Until You - Dinner

Until You




Jessica's POV





''He's our new neighbor?''




''Seriously, somebody just kill me now. Please'' (O_O')




''Aarff!!.. Aarff!!... Grrrrrr... Aarf!!'' The angry dog this morning who woke me up barked at

me. The dog was peeking its head on the gate while barking on me. 'You stupid dog, you are

annoying just like your master!'




''Ehem... ehem.... RAAWWRRRR!!!!!!!!!'' I roared like a lion, then the dog cried and sit. 'Tsch!

I said it already, stupid dog. Know my wrath!'




''Aww... What's wrong Hani?'' The monkey appeared then comfort his crying dog by patting it's

head. He looked at my direction and seemed shocked. I was caught off guard when our eyes

met. Just now I realized he'd grown so much, from being a cute boy to a handsome man.




''Oi... Jung, why're you still there?'' He waved at me and smiled.  'Whoa! Watch the smile, it's





"M-me?... Uhh.... I was just... uhm.... you know.... sightseeing" I lied, I don't want to tell that

we're neighbors, for sure he'll come to our house and ruin my peaceful sleep everyday. T_T




"Here?.... You won't see anything here... this place is full of houses... oh.. wait, I found an

interesting place here yesterday when my family arrived, care to see?" He asked. I tilted my

head to side and looked at him confuse, he's right, there's no interesting place here aside

from houses, so how come he saw one?




"Err... I still have... something to do" I didn't lie, I have more paper works to do, since I'm the

new President now.




"Oh, maybe next time. It's getting darker, you want me to walk you home?" I was taken

aback by the way he asked, why is he gentle all of a sudden?




"Err... N-no... I can walk home by myself"




"Oh.. You sure? Because I don't want something bad happens to you" He opened the gate and

walked near me. Dug Dug Dug DUG DUG DUG DUG! My heart beats loud every step he's

making. 'Whoa~! Don't be deceive, Jessica! Don't be deceive!'




"Ahm.... Yeah, I can... go home by myself... Thank yo--"




"Make sure to take care of yourself, okay? Don't stressed your brain" He said as he patted

my head. I nodded like a stupid kid. 'What's happening?'




"Because, you're my brain ally now. So, if something bad happens to you, I don't think there's

possible way I can pass the exams" He laughed. 'I knew it! You stupid!'




"Stupid, why don't you just study?!" I rolled my eyes.




"Studying is really pain in the "




"Not my problem"




"Really? Not your proble--"




"Okay, it's my problem now because you're a lazy idiot! I'm going home now!" I cut him off,

seeing him dial something on his phone, for sure it's the record of our conversation a while

ago. T_T




"Take care, Jung" He smiled. I nodded nervously. 'I said watch the smile!' (O_O)




"Finally you're here sweetie, come here and change clothes already, we're going to welcome

our new neighbors, remember?" My mother calls then entered the house. My eyes widen as

my heart trembled in horror. I looked at the monkey, he's giving me a meaningful smirk.

'I'm doomed!' T_T




"So that's why you can walk home by yourself, eh?" He smiled evilly.




"I-I-I'm telling you!!! You can't just walk inside our house and ruin everything!" I pointed my

index finger on his face.




"We're going to have dinner together, right? And you need to follow everything I said, right?"

He smirked. 'You're a devil' T_T




"That's if we're at our school! This is our house!" I complained.




"Aww... I don't remember I said my orders can't reach here?" He make an annoying face on

me. 'Crap!' (>_<)




"You're a devil!"




"Hahaha! Go and change clothes already! I need you to do something for me" He grinned.

'Ahuhuh, just when I thought I can have my peaceful moment in our house, this monkey 

arrived' T_T




"I promise... I'm gonna kill you one of these days" I said before turning around.




"Didn't I tell you?... You can't defeat me"




"I got it... shut up already!" I said and entered our house.




....Dinning Table....




Me and my family are already sitting on the table while waiting for our new neighbors to

arrived. Someone rang the doorbell.




"They're here" My mother said and opened the door for them. There they are, Kwon family

stepping inside our house. Is it my memory or his father's feature changed, because when

we're still kid, sometimes his father will fetch him to school that's why I know his father's face,

'Weird? It's not really the face that I saw before, and I remember he have an older brother,

why is that they're only three here? Oh yeah, why do I care?'




I looked at the monkey, he was grinning widely at me. 'Stop it, you look stupid'  I mouthed,

he chuckled.




"Good evening, I'm Kwon Luffy and these is my wife Kwon Nami and my son Kwon Yul"




"Good evening, Mr and Mrs. Kwon and to you also Yul, I'm Jung Zoro and my wife Jung Robin,

and my daughters: Jung Jessica and Jung Krystal" with that they made a handshake.




"Annyeong haseyo" Krystal and I bowed at them. My father leads the Kwon to the dinning





"Yul?" My mother calls the monkey.




"Hello ma'am Robin" The monkey bowed.




