First sting

Flight To Paradise
I woke up at the sound of Seojin's voice. She was shaking me and calling my name I leapt out of my dream and I was grateful to her. I opened my eyes and looked at her and smiled, which was more like a grimace because my face was all bloated but I was glad that she woke me up. "Why the heck did I keep on dreaming about this guy? It happened twice in one day. Why the hell was I thinking about that jerk again? Does it really bother me that much that he doesn't like me? Usually I don't worry so much about those things, but for some reason it annoyed me not being on good terms with him." I was lost in my thoughts and didn't hear what Seojin was asking. She got annoyed not receiving any answer and let out, "Yah! Han Jinju, what is wrong with you today? Are you still thinking about Yang Seungho? You lucky... "Yah! Eoni, don't say something you will regret later ok. Yang Seungho is the last thing in my mind right now..." she cut me off "Yeah? Then why were you and drooling?" I scoffed, trying to cover my panic "wh-what are y-you talking about? I did no such things?" "Oh, yeah? What don't you look at your face, Moonshine?" She called me moonshine because my face swells up when I didn't have a restful sleep. That's her name for me when she wants to make fun of me."No need to go there sister. What did I do to you anyway?" "Ah! Chincha!" She sighed, " Forget about it, we're home." "Finally" I sighed, I was glad that she stopped, because I had a raging headache and I really didn't want to hear her going on a rampage again. I was just looking forward for a shower and to sleep the rest of the day off. After a shower, we laid next to each other and Seojin was talking about all the plans that she had for us, all the sites that she wanted us to visit. I smiled, thinking about how crazy she gets when planning something. It’s like she forgot that I was there for only two weeks. Before I drifted off to sleep, I thought to myself that before I leave, I have to find unni a boyfriend. When I woke up the next day, I glanced over at clock on the bedside table, it indicated 11am. I looked for Seojin and found her foraging around in her cabinets like crazy, "Unni, what's going on? Why all this frenzy?" She didn't even look at me and said" Oh! You're up. Come on, get ready, we are going out." "But..." I started, "Sh, Sh, Sh... Pali, Pali, we are behind schedule." I head to the bathroom because I knew that there was no point in arguing with her. By the time I finished to get dressed, she was already in the car and honking her horn. Some neighbors sticker their head out to yell at her, but she ignored them. I got in the car and we set out for lunch. "What were you looking for unni?" "Food" she replied concentrating on her driving "I was so excited about you coming and getting the apartment ready that I forgot to buy groceries." I was smiling at first, but I burst out laughing. "Unni, I love you" she looked at me surprised at first then also busted into laughter. We were still laughing when her phone rang. She signaled to me to answer it "Yobouseyo?" "Ah! Han Jinju-ssi. How are you?” a male voice said in English, "I am fine thanks, how about you?" "Great, now that I've heard your voice." I laughed, "You are such a charmer Yang Seungho-ssi." the car jolted on the side of the road. When I mentioned his name, Seojin lost control of the car and we both let out a scream. "Are you okay?" Seungho asked on the phone. ''Yes, we are fine thank you. Unni lost control of the car for a second." "Where are you going?" "We're going to eat lunch." "Oh! I am inviting you then." "Well, you would have to ask unni about that" "Can I talk to her then?" "I am not so sure about that, but I'll put her on" Seojin looked at me with a questioning look, I whispered to her that he wanted to talk to her. I held the phone over her hear so she can keep both hands on the wheel I could only hear her answers " Ne, ne. Kamsahapnida Yang seungsengnim." I looked at her surprised of how calmed she was, and she looked at me with a smile radiating on her face. That's when I understood everything. She wasn't just crazy for the brothers all together, she was crazy for him; Yang CEO. That's when a bell ding in my mind, I just had the best idea ever. I breathed out relieved and laid back in my sit, my matchmaking antenna high. Seojin was a er for “flower” boys and I was a er for love. That's why we made the craziest pair ever. We arrived at luxurious restaurant pertaining to a luxurious hotel, with her salary, Seojin would have never been able to afford this kind of luxury. When we arrived, I felt a little out of place. We weren't really dressed for a place like this. The door attendant looked at us with a surprised look then figuring that we were foreigners, he let us in with a courteous smile. But it wasn't the same for the receptionist. When we walked up to her, she inspected us from head to toes with