Author's Note

This Runaway Waltz
Today/Tomorrow is Kai's birthday and I haven't caught up to write the chapter for his birthday special. Sigh. Anticipate~ and Happy Birthday to the dance machine who revs our heartbeats into overdrive.
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Chapter 7: Nah, you make longing for a relationship so much because Aya and Kai is a really good picture of life time partner. I really love your work. And thank you for that breathing pattern, i must try it later because i always get tired soooo soon. Anyway, i'm expecting another work of yours. Fighting~
frenchBABY #2
Chapter 7: If it was possible to put a fiction as favourite this one would be the top one. It is purely magical. I read a good bunch of fics and this one is maybe the best. There are not that much authors able to move me here although I am very easily moved but you succeded. As a dancer, a tease and a person who admires waltz and only dreams of dancing one one day I am completly satisfied here. Thank you so much. Sincerely thank you
Pikrachu #3
Chapter 7: I love it. Read this last chapter is so enjoyable (I always feel that tbh).

aaaaaa it's difficult to describe this feels, their ending such a one fine day chapter. The ending scene gets more adorable by the minute, I gulped every time I read the line one by one slowly, like Kai will kiss me, like I can feel his gaze. Kai sure so gorgeous in this chapter askjdhlajshdlakjhdlakjda.

Congratulations for finishing you debut story in AFF!!! I definitely will read your upcoming story!!! :)
Chapter 7: Ohmygod they are like sooo cute together
Kai is so patient and gentle and playful and such a tease oh mygoodd I cant...
And Chanyeol and Jeanete fits each other very well xD I mean with the whole speaker announcement thing
Pikrachu #5
So this how their story began!
Aya mention Kyungsoo I got overwhelmed lol XD
I feel pretty suprised we got back to the first step (ugh I thought it will be last chapter and fortunately no! phew..)
And now I know how they met my feels for this couple just increase more more more and more
Tbh, I can't find this kind of plot many in asianfanfics.. daily life (college life to be exact) that so realistic so lovely so thoughtful yet simple I ADORE IT
This story give me a teenager feels that make me fluttering and giggling.

I hope you will keep make a story in AFF best of luck for all of your story (I'll read 5 4 3 To Kiss too ;;)

Oh! Just saying I tried Aya's method 2-2 breathing system, and it worked!! I can run without panting heavily :)
Pikrachu #6
Chapter 5: Woah woah woah I'm lateeeeee
Like always this story make me blushing while read it.
I reaaaaaally love them for being together because I love the atmosphere of this couple. It's rather soothing.
I can never get bored of Kai's effort to get Aya cause it's just lovely <3
And chanyeol's appear always surprised me in a hillarous way ;;

Anyway I don't know but everytime after I read This runaway waltz I just want to get shower HAHA.

looking forward to the next chapter I smell something extremely fluff and romantic will come??? /wink
Chapter 5: I'm crying
The feels ;A;
Pikrachu #8
Chapter 3: OH MY GOSH
even this is still the third step but the feels already overwhelmed me! I feel butterflies in my stomach when read this chapter omg

tbh this is my favorite jonginxoc's fic ever I don't lie.
The romantic chemistry between aya and jongin is adorable. Actually I don't really understand with the pace of this story, just why Ara keep looking for another guy? Why Kai love this girl so much? Let's hope we'll find the answer soon.

I know I'm a overreact reader but I really like your writing-style, I hope you'll write kyungsoo's fic one day :')
Chapter 2: Hey girl, since you mentioned your story, I've come over to check it out! I absolutely love it. I have the ad chap 2, but I wanted to comment first.
The way you described everything (especially at the start) was splendid. The part before he asked if she wanted a kiss was really well-expressed too, and I loved it.
Good luck for the rest of your chapters! I shall go on to chap 2 now XD