Be My Romeo


A/n: Have fun ;) Hope nothings confusing!


As days passed, worry began to nibble away at their nerves. It had been a while now since both of them had submitted their letters to the ‘Secretaries of Romeo and Juliet’

Would they even get their replies?

What were they to do?


They would fret over it then laugh at each other over the phone about it, all the while holding back so many things that were simply growing more and more. The two began to feel just how important the other was for them and what loosing each other could mean. It became harder to pretend everything was okay.

Their Flirtationship was obviously sinking.


Well that was till one fine morning the letters arrived.

Donghae had two more days off and it was back to work, so he had asked Hyukjae to kindly not wake him up at 7am. That troll still tried to do it but Donghae had, to be on the safe side, turned off vibration as well.

Wakening up on his own he yawned, lazily running a hand through his hair as he blinked around and sat up. The ding of the doorbell had him dragging himself to the door.

An unfamiliar man stood in front of him as he opened the door, Donghae’s brows furrowed “May I help you?” his voice was extremely hoarse, clearing his throat he watched as the man slightly bowed “I am from the Secretaries of Romeo and Juliet”- donghae’s eyes instantly widened, -“ I am here to deliver their letter to you, have a good day sir and always believe believe and it shall happen.”

Donghae watched as the tall man shot him a charming grin handed him a pink envelope, bowed and walked away.


Meanwhile over at Hyukjae’s place Hyukjae was staring wordlessly at the envelope in his hand

“Oh just open it already!” Kyuhyun, done with waiting, made a grab for it. Hyukjae ducked and ran to his room, quickly locking it and ignoring Kyuhyun’s please to let him in.


Donghae stepped into his living room, sunk into the couch and tore open the envelope; he had waited way too long for this. In one hand he clutched his phone tight, Hyukjae’s name on the screen, while the other hand somewhat shakily slid out a smooth, white folded paper.


“This is it” Hyukjae muttered to himself as he began to unfold the neatly folded paper, phone right by his side.


Donghae took a deep breath and in a flash spread out the paper, eyes anxious as they darted to focus on what was written on top of the page.


Hyukjae held his breathe as he stared, unblinking.


“Dear Lee Hyukjae,” Donghae’s letter had Hyukjae name on it, he read it over again, yes it was still Hyukjae’s name, why was it addressed “Dear Lee Hyukjae”?! it felt as if…



Hyukjae narrowed his eyes in disbelief as he read his letter’s top most words “Dear Lee Donghae”


The letters had gotten mixed up…


The two held onto each other’s letters, shocked out of their skin.


 “Hyukjae hyung~, you’re still breathing in there right?” Kyuhyun had been leaning against Hyujae’s door, a knowing grin on his face and he must have sounded happy because the door was flung open and Hyukjae threw himself at kyuhyun, shoving the letter into Kyuhyun’s face “This! Kyu this! They mixed up the letters, I have Donghae’s letter it means he could have mine! ! Wait! You had something to do with this?!”

Kyuhyun held strongly onto Hyukjae’s shoulders and pressed him back, peering strongly into Hyukjae’s eyes “ Did you try reading it, hyung?” The look on his face answered Hyukjae’s question “Well me and Jungsu hyung.”

“I-no…and Jungsu hyung?”

Kyuhyun groaned and pulled him into the room, pushing hyukjae to sit “Now do us both a favor, no do us both and Donghae a favor, read the bloody thing.”


“No buts, read.”

And so he read.


That’s exactly what Donghae was doing in the meanwhile, wide eyes, darting from one end to another, soaking in all the words, his jaw dropping open inch by inch, heart beat going erratic as he reached a certain paragraph, so he read it and re-read it over and over again, aloud.

“Allow yourself to fall in with your best friend. I do not say that lightly. Really, truly find the strongest, happiest friendship in the person you fall in love with. Someone who speaks highly of you. Someone you can laugh with. The kind of laughs that make your belly ache, and your nose snort. The embarrassing, earnest, healing kind of laughs. Wit is important. Life is too short not to love someone who lets you be a fool with them. This Donghae you speak of, indeed sounds like someone who listens to you and tries understanding you for who you are, he makes the laughter rise from the core of your heart, he calls you a favorite, he envies you, let me tell you Dear Hyukjae, do not let him go, you just may have found someone with whom your heart will be safe.”


Donghae felt the world spin, He felt as if he would burst with joy. Bringing the paper to his face he kissed it lightly, high on the emotions his heart was pumping. He jumped when his phone rang, having not expecting for Jungsu to be calling him he scowled “Hyung?”

“Did you get your letter?”

“Ye-wait! I don’t remember telling you about-“

Jungsu’s laugh made him pause, “Hyung you know something I don’t, right?”

“Oh hae~ If you have Hyukjae’s letter, where do you think your letter is.”

“…Oh my God.”

“Yes, so instead of wasting anymore of or time, I think it’s high time you head over to him. You screw it up this time, or if he does, I’m going to pound you two into the ground.”


