The Summer Job

Broken Bones and a Broken Heart

Author's Note:

The Colored text is Ji Yeon and Ha Eun's conversation.



The end of the school year passed with a blur. None of the members of Kai’s club approached me and I was left alone. The only time I was with someone was during lunch with Ha Eun, but even then, we rarely met because she was away with “club duties.” I really missed her, to be honest, and I was so glad we were able to eat lunch together today.

“Wahh I’m so tired,” Ha Eun whined. I playfully flicked her on her forehead.

“Quit being a baby,” I joked. “Didn’t you realize that stupid club would run you ragged with all these requests they give you?”

Ha Eun puffed out her cheeks and pouted. “It . I mean, I don’t mind all the missions and whatnot, but I miss being with you.”

I pinched her cheek before taking a bite out of my kimbap. “What missions do you have to do anyways?”

Ha Eun reached over to snatch a piece of food and stuff it in . “Uhhm, the exact details are kind of a secret…”

“What? You’re kidding Eunnie. Secret missions? What kind of freak club did you rope me into?”

Ha Eun looked thoughtfully, “Well, you realize that the president herself keeps secrets that we aren’t allowed to know.” Since I was considered a “secret member” I never went to meetings, and I was kept in the dark about everything. She pointed towards the dance studio, where Jongin stood, breathing heavily; trying to catch his breath before he started dancing again. “She’s the only one who knows where Kai lives. The rest of us are forbidden to know so that we can protect his image. No one is allowed to know so that students don’t stalk him or break into his house.”

I raised my eyebrow, “Creeping into his house? Who the hell do they think we are? Sasaengs?”

Ha Eun chuckled sheepishly. “Some of these girls are. I personally think she just wants him all to herself during summer break,” she added with a wink. Ha Eun paused a bit when I gave her a blank stare, but continued on. “I can’t tell you exactly what we do, but I can show you some of the stuff I got. You’re curious aren’t you?” Ha Eun playfully punched my arm. “Come on, JiJi, I know you want to know,” she teased.

I sighed in defeat. “Fine, show me.” Ha Eun squealed with delight and began to rummage through her bag. “Tadahh,” she announced, waving a handful of polaroids in front of my nose.

I gasped and ripped them out of her hand. “You didn’t.”

She grinned mischievously. “I did.”

I flipped through each of the polaroid shots; my eyes growing wider each moment. “Wha- Eun-ah, are these pictures of Jongin?”

I held five pictures of Jongin doing various things throughout the day; two were of him dancing, two were him hanging out with his friends, and one of him in class studying; which was weird considering Ha Eun didn’t have a class with him. Ha Eun nodded enthusiastically. “Yep! Good huh? I had to throw away some of the blurrier ones, but these, I need to turn in to the vice president.”

“Ha Eun this is freaking creepy!” Several students in the courtyard turned around and stared at me because of my sudden outburst. I blushed with embarrassment and lowered my voice. “You don’t even have a class with him!” I hissed. “Is this really what you have to do for a mission?”

Ha Eun pouted again. “Aww JiJi, I thought you would be a bit excited! And to think I would give you a present too!”

I hesitated, and she giggled. Looking through her bag again, she told me, “I took this one picture and thought ‘This is way too perfect to give to the club.’” She gave me the polaroid. I carefully turned it around, and held my breath. Ha Eun really outdid herself on this one. It was a picture of Jongin sitting with his friends; one of them must have said something funny because Ha Eun captured Jongin mid-laugh. His eyes were turned into small crescents and he was smiling brightly.

“Ehh? You like it don’t you?” Ha Eun teased, nudging my rib. I felt my face heat up as I shoved the photo back into her hand.

“You shouldn’t have taken pictures of him. How do you think he would feel if he found out?” I muttered.

“You don’t want this?” Ha Eun gasped. “But I took it especially for you!”

“Well give it to the president then! I’m sure she would love it!” I snapped. I got up abruptly, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. “I’m going to class,” I said coldly, ignoring Ha Eun’s calls. She got up as well and tailed me.

“JiJi, this is the last day of school! I won’t see you all summer and this is how we’re sending each other off?” She grabbed me by my backpack. “JiJi please,” she whined.

I gave her a cold glare before shrugging her off. “I’ll talk to you later,” I muttered, before walking towards my next class.


