All My Loving

We all gotta love those cheesy moments~ [{One-shots}]

I waited anxiously thinking deeply about all my feelings. They’re sure were a lot of them. I don’t know what to do…I feel so scared and helpless. I don’t know what would happen if he got hurt. What am I going to do if I can’t tell him how I actually feel? The suspense and waiting was killing me.

“Okay, you can come in now.” The nurse gave me a sympathetic smile as she motioned for me to get in. I slightly smiled at her and walked into the room, surprised at what I see. There laying on the hospital bed with a cast on his right leg, bandages around his ribs and head, was the guy I’ve been stressing out about for the past oh I don’t know…four days!

“…Jonghyun?” I whispered as I tip toed next to him. He groaned as his eyes fluttered open.  A small smile grew on his pale pink lips.

“Hey Lizzy.~” His voice came out raspy but still sounded beautiful.

“How you feeling?” He chuckled making his chest shake slightly. He slowly stopped and let out a sigh.

“The doctor said I can’t get out until Tuesday.”

“Aw…have you talked to the others yet?” I asked. I know they’ll be worried.

“Yeah…They tell me not to get worked up.” He said shrugging.”So why are you here?” He grinned.

“Why do you think I’m here?!” I exclaim putting my hands on my hips. He let out a soft laugh that I love and smiled brightly at me.

“Probably visiting your boyfriend.” He snickered. I bit my lower lip as I felt myself blush. Yeah…I wish …

“Haha very funny Jong.” I grumbled and plopped myself onto the chair next to his bed. He stared at me thoughtfully.

“Hey…You know I was just playing with you Lizzy. I didn’t mean it…” He whispered. I sighed and looked down at the ground. Why am I being so defensive about this? I knew he was kidding…

“…Hey come over here.” His voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I raised my head to give him a confused look.


“Come over here and sit down next to me.” He explained. I raised my eyebrow at him.

“Um…why?” He fake pouted making him even cuter.

“Because I said so. Now come over here next to Bling Bling.~  I’m lonely.” He whined and gave me his all famous puppy eyes. I giggled and carefully sat on his bed as he scooted a bit to make me more comfortable. I sighed and placed my head on his shoulder.


“…SO…” He mumbled awkwardly.  I let out a yawn and rested my head on his chest. He tensed up but immediately calmed down and placed his arm slowly around my shoulder.

“…You’re going to die of boredom here.” I simply stated to him. He chuckled making his chest (and my poor head) shake.

“Not if you come visit me.” He whispered into my hair. I felt my cheeks burn.

“Yeah I guess I can…” I shrugged indifferently. But what I really wanted to say was “Of course I’m going to come visit you! I love you~” And cue the kissy part. He laughed again.

“Why wouldn’t you come? You wouldn’t want to leave me all alone and bored here would you?” He asked hugging me tightly. I could feel my face heating up. I’m probably so red that my face is literally a tomato.

“No of course not.~” I giggled. He smirked at me.

“Good because I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t see your beautiful face.” He whispered in my ear.

“W-what?”  I stuttered. He gave me a cheeky grin.

“Hug me Lizzy.~”  I laughed at his cuteness and hugged him like he asked. He winced in pain and pulled away.”Ok…hugs hurt.” He grumbled patting my back. “So let’s try something else.”

“Alright what’s on your mind?” I ask smiling a bit. A devilish smile formed on his lips.

“A kiss.” He said simply…like if that didn’t make my heart stop. Did he know that?

“W-What did you say?” I asked sitting up. His grin grew wider.

“A kiss. What’s so wrong about that?” He whispered playfully into my ear and rested his head on my shoulder like I had done a few minutes ago. I blushed.”Are you blushing Lizzy?” I quickly covered my entire face as much as I could.

“Uh…No.” I said shutting my eyes…as if that helped. He laughed at me and pulled my hands away from my blushing face.

“No don’t hide!~ “ He chimed.”Come on. Kiss me~” He whined like a child.”It’ll make me happy.” He said hoping that would do the trick. I rubbed my hands together and sighed.


“Because you’re a pretty girl…and I’m an awesome guy.” He grinned. I rolled my eyes at him.”Pretty girls and awesome guys should be together.” He said with a soft laugh.”So…If you kiss me…you’ll finally be my girlfriend.”

“Finally?” I asked smiling.

“Stop talking and just kiss me already!” He exclaimed impatiently. He pressed his soft lips to mine, kissing me softly. I was a little shocked but kissed him back, like I’ve wanted to do for a long time. He smiled into the kiss and pulled away happily.


“Happy Jong?” I said with a hint of laughter. He shook his head and kissed my cheek gently.

“One more kiss would make Bling Bling happy.” He smirked.

“Okay now you’re just taking advantage of me!” He laughed again and pulled me into a warm hug.

“I can treat my girlfriend however I want.” He whispered. I smiled happily into his chest. 



Hello!~  I made this LONNNGGGGGGG time ago (like in November of last year xD) for my best friend RawrImaPanda!~ :D

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hmm, I'm going to check this story out ^^
Eeep! I go into fangirl overdrive mode every time I read your "In love with the heartbreaker" one shot. It makes me feel all warm inside. hehe.
big bang isn't update yet? fighting~
Ahhhhhh!~ *runs around in circles* memories!!~ you're making giggle like an idiot -.-" thank you xDD love the story <3 it the best!~ :33 i love youuu bestiest buddy! :)