Chapter One

Winter Rose


the first chapter;
                                                       WHERE IS THE FLOWER THAT BLOOMS WITHOUT SHAKING?


She didn't know exactly where she was going, but she trusted him without any question. Gripping tighter onto his hand as he led her through the halls, she tried to block the voices of the other students from entering her ears. But it wasn't as if she didn't know what they were saying. Luhan was like a legend in this school. He had graduated a couple years earlier, but he was still known among the students. She had even heard of him at her old school. Seoul High's genius soccer star with a flare for the arts: Luhan. Not only was he talented, he had come all the way from China to study in Korea when he was a young teenager. Having practically mastered the language in a few years and being able to excel amongst native speakers in a top school, he was well-known around the area.

So it only made sense that they were wondering why he was back on school grounds today.

Not only that, but why was he holding onto the new girl's hand?

"Just ignore them. If they say anything or do anything to you, make sure you tell me right away. Remember their face or get their name. I'll deal with the rest."

"Okay." She answered quietly. Though her voice was no louder than a whisper, the older boy heard her clearly.

"You have my number memorized, right? Make sure you call me as soon as the day ends. I'll pick you up at the front. We can go to that food place you like." He said as he slowed his pace to walk side by side with her. When he saw her nod, he smiled and fixed some of the hair on her head. He let go of her hand, but made sure he was still close enough for her to not feel scared of the new school and its students. He knew how cruel they could be to new people. 

"My friend is in your year. I'm pretty sure he's in your class if I remember his schedule correctly. If there's ever anytime I can't get to you when you need help right away, look for him, okay? He can be stupid sometimes, but he's a good kid. I trust him." Luhan explained as they neared what she guessed would be her classroom.  

Since the school day hadn't officially started yet, and wasn't scheduled to start for another ten minutes, she figured no one would be in the room. It relieved her to think that. Maybe she could gather her thoughts and get her head straight. She needed some time to prepare herself for her new life as a Seoul High student.

As soon as she stepped into the room, she noticed that it was empty. Just when she was finally about to let herself breathe, her eyes landed on two students in the back corner. It was a young female student sitting on a young man's lap as they were engaged in a passionate kiss. Seeing this, she grabbed onto Luhan's arm and tugged on it to let him know they should get out of the room. It surprised her when he didn't make any moves to leave.

Instead, he grabbed onto her arm gently and moved towards the couple in the back.

"Excuse me, I need to talk with Sehun." Luhan said as he stopped in front of the younger's desk and kicked at one of the legs. The girl tore herself away from the young man and shot an annoyed look at whoever had just interrupted them, only to widen her eyes in shock.

"Hy-hyung!" The young man shouted as he pushed the girl off of him. She bowed her head and hurried out of the room, not even bothering to say anything to the man she had just been caught with. The young man, on the other hand, stood up right away and straighened up his uniform.

Kaeun noticed that he looked rather nervous, as if he were afraid of something.

"Hyung, what you just saw, tha--"

"I don't care about that right now, Sehun. It's nothing I haven't seen before." Luhan stated. Kaeun had never her oppa use that tone before.


"No, I'm here right now cause I needed to talk to you. I need you to do something for me."

"Yes?" Sehun answered immediately.

"This is Kaeun; she's going to be a student here starting from today." He said as he gently pulled Kaeun forward so that she was no longer hiding behind him, "You two are in the year and it looks like you're in the same class. I can't be here all the time, so I need you to look after her for me. Can you do that?"

"I got it, hyung. You can count on me." 

"Alright. I have to go to work, but I'll be back at the end of the day. Kaeun, remember to call me." He said as he gave Kaeun a quick hug and patted Sehun on the back.

"Bye, hyung." Sehun said as he bowed to his older friend.

"Oh Sehun." Luhan said, turning back around just as he reached the door.

"Yes?" The younger immediately stood back up straight and looked at Luhan. Kaeun took notice of the look in her oppa's eyes.

"Try anything stupid on her and you're dead. You got it?" He warned as he sent him a stern look.

"I won't. I promise." Sehun answered as he watched his friend turn around and exit the room, closing the door behind him.

As soon as the door shut, he sat back down in his seat and let out the breath he seemed to have been holding since the two had entered the room. Not knowing what to do or say, Kaeun just remained standing with her eyes casted downwards. She noticed that Sehun seemed to be taking deep breaths and remained that way for a while. It was strange for her to hear Luhan use that kind of tone. It was obvious that something bothered both him and Sehun about what they had witnessed.

"Don't just stand there. At least sit down or something." Sehun said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She said in a small voice, quickly sitting down in the closest seat to her.

"Not there, come sit somewhere back here. I promised hyung I'd look after you. I heard what they've been saying about the new girl. It's better if you sit somewhere close to me." He said as he motioned his head to the seats around him.

"Yes, I understand." Kaeun replied as she grabbed her backpack and moved over to sit at the desk next to Sehun's.

"What's your relationship with hyung anyway?" Sehun asked, wondering who exactly this girl was and why Luhan seemed to care about her so much. He hadn't mentioned getting a girlfriend and he didn't know of Luhan having any siblings. Just who was this new girl?

"I'm his--" Just as she was about to answer him, Kaeun was cut off by the school bell and the sound of students entering into the room.

She watched as the came in and took their seats, most of them choosing to sit close to their friends. She was envious of them, but she knew she shouldn't just watch them like that. Instead, she opened her backpack and took out her notebook. Keeping her eyes down, she opened it up to the first page. Suddenly, she noticed two feet stop right in front of her desk. Looking up, she was met by a young woman's face filled with disgust as she scoffed at the sight of the new girl.

"What do you think you're doing there, you idiot? That's my seat." The way she spat out her words made it obvious that it was a warning to get up.

Just as Kaeun made a move to grab her things, it surprised the both of them when Sehun reached over and blocked Kaeun from getting up.

"No, this is Kaeun's seat." Sehun said as he raised an eyebrow at the young woman standing in front of them.

"But, honey--"

"Honey?!" Sehun let out a laugh before looking straight at her, "I don't really know what you're talking about right now, but I am definitely not your honey. But class is going to start soon. It's probably a good idea if you find a seat to sit in. We all know Mr. Kim hates it when his students aren't ready for class when he walks in."

The girl frowned before turning to Kaeun and sending her a scowl. She rolled her eyes and walked over to another row and slammed her books down before sitting.

"Thank you." Kaeun said, thankful for Sehun defending her. 

"Just don't cause any problems and we're good. But let's get one thing straight. I don't owe you anything. I'm only doing this because Luhan hyung asked me to."

She nodded as she returned her gaze back to her notebook. Picking up her pen, she scribbled something in the corner of the page before hearing the teacher enter.

It was her favorite quote from the poem Luhan had painted on her wall at home.

Where is the flower that blooms without shaking?




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StarTravelMallow #1
Chapter 2: I really like this story
Please update soon!
I'm really looking forward to reading the next chapter.
ailisu #2
Chapter 1: omg
and the quote at the end is so pretty *u*~~
Noonanomuyeopo #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^