, ready to punch on the poor boy. Suddenly, the guy from earlier- from the bus, he was there to stop the punch.

“ What the hell? What is this now?! Let go of me! “ came the menacing tone but his friends were the one who quickly went and stop him and warned him that he shouldn’t mess with this guy. He was a famous fighter from another school.

Baekhyun was getting more drunk later that night and the bus guy came to sit beside him

“ Bus guy? Thanks for saving my poor-ugly looking-short- “ Baekhyun said, trying to summarize his three weakness that the jerk mentioned earlier.

“ Ignore that guy, man. He is blind- to have that ty girl as his girlfriend… and then call you ugly. “ He said and Baekhyun just laughed a little and thanked him being his drunk self. He still remember his nice side from the bus, so obviously he was just trying to make him feel better.

“ Wh…W..Whaaaat’s your name……… bus-s-sss guy? “ before he could wait for the answer, he already fell face down on the table.

“ My name’s Chanyeol “ he says  and he couldn’t resist from staring at the guy. And when he notice his rosy puffy lips still whispering some incoherent words, he couldn’t resist as he went ahead and planted a kiss on it. He smiled to himself. It was as soft as how it looks. Later he tried to find his phone and contacted his family to get him.



December 24 2010

Chanyeol was walking along the snowy streets and he stopped infront of a café. He spotted another lonely man, just like him. Sitting alone sipping on his drink. He was sticking out like a sore thumb as there were couples all sitting at the café, being sweet to their partners, as those with family would be home instead of sitting at a café. He went and sat opposite to him, admiring his profile. He was on his computer, smiling and Chanyeol’s heart leapt a beat. He was not drop dead gorgeous like those hot hunks on magazines that he often saw his sister read, he was not very muscular, and he was not tall like how many girls wished their boyfriends to be. Well, he was not a girl even, to begin with. But somehow, there was something in him that Chanyeol really liked. It was an aura, perhaps, surrounding him.

Soon, he got up to help take orders. Oh, so he is a worker here.

Slowly, as it was getting later, the customers slowly left and Chanyeol took the courage to at least start a normal conversation with him. He was again, back to his computer, at his seat near the window.

“ Hey “

“ Ah… Hello “

“ Mind if I sit? “ Chanyeol asked, trying his best to not sound creepy, he was quite nervous starting a conversation with a stranger. He never does this.

“ Oh, please sit. “ he answers, his eyes turning to the shape of cresents. Chanyeol melted, and he hoped the latter doesn’t notice this.

“ Working on a Christmas eve? “

“ Yup. Haven’t you noticed that already? “ Baekhyun states, a matter of-factly . Chanyeol got a little tensed at his reply, so he tried to be a little friendly, continuing, “ Alone on a Christmas eve? “

“ Yup. Havent you noticed that already? “ Chanyeol repeats. And they both laugh.

“ I don’t even know what’s the big deal about Christmas anyway. Unless you’re a couple, or you have a big family to gather with “ Chanyeol says

“ Totally. I don’t have a partner, and my family is just me. And a brother “ Baekhyun answers, while stirring his cup of coffee. Was it that he was avoiding the topic? Chanyeol thought to himself.

“ I’m sorry “ Chanyeol says, while looking at Baekhyun, giving him an apologetic look.

“ It’s totally fine. It’s been a long time. And im happy with my brother. “

“ Well, although I have a big family, they don’t even care to gather on any celebrations. Its sad. “ Baekhyun just nods and he continues “ Some people just don’t appreciate their families. “

Then, his phone rang and Chanyeol excused himself to answer his phone. He had to leave, as his sister wanted him home, and being the good younger brother he is, he couldn’t reject her. They bid their farewells, and while Chanyeol was on his way home he realized, he didn’t even manage to ask for his name.



December 24 2013

I’m sorry Chanyeol. Things aren’t working out anymore. I hope you will find someone better than me. You deserve better, and im not the right one for you. Thanks for the memories, we can still be friends. Have a nice Christmas.

