The Second Step

This Runaway Waltz


Aya cursed the plump lips that parted to utter those taunting, breathtaking words. Screw this, she thought. I demand a conquest of my own.


“I want,” she began in the slightest of whispers. Kai felt his body tense, crossing his arms tighter over his chest. “To know how you can touch me without touching me.” Wow, Kai thought, slowly opening his eyes to look down at her lips. Mind blown. After recovering from her answer, Kai couldn’t help himself. He drew his head back just enough to show Aya his mischievous smile.


“Whoa there,” he exaggerated with unnecessary huskiness. “I merely offered the possibility of a kiss and you felt like we were making out? Someone’s not as innocent as I thought.”


“Kai!” Aya scowled. “I’m serious.”


“I know you are,” he softened, yet retained his amused grin as he locked the gaze of their eyes again. Kai gently tugged on the earphone wire to stash away his music player into his pocket. “Though,” he exhaled. “I want you to know that I’m serious too. About you. And I’m holding back for your sake.”


“I want you to know that I appreciate it,” she smiled.


“Aya, I don’t doubt my patience. I respect your space and your feelings.” Aya bit down on the inside of her bottom lip to prevent a threatening smile from appearing. She always admired Kai for his consideration. “But I’d like to remind you that I’m your perfect 5’11.’’”


“You remember that?” Aya laughed. “It’s not even that big of a deal – just one of those random, specific ideal features every girl conjures up for her “dream boyfriend” list.”


“I’d like to give you the chance to check that off your list,” he offered, along with a near-defeated smile. Kai looked to his left at their reflection again. Aya took the opportunity to trace over his defined jawline with her eyes. What if she met him first? Her gaze lifted to absentmindedly glide over his lips. She was never so close to him for such a long period of time before. Why are they so plump? They’re like luscious pillows. Especially when you smirk… Smirk?! Kai kept said smirk plastered on his face as he turned his head to look at her. “Having fun?” Aya knew denying her gawking would be futile. She was caught red handed. Darn these mirrors.


“Yeah,” Aya smirked back with one eyebrow raised, hoping her fake rebuttal would soften the blush that tinted her cheeks. Kai inwardly laughed at her ineffective act.


“I asked you earlier if you wanted me to kiss you,” he reminded. “You missed your chance.”


“You know what, Kai, just because you have delicious lips doesn’t mean I fantasize attacking them,” she blurted. Oh. Crap. Verbal diarrhea at its finest. It took all Kai had to maintain the self-control Aya momentarily lost hold of. Though she declared against it, the image of Aya’s lips upon his easily flashed across his mind.


“Well fine,” he shrugged after mentally slapping himself. “I guess you favor lips more than height.” He paused in an attempt to memorize the shade of pink that blossomed over her face. “I guess I’m lucky I have both!” he playfully celebrated with an air of arrogance, cocking his head left and right. He let her sweat for a few more seconds, delighting in the way her pout caused her eyebrows to slightly furrow. Her eyes blinked like crazy to gather her composure.


“I… Umm… It’s…” Aya gave up in trying to worm her way out of it, discouraged by her first attempt’s failure. She looked up at him in helplessness. You know I’m attracted to you, she thought. You’re actually the one who makes things the most difficult for me.


“I hope you mutually realize how much fun it is to flirt with you,” he offered.


“Why were you in the dark?” she asked, after slightly nodding her head to shyly acknowledge what he said.


“I was practicing the emotional delivery of my routine. Performances are more captivating if the dancer is without inhibitions, which means I have to be sincere and not show off award-winning facial expressions.” Kai let her finish rolling her eyes before continuing, “I have to embody desire and the vulnerability of longing at its . It sounds simple, but it takes concentration nonetheless. I didn’t want any distractions.”


“Then I burst through the doors,” Aya interrupted.


Kai chuckled, “It’s okay. You’re the best distraction.”


Suddenly, the speaker systems at the corners of the room crackled before a booming voice spoke. “Attention, we are soon closing for the night. Please finish up and leave within the next hour.” Speaking of distractions, Kai thought, softly growling at the intercom’s announcement and the deep-voiced jokester running the show. “That means you, Aya and Kai. The computer’s log-in records say that you two are amongst the handful that are still here. Again.”


