Run and gun

Dead lambs in the night.

The rustling footsteps could be heard rushing in 3 floors down, the clock struck 11:15PM on the dot as the crashing sounds and breaking glass begin to ascend throughout the entire building.

"HOLY !" Luhan gasps as he holds open the door to the 3rd floor for everyone to make their way in, hands rushing them frantically while counting each member in.

".... that's 12!" He ushers in the last member Kris who was trailing behind and quickly shuts the door tight.

"This isn't a joke man, this is no ing joke man!" Luhan was in a state of panic running beside Kris who had his head locked on the ground, Tao was not too far infront and in the near distance Xiumin can be seen leading the boys towards the stairs that lead to the 4th floor.

"Luhan... calm.. down" Kris heaves and Luhan shoots a glaring stare right at him, his head still locked not moving, unwilling to look Luhan in the eyes.

"What?" He grabs Kris by the arms.

"What do you mean by calm down? How can I calm down?! Look at the situation we're in man!" He stops both himself and Kris while everyone carried on forward.

Kris was silent, he knew exactly well that what Luhan said was true, the situation unfolding right now is no situation you can sit back in and have you take your sweet time conjuring up a logical solution. Time was ticking and the hoards of yelling could be heard closing in, they were coming for us at an extreme speed and no one had the time to come up with anything.

"I'm sorry Luhan," Kris stares into Luhan's pleading eyes, as if asking him for an answer.

"I'm not the best person at this sort of thing, I'm actually really scared but judging by the noises coming from downstairs we don't have much time!" Kris latches onto Luhan and they both fire forward catching up with the other members.

"Remember in basketball yeah Luhan, remember that time we were playing against those big jerks at Hangang Park" Kris tightens his grip on Luhans arm.

"....y-yyeah" Luhan pants as he tries to adjust his running speed.

"Remember everytime we fell behind in points, remember every rebound you caught Luhan! Remember I told you to run it and gun it! Luhan this is what we have to do now! Run and gun!" Luhan looked at Kris, whos face still showed uncertainty and fear yet unable to reassure himself first, he puts his heart into reassuring Luhan.

"The door to the stairs is here!" Xiumin pointed while slowing as the rest of the members gathered around waiting for Xiumin to open the door.

"...wait..." He shook the door knob in a frenzy, it was jammed shut.
"Guys the doors ing locked !" Xiumin glances around hurriedly in hopes of finding something that would help lodge the door open.

While the rest of the members rammed the door with their bodies taking turns in trying to knock it down, time was very much not on their side and the hurried footsteps of the 'masked murderers' could be heard closing in, their voices became alot louder and sharper and no doubt about it they were now trespassing on the 3rd floor with them.

"!" Suho makes a dash towards the fire extinguisher lodged in the wall not too far from them, he lifts it up and waddles back to the door where he proceeds to bash the door handle in a frantic manner. The members stood on standby and watched the door handle being swatted desperately while Luhan was on watch out making sure no signs of the masked murderers were insight.

Their thudding footsteps could be heard in the distance as well as their gruesome tones and taunting one liners they would lay out to try and draw the boys out their rabbit holes; it was enough to have everyone tremble in fear, their stomachs swallowing themselves as shakey hands began to grab onto eachother for the sake of their own comfort.

"The door handles nearly off!" And with one swift hit from the fire extinguisher the handle broke off clean, Chanyeol swiftly kicked at the door once, twice and also a third time with each kick unhinging it from its lock even more.

"Hurry!" Everyone was on edge, the sound of a chainsaw being set off began to seer throughout the 3rd floor, a manic laughter could be heard and everyone was no longer in the right state of mind as pushing and shoving became a problem, they were all so desperate to survive right now with the reality of their situation finally sinking in.

One last kick from Chanyeol the door unhinges from its lock, the boys dash through the doorframe hysterically as Luhan counts them through again; Kris being the last in he looks at Luhan and gave a subtle smile.

"I should be counting them in, not you" Kris whispers as he turns to face Luhan who was making his way through the door frame; with Luhans' back facing the 3rd floor an unkindly sight played out right behind him.

The tramples and thuds of the thugs trailing us was now right behind Luhan, with one of the machete wielders closing in very close as Luhan spins around trying to close the door shut; a piercing scream echoed throughout the building with all the members stopping in their tracks briefly to let the familarity of the voice sink in.

"L-LUHAN!" Xiumin dashed down the stairs without a second thought, he didn't need to stand and ponder that scream just now, that voice he knew oh so well was definitely Luhan's.

