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I Love Hats

"Come in guys!" I heard the voice of my son come through the door along with his twin sister and their group of friends. "Mom? Are you home?"

"In my office!" I yelled down the hall and as I walked to the living room. I was greeted with several teenage faces that looked incredibly nervous to be in the home of Park Chanyeol.  "Hi everyone." I said.
"Hello Mrs. Park!" They said in unison and bowed.
"You guys are cute haha. JinHye and JinHwan show your friends around the house if they'd like and I'll make something for all of you to eat." The twins nodded and their friends started whispering amongst themselves.
When I went to the kitchen I smiled thinking about how happy it made the kids to finally be able to have friends over. Chanyeol wanted a house full of kids having fun but because of his popularity even among the younger generation we were hesitant in letting them come over. It was weird hearing so young laughter, more than anything it was weird to be calling them kids and young. Being married to Chanyeol keeps you in a pretty young mentality.
A sudden wave of "WOW's" snapped me out of my thoughts and I took the cut fruit to the kids that were gawking at the hat collection in the dressing room.
"Jin Hwan, your dad has the coolest hats I've ever seen in my life! Look at all of the designs!"
"Actually, about half of these are our mom's" Jin Hye said proudly.
"Really? So they both like hats?"
"Yup," I answered and surprised them, "It's actually how we met."
"Because of hats?"
"Mmhm, that hat that looks all beat up on the top shelf."
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