A Pact

Broken Bones and a Broken Heart

“You’re staring again,” Ha Eun said to me in a singsong voice. I startled out of my trance and looked at her embarrassed. “I was?” I mumbled, turning my gaze to the floor. Ha Eun grinned and pinched my cheek. “Aww de widdle baby is blushing!” she teased. I slapped her hand away. “Stop it!” I laughed and she laughed too. The two of us turned back and looked at what I was staring at earlier. “He is a fine piece of work,” Ha Eun whistled. I nodded, unable to reply because my mouth felt dry.  Ha Eun and I strategically picked this spot in the courtyard to eat lunch in everyday just so that we could watch him practice, but still. It was amazing. Who am I kidding? He is amazing. From where we sat, we got a good view of inside the practice room.  There, we could make out the beads of sweat rolling down his face while he danced across the floor – his chest breathing heavily when he paused to catch his breath. Kim Jongin; the prince of ShinHa High School. I sighed. “You know, you should try talking to him,” Ha Eun goaded. “You can become friends, start dating, get married, have kids, then when we’re all old together I can sit here and say, ‘You’re welcome.’” I shoved her. “Ha Eun, you’re being ridiculous.”

“How am I being ridiculous?” Ha Eun countered. “He’s hot, you’re hot; you’ll make some hot babies!”

“Ha Eun seriously?” I snapped. I stood up abruptly to leave, but Ha Eun grabbed my arm. “I’m sorry, I’m just teasing. Sit back down,” she gave me puppy dog eyes. “Please?” I sighed again and plopped back down in my seat. “Happy?” I mumbled. Her eyes brightened and she nodded. I began to turn my head to watch Jongin again when I noticed a flash out of the corner of my eye. My head zipped back around. Could it be? Is that really? Ohmygod it is…. Three figures peered from behind a row of bushes in front of the dance studio, trying discreetly to snap pictures of Jongin. “Are you serious?” I muttered under my breath. Ha Eun followed my glare and noticed the three girls giggling with glee. “Well, the prince does need a fanclub you know,” she commented drily.

“They’re so weird Eun-ah. Creeping around behind trees, snapping pictures, just sitting there watching him da--,” My voice trailed off. Technically Ha Eun and I were sitting here watching him dance too. I shook that thought away. “They’re weird. That’s all I can say.” I looked over to see my best friend avoid eye contact with me.

“Ha Eun?”

“Well..” she began. “They’re not that bad.”

I snorted. “What the hell are you talking about? It’s practically a daily ritual where we complain about the little freaks!”

Ha Eun turned her head away. “I knew you were going to say that,” she mumbled
I shook my head in confusion. “Eun-ah what’s going on? You’ve never hidden anything from me. Tell me what’s wrong!”

Eun-ah hesitated, “Promise you won’t go all ape on me?”

I in a breath. “Oh god, if you think I’m going to be that pissed it’s got to be something big.”

“Promise me!”

I sighed in defeat. “Fine. What is it?” Ha Eun hesitated for a moment, gaining suspense.  before blurting out, “Ijoinedthefanclub!”

It took me a second for her words to register. When they finally clicked, I stared at her; mouth open, and eyes probably bulging out of my head. She covered and waited for me to start yelling at her, but when nothing slipped out of my mouth after a few seconds, she relaxed. “Huh, I guess I was wrong about you being pissed.”

I closed my mouth and gave her a small smile. “Jung Ha Eun?”
Her eyes brightened. “Yeah JiJi?”

“We’re not friends anymore.”


“WHAT??” she shrieked as she followed me to class. “Yah Park Ji Yeon slow down and let me explain!”