"Oh my God, is that you Yul?" My mother asked.




[Note: When Yul and Jessica were still a kid, Yul never stepped on Jessica's house, that's why

Jessica's father and sister don't know him]




"Ne.. You're still beautiful ma'am Robin" Yul smiled, 'Tsch!!!!! You flatterer! Why didn't you tell

me I'm beautiful too?'




"You haven't changed at all, aside from you look more handsome now, by the way, this is

Jessica, do you still remember her? You two used to bicker with each other before" My mom

point at me.




"Yes ma'am, in fact we're classmates--"




"But that's just it.. We're classmates, nothing more!" I added.




"And neighbors too" He smiled at me. "and she's also my sla--"




"Shut up.. crazy!" I whispered and return to my seat. 'Ahh.. What a long day. Just yesterday,

was enjoying myself from my victory as the new student council preseident and now what?'





"Jung, you look stupid, stop frowning" He whispered, I didn't noticed he was sitting beside me.

I stepped on his foot under the table as a sign of him to shut his mouth. I heard him yelp.




"By the way Yul, where are you studying?" My father asked.




"At Soshi Academy, Sir" the monkey answered politely. 'Tsch! I didn't know you have some

guts to be polite'




"Really? My princess Sica is studying there too" My father said happily. I look at the monkey

and mouthed 'Don't tell him we're classmates'  He nodded.




"Uhmm.. In fact, we're classmates" He still said. I facepalm myself. 'You tactless moron! I'll

kick your later'




"Whoa, good thing. You two can go to school together" My father said. That's why I don't want

to tell my father that we're classmates because of this. (-_-)




"With pleasure Sir, if it's fine with Jessica" He looked at me. I make face on him.




"Princess, Yul and you should go to school together, okay? So that I won't be worrying

anymore of you walking around the street" My father said sweetly. Ahh, how can I say no to

my appa, he's so kind and always cared for us. So I just nodded and smiled at him.






Jessica's POV




I walked outside our house to grab some fresh air, I can't take it inside with that moron acting

so polite around my parents. 'That's my role, you copycat!' (>.<)




"Jung~!" I heard his annoying voice behind me, but it's funny that I smiled because he called

my name cutely. I turned around. My jaw dropped. He's not calling me, instead he's playing

with my 8 year old sister.




"Little Jung~!" He's tickling my sister who's laying on the floor, laughing. I wear my poker face

before entering our house and kick him to his make him roll on the floor.




"AWW!! What was that for?!" He yelled.




"You tactless moron! Can't you see?! You're killing my sister" I said as I helped Krystal stand

up, breathing heavily.




"I'm... f-fine u-unnie... Y-Yul oppa.... my t-turn" Krystal walked near the monkey and played 

scissor, paper and stone. Yul lost because he made a stone while Krystal is a paper.




"What's my punishment?" Yul smiled at Krystal.




"Kiss unnie anywhere you want" Krystal said. My eyes widen as I cursed my sister for saying

stupid punishment.




"Roger!" The monkey said.




"Damn you Krys, how could you do that to your own unnie?!" I begged for her to changed her

stupid punishment.




"You'll thank me later, unnie"




"NEVER!" with that I run outside our house while the monkey's chasing me.




"Wo... wo... wo... Hold it! I said no physical contact!" I said as I leaned my back on the wall, I

was cornered by this monkey and there's no where to run. T_T




"I believe I refused it, remember?" He smirked, I saw Krystal's jumping behind the monkey. I

glared at her making her stop as her face frightened. She knows I'll make my revenge later.




"What are you talking about, moron! You can't kiss me, I said we're not allowed to fall with

each other" I shouted.




"You're dreaming, Jung. We'll just kiss and that's it" He said.




"But I'm reserving my first kiss to my first boyfriend! You can't take it away!" I shouted. 'I'm

reserving my first kiss for him'




"Really?" he asked in cold tone. 'What's his problem?!' (O_O)








"Then I guess, I'll be your first boyfriend" He walked near me as my brain still processing

what he just said. 'I'll be your first boyfriend'  NOOOOOOOOOOO!




"Are you crazy--" He pinned my hands on the wall.




"No" He's leaning his face on mine. Oh My God! I didn't know he's really handsome in zoom





I close my eyes anticipating the kiss from my lips, but instead I felt a warm and soft lips on

my forehead. My brain is telling me to pushed him away, but there's inside me that's telling

me, it's fine. I opened my eyes as I saw him with his close eyes, still his lips on my forehead.

He opened his eyes and smiled at me. I think my cheeks are burning now that I can fried food

on it.




"Mission accomplished, Yul oppa" My sister said giving him an okay sign.




"Yeah!" He made an okay sign at Krytal too.




"But why not in the lips oppa?" Krystal asked. I throw my slipper on her face making her fell

her on the grass of our small garden.




"Hahaha, you too seem so close with each other" The monkey laughed seeing Krystal fell on

the grass.




"Yeah, close on killing each other" I said.