Meanwhile Hyukjae was stumbling over a certain part of the letter

Make sure they are somebody who lets you cry, too. Despair will come. Find someone that you want to be there with you through those times. Most importantly, who makes passion, love, and madness combine and course through you. A love that will never dilute - even when the waters get deep, and dark. You speak of Hyukjae in such a manner that it is hard for one to deny just how much he means to you. You may not know it yourself, you may not know it several years later even. We human beings are complicated beings, one thing maybe obvious to the world but not us, for we do not see it that way, we wait, we hesitate, we think we are rushing it, all we need to do, is just go for it…”


Hyukjae was breathing heavily as he cast a look over the edge of the letter at Kyuhyun, who had a perfect Cheshire cat smile on his face.

“K-kyu, this..”

“Yeah, what? Were you expecting Donghae-hyung to write about someone else?”

Hyukjae honestly looked like he needed a moment to register what had just happened, that knowing smirk on Kyuhyun’s face was a tell-tale sign he had known all along, but right now, Hyukjae needed Donghae.

Grabbing his phone he dialed Donghae’s number, greeted by the busy-tone for a while and then it had been . Frowning in worry and impatience he paced the room, reading the letter over and over again.


Meanwhile Donghae cursed as his phone’s battery finished and the phone blinked off, while he sped over the highway, racing to Hyukjae.


Some few hours later Donghae skid his car through the Lee’s house’s gate and quickly parked it onto the porch, not exactly surprised to see Kyuhyun waiting for him

“Ah finally!, this feels like that part of a romantic drama where the hero rushes to his love interest, full of passion and the determination to say everything!”

“Kyu, you’re enjoying this way too much” Donghae called out, his face indeed, full of determination, as he jogged over “And stop watching too many dramas, I swear -“


Donghae abruptly shut his mouth and turned a bit. There he stood, hair apparently made up in a haste, black jacket half buttoned.

And that precious smiling face.


Feeling himself blush, Donghae could not help but smile, sighing his name with releif and happiness as he begna to slowly walk to him, steps short and quick “Hyukjae…”

Hyukjae clutched onto the letter, the letter which was actually meant for Donghae, with both hands and walked over, nervous yet determined he smiled once he reached Donghae, they met half-way, breathless. Kyuhyun muttered about being called inside and slipped away. They didn’t exactly notice though, too busy gazing at each other with so many emotions over-lapping, for a moment they didn’t know how to react.

“You truly are a fool” Donghae commented, eyes drifting from Hyukjae’s face down to the letter.

“And you’re in love with a fool.” Hyukjae retorted smoothly, and moved the letter to donghae “Wanna see what they said about me?”

“I don’t think I need to” Donghae murmured as he leaned closer, gently taking hold of Hyukjae’s hands in his. Those hands slid up to finally pull Hyukjae into a hug, who chuckled, relief flooding through him as he wrapped his arms around Donghae tightly. Donghae didn’t even try squirm out of that hug instead he pressed he mushed their bodies together, feathering lips all over Hyukjae's neck.

“Hyuk, why didn’t you say anything?”

Hyukjae trembled at the sensation of Donghae's lips on his skin “Because I had been stupid, used our “Flirtationship” to keep you close enough, yet all it did was create problems…all this while you liked me, since when?”

Donghae pulled back a bit, feeling his face heat up “Can’t point out a time or place but, you sure grew on me, I would have said something but then you said you liked someone and-“

“-And you entirely avoided saying it.”

Donghae nodded and bit his lip, looking up once Hyukjae tugged at his sleeve “Come on, I’m curious about the letters



 They decided to sit down under a large oak tree farther away in Hyukjae’s garden, mostly hiding from Kyuhyun who had decided it to be fun if he recorded I all for ‘memory sake’. Exchanging letters with knowing smiles Hyukjae and Donghae sat side by side, this time reading the letters meant for them, they gushed and bumped each other’s shoulders, gasps of ‘ohs’ and ‘aws’ escaping them till they were finally done. Giggling like giddy grade-schoolers, Donghae tackled Hyukjae down in a hug. Smiling widely, croocked teeth showing and all Donghae propped himself up on one elbow and noticed that same previously known as ‘weird look’ on Hyukjae’s  face. Even though it made him slightly self-conscious donghae could read that look now.

The tenderness in the eyes, the swiveling emotions, it was as if Hyukjae’s eyes changed shades of brown, those warm eyes radiating emotions straight to Donghae. Donghae felt a bit more breathless all of a sudden.

Hyukjae shifted closer and Donghae’s body responded by pressing itself against his. Donghae had always appreciated the strong  built Hyukjae seemed to have and now he could feel those toned muscles as his fingers brushed against Hyukjae’s abdomen in anticipation. Their breaths had slowed down, hushed, their eyes lost into each other’s. Hyukjae’s hand was suddenly gently pushing against Donghae’s collar bones, caressing over them through the shirt and feeling the vast expanse. Donghae allowed his back to pressed onto the ground.