Luhan and Xiumin were considered the bff of Exo everything they did, they did together. They knew eachother inside out and no matter what situation they were facing they always had eachothers back.

Xiumin didn't hesitate one bit as he jumps off the 3rd to last stair which lead back to the door they were so desperate to get through only to find a shut door with a machete logdged through it as well as Luhan's body.

The stomach churning scene as the large knife pertrudes from Luhans chest was enough to make the strongest man hurl from the pits of his stomach, blood was oozing profusedly and at a fast pace while on the ground sat Kris who was ultimately dazed and covered with splats of Luhans crimson red blood dripping wildy from his face.

Xiumin proceeds closer to Luhan who was still so desperately trying to hold the door shut with his body, the door shaking violently as bangs and roars could be heard from the other side.

Luhan shooked his head as if telling Xiumin to not come closer; the machete pertruding from his chest was being wrigged about violently as if trying to pull it out from the otherside, he clenches his teeth and holds onto it tight as it cuts into his milky white hands.

"I.. I ain't letting this ing big knife go anywhere..." Both hands on the knife, eyes completely shut tight and body still held strong against the barricading door he starts to opens his eyes to find a heartbroken Xiumin standing there staring right back at him.

"R-run you fool...." Luhan murmurs as he pants sluggishly while beads of sweat would run down his face, his eyes were heavy with tears as he pleads with Xiumin one last time to just run.

Xiumin was stood motionless, wondering what kind of sin hes commited in life for him to be stood here, in the SM stairways watching his bestfriend die; his body began to shake, mouth trembling unable to speak, he walks towards Luhan who's still holding up strong against the door; arms outreached just about to grab onto Luhans bloodied hands when a sudden Kris appears and quickly grasps onto Xiumins arm.

"WE GOTTA GO MAN" Kris winces and struggles to drag a dumbstruck Xiumin up the stairs, they both turn their heads towards Luhan as his face forces itself into that deer like smile all covered in blood, his heavy tears began to stream down his face as he conjures up the last remaining amount of energy he had left into a shakey thumbs up; holding it real high as if to say that everything is going to be okay.

"!" Xiumin wriggles loose out of Kris' grip and dashes down towards Luhan; this time not hesitating at all.

Kris stood bewildered shouting out Xiumins' name but only to be shot down with a tear filled glare and a broken smile.

"Kris.. go, I promised I'd have Luhans back no matter what dire situation we'll face, you have to go Kris, the kids need you more than anything right now"

And in that moment it was safe for Kris to assume that would have probably been the last time he'd ever see Luhan and Xiumin alive; standing from the top flight of stairs he could hear the door caving in and loud shouting filling out the entire stairway.

After a brief moment of resist and the sound of metal cracking skulls; two bodies could be heard hitting the floor.

Kris forwards up the stairs to the 4th floor where everyone waited eagerly for his arrival, but to their dissappointment and horror only Kris came back with blood stained clothes and eyes as dead as the night, his voice was shakey with everyone else stood staring in disbelief; without having the death of his beloved members sink in, he pushes everyone forward down the 4th floor towards the staircase anyway; knowing that this was a god given chance, well a more Luhan and Xiumin given chance as they traded in their lives to buy everyone else extra time.

"Run and ing gun!" Kris roars from the top of his lungs, accelarating at a fast speed to now be at the front leading the rest of the members like the true leader they've all made him into.

He shuts his eyes momentarily to only have the image of Luhans dying smile flash furiously in his head, with everything he has bottled up til now; uneasiness, fear, discomfort, pain and most importantly heartbreak he begins to cry, sobbing frantically as he runs towards the staircase, wiping his eyes with the sleeves of his shirt...

He whispers once more, "run and gun."

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winxers27kpop #1
Chapter 6: Please update soon !!!!!!! Can't bear the suspense .......
Chapter 6: When kyungsoo and yixing are struggling,did the others just watch or did they ran away?
ChooChooPanda #4
Chapter 5: Who was that? o-o omg. That cliffhanger. Literally crying bcos Luhan and Xiumin died already ;_; update soon please~ Fighting ^^
ikonSJ #5
Chapter 4: Update soon!
Chapter 4: i am speechless-*takes everything in* that happened all too fast istg
Chapter 3: screams everywhere, my horror feelings for this are too strong i love this purge/battle royal/saw inspired? and you had me at the last three paragraphs.