"Aww.. unnie so mean, I'll set your alarm clock late again so your precious image will be

ruin!" she said making my eyes widen as I realized that my alarm clock didn't alarm

this morning.




"You little brat!" I throw the other slipper on her face making her fell on the grass again.




"Aww... oppa protect me from that beast!" Krystal hid behind the monkey's back.




"Hahaha, Jung stop it. You're scaring her" The monkey said.




"You idiot! How dare you kiss me?!"




"What? As if you didn't enjoy it, hahaha"




"You wish! What is it something I need to do for you? I need to finish my paper works" I said

but the truth is I'm so sleepy. I don't know why but there's something about my bed that

whenever I see it, it's like a magnet pulling me and knocking me to sleep. Kiddin', I just really

love to sleep' :D




"Oh, right! You need to tame Hani" He said, I looked at him in horror.




"Don't tell me..." I said getting a hint of what his evil plan is.




"My dog a while ago, you need to tame her"




"WHAT FOR?!" I shouted in disbelief.




"So that if I have something to ask for you like buying me some stuffs in the store, Hani won't

create noise barking on you when you entered our house" he said, I felt my knees are

shaking at the thought of his stupid dog and I, taming each other. Me, taming his dog from

barking and his dog taming me from killing him.




"Don't be ridiculous!" I yelled not believing what's happening. I thought when I stepped on our

house is the end of my misery, but I guess my LONG DAY isn't over yet.




"I'm not, let's go. Krys wanna come?" 




"HELL YEAH!" My crazy sister shouts, as if she's happy that my life would put in the line just to

tame that stupid dog.




" you, two!"






I brought some frying-fan as a shield and ladle as a weapon for taming his dog. Damn, why

do I need to do this? Ahhhhh, because this Kwon is so evil. (>.<)




"Be careful Jung!" The monkey said behind me as he opened the gate of their garden where

his stupid dog is sleeping. I looked at the dog and saw no chains on its neck.




"It doesn't have chains on its neck! What if she attack me?!" I shouted.




"That's for you to find out. I'm counting on you! Come back alive!" With that he locked the

gate with me alone with this dog inside. I saw his dog stirred and look at me. 'Oh crap! 

Don't move!' (O_O) I was frozen like a statue.




Innocent stare...



Confused stare... Realized.



Angry glare...




Running towards me, and I'm-here-to-bite-your- glare. With that I ready my frying-fan

and ladle to tame her.




"Good girl Hani... good girl Hani" I said as I put down the ladle and raised my hand to touch

her head.




"AARFF!... AARFF!... AARFF!... GRRRR!... ARRFF!" she barked at me. 'You stupid dog, I'm

really sleepy right now and I'm not gonna waste my prescious time taming you'




"Ehem... ehem...  RAAAAAAAWRRRRR!!!!" With that she sit properly and cry.




"Who's the good girl?" I asked sweetly while patting her head.




"Arrff... arrff!" She my hand while wagging her tail.




"Good girl, Hani. Can you do me a favor?"




"Arrff... arrff!"




"Can you bite your master's or kill him? Either the two will do" I smiled while patting her





"Arrff... arrff!"




"I'm retrieving what I said a while ago, you're not annoying anymore, Hani"




"Woah!! Jung! you're alive?" The monkey came back.




"You moron, I'll sleep now! Bye!"




"Good night, Jung. Dream of me"




"Never!" I was about to leave when he grabbed my wrist. I looked at him in confused.

'OhmyGawd, is he asking for a kiss?'




"Phone number?" He asked.








"So that I won't barge into your room just to give orders to you, phone number now!" I

knocked him on his head before giving him my number. 'This monkey is hopeless' (=_=)





To be Continue.. 
for some people asking for Taeng? I think he'll be coming soon.
NO TO SMOKING!! @#%#@$!@ (X)


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sicababy22 #1
update soon pls pls pls pls :(
sicababy22 #2
Chapter 12: update pls :(
miico-yulsic2122 #3
update pleeeease :(
farro88 #4
Chapter 12: No to smoking!! :)
farro88 #5
Chapter 4: Zoro robin luffy nami hahahahaha.. ;P
Crihssy #6
Chapter 12: update please~~~~~~
i miss this story ~~~
btw welcome tiffany hwang ...
good job..
update soon ~~~~
sicababy22 #7
Chapter 12: update soonnnn plsss cant wait for da nxt chapters :)
sicababy22 #8
Chapter 12: update soon plsssssssssssssss
update soon plsssssssssssssss
update soon plsssssssssssssss
update soon plsssssssssssssss
Chapter 12: kyaaaa fanya ur here finally!!!
now make sica realize yuls worth..

thanks for update authronim~
cant wait for da nxt
Chapter 12: welcome tiffany!!!!
yeeeeeessh!finally... fanya kyaaa!!!!!
yul is such a nice and caring guy inside... he belongs to fany!!

keep updating authornim!! hwaiting!