Day by Day {2/3}

We all gotta love those cheesy moments~ [{One-shots}]


~~Day 1~~

Today is when my plan slowly starts. The plan is pretty simple. Just say sweet things, compliment her, smile, and wink once in a while. Sure it’s not a lot but if I can make a fan fall for me with just one look than Cece will just be head over heels for me after this.

“Cece!” I called out and waved to her. Her face lit up as she waved and walked towards me.

“Hey Seunghyun!~” Cece greeted me with a nice smile.”So you wanted to meet up at a park?”

“Yeah, I come here when I need to relax.” I said with a sigh as I looked around.

“Me too. Oh let’s seat over there!” She pointed. I turned to the direction she pointed and saw that it was a large tree. Hm, perfect.

“Alright.” We both sat down under the tree and started a conversation.

“So what have you been up to lately?” I asked leaning back on the tree trunk.

“Eh, not much.” She sighed with a small shrug.”Right now I’m working at a little boutique. It’s not much but it pays well.” She smiled.”And what have you been up to?”

“Well, I joined a band. Do you know “Big Bang”?” I asked her, mentally grinning. Of course she did. Everyone does. I bet that she’s even a fan.

“Yeah! I heard about them!” Cece exclaimed. I smirked. “But I don’t really listen to them much.” My smirk vanished as soon as it appeared. You have got to be kidding me.


“Yup. I have to study really hard if I want to pass this semester. I’m still in college you know?” She said with another smile.”But wow…you must be all famous Seunghyun…”

“Yeah, I guess.” I mumbled as I rubbed the back of my neck. Quick TOP, think of something. This plan is failing! “B-But I never really forgot about you…” Her eyes widened slightly in surprise.


“Yeah…I would think about you constantly.” I stammered nervously trying to continue with this act. Was she buying this? Her cheeks turned light pink as she turned her stared at anything other than me. Yep, she did.

“T-Thanks...” She mumbled softly. I smirked at her and chuckled a bit. Day one was a success.~


~~Day 8~~


After a week of texting and calling her nonstop I’m beginning to think that we’re back to being best friends like when we were in high school. That’s nice and all but I can’t forget that this is a bet. I don’t need to be friends with her, I need her to fall for me. So that’s why today we’re at the zoo.

“Hm, I wonder where we should go now…” Cece mumbled as she stared at the zoo map in her hands.

“Why don’t we go see the pandas?” I suggested. She smiled and eagerly nodded her head.

“Yeah!~” Okay, I’ve got it all planned. We go see some animals and she’ll probably comment on how cute one of them is. I’ll respond with saying that she’s cute too. Then after we’ll go to the gift shop and buy matching shirts and maybe a stuffed animal for her so hopefully some random person will mention how we’re a cute couple and she’ll blush. Yup, perfect plan.

“Okay this will be the last animal we’re seeing because my feet are killing me!” She exclaimed. I laughed and nodded my head.

“I could carry you if you want.”  I said with my most dazzling smile. She blushed a bit and shook her head.

“Nah, it’s okay. I wouldn’t want to torture you by carrying my fat .” Cece joked as she turned her gaze back to the map. Darn…so close.

“Oh okay…”

“Oh look! There they are!~” She said running over to them.  I chuckled as I followed behind her and looked at the pandas which we all sleeping peacefully.


“Aw…They’re all so cute.~” She cooed dreamily as she stared at them with a smile. And there’s my cue.

“Yeah, like you.” I mentioned to her with a half smile. I heard her scoff rather loudly and then chuckle.

“Yeah right.” She rolled her eyes as she continued to stare at the pandas.”No one can be cuter than a panda.”  Except maybe you, I added in my mind. Wait…did I just say that? Sure I didn’t say it out loud…but it was still unexpected.

“Alright let’s go. I’m getting kind of tired.” Cece said while yawning.”Let’s go Seunghyun.”

“Oh w-wait a minute. Wouldn’t you like to go to the gift shop?” I asked her suddenly. Cece titled her head a bit to the side as if she was in deep thought.

“Hm…okay. Let’s go.~” Once we entered the gift shop she began to smile. A very…cute smile. Ughh get those thoughts out of your head TOP! She’s just a girl! Don’t forget the plan!

“Well we’re here…now let’s go!”  She said as she was about to walk out. I grabbed her arm and pulled her to my side.

“Don’t you at least want to look around?”

“Seunghyun, why do I get the feeling that you want me to buy you something?” Cecilia asked me with a raised eyebrow and her arms crossed over her chest. My eyes opened wide.

“W-Why would I want you to buy me something?!”

“Oh I don’t know.~ You must be out of cash from all the clubbing and partying with super models.” She mused as she her chin. I felt my cheeks burn from blushing. I was about to tell her wrong until she started to laugh.”Oh I’m just kidding Seunghyun!~ Don’t look at me like you’re so innocent!”

