Snap-back Kiss

I Love Hats
__________ and I had been dating for a few weeks now and honestly it didn't take that long for me to realize I really liked her. I was walking to the hat store to pick her up at the end of her shift so we could go to the park. It was a really rare day for me to have a clear schedule.

I reached the store when she was saying good bye to everyone. She was ending her bow when I surprised her with a back hug. She yelped and turned around.
"Shh!" I put my finger to her lips and she laughed.
"Don't scare me like that Yeol. You're lucky I didn't swing my arm back."
"Why do you think i wrapped my arms around you quickly. The last time you hit me like that I had to tell the members that the bruise on my shoulder was from bumping into a door not from my girlfriend." I smiled every time I said girlfriend. I didn't do it to be greasy, it just came out.
We biked around the park for a while and when our legs were tired out we stopped to eat on a hill. Simple dates like this were our style.

After a while we were just sitting there looking at everyone pass by in the park. "So," I began, "anything you want for your birthday? It's in two weeks. Do not say a hat or a jacket."
"Well if you take those things away there's really only one thing I can think of at the moment."
"A kiss." Her eyes wandered around and looked up at the sky. I quickly put my lips on her cheek. "Ey! Not that kind of kiss."  She whined and pouted. It's the cutest thing in the world when she acts cute because it's so rare.
"Then what kind of kiss do you mean?" I feigned innocence and covered my chest with my hands.
"Stop it!" She smacked my hands down. "You know very well what kind of kiss I want Park Chanyeol."
"The chocolate?" I couldn't stop laughing when she shot me her glare.
"No your lips!" She yelled out and quickly leaned up to kiss me. She got close when BAM! The rims of our hats collided and her face didn't even reach mine.
I couldn't stop laughing at that moment. All I saw was her head go back from the hit and her body just hunch over in embarresment. I tried so hard to call down and tell her it was okay. That her try was so cute and that I like it when she did spontaneous stuff like that. But I really could not stop laughing. She stared at me and got up to walk down the hill. I recuperated enough to grab her hand and pull her down again.
"Don't be mad ____. It's just so cute!"
"It's embaresing not cute!"
"It's both!" I laughed again. "But come on let me give you you're birthday present."
"I don't want it anymore."
"Nope." She turned away from me and calmed my laughing. I smiled at the back of her head and cupped her face with my hands so she could face me. She glared and I smiled more. Reaching up for her hat I turned it so the lid was backwards and placed firmly back on her head. I looked at her for a second before leaning in and kissing her lips. To be honest I knew I would like it; I just didn't think I would like it that much.
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