To Hyukjae, Donghae was perhaps carved by angles, the always-expressive eyes, the thin lips spreading into the most gorgeous smile ever, the broad shoulders. Donghae had given Hyukjae another chance, listening and understanding, Donghae had come into Hyukjae’s life as a savior.

“Hae, I-“

He gasped slightly, startled, when Donghae placed a finger softly on his slips, the finger then traced them till it roamed over Hyukjae’s jawline, Hyukjae’s hand responded on its own, fingers spreading out to cup donghae’s face.

Donghae’s eyes hovered over those moving plump lips , it was as if they held a strong magnetic force to them. Those expressive eyes under the tousled locks of brown hair mesmerized him, when did they inch close, neither of them could tell. The feeling their lips gently brushing against each other resulted in ecstasy exploding through their bodies like warm honey coursing through their system. Legs tangling and arms embracing they lost themselves. The gentle tentative touch soon turned into a yearning, hungry kiss, they clutched onto each other, Hyukjae mouth felt so warm against Donghae, plus the sensation of heat pilling up all around them left him dazed but happy.

Happy that they finally had to stop pretending. To stop joking about, tip-toeing around each other perhaps always hinting but never really saying and he realized just how blind they had been, just how blind he had been. Donghae at first had despised Hyukjae. Hyukjae was conceited and indifferent to emotions. Donghae smiled into the hungry kiss, responding enthusiastically as he thought of just what Hyukjae had become for him now.

How Hyukjae had ‘changed’ for him, in Donghae’s eyes Hyukjae’s image had been re-born as he was allowed by Hyukjae to see his several other colors. Those colors Donghae held so close to him, those colors that had Donghae falling in love.

As if being able to hear Donghae’s thoughts,  Hyukjae inched his lips away, only to be chased by Donghae’s searching ones. Hyukjae parted his lips yet again only to whisper over his lips “I love you.”

“I can tell” was the breathless response, Donghae’s eyes were dark and glassy, half lidded and absolutely dazed. They panted, sunk into each other’s arms, Hyukjae pressed his forehead against donghae’s and smiled “I love you” Donghae whispered “very much” he sighed happily. Nuzzling his nose against Donghae’s, Hyukjae grinned “I’m also sorry, for both of us, I started the whole complication of ‘flirtationship’ while all we were doing was holding back from saying it all..”

Donghae gazed at him tenderly “Since I was falling for a fool, I became a greater fool” he paused as Hyukjae let out a light laugh and peked the tip of his nose “Truth is all the while I was just scared, taking what little joy I was getting out of how things were, but of course it didn’t last long.”

“I’m just happy we ended up getting each other, rather than breaking away, or worse, just pretending.”

Donghae nodded at Hyukjae words “we were just playing, dodging, a flirt here and there and then backing-off, scared, lest we said anymore which could give it all away.”

The flash of light and the sound of the shutter had them tearing their eyes from each other to glance in a certain direction.

“Oh you want a show, eh?”  suddenly feeling a surge of confidence Donghae smirked at Kyuhyun who stood with a camera, wicked grin in place.

“Then let’s give him a show, hyuk.” Donghae didn’t give Hyukjae a chance, Hyukjae’s eye widened in realization once Doonghae rolled them over, pressing Hyukjae back onto the ground and sealing his lips in a hungry kiss.

The scandalized laughter and hoots he heard simply made him smile.

They were making memories, hour by hour and day by day, all the way, making memories.



A/N: It's over! ;; ok no it's not, I have ONE more chap planned, planned, so yeah going to work on it! and hope things were not confusing? I'll clear it up just in case, the letter that was supposed to go to Hyukjae ended up going to Donghae, and Donghae's went to Hyukjae's, kay? How? Kyu and Jungsu had  something to do with it ;D hope the switching of scene back and forth from Donghae to Hyukjae worked well for you all!



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1455 streak #1
Chapter 12: cuteeeest!!!! 🥰
159 streak #2
Chapter 12: I just discovered this now! It's really fun reading it. I may have had an inkling that kyu was behind the letters. But it could be better if we are given a little more details. Anyway, I really enjoyed it! Thank you!
Chapter 12: Re reading hehe
It’s my nth time reading this and I still fall in love with the story, the characters and the sweetness of eunhae as if I’m reading it for the very first time 💗
Chapter 12: just finished reading. This is a wholesome cute story. I hope i can write a letter like that toom
Chapter 12: What an interesting honeymoon it must've been~
Chapter 7: Oh ues ues~ flirtationship omg!!!! But why can i actually see hyukjae actually coining that term if it ever came up in a variety show?? O.O
Chapter 4: Smile every one :)
LeeLenaMx #10
Chapter 12: Loved this! Fluff and sweetness all around! So happy I found this story!
Thanks for sharing!