Aya giggled, while Kai exhaled in irritation. “Dammit Chanyeol, just because you’re two years older than me,” he mumbled as he grudgingly walked over to his backpack with Aya right behind him. He knew he couldn’t keep Aya to himself all night in the studio, but his mischievous friend didn’t have to publicly interject. You took this job to save up for a better guitar case, not to torture me.


“I’m gonna head over to the showers now, since the ones for women are farther away from here,” Aya declared. “And I have more hair to wash,” she laughed.


Kai caught her before she rushed through the doors, refusing to end their time on a sour note. “Aya!” She turned her head to his calling. “You have delicious-looking lips yourself.”


“Meet you at the front doors in 30 minutes!” she flippantly responded as she exited, not catching the amused grin on Kai’s face.


The following evening, it was Kai’s turn to wonder if Aya had enough of her running high. He’d practiced his routine about twelve or so times already and was missing her company. Maybe he was secretly wishing she’d burst through the studio’s double doors again. Kai looked at his reflection in the mirror and went over the steps that required quicker movements layered over the quarter notes, making sure the lines of his arm motions were sharp. His wrist flicks and finger snaps were clear-cut, accentuating the fluid energy traveling over his shoulders as his arms caressed empty space. He imagined Aya. When was the last time she urged me for a waltz? Kai ripped the earphones from his ears and hastily swung one strap of his backpack over his shoulder. He had enough of being in the same building as her and being stuck in different rooms.


Aya felt like her heart would collapse from her momentary misery, so she ran as hard as she could to have her lungs exhale pants instead of sobs. She wanted the adrenaline to pump her heart to life like it was a flat tire and course through her veins like high voltage electricity. Everything in her peripherals was a blur. She didn’t even notice Kai when he waited for her to pass so he could cross the track to get to the oval’s inner space, where a small variety of extra workout machines were scattered.


Kai brushed off Aya’s unawareness. He searched for her belongings and found their location due to her neon pink water bottle. It was empty with the lid haphazardly screwed back on. Aya had texted Kai to notify him of her arrival, which was only five minutes after he’d settled into the dance studio. She’s been running this hard for over an hour? Kai picked up Aya’s water bottle to have it refilled and ready for her, chuckling at the phrase “I don’t sweat, I sparkle” written in princess font around its circumference.


When he returned the full water bottle to its original location by the track, Kai saw Aya’s figure dash in front of him again. I guess I’ll get a bit of resistance training done, he thought, looking over the machines.


Kai finished the sets he goaled for and returned to find Aya’s water bottle half empty. He sighed. “She’s been at it for a while, man,” commented a guy who passed by to put his dumbbells away. “I could barely make it over the threshold ‘cause she runs so fast. I got here after her, did about five workout sessions on the machines, finished a dumbbell routine, and she’s still here. Same speed and same concentration on her face.” Kai nodded his thanks for the information and looked out to the track.


As soon as he had her in sight, Kai acted. “Aya!” he called out. Aya turned her head in Kai’s direction and mechanically lifted a hand in response. She didn’t look like she was attempting to slow down the slightest bit. All she did was move over to the outermost lane. Kai’s concern skyrocketed - he’d seen her do this exact routine once before when she was upset over rejection for a leadership position. Running sometimes got too symbolic for her; it was her method of escape. When Aya rounded the track again, he yelled, “Why are you so mad?” Kai started feeling angry himself towards whatever made her react in such extremes, not noticing how she was taking longer to complete the next lap. He was tempted to jump onto the track and seize her, when he heard a sniffle coming round the corner. Aya had decreased her pace to a brisk walk with her head down. Then she stopped directly in front of him and met his eyes, showing the tears in hers.


Kai vaulted the railing that separated the track from the workout machines and made his way over. When he reached out a hand to her shoulder, the dam broke. Aya sobbed and quivered, her hands clenched into fists over her eyes. Kai’s arms met each other over Aya’s back to envelope her in a loose embrace. After her back a couple of times, he spoke, “Your independence is admirable.” Aya shook in his arms and he chanced tightening his embrace. “I’m honored to witness your vulnerability,” he continued with caution. “Let me know when you want me to help you with the Band-Aids.”


