
Broken Bones and a Broken Heart

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. Groaning, I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock. 3:30 am?? What the hell? I checked the caller ID before snapping, “What.”

“Oops. JiJi did I wake you up?” Ha Eun asked.

“What do you think?” I mumbled.

“Well now that you’re awake, can you get dressed and come down and meet me?”

I blinked. “Downstairs? Excuse me?” Ha Eun suddenly hung up. “Ha Eun? Hello?” I groaned and flopped back on my bed, willing to go back to sleep until I heard a quiet pattering at my window. “Seriously what the hell?” I threw my covers off and stormed over to my window, only to see Ha Eun on my balcony. Opening the windows, her smiling face met my scowling one.

“JiJi I told you to hurry up and change! We have to go!”

“Go where?” I grumbled. I let Ha Eun climb into my room. She began rummaging through my clothes until she found a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt.

“Here,” she said, tossing the clothes to me. I grudgingly put them on, but before I even had my sweater over my head, she pulled me to the window. I barely managed to grab the window sill before I was almost thrown off a two-story house. Ha Eun climbed down the side of my house and beckoned me to follow. I sighed and followed her, but when I reached the ground in below, I was thrown into darkness. “What the—” I tried to scream but someone gagged me.

“Don’t fight it!” Ha Eun urged. I felt a pair of hands grab me and pull me forward where I swore I heard a car start. Someone shoved my head down and threw me into the car, and before the door was slammed shut we took off. The gag was removed from my mouth and I coughed, finally able to breathe. “Ji Yeon are you okay?” I heard Ha Eun ask.

“Jung Ha Eun, I’m going to kill you,” I growled.

The rest of the car ride was silent, until I felt the car stop. The door opened and I was pulled out. I stumbled as someone led me to another location. The door slammed behind me and I looked around frantically, trying to see. Suddenly, the blindfold was taken off and I was blinded by the light. When my eyes adjusted I saw three dark figures standing in front of me, holding candles. I hastily took a step away, but I felt a hand on my back. Ha Eun stood next to me, and giving me a look of comfort, she bravely acknowledged the hooded figures.

“Sora-ssi, I brought JiJi like you asked me,” she called.

The figure in the center removed her hood, revealing a pretty girl with auburn hair. I recognized her as Kang Sora, a girl in the grade above us. “Park Ji Yeon,” she said. “You were summoned here tonight to be initiated into a sisterhood. Here, our word is law, and the promise you will make will be unbreakable.”

I finally noticed my surroundings. “What the hell? We’re at school?”

Sora nodded. “Yes. Do you recognize the room we are in?”

“We’re in the dance room,” I said flatly.

Sora turned to the figure to the right, who held an item shrouded in a black cloth. Picking it up, she pulled the cloth away, revealing a picture of Kim Jongin. “What the ?” I mumbled.

“This is where our prince practices daily. Every day he works hard to become a dancer everyone will acknowledge. However, there are some girls who distract him with their stupid confessions,” she sneered at the last word. “It is our job to protect him and to help him succeed.”
“By what? Beating the out of the other girls or something?” I snorted.

“To pose as a threat to them. We need to make sure that they realize that Kai cannot devote all his attention to one girl. He is loved by all of us, and we are nothing.”
I blinked. “Um Kai?”

Sora looked with distaste. “Kai. It is short for Kaili, a Hawaiian god. To us Kai is from another world, a foreign land, too great for us to comprehend.”

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever you say.”

Sora walked around me, trailing her fingers along my shoulders. I involuntarily shuddered at the contact. Crap this is so creepy.

“I’ve heard about your little infatuation with Kai, Ji Yeon. I would like to tell you how special you are. You don’t realize how lucky you are do you?”
Lucky? I thought. How am I lucky if I get my dragged out at 3 am to be creeped out by girls I freaking go to school with?

“Park Ji Yeon, I need your help,” Sora announced. “Doesn’t hurt to think that one day, a girl will approach our Kai and declare her feelings for him and he would actually say, ‘Yes’? You would be alone, while another girl would have Kai all to herself. I need you, and you need me. Don’t you want to know him better?”

I hesitated. I had liked Jongin for over three years, ever since I first met him.

I was walking through the hallways, looking for my first class when suddenly a group of guys came and knocked me over.

“Watch it loser!” one of them snickered before running off. I glared at them angrily before collecting my books. I reached for my math book as a hand picked it up.

“Hey!” I yelled, looking up angrily to see a boy holding my book. He extended his hand and helped me up. “Thanks,” I grumbled, pushing my glasses up. He smiled softly, and my breath caught. He was so attractive.