I paid little attention and continued to my math class. I had a quiz to take and I seriously didn’t have time for this. “What’s there to explain? I will not be associated with those freaks!” I exclaimed. Several students who were passing by glanced curiously our way. I glanced at the clock and groaned. “Look Ha Eun, I’m late for class. We’ll discuss this later.” Ha Eun grabbed my wrist, preventing me from leaving. “No we can’t discuss this later!” I looked around uneasily. A few stragglers were hanging around in the hallway, trying to stall and not go to their classes. Either than that, we were alone. Sighing in defeat, I propped my arm on my hip, waiting for Ha Eun to explain herself. She fidgeted nervously under my stare but never looked away. “The leader of the fanclub approached me yesterday. She asked me if I could join the club. I refused at first but then she offered me a one-day trial. She brought me over to the club and I hung out with the other girls. They were really nice Ji! A little weird, but nice nonetheless!”
“No.” My reply came instantly. “There is no way in hell I will be related to those weirdos. I don’t need them to make friends.” I turned to walk away in disgust until Ha Eun grabbed my arm again.

“Ji Yeon stop and listen to me!” she exclaimed desperately. “People don’t have to know you’re part of the club!” I snorted.

“That’s bull, Eunnie. How can you not? You’re either in it or your not.”

“That’s the thing Ji! The leader came to me specifically asking for you. She told me that she wanted you to join. She promised me that no one would know you were part of the group except for the three leaders. Please Ji,” she pouted, giving me the puppy eyes. I looked away, knowing well from past experiences I couldn’t resist her puppy eyes. 

"JiJi," she continued to whine. "Please, I feel like maybe if we join the club we'll get to know him better. It's better than watching from afar isn't it?"

"Stalking him is better than just watching and admiring them?" I snapped, whipping my head back at her.

"It's not stalking I promise. It's like you find out about him and you meet together and talk. It's almost like a book club!" Ha Eun made eye contact with me and made her killer puppy dog face again. I tried to look away but it was too late; I felt me resolve failing. Damn, she's good.

"I'll think about it," I mumbled. Ha Eun brightened and grinned.

"Yay! I'll tell Sora-ssi! We'll have an initiation ceremony for you tonight then!" she squealed as she hugged me tightly.

"Hold on initiation ceremony? What -" I started but she rushed off. 

"I'll see you after class!" she called over her shoulder. 

"Ha Eun! Wai-"
"PARK JI YEON!" I flinched at the sound of my name. I guiltily turned around to see my teacher glaring at me. "If you're done solicitizing outside, you have ten seconds to come in and take your quiz before I tear it up and give you a zero!"

I grimaced and meekly followed her into the classroom. When I sat down at my desk, she placed the quiz in front of me and returned to her desk up front. I stared blankly at the sheet of paper; all the formulas I studied last night suddenly flying out of my head. . she might as well just give me a zero. I placed my head in my hands and groaned inwardly. What have I done?









A/N: I'M ALIVE! I'm sorry I haven't been able to update in AGES :'( I've been so busy with school and volleyball and the EXO page and I just didn't have time to write!

I hope this is a good start to our dear story. Please leave your comments below! I really love reading your comments and thanks for being so patient with me and my ridiculously slow updates!! 


- Li_Niao <3

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gyoona #1
Chapter 9: Is this Kaiyeon or boramkai fanfic? And frm chapter 2 to until is flashback?
fluxsehun #2
Chapter 7: next chapter pleaseee
wondergirl49 #3
Chapter 7: Kai should defend himself from the girls...but awww Boram and Kai are cute <3
Chapter 7: poor jiyeoniee she didnt mean to make him angry or sad..l hope he will forgive her soon..please update soon..im in love with your story..
JiYeon_Lover #5
Chapter 7: What happened with kai? Why he being like that?
But i feel bad for jiyeon too because she didn't know everything.
update soon♡
trashcan412 #6
Chapter 6: Wow, Kai and Boram? Please update soon :)
awesomeangeljenny #7
Chapter 5: It sounds like Kai is coming soon. My feelzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
trashcan412 #8
OMG, I´m in love with your story :D.... good luck with volleyball and please update soon :D
13yellowtulips #9
Chapter 4: I love this update the most! It pretty much explains the reason behind her crush. I'm now curious bout what exactly is kai's personality apart from being a helpful person and a passionate dancer and also bout the missions! Thanks for updating!!!