When her crying steadied to faint sobs, Aya lifted her head. “It’s the 14th,” she hiccupped. “It was a very emotional landmark last year.”


“The anniversary,” Kai stated. He didn’t want to hear Aya explain any further and it wouldn’t do her any good to verbally recall the past year.


“Yeah,” she confirmed. “Well, apparently Davis forgot.” Kai felt his jaw tighten. “And apparently Davis is an idiot.” Kai exhaled his tension through a cleansing breath before letting her continue. “Davis found me in the library after I finished my classes. He asked me why I texted him to especially let me have my space today. So I explained as shortly as possible to save myself extra heartache and him his time. You know what he said?”


Just when I thought I couldn’t hate this guy any more than I already do, Kai thought, bracing himself. He brushed a strand of stray hair from Aya’s face to calm himself down.


“Actually, wait, he didn’t say anything at first.” Aya took a moment to wipe away a freshly fallen tear. “He laughed.” She paused, painfully recalling the moment. “After he watched me struggle with my explanation, he laughed. Then he said, “Why does it matter what happened a year ago? It’s been a year. Quit whining and get over it already.””


“What?!” Kai roared.


Aya nodded. “I told him the pace of my healing is not in my control. Then he said, “No wonder you have such a hard time with guys. You’re caught up in wanting that invested commitment. Casually fooling around is so much easier and you’d have so much fun with me.” Kai, are you kidding me?!” Aya’s tears returned streaming, hot and unrestrained. “Do guys see me as some easy catch or something? Like a damn trout you can just snatch out of the water? How is it my fault that I’m picky when I have to deal with jerks like this?” She retreated back into the crook of his neck. Kai held her closer in an attempt to soothe her body’s heaving as she cried.


“You should be picky,” Kai’s voice cut through her sobs, grabbing her attention. “It’s a good thing. It’s what sets you apart from the “easy girls.” Besides, how are you going to find someone worthwhile if you just say yes to any guy who’s offering?”


“Thank you,” she eased, gasping in air. Aya was gripping onto Kai’s shirt like a safety blanket. A smile made its way onto Kai’s face when he felt her tiny fingers tugging on him.


“Your analogy , by the way. If anything, you’re more like a cat than a fish. You know your way about being independent, but you can be adorably cuddly when you want to.”


Aya felt like she was about done crying. Kai’s random comment made her burst into giggles. “Thanks. I think I’m good now. I can’t believe how tiring it is to cry. It’s just as tiring as running! What the heck.”


“You’re so weird,” Kai laughed. He patted her back in comfort, thankful that the few by passers left them alone the entire time. “Hey, you wanna help me make an important decision?” Aya curiously hummed in agreement and Kai continued with nonchalance, “Davis is pretty particular about his image, so I want my gift for him to be appropriate. Which would suit him better: a black eye or a busted lip?”


At this, Aya truly couldn’t help her laughter. “It depends,” she began. “Which would better match a sorely red, imprinted cheek?” Kai’s mouth fell open in surprise. “Oh, sorry,” Aya cleared with a smile of victory. “I forgot to mention that I slapped him right after his demeaning lecture.”


“Whoa,” Kai exaggerated his outburst, taking a step back and holding a fist next to his mouth to emphasize his excitement. He even raised a hand to give her a high-five. “Yeah, you totally forgot to mention that awesome little detail.”


“Proud of me, aren’t ya?” she grinned. “I think his neck will be a bit sore too, actually. Not really bragging too much, but I smacked him so hard his face completely twisted to the side. Like in the movies!” she added, jumping up and down.


“Look at you, kitten. I’m glad you’re keeping your claws sharp,” Kai applauded.


Once again, the intercom’s announcement interrupted. “Attention, we are closing in an hour.” Both Aya and Kai shook their heads in response to the unfavorable timing, until Chanyeol continued his message. “Kai, either kiss her already or take the girl home. You’re depriving Aya of her beauty rest. Apparently girls are sensitive about that kind of stuff,” he ended up mumbling the last part into the microphone.


