We Belong Together

We all gotta love those cheesy moments~ [{One-shots}]

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh…” I kept muttering as I paced around my house. I promised both my parents that I would have dinner ready and the house looking spotless. Sadly, I haven’t done either one of those things. The house was all dirty and nothing was prepared. I’m going to be in so much trouble!

“Quick, think Sarah think…” I said to myself.”Who can I call that would help me no matter what?” I thought for a few seconds until one person came to mind. A smile slowly made its way onto my face. I dug into my pockets and pulled out my phone. I quickly dialed his number and placed the phone next to my ear. I hope he picks up…

“Hello?” A tired male voice answered. My face lit up at the sound of it.

“KEY! Thank god you answered!”

“What is it this time Sarah?” Key asked bluntly. Normally, I would have commented on that. But I really don’t have time!

“I need you to help me clean the whole house and prepare and awesome dinner or else my parents will ground me and I’ll never get to do anything for a year!” I exclaimed all in one breathe. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself. That’s what stress does to you.


“Aw come on Key! Plea-“



“No means no Sarah.” Key said trying to stay calm.”I just came back from a fan meeting and I’m exhausted.”

“And that’s why you would be the best friend in the whole universe if you did this for me!” I pleaded.


“Please Key?~” I asked using my begging voice. And trust me I only used that in case of emergencies. And this sure was an emergency!!! I heard him sigh over the phone.

“Fine. But you owe me!”

“Oh thank you so much Key!~”  I squealed.

“Yeah yeah whatever. I’ll be there in twenty minutes . But meanwhile will you stop squealing? It’s hurting my ears.”


~~20 minutes later~~

“Coming!” I dashed  to the door and opened it to reveal Key. And he was right. He was beginning to have bags under his eyes and his usual fabulous hair was slightly messed up. He wore a grey hoodie with black skinny jeans and black converse. The guy sure looked tired.

“Thanks for coming.” I told him with a grateful smile. He rolled his eyes and walked in.

“Alright, what do-“ He stopped right where he was as soon as he noticed the house. There was random stuff and clothes on the floor and garbage on the table. Key’s eyes widened.

“What the hell Sarah?! What did you do in this house?!” He exclaimed.  I guess his tiredness went away…I rubbed the back of my neck and sighed.

“Look I really don’t have time to explain. So…” I grabbed a few cleaning appliances and handed it to him.”Here’s a broom and air freshener. I’ll get the mop and-“

“Oh no no no.” Key stopped me by placing a hand over my mouth.”Listen. If I’m going to clean this house then it’s going to be my way. Got it?” I sheepishly nodded my head.

He removed his hand and grabbed the mop from my hands and said “Good.” Key then walked away to my mother’s cleaning closet. I couldn’t help but smirk a bit. Of course Key would be like this. He wasn’t the type of person to let people tell him what to do. I knew he wouldn’t just clean my house, but clean it in style.


~~A few minutes later~~


The song “Hurricane Venus” by BoA echoed through the whole house as Key happily pushed the broom around the room while singing along. I just followed behind him with a huge garbage bag in hand picking up the garbage he didn’t sweep up because he was too busy singing.

“Electronic manic supersonic bionic energy.~” He sang swaying side to side with the broom still in hand. I giggled softly at him. Key turned his head to give me a skeptical look.


“It’s nice to see you like this.” I said adding a small giggle.”You seem so relaxed.” Key shrugged and continued to broom.

“Really? Because I don’t feel relaxed. Just tired.” He stated casting me small glare in my direction. I flashed him a small smile and then nervously chuckled.

“So um, when do we start mopping?” I asked, trying to change the subject. It usually didn’t work…

“We mopped like eight minutes ago Sarah.” You see? I looked down at the floor embarrassed.


~~A few minutes later~~

“Key hurry up!” I exclaimed as I impatiently tapped my knuckles on the kitchen counter.

“Just a minute!~” Key chimed. Since when did he get all happy? Oh Key and your mood swings… Suddenly the song “Cooking? Cooking!” by Super Junior H came on.

“Key? Did you just…” I stared at what was in front of me. There stood Key…wearing a light pink apron.

“Did I change the music? Yeah I did. My IPod’s over there.” He said pointing to it.

“…Is that my mom’s apron?”

“Yup. And it fits me perfectly!~” Key said posing several times. I just sighed and shook my head.


“Now let’s start cooking!~”

~~Later on~~

“Alright we have butter, hot water, and…” Key mumbled as he stared at the pot on the stove.”Ah! We need cheese! Sarah go get some.”

“Of course Chef.” I said grabbing some cheese from the fridge and handing it to him.”Here you go!~”

“Thank you.~ Now-“ He stopped talking and stared at the cheese.”…Sarah?”


“This is the wrong one!” He exclaimed angrily. I flinched.

“Well sorry! Don’t get your apron in a bunch!” I said lifting my hands up defensively. Key let out an irritated sigh and shook his head.

“Just get me the Parmesan cheese.”  He said rubbing his temples.

“Geez, you should have been more specific.” I rolled my eyes and gave him the “right” cheese this time. Gosh, his mood swings just come and go…

“I swear Sarah…”  Key sighed again as he stirred what was inside the pot.”You are the worst housewife ever.”

“But that’s why I have you!~” I cooed patting his shoulder.”And that’s why we will always be together!” I noticed Key’s cheeks turn a rosy red as he muttered something under his breath.

“Huh? What was that?” I asked.

“ I said that you’re lucky to have me.” He grumbled in a low tone as he sprinkled some cheese into the pot. I smiled up at him happily. Yeah I knew he was right. I’m lucky to have a friend like him.~


~~After dinner~~

“Alright, the house is spotless, dinner is ready, and my parents aren’t even home yet!” I exclaimed excitingly.”Kim Kibum you are amazing!” Key smirked at me and nodded.

“Yeah I know.” He said before letting out a long yawn.”I better be heading home though.”

“Okay. Thanks for coming to help me Key!~” I chimed opening the door for him.

“Anytime Sarah.” Key said flashing me a sleepy smile. And that’s when I remembered something. He would always say that every time I asked him for any kind of favor. That’s how I knew that I could always count on him to be there for me….Oh but wait a minute!

“Oh my gosh wait Key!” I squealed.


“The apron!” I quickly ripped the apron off him.”My mom would have freaked if it was missing!” I sighed.”…Alright, now you may leave.” Key laughed and waved goodbye as he walked out the door.

Key POV.

When she closed the door on me I couldn’t help but let out a sigh. Something she said to me earlier kept replaying in my head.

 “But that’s why I have you!~”She  cooed patting my shoulder.”And that’s why we will always be together!” I felt my face heat up as I muttered something under my breath.

“Huh? What was that?”

“I said that you’re lucky to have me.”


I chuckled softly to myself. Oh Sarah…You know I’ll always help you right? That I’ll always be there for you? But you only see me as a friend. What a shame…Ha, if only you heard what I said.


“But that’s why I have you!~ And that’s why we will always be together!” She said.


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hmm, I'm going to check this story out ^^
Eeep! I go into fangirl overdrive mode every time I read your "In love with the heartbreaker" one shot. It makes me feel all warm inside. hehe.
big bang isn't update yet? fighting~
Ahhhhhh!~ *runs around in circles* memories!!~ you're making giggle like an idiot -.-" thank you xDD love the story <3 it the best!~ :33 i love youuu bestiest buddy! :)