When school let out, I took the bus home. Normally, I would just walk home, but I was still a little scarred from the night I was initiated. They had driven off into the night, leaving me alone in the dark studio. At first, I contemplated just sleeping in the dance studio until school started, but then I realized I neither had my backpack with all my homework in it, nor my school uniform. It’d be a little retarded to go to school in anything other than my uniform, not to mention how awkward it would be to wake up and find Jongin wondering what the heck I was doing in his dance studio out cold so I lugged it back home. It was still pitch dark outside except for a couple street lights, so it took longer for me to walk home. By the time I climbed up the ladder to my room and plopped face-down onto the bed, I fell dead asleep – for ten minutes before my alarm clock rang. I was still catching up on sleep from that night, so I took the bus to and from school every morning to get in that extra ten minutes of shuteye. Even if I did walk home, I would go alone; I used to meet up with Ha Eun every day at a café between our houses before heading to school together, but now that the club required her services 24/7, I didn’t have anyone to walk with.

Speaking of Ha Eun, my phone buzzed for the thirtieth time since I walked out on her at lunch.

             ”JiJi are you still ignoring me?”

“I’m sorry I upset you. I won’t talk about the missions anymore in front of you.”

“Please answer me!”

I rolled my eyes and texted her back”

           I’m fine. I’m almost home.”

“Oh thank god you replied. I thought you were kidnapped by a serial or something :P”

I didn’t reply back, instead I plugged in my headphones and closed my eyes for the rest of the ride home. Five minutes later, the bus squeaked to a stop by my house, and I hopped off and skipped home. Mini nap or not, it gave me that shot of energy I needed to be excited. I said a quick greeting to my parents before taking the stairs two at a time to my room. When I got there I went in and closed my bedroom door shut, leaning against it for a moment.

“Aahhhh~” I sighed, feeling completely relieved. “I’m done with school!” Throwing my backpack into the furthest corner of my room, I jumped face first onto my bed. “Finally, three months of doing what I love the most,” I thought gleefully.

“Ji Yeon-ah, are you packing? You’re father’s taking you to Busan tonight, so you better be ready!” my mother called to me from downstairs.

“I am!” I called back. “I’ll be ready in a few!” I rolled off my bed and pulled out my duffle bag and suitcase. I rushed into the bathroom to grab my toothbrush and other toiletries before stuffing them into my bag. Just then, my phone chirped with a message from Ha Eun.

          “You’re home right? Are you packing for your job?”

          “Of course! I can’t wait to breathe ocean air and surf xD”

          “Wow someone’s happy again ;)”

          “Well the call of the sea can inspire people and make anyone                   happy~ ^^”

          “Wahh JiJi don’t go! I’m going to miss you D’x”

“Aish quit being a baby! I’ve been doing this for the past three years! Get used to it won’t you?”

“Fine >3< Promise we’ll meet up before school starts and catch up okay?”

“Deal. I’ll see you then!”


I tossed my phone onto my bed before I resumed packing. I had the best job ever. Three years ago, when my family and I traveled down to Busan for vacation, I had stumbled upon the “New World”.

My mom sat on the beach with my baby brother while she watched my father set up a barbecue for dinner. I wandered around the seashore until I stumbled upon a little shop by the beach. Curiosity got the best of me and I walked in, gasping in awe. I felt like I had entered into a whole new world. Delicate shells and corals lined the sky blue walls while pieces of sea glass and driftwood were placed artfully along the counter, giving the store a colorful and lively feel. I gently a chain of seashells when the back door suddenly burst open and a teenager filled the space.

“Oh a customer!” she panted, hands on her knees. She was dressed in a wetsuit, had sand crusted on her feet, and was soaking wet. I pulled out a towel from one of the racks and rushed over to help dry her off. She muttered her thanks before shaking drops of water from her short hair.

“I’m sorry no one was here for assist you. My father and I were giving surfing lessons in the back.” She grinned and stuck her hand. “My name’s Boram. Welcome to the World.”

I smiled back and shook her hand. “Ji Yeon.” I motioned to the shack around us. “I really love this place. It’s pretty.”

Boram giggled. “This dump? I guess it is. I spend so much time here I guess I’m used to thinking it’s a rundown hole.”

“Does anyone else work here?” I asked, noticing some of the dust and sand all over the floor and some of the merchandise.

Boram shook her head. “No, it’s just my dad and me. I wish we had someone else to work here though.” An idea sparked into her head, making her eyes glitter with excitement. “You wouldn’t possibly be interested in working here would you?”


“She would love to, unfortunately, we will be going back to Seoul tomorrow.” I whirled around to see my father standing in the entrance, arms crossed and watching us lazily.

Boram’s smile dimmed. “Oh, I thought you possibly lived here.”
“Who possibly lives here?” Another man appeared from behind Boram. He also wore a wet suit and looked at me curiously.

“Oh, appa. This is Ji Yeon. I asked her if she wanted to work here, but she lives in Seoul,” Boram answered. The disappointment on her face was apparent, and I felt down as well.