“Are you okay?” he asked. I nodded. Cocking his head to the side he looked at me curiously. “You’re lost aren’t you?” I blushed and looked away, completely embarrassed. He let out a chuckle and peeked at my schedule.

“Biology with Professor Yoon? I’ll walk you over there.” He motioned for me to follow and he led me through the hallways to a classroom. “Here you are,” he announced, handing me my textbook.

“Thank you…” I paused, unsure of his name.

He smiled again and extended his hand. “I’m Jongin.”
“Ji Yeon,” I replied, taking his hand. “Thank you for helping me. I feel like I’ve made you late now.”
Jongin pointed down the hallway. “My class is over there. It was no biggie.” The bell rang and Jongin looked up at the clock. “Class is starting.” He turned around and began to jog to his class. “I’ll talk to you some other time! It was nice meeting you Ji Yeon!” he called over his shoulder, waving. I waved back and smiled faintly. “It was nice meeting you too.”


Our paths never crossed after that. When he wasn’t dancing, Jongin spent his time with his friends while I stayed holed up in the library studying.

Should I really join this club? I had always been alone, save for Ha Eun. I was bullied in middle school and I never had any friends. The first boy I had a crush on rejected me in front of the entire school, and I was even more isolated.         

“What do I need to do?” I asked tentatively. Sora grinned.

“Nothing much. First, kneel?”

“Kneel?” I spluttered. I tried to protest but Ha Eun held my shoulder and forced me down on one knee. Sora stood in front of me, holding the picture of Jongin.

“Park Ji Yeon, from this day forward, you are bonded to the ways of this club. You are sworn to protect our god Kai from anyone who tries to prevent him from achieving his dreams. That means you yourself are forbidden from coming into any direct contact with him. If you fail to complete your duties you will be punished. Do you swear to abide by all of the rules set by me, Kang Sora?”

I stayed silent until Ha Eun nudged me. “I do,” I answered uncertainly. Sora held out her hand. “Rise. From now on you are part of this sisterhood.” I took her hand, and all the members clapped in acceptance. Ha Eun gave me a big hug and squealed. “This will be great! We will go on missions all the time and we won’t be alone anymore JiJi!”

“Wait, missions? What missions Eunnie?”

“I’m afraid you won’t be going on missions together Ha Eun,” Sora cut in. “Ji Yeon does not have a mission. When the time comes, I will appoint her mission, but for now, she will do nothing and resume life as it is.” She looked pointedly at me. “You will have active duty at the start of next year. Since summer break is coming, we will meet weekly.”

“Um, I can’t meet over the summer!” I blurted out. Sora and the others stared at me blankly. “I have a summer job in Busan,” I admitted, blushing.

Sora’s eyes narrowed, but she continued to speak. “Very well, we will see you when school resumes.” She glanced over at Ha Eun. “Carry out your mission before school ends.” Ha Eun nodded enthusiastically.

“I will!” she chirped, making a mock salute.

Sora nodded in approval. “Until then. Ha Eun, come with me.” Swirling her cape around, she left; the other two hooded figures following her. Ha Eun gave a quick hug before running after the others, and I was left in the practice room; the light in the room suddenly gone. I could hear the sound of a car engine roaring into the night and I knew then, that I was alone.

          I’ve made a deal with the devil.





Two updates in a weekend! Congratulate me. Haha. This will probably be the last update for a while >.< I'll write as much as I can, but I need to focus on school and volleyball. But have no fear! I shall return muahaaha.

^ Lol I sound weird xD I think the weirdness from Sora and the Kai Club is starting to rub off on me...

Please like my story and leave loads of comments! I really appreciate all of your support!


- Li Niao <3

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gyoona #1
Chapter 9: Is this Kaiyeon or boramkai fanfic? And frm chapter 2 to until is flashback?
fluxsehun #2
Chapter 7: next chapter pleaseee
wondergirl49 #3
Chapter 7: Kai should defend himself from the girls...but awww Boram and Kai are cute <3
Chapter 7: poor jiyeoniee she didnt mean to make him angry or sad..l hope he will forgive her soon..please update in love with your story..
JiYeon_Lover #5
Chapter 7: What happened with kai? Why he being like that?
But i feel bad for jiyeon too because she didn't know everything.
update soon♡
trashcan412 #6
Chapter 6: Wow, Kai and Boram? Please update soon :)
awesomeangeljenny #7
Chapter 5: It sounds like Kai is coming soon. My feelzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
trashcan412 #8
OMG, I´m in love with your story :D.... good luck with volleyball and please update soon :D
13yellowtulips #9
Chapter 4: I love this update the most! It pretty much explains the reason behind her crush. I'm now curious bout what exactly is kai's personality apart from being a helpful person and a passionate dancer and also bout the missions! Thanks for updating!!!