an obvious disapproving look on her face. She didn't even give us the chance to say anything when she started "I am sorry but don't have any sits available." She said in perfect English." Ok, it was obvious that I was a foreigner, but nonetheless I was still half Korean, there was no way that she would know that for sure, but Seojin was obviously full Korean, and after all we are in Korea. I glanced over at Seojin and she was about to explode. I grabbed her arm to get her attention when I caught the site of Seungho coming toward us, I on pulled Seojin's arm and walked towards him. The receptionist leapt out after us trying to stop us "I told you people that we don't have anything available. I will call security if you do not stop." I stopped in my track to face her, my manager instincts kicking in, "People?" I started "Sure, we are people as you call us. You didn't even asked us what we were here for then lied right in our faces when there's obviously plenty of empty tables here. Now you are calling us "people". What are you, an animal? You know what? Call security, call your manager, call the police, call the army and call the owner of you have to..." I was cut off by a voice behind me, it was Seungho's "What's going on here?" The receptionist looked relieved but it wasn't for long. She looked totally lost and confused when he added, "Why are you giving my guests a hard time?" She looked at him with wide eyes and started to stutter " I-I am s-sorry b-boss, I- I didn't know they were here for you sir." "Why are you saying sorry to me? If this is how you receive potential clients then I don't think you should work here." She leapt forward, putting both hands under her naval and started bowing saying sorry to us, then turned towards Seungho who dismissed her with a wave. He then asked us to follow him to his table. As we got closer to a private area, I noticed that there was someone else waiting at the table, I couldn't see the person's face because it was hidden by one of the decorating trees. But I could see a hand with two flashy rings. "Are you kidding me? I said to myself, "What the heck is he doing here?" I stopped in my track and was about to turn around when Seungho grabbed my arm "It's ok", he said "He’s here to make peace." As we approached the table, Byunghee stood up to receive us and Seungho proceed to make the presentations between Seojin and him. Seojin stood in complete awe in front of him, so I pinched on the side so she doesn't embarrassed me like she did with Seungho. Anyone but this guy. He shook her hand and gave her the brightest smile and raising his head, he just nodded towards me. All smile gone. I don't know why, but that bothered me again. Why in the world was he so mean to me? He started the fight and he was wrong, he knew that. I have never been depreciated like that. He pulled Seojin's chair out for her and as she was sitting down pushed back in like a gentleman. They sat next to each other and I was next to Seungho but I was facing Byunghee. It annoyed me the way they were having fun together, just like I did with Seungho on the plane. He was laughing and talking to her but ignored me completely, I felt a little pinch in my heart. How can he be so gentleman-like to her and an with me? I was not the jealous type, but I was definitely jealous of my best friend. =========================================== It took so long to update, but I am not really satisfied with this chapter . I hope it’s not too boring. Let me know what you think pleeeaaase!!! 
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Here we go... chapt 27


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KaRain #1
Update please. Dying to know what happened next. Dont leave us please
YAH i read this story fpr times i ccheck it almost everyday and still no updates that's very mean (puppy eyes) im dying to know byunghee's reaction and please would you like to make him talk often :D PLEAAAASE
i'll just honestly speak I both liked and hated this fanfiction
it's very good and i can see the author's effort , i only hated it because it gave me a real feeling which somehow hurt my my heart badly
anyway I love it and i'm waiting for the next chap
KaRain #4
Chapter 27: Thanks for the update. Please update soon, the story is getting so exciting. I want to know what happens next.
Chapter 27: Welcome back! \^o^/
She is fired?!!! Can he go to hell already?!
Ugh, poor bb ;;;;;; I need Byunghee to come to her rescue! *sobs*
annabomba #6
Chapter 26: Sorry guys, I have been crazy busy with school. I will try to post a new chapter, but I don't promise that it will be soon. Thanks for reading!
KaRain #7
Chapter 26: Update please...
KaRain #8
Chapter 25: Oh yeah... the long wait is over, But what is the status of this relationship? update soon please
Chapter 25: YES! Finally!! oooohhhh I can't wait to see how things are gonna turn out~ :D
KaRain #10
Chapter 22: update sooner. thanks