Day by Day {1/3}

We all gotta love those cheesy moments~ [{One-shots}]


“Aw come on TOP! It’ll be fun.” GD insisted. I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest.

“I don’t see how that’s any fun.”

“Look its simple.” Seungri started to explain again as he took a sip of his frapuccino.”All you have to do is get a girl to fall in love with you. Piece of cake!~” I rolled my eyes and glared at them. It’s not that I didn’t have enough confidence to get girl. I can make someone fall in love with me in a blink of an eye. It’s just that I didn’t find it entertaining to get some poor random girl to fall in love with me for a silly bet.

“For the last time, I’m not going to do it.” I said sternly. The members all awed and soon started whispering something to each other. I raised an eyebrow at them. GD cleared his throat and looked at me with a grin.

“Alright. So we get that you won’t do it...” He said grabbing his coffee.

“That’s right.”

“…Unless we give you something in return.” GD grinned. I gave them a weird look.


“We’ll all give you something that belongs to us.” Seungri said looking through all the members. Taeyang nodded in agreement as Daseung laughed.

“Really? Are you guys that desperate?” I asked with a dull expression on my face. All four of them nodded eagerly.

“As long as you finally get a girl, we don’t care.~” Daesung chimed happily.

“Hm…” I said my chin.”So basically you’re bribing me?”

“Oh no no no. Bribe is such an ugly word.” GD said with a small frown.”I prefer “rewarding” better.” I leaned closer to him with my arms still crossed.

“Bribing.” I repeated in his face.

“Whatever.” GD said waving me off as he brought his drink to his lips.

“And if that doesn’t tempt you then we do have something else.” Seungri snickered as he pulled out his cell phone and showed me the screen. My eyes widened in shock as I examined it.

“W-Where did you get t-that picture?!”

“Oh I have my ways.~” He said with a mischievous smirk as he looked at his phone.”So what do you say TOP? Just get a girl and this little photo won’t be posted all over the Internet.~”

“Wait, so now you’re black mailing me?!”  I exclaimed.

“Again with the ugly words.” GD sighed as he shook his head.”It’s more like…a “punishment”. If you do it you get a reward, and if you don’t you get a punishment!~”

“Ugh, this feels like school all over again.” I grumbled closing my eyes as I rubbed my temples in slow circles. These guys sure knew how to give someone a headache…

“So?” They all leaned closer to me in anticipation. I thought about it for a minute then let out a sigh.

“Alright fine.” I said which made them all smile.”One question though. What happens to the girl after?”

“Hm? Oh nothing. Just dump her, I guess.” Seungri said with a shrug as he took another sip of his drink. “Oh and make sure you get her to fall for you in a month.”

“A month?! Can’t I have more time?”

“What’s the matter? Don’t think you got what it takes to make her fall for you in a month?” GD sneered. I growled at him.

“Fine. A month.” No even better, I’ll make her fall for me in less than a month. Whatever gets these guys to stop annoying me.

“Now let’s see! Who’s going to be the victim?~” GD grinned as he rubbed his hands together enthusiastically.”Hm…nope. Not that one. Nu-uh. Too skinny. Not enough -“

“Why can’t I just pick the girl?!” I exclaimed glaring at him, a slight blush in my cheeks.  He shook his head and smiled.

“Nope! You’ll pick an easy one.”

“I won’t.” I rolled my eyes.

“Alright fine Cupid. You go pick one.” Seungri said with a smirk. I sighed and began to look through the café. Hm…oh she’s kind of cute. A boy sat down next to her and kissed her cheek…Alright not that one. My eyes continued to wander but no one really caught my attention. Come on! I’m not looking for an actual relationship! Just someone decent! The door of the café opened and in walked in a girl with brown wavy hair and bright hazel eyes wearing a simple gray hoodie, jeans, and black converse. Is it just me…or is she familiar.

“Ah~ Is she it?” Seungri’s voice asked which pulled me out of my thoughts.

“Hm…I’m not sure.” I mumbled as I stared at her making her way to the front counter.

“Well you keep staring at her.”

“Isn’t that your friend TOP?” Taeyang asked looking between me and her.

“I don’t know.”