“Well how about she stays here with Boram?” her father suggested. My eyes widened and my father startled in the doorway.

“Stay here?” he spluttered.

The excitement came back in Boram’s eyes. “That’s a great idea!” she gasped. “You could stay at my house! It’s right by the shore so it isn’t far from here!” She looked to my father with pleading eyes. “Can she please stay?” she begged.

My father hesitated, until Boram kept adding on; words practically flying out of . “If you’re concerned about Ji Yeon living with my father, you don’t have to worry about him! Appa usually stays in the city where it’s closer to his work. He only comes once in a while to check on me and make sure I have food. We will supply room and board and of course we’ll pay her a salary for working here!” She made puppy eyes; even deadlier than Ha Eun’s. Finally my father conceded.

Boram was so happy she jumped up and down with joy, tears almost in her eyes.

“This will be the best ever!”

When I finished packing, I was surprised to see it was already 6. I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt before pulling my hair into a ponytail. With my suitcase in hand and my duffle bag slung over my shoulder, I ran down the stairs as quickly as I could without tripping and falling flat on my face.

My mother smiled when she saw me barrel down the stairs. “You’re excited aren’t you?” she asked as she set the table for four. I let out a breathy laugh. “Do you even have to ask?”

“Well then help me with our last dinner together before you leave.” I left my bags by the door before returning to the kitchen to scoop rice for the family.

“Appa, Jae-hwa, dinner time!” I yelled from the kitchen. My mother gasped. Taking the rice scooper from me, she whacked my wrist. “Ow!”

“Park Ji Yeon! You do not talk to you father like that!” she scolded. I blushed and smiled sheepishly.

“Sorry eomma.” To soothe her irritation, I took the pot of soup from her and carried it to the table, just in time for my younger brother to fly down the stairs and to the table.

“Noona, are you leaving today?” Jae-hwa asked. I set the pot down and ruffled his hair.

“Yeah, you’ll be a good kid while I’m gone right?”

Jae-Hwa pouted. “I don’t want you to leave! I’m going to miss you!” I laughed.

“Jae-Hwa you’re acting just like Ha Eun! You’re five years old now! Be a big boy!”

My little brother puffed out his chest. “I am a big boy!” he announced as my parents entered the dining room.

“Ji Yeon, I will take you to Busan after dinner, okay?” my father told me. I nodded in agreement before we all sat down for dinner. Dinner was quiet, save for the occasional comments from my parents about the mess my brother was making with his food. But when once dinner was over and it was time for me to go, my sweet little brother turned into a demon.

“NOONA DON’T GO!” my brother wailed. He clung to my leg as I stood in the doorway, tears in his eyes and snot running down his face. My mother was standing in the kitchen, rubbing her temples, trying to coax my brother into letting go.

“Jae-hwa sweetie, come here. You need to go to sleep and your sister needs to leave,” she tried to convince my brother to come to her. Just mentioning me leaving made Jae-hwa sob even more.

“No!” he shrieked. “I want noona to stay here!” he buried his face into my leg, inadvertently getting snot all over me. I cringed, trying not to say anything about the snot. Bending down to his eye level, I smiled softly at him.

“Jae-hwa, do you want me to stay until you go to sleep?”

Jae-hwa’s cries slowly subsided. Sniffling, he nodded. I opened my arms and he jumped into them, wrapping his arms tightly around my neck. I picked him up and murmuring to my mother that I would be right back, I carried Jae-hwa up to his room. I had to persuade him to let go of my neck even after I laid him on his bed. When he finally let go, he asked me to lie down next to him.

I sighed in defeat and climbed into bed with him. “Will you go to sleep now Jae-ie?” He shook his head no, his huge eyes peering at me in the darkness. “What’s wrong?”

“Noona, I’m scared.”

I chuckled softly. “Scared of what?”

“I’m scared you won’t come home.” My smile faded. Gently brushing his hair out of his eyes, I hoisted him up onto his knees. His bed was next to a window, and I pulled the window open, showing the clear starry night.

“Look, Jae-ie,” I murmured softly. “Do you see all the stars?” He nodded. “I want you to pick a star.”

He pondered over the millions of choices before finally pointing to the brightest star. I smiled softly and hugged him. “That’s going to be your star,” I murmured. “You can use it to make wishes.”

Jae-hwa’s eyes brightened in curiosity. “I can make a wish?” When I nodded he went ahead to say his wish. “I wish Ji Yeon noona will have lots of fun and come home safely and bring me a present!”

I laughed and ruffled his hair. “I definitely will Jae-ie. So now that you have your star, as long as it doesn’t disappear, your wish will always come true.”