“I-I…” I stuttered as she kept laughing. This was not going as planned. When she stopped laughing she smiled and walked away from me…leaving me pretty dumbfounded.”C-Cece! Where are you going?”

“Oh calm down! I was just looking at these!” Cece gestured to a pair of matching necklaces. I examined the necklaces closely. One necklace had a monkey and said “Best” while the other had a panda and read “Friends”. A smile slowly formed on my lips.

“You want one, don’t you?”

“Well, they’re nice…” She mumbled under her breath as she carefully touched it. I took one of them and stepped behind her.”Uh…Seunghyun?”

“Just pull your hair back.” I whispered in her ear. I could feel that this made her shiver slightly but she shyly nodded. I smirked as I gently put the necklace on her and turned her body around to face me.

“It looks really pretty on you.”

“Yeah yeah, but it’s not going to make sense if you don’t wear yours!”  Cece replied back as she suddenly wrapped her arms around my neck. My eyes widened and a blush spread on my cheeks.

“C-Cecilia what are y-you-“ I heard a small “click” and with that Cece withdrew her hands with a grin.

“There! It looks cute.~” She said still grinning. My fingers went to my neck and I felt the necklace already there. I smiled down at her and chuckled a bit. Hm, Seungri was right. This girl isn’t easy. Maybe a should take it up a notch?


~~Day 15~~

We haven’t been in contact for a while since Cecilia has been studying for an important exam.  This really put a delay to my plan. But Cece agreed to meet up and eat ice-cream for a while.

“Wow…” Cece stared in awe at all of the flavors of ice-cream.”Okay, I’ll have strawberry and a bit of vanilla.~” The man behind the counter nodded and gave her a cone of both strawberry and vanilla.

“I’ll have the same. But in a cup.” I said to him and he gave me another cup as I gave him the money for it. We sat down at a table near the window and started to eat. Cece eagerly it which made her lips curl up into a sweet smile.

“This is soooo good!~” She exclaimed. I chuckled as I dug my spoon into the ice-cream and brought it up to my mouth.

“You really like ice-cream huh?”

“Mhm.~” She nodded quickly as she continued to eat. Now what should I ask her now? Should I ask her about her exam?  No…I think she would rather not talk about it. Okay I got it. I’ll just try to be casual about it though. I cleared my throat and mixed my ice-cream with my spoon.

“So Cece I was wondering…” I started to say and she immediately stopped . So much for being casual.

“Yeah?” She stared at me. I rubbed the back of my neck and looked away from her.

“Have you ever…liked someone after high school?” I asked staring out the window. She just continued to stare at me in silence.”Cece?” I finally looked at her and saw the problem. Her whole face was flushed as she stared down at the floor.

“Uh…n-not really…” She stuttered anxiously. I raised my eyebrow at her. It sure seemed like it. I wonder if it’s me. A smirk appeared on my lips but suddenly went away. But what if it was somebody else? Oh no, that will ruin the whole plan! I turned to Cece again and saw something pink running down her hands.

“Cece, you’re ice-cream is melting.”


“Your ice-cream.” I repeated pointing at her cone.”It’s melting.”  She gasped and shook her hand as to try to get rid of it.

“Ughh, great just great.” Cece muttered under her breath irritated.”Is there any napkins?” I looked over at the counter and saw nothing.


“Ughh…” She groaned as she looked at her hand in disgust. An idea suddenly came to mind. It was a bit risky…but I’ve seen it work on several occasions on TV. It’s worth a shot.

“Here, let me clean it.” I sighed taking a hold of her wrist. She smiled at me gratefully.

“It’s okay. Besides there’s no napkins. How are you goin-“ Cece suddenly stopped talking when she noticed what I was doing. I slowly slid my tongue over each of her fingers with looking at her. WOW, this is really embarrassing. Not like I’m not enjoying this but…if I was her I would have slapped the guy that was doing this to me right now and cursed him out big time. But she was just sitting there staring at my every move in silence.

“Hm, I think that should do it.” I mumbled slowly releasing her wrist and finally gazing up at her. Wow, I’ve never seen someone’s face look so flushed! Cece seemed like a statue…she was just there staring at me wide eyed.

“Oh you got a little something here too.” I mentioned as I carefully reached out and touched her cheek. I leaned in with a grin on my face which made her back away slightly.”…There.” I rubbed the dirty spot on her cheek with my thumb.


“Gee, Cece you’re such a mess today.” I sighed mixing my ice-cream with my spoon even more. Cecelia cleared and rubbed her lips quickly. Heh…how cute. I wonder if she knew that I wasn’t referring to the ice-cream on her face.  

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hmm, I'm going to check this story out ^^
Eeep! I go into fangirl overdrive mode every time I read your "In love with the heartbreaker" one shot. It makes me feel all warm inside. hehe.
big bang isn't update yet? fighting~
Ahhhhhh!~ *runs around in circles* memories!!~ you're making giggle like an idiot -.-" thank you xDD love the story <3 it the best!~ :33 i love youuu bestiest buddy! :)