Chapter 5

Our Story

{ TaeNy }


TaeTae~ what do you wanna do ? “


Anything you want fany-ah~ “


Let's go ride more ! “


Hmm let's eat first ! “


They went to a nearby stall and bought food found a bench and sat there and ate their food . They were feeding each other sweetly


Tae say ah~~ “


euehehehe ahhh~ “


Tae earlier... I saw something there -points somewhere- “


mm ? What's that ? “


A stall where you play games and receive prize “


Ohh then lets go~ “


They went to the stall


Whats the prize you want ? “


That couple totoro plushie “


Ahh the gray and pink plush doll ? “


He shot them down and got the couple totoro plush doll for Tiffany


Yay thank you TaeTae~ -kisses- “


euhehehe im happy if you are fany-ah -smiles happily- “


Then tiffany saw another stall with unicorn dolls and asked Taeyeon to get it for her


Tae I want that Unicorn ! “


Okay okay fany-ah “


He shot them but failed at first he saw tiffany frown and decided to try again and got it . He saw Tiffany smile happily he was satisfied and happy because he could make her happy by just doing little things for her .


wait here tiffany I wanna get the minion plush -merong- “


okay TaeTae~ “


she watched him play to get the minion plush . She was amazed to see that he has a talent in these kind of games and decided to ask him .


How come you're so good at these games tae ? “


I played this a lot “ He answered while looking at his minion plush happily


Did you come here with a girl before ? “ she asked curiously


Yeah I still do “


She then walked away quickly because she was mad . Taeyeon realized that she was jealous and ran towards her and caught up


Wait Fany-ah! “


She walked even faster


Fany-ah -grabs her wrist softly- listen to me “


No! Let go! “


Fany-ah I came here with Hayeon my little sister . “


Ohh...sorry I kinda- “


It's okay -pokes cheek- It's okay to be jealous Tiffany baby~ “


pfft I wasn't “ she denied


Aigoo so cute~ my fanybaby~ “


He leaned in and kissed her ignoring the stares from people .


Lets go Fany~ “


They went and bought ice cream . Vanilla for Taeyeon and Strawberry for Tiffany because it has to be pink for her


Lets eat this while waiting for them “


mmm~ “


They were eating and Taeyeon saw Tiffany's mouth was dirty with ice cream .


Fany-ah “


mmm ? “


He then leans in and the ice cream off her face . Tiffany was blushing like a tomato .


Ah where is those two ? “ she said as she was shy


He stared at her and smiled . 

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I will be either updating on the Saturday or the sundays ! and next week due to exams I mights update slow


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author update soon :)
i only read the foreword & i already loving it.
84 streak #2
Chapter 23: Author pleaseee update
tazkia16 #3
Chapter 23: Wheree areee u??.-.
jungsistable #4
Chapter 1: hey...i'm new reader Here...,wow..youre story is good.. yulsic jjang..
Author will update soon! Please be patient with me. it has been stressful with school activities. :)
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Chapter 23: Em mayba the guy who Jess saw talking to janhae did it... Maybe he has Tiff.
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Chapter 22: A little drama pls but not that heavy just a little... Hehehe
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Chapter 21: Its tae's ex
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Chapter 20: Drama is coming soon...