“Wow,” Jae-hwa awed in wonder. “Noona, where’s your star?”

“Mmm, I don’t have one,” I admitted.

My brother puffed out his cheeks. “Noona you need a star! Promise me you’ll find a star?” He held out his pinky and waited expectantly for me to answer.

I linked my pinky with his. “Promise.”

Ten minutes later, Jae-hwa lay curled on the bed, fast asleep. Kissing his forehead, I rose from the bed, pausing one last time in the doorway before I walked out the door.

“Ready?” my dad asked.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”

My mom hugged me before sending me off with well wishes while my dad loaded my bags into the car. After one final goodbye, I got into the car and we drove off. I put in my headphones and watched as the lights flickered by before falling asleep.

Two hours later, my father gently shook me awake.

“We’re here Ji Yeon,” he whispered. I stretched and rubbed my eyes. It was pitch black outside, except for the porch light outside of Boram’s house. My dad helped me out of the car and handed me my bags before giving me a peck on my forehead. “Be safe,” he murmured, before getting back in the car and driving off. I trudged over the sand and onto the porch. My first year I was here, Boram gave me a key so I could come and go as I pleased. For a moment, I panicked, thinking I forgot the keys to the house, but I relaxed when I felt the seashell in my back pocket and pulled it out, the key dangling off of it. I unlocked the door and stepped into the silent house. The light from the kitchen illuminated the hallway, and I peeked into the living room, where another light glowed softly from a lamp. Boram laid on the couch wrapped in a blanket, head tilted to the side as she slept.

“She must have tried to stay up and wait for me,” I murmured. I set my bags down and walked over to her.

“Borammie. Did you stay up and wait for me?” I asked, gently shaking her shoulder. Boram stirred. She blinked slowly and rubbed her eyes.

“Ji Yeon? Yeah, I guess I did,” she yawned and stretched out like a cat.

I laughed softly and helped her up. “You didn’t need to; I have the keys to the house. C’mon, I’ll help you up.” Rewrapping her in her blanket and stooping down to retrieve my stuff, I guided Boram up the stairs to her bedroom. Before she went to bed, Boram paused and turned around. “You’re going to work tomorrow, right?” Boram asked.

I gently poked her forehead. “Of course. Where else would I be?”

Boram smiled and nodded before giving me a hug. “I’m glad to see you Ji.”
“Glad to see you too.” I hugged her back before she went inside and shut the door. Completely exhausted, I yawned again before heading to my room across from hers. I twisted the doorknob and pushed. Luckily, I was awake enough from stopping myself from slamming into the door. What the hell? I turned the knob again, only to realize it was locked.

“I guess someone else is sleeping in there,” I muttered. “Mr. Lee must have decided to stay here for the night before going back to the city to work.” Not thinking too much about it, I merely shrugged and went to the second guest room. I made sure the door was unlocked this time before trying to walk in. The door opened softly, revealing a cream colored room with a balcony view of the ocean. “So pretty,” I whispered. If I wasn’t so tired, I would have gone out and watched the tide roll, but now, sleep was calling a little bit louder than the waves were. I unpacked my bags before I switched off the light and plopped down onto the bed; letting dreams of riding the waves fill my head.







Tadah~ I originally said I wasn't going to post because of projects, but I couldn't stop thinking about 3BH and ideas kept flowing through my mind! So hopefully you'll enjoy this extremely long chapter.

Feel free to comment or upvote or subscribe if you want! I want to see if I can write well enough to possibly get this story featured hahah xD

I really appreciate your support! Love y'all  xx

- Li Niao <3

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gyoona #1
Chapter 9: Is this Kaiyeon or boramkai fanfic? And frm chapter 2 to until is flashback?
fluxsehun #2
Chapter 7: next chapter pleaseee
wondergirl49 #3
Chapter 7: Kai should defend himself from the girls...but awww Boram and Kai are cute <3
Chapter 7: poor jiyeoniee she didnt mean to make him angry or sad..l hope he will forgive her soon..please update in love with your story..
JiYeon_Lover #5
Chapter 7: What happened with kai? Why he being like that?
But i feel bad for jiyeon too because she didn't know everything.
update soon♡
trashcan412 #6
Chapter 6: Wow, Kai and Boram? Please update soon :)
awesomeangeljenny #7
Chapter 5: It sounds like Kai is coming soon. My feelzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
trashcan412 #8
OMG, I´m in love with your story :D.... good luck with volleyball and please update soon :D
13yellowtulips #9
Chapter 4: I love this update the most! It pretty much explains the reason behind her crush. I'm now curious bout what exactly is kai's personality apart from being a helpful person and a passionate dancer and also bout the missions! Thanks for updating!!!