One Day Chapter 1

One Day
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Chapter 1:


10 days, 12:14:30 – left.


“I don’t want to! I don’t even know you!” I said, and started scratching the guy who will send me without my permission with my long painted nails in hell or whatever the place he will send me soon.


“YAH! Stop it! Are you out of your sane mind?!”


I did my very best to scratch the guy with eyes closed but when I opened them again the guy wasn’t there anymore. Where is he?


“Well, dead people don’t have sane minds because they don’t have brains anymore.”


“Well I do!” I said and look for the guy to find out he was sitting on a bench across the street.


A light smack on the head hits me and then in an instant the guy is now beside me, that fast. “Yah! Souls don’t have anything aside from the fire like the ones inside of you right now.”


“Fire? FIRE?! Where? I don’t want to be burn alive!” I said in panic and the guy pinned me on the wall, annoyed.


“How many times do I have to tell you that YOU ARE D-E-A-D! Can’t you even understand that?”




“Stop! You’re just wasting my very precious time. Now, let’s get going so that I could find more souls to deliver.”


“D-deliver?” I asked astonished. This guy is really confusing. The first time, he said that they were going to the purgatory. Now, he will deliver me in the purgatory. How am I supposed to get that? That’s two different words, right?


“Yes. I deliver souls to Wookie.”




“Ah…you know him as St. Peter.”


“W-why are you going to deliver me there? That Wookie wouldn’t eat me, right?”


“Ah sincha! You’re such a pain in the neck right now, you know?! Wookie…never eat stubborn souls like you. He will just enlist you on his book of souls.”


“W-what’s the book of souls?”


“Ugh! Stop talking or I’ll zip your mouth!”


“I didn’t know a reaper like you would be pretty impatient, arrogant and ba—“


“I am not a reaper, Agassi. Didn’t I say that earlier? I’m a soul deliverer. D-E-L-I-V-E-R-E-R!  I deliver souls to purgatory for enlisting. Now, stop talking.”


“Even so, you’re an arrogant…”


“Continue and you’ll end up walking in hell.” The guy threatens but I don’t know why I can’t seem to be scared by him. I am just very curious. Curious about him and the words he’s saying.


“Fine. But tell me all about this first.”


“What? This? You being dead? Oh. Do you really want to know that, Miss Yoon Eun Hye?” The guy said, leaning closer to me.


“H-how did you know my name?”


“Yoon Eun Hye. 24. A fashion designer, photographer and a model. An obsessive Compulsive type; wants her things to be arrange according to her own taste and not letting anyone touches her room aside from her. She cleans and tidies up her room, by the way. She’s also a crybaby. She tends to be very sensitive, friendly and shy. She has a fiancé: Lee Donghae, 25; Owner of Finding Nemo, a toy company together with his brother Kim Heechul.”


“H-how d-did you know all that?”


“I got this on the information desk, where else?”


“I don’t believe you…”


“You can ask Bummie if you want—wait I’ve got a call.”


The guy then presses the answer button on his touch screen hand phone and took the call.


“Wookie…what? I’m not going to take her there? No, no, no. You’ve got to be kidding me! Why do we have to go to him?! Geez! I got it. Okay. Okay. Bye.”


The guy ended up the call, pissed off.


“You’re all red.”


“You’re lucky. C’mon, let’s go.”


“Where are we going?”


“To Bummie…”


“Bummie? Is that a place or what?”


“You’ll soon find out. Right now, what I needed you to do is to shut up your mouth and follow me.”


“But…I can’t.”


“Now, you can.”


And with a swish of his hand, I couldn’t speak no more.






It’s a long walk and the cemented floor we were walking awhile ago turned into a grassy and earthly ground before me. The guy then stopped in a long stone stairway and looked up.


I was busy looking around when I suddenly bumped into the guy’s back.


“Ouch…” I said without a sound and rubbed my now red forehead.


“Let’s go.” He said in a serious tone and started climbing up.


All I did was to follow him in the past few hours, so why would I follow him everywhere, anywhere? I don’t know who he is yet.  And so I decided to stop and cross my arms around my chest.


“Aren’t you moving? We’ve got a long way to go, Agassi.” The guy said and looks back at me, 5 steps below.




“Oh sorry. I forgot to unlock the zipper. There. What are you saying, by the way?”


“Why should I follow you? I’m not sure if you’re going to take me to hell or not.”


“Lying is not in my dictionary, Agassi. We don’t lie. You, people are the ones who lie. Not us.” The guy informed.


“But…what if you’re…”


“Tricking you? I am not Satan. If you don’t believe me, then fine. Do what you must do. Go.” The guy said and gestured me to go.


“But…You looked like…one.” I said with a smirk, teasing him. I don’t even know why.


“WHAT?! Do you really want to be double-dead?!” and the guy’s hand really on its way to hit my head once again. But a voice stops him from doing so.


“Stop it Kyu. We don’t meddle in humans, you know that.”




And the supposed-to-be second death of me kicked away by the person riding on a big turtle as we both turned to face the owner of the voice.


“Hyung. What are you doing in here?” The guy asked, confused.


“Wookie called and said to both of you. Let’s go?” The other guy said with a serious face. A very scary, serious face.


“I don’t want to ride with Ddangkkoma. I can walk up there by myself. Thank you.” The guy beside me snorted.


“Suit yourself, then. Now, lady in a cute blue dress, hop in.” The other guy invited without any expression on his face.


“Me?” I asked, pointing to myself.


“Yeah, you. Why? Is there another girl wearing a cute blue dress just like you around? Where is she?” The other guy asked and started looking around for another me in the woods.


“Stop talking Yesung Hyung. She’s her. Now, hop her in violently so we can proceed where this thing heads off.”


“Violently? Wookie will cry if I punish this girl right away.” The guy with a weird aura stated that made my body shiver right down to my spine.


The guy then took my hand and shoves me beside the turtle. Then, his pet bites my dress, lifting me up and letting me sit on the top of its house.


“P-p-punish me?” I asked, scared.


“Yeah. He’s a punisher. He punishes souls who can’t understand the word: death. And as a bonus, he also punishes stubborn souls just like you.” The guy named Kyu said, eyeing me while walking beside the big tortoise.


“I am not stubborn…” I mumbled through my mouth and the weird guy named Yesung suddenly laughs.

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Chapter 7: Please update again, soon...... this story is amazing... curious on what happening next....
257471 #2
Chapter 7: so they are sibling actually...
i'm really curious, please update soon :). Thanks
Chapter 7: finally hyukkie try to forget his hurtfull past and decide to dance again. and hae slowly getting attracted to hyukkie <333

thanks for the update ^^ cant wait for the next
Chapter 6: just found this story n I also watched 49 days... Even u said u'r story based on 49days but u'r story realy amazing make me curious...
Please update... its like monts already u haven't update, u okey right...°//°?
Chapter 6: this story is perfect !! love it as much as I love the drama

thanks for sharing, cant wait for the next....fighting ^^
Gosh, im in love with the story! Update!
pielover #7
Just found this story and its amazing!!! My friend told me about that drama; she was addicted to it. Its on my to-watch list. Im currently watching 'Boys Over Flowers'. Sorry, tmi. So back to your story. It seems like Kyu doesn't know what happened to him and Hyuk wants him to find out. Poor Donghae is a mess so hopefully Hyuk can help him out.