“Yeah it is! What was her name again?” Daesung asked himself while snapping his fingers.”Carol, Charlotte, Celia, Cece-WAIT! I remember! It’s Cecilia!~” Her name caught my attention. It was like a light bulb suddenly went off in my head. Of course! How could I forget her? We were friends in high school weren’t we? But after a while we drifted apart…

“Alright!~ We got ourselves a target!~” GD sang clapping his hands.”Now go get your prey tiger!~”

“B-But Cecilia was my friend. I can’t do that to her.” I stuttered nervously still staring at her.

“That’s why she’s perfect! Old high school companions now reunited after many years and have sparked a new love between each other!” Daesung said in a dramatic deep voice as he placed his arm around my shoulder.”And what better way than over some coffee?~  What are the odds that she happened to just stroll into Starbucks?”

“Daesung stop talking you’re giving me a headache.”

“But he is right you know.” Seungri pointed out and turned to look at Cecelia.”And Cece sure isn’t an easy girl.” He said with a smirk.

“Then it’s official! Cece will be your victim-I mean girlfriend.” GD said with a devious smile.”Now go get her tiger!~” They all shoved me out of my seat and near the counter.

“I don’t know about this guys I-“

“Just go!” GD hissed and shooed me away from our table. I sighed and walked towards the counter. Now what should I say first? I just shook my head and sighed as I placed myself behind her. I guess I’ll just get more coffee and then I’ll ask her for the time or something like that.

“Thank you.~” She said to the guy behind the counter as she grabbed her drink and turned around. In doing this she bumped into me making some of her coffee spill on my jacket and her stumble backwards. I quickly took hold of her shoulders to avoid her from falling.

“Whoa! Sorry! I didn’t see you there!” Cece apologized.

“I-It’s okay. I should have been more careful.” I said. I took this time to examine her face more closely. Wow, she really has changed. She was a pretty average girl in high school. But now she looked… attractive.

“Oh my…” Her hands went to my chest. A small blush crept onto my cheeks.”Your jacket! Aw it’s going to leave a stain…” She frowned. I chuckled. Really? She cares more about a stain? She could have fallen!

“Oh that? Don’t worry about it.” I said smoothly with a charismatic smile.

“Well okay. Anyway thanks for…” Cecilia looked up at me and her eyes widened.”Wait…Seunghyun? Choi Seunghyun? From high school?”

“Yeah, it’s me.” I chuckled again.”Nice to see you again Cecilia.”

“Aw it’s been so long!” She smiled happily.”And you know you can call me Cece right?”

“Sorry, I forgot. It’s just that it’s been so long.” I said with a small shrug. She laughed and grew silent. Cece noticed the position we were still in and immediately cleared and blushed.”Oh sorry.” I said quickly letting go of her shoulders.

“It’s okay…” She said with a shy smile.”Um, I’m kind of in a hurry. I just came to get my morning coffee. But we should meet up sometime and catch up!”

“Sure. Give me your hand.”

“My hand?” I quickly took her hand, pulled a pen out of my pocket, and started to scribble my number on her.

“We can meet up tomorrow since I’m not doing anything, okay?” I said glancing up at her as I wrote. I noticed her cheeks were still a light pink as she nodded her head. I mentally smirked. This is actually going to work.

“So…I’ll see you tomorrow?” She asked.

“Yeah. Call me later for the details.” I mentioned with a wink.”Bye Cece.” Her face was suddenly more flustered and embarrassed than before.

“Um, b-bye Seunghyun.” Cecila stuttered as she walked away from me.  I smiled victoriously to myself. Seungri was right. This was going to be a piece of cake.~ 


Hello ^^ This is actually a three-shot. So yeah there's going to be- *holds up three fingers*- three parts!~ BUT I'm not finished with the last part yet so...I'll be working on it ^^"

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hmm, I'm going to check this story out ^^
Eeep! I go into fangirl overdrive mode every time I read your "In love with the heartbreaker" one shot. It makes me feel all warm inside. hehe.
big bang isn't update yet? fighting~
Ahhhhhh!~ *runs around in circles* memories!!~ you're making giggle like an idiot -.-" thank you xDD love the story <3 it the best!~ :33 i love youuu bestiest buddy! :)