Real Smooth

I Love Hats
"So how did you start dating?" Jin Hye's female friends questioned.

"I got the job and he kept coming to the store. Funny enough he almost never bought things when he went in there."
"Wow, your story is so sweet!" The girls nodded their heads in agreement when suddenly a snore was heard in the crowd. Some of the boys had fallen asleep during the romantic tale. Jin Hye nudged her brother awake.
"What did she get to the part about their first kiss already?" He asked groggily and rubbed his eyes.

"Oh that's right! Mom you didn't talk about the first kiss!" Jin Hye perked up.
"Why did I open this big mouth." Jin Hwan leaned his forehead on the wall. 

I laughed and pulled him in for a back hug. "There wasn't anything special to the first kiss. There dad was very manly about it and I was very smooth."

"Well you're half right." A deep voice popped up from behind me.
"Dad!" The twins shouted.
"Oh my god, it's really him! My mom is going to freak out." One of the kids said.
"Hello everyone, I'm Jin Hye and Jin Hwan's dad! My name is Park Chanyeol." The awestruck teenagers weren't sure how to react but all bowed respectfully. "You can keep siting and eating; my wife is being a bit bad and lying about our first kiss."
"How am I lying?" I raised both eyebrows menacingly.
He smiled and backed away and hid behind our daughter. "Like I said; you're were half right. I was manly, but you weren't all that smooth."
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