Chanyeol threw his phone to another side of the room while changing and getting out of his house to a nearby bar.

He replayed the text in his mind again, Kris was a real douche. Dumping him on Christmas and breaking up with him through a text. Their memories flashed before him again, with people praising them- how good their relationship was. But since a certain China guy who became their mutual friend came into their life, everything changed. He really loved Kris damn it. They were happy. He liked the fact that he felt protected with the taller. It was rare to find someone taller than him. He was also handsome, many girls were envy of him.

But since Tao, the Chinese guy came, Kris had been over friendly to him, always asking where he was everytime he wasn’t present, and would be moody when Tao bring a girl along with him. He knew this was coming but it just really hurt that now it really happened.

Have a nice Christmas? You totally ruined it you jerk!

While he was sulking and drinking he heard some yelling going on in a private room, so he looked at the direction of the room and tried to make out what was going on. Suddenly he heard crying and wailing noises, it was a girl’s voice. And the next thing he knew, a girl barged out of the room.

“ You bastard ! Don’t ever come begging back to come back to me! “ she was sobbing and she ran out. Wow . that’s some drama. Chanyeol thought and then he saw a guy walking out the room, clothes and hair all messy and he was panting. He looked like he was attacked by a wild animal.

“ Crazy “ by now everyone was staring at him

“ You okay, man? “ Chanyeol asked, while helping him fix his clothes. Baekhyun was caught off guard by his gesture. He thanked the man and sat down next to him. Breathing in a deep sigh.

“ Other than seeing the true colours of your girlfriend-now ex- on Christmas, im fine. “ Baekhyun answered. He then got the attention of the bartender and ordered a drink.

“ How about you? You look like your girlfriend just dumped you. “ Baekhyun gave a small laugh

“ You’re really good in guessing. “ Chanyeol answered

“ What?! I was right?? I was only kidding. “ Baekhyun now was staring straight at Chanyeol with a very sorry look on his face.

“ Well, half right. Its my boyfriend… “ Chanyeol hesitated whether to tell this stranger his ual preference.

“ Oh I see. You like guys. That’s good. Then you wouldn’t meet crazy es like the one who ran out from before “ Baekhyun says while rolling his eyes.

“ You seem like you can still joke about the scene just now “ Chanyeol says, noticing that the shorter wasn’t even  sad about what had happened.

“ Guess I wasn’t that really into her anyway. “

“ So, what happened in there?? “

“ I don’t even know. Once our friends left, she started acting real weird. She was complaining about how her friends were bragging about the stuff their boyfriends bought for them, and how I never bought her any gifts. She’s mad, really. I was trying to cool myself down by leaving her alone, so I went to the washroom. Then I felt my vibrating. “ Baekhyun paused and laughed. “ that sounds a little weird. Its actually her phone that was signaling text messaged, I took it out and saw the text. She was flirting with so many guys at the same time! So I confronted her. Hence the yelling and cat-fight that you witnessed. “  he sighed when he finished.

“ For me, it’s my 2 year boyfriend dumping me over a new guy we met. On Christmas day. Through text. “ Chanyeol said, and he felt better, now that he was opening up to a friend. Well a stranger he just met who seems nice can be counted as friends…

“ I don’t even know which of us is more unlucky “ Baekhyun says

“ By the way, I'm Chanyeol. And yours? “

“ Baekhyun “

That name sounds familiar, the two thought.  


A/N : THE FLUFF IS THE NEXT CHAPTER HAHAHAHA okbai. its only year 2013 that they really mentioned their names~~ if u didnt realize :P


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going on a semi hiatus until i feel like writing again. sorry :(


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Chapter 1: cant wait... cant wait... cant wait~~~
Chapter 1: Love the first chapter ^^
kilaaa #4
sounds fun.
Cant wait :D
It sounds interesting^^
cant wait for the story update! ><