“I can’t believe he hasn’t gotten fired yet,” Kai retorted.


“Maybe Jeannette ended their phone call early tonight. She does have cupcakes to make in the morning for her best friend’s birthday party.”


“You know, your sister’s claws are just as sharp as yours.”


“Chanyeol will forgive her when he finds out he’s getting a decent portion of the batch. Jeannette’s dark chocolate, cream cheese frosting cupcakes are to die for. She never forgets to share with him anyway.”


Kai laughed. “Okay, well, I’ll grab our stuff so we can get to getting out of here. Empty out your water bottle, too. You lost a lot of fluids with all that crying.”


“Deal,” she told his retreating back.


“Also,” he added, turning around to face her only after a couple of steps. “I’d rather see you sparkle from running instead of from tears when you cry.” He let her laugh a little before he teased, “Great water bottle choice.” He threw her a playful thumbs up before returning to his journey towards their belongings.


Aya watched the motions of Kai’s figure as his footsteps carried him across the lanes of the track. Even the way you walk screams dancer, she mused. No ounce of energy was wasted in any of his movements. There was graceful transition and finesse flowing through every part of his body. Kai’s passion for dancing was indeed evident at all times. Aya adored passionate people. It didn’t matter what the passion was directed to - passion was just admirable to her because it signified dedication and focus. Aya felt a sudden tug to her heart that interrupted her wandering thoughts. Kai and everything about him surged into her mind. She found herself committing to a risk she thought she’d take longer to do. I really can’t run forever.


Her feet acted before she could confidently approve their intent. Aya bounded towards Kai and eased her arms below his, hugging him from behind. “Kai, do whatever you want.” Chase me, then catch me. You have all the ability to.


Kai stopped all movement, seized by her declaration. He panicked, wondering if he heard her correctly. “What?” he rasped.


Aya kept their stance. Kai’s gaze lowered to the delicate hands that gingerly pressed against his abdomen. She rested her cheek against his lean back and he could feel the gentle vibrations of her words as she spoke. “I trust you,” she murmured. Kai noticed how her hands were getting shaky. He wanted to place his own hands over them, but refrained in fear of distracting her. “I know it’s stereotypical to have the guy “do all the work,” but I promise I won’t glue the ball to your hands. I just want to let you know that I’m tossing it into your court and you can have all liberty with the first move. Whatever you do, I’ll respond.”


“Okay,” was all Kai could come up with. I really want to take your hand, he suppressed.


“I’m still scared though,” she quickly reminded him. “Really scared.” Kai took his own risk and skimmed his right hand over hers before briefly gripping it to reassure her hesitancy. He wondered if it worked because her sassiness emerged right after. “Just don’t try to woo me with the “My Lady” routine you’re currently practicing.” Kai rolled his eyes, but was unprepared for what she stated next. “I know it’s hot and I know you’re hot. You know it’s hot and you know you’re hot and you know that I know you’re hot.” The rumble of laughter that erupted from the pit of his stomach cut Aya’s rambling short and she was thankful. A warm blush profusely spread across her cheeks. She retrieved her arms from his torso and dashed in front of him, pausing to hurriedly say, “I can get my stuff myself, thank you very much. I told you I don’t want you doing all the work.” Faster than he could interpret all her movements, Aya returned before him with her bag, neon pink water bottle in hand. “Meet you at the front! And get to showering. I’m sure you sparkled buckets of your own this evening.”


Kai chuckled at her disarray and the way she wouldn’t meet his eyes before her departure. Correction, he thought. My water bottle would state otherwise: I don’t sweat, I glisten.

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Chapter 7: Nah, you make longing for a relationship so much because Aya and Kai is a really good picture of life time partner. I really love your work. And thank you for that breathing pattern, i must try it later because i always get tired soooo soon. Anyway, i'm expecting another work of yours. Fighting~
frenchBABY #2
Chapter 7: If it was possible to put a fiction as favourite this one would be the top one. It is purely magical. I read a good bunch of fics and this one is maybe the best. There are not that much authors able to move me here although I am very easily moved but you succeded. As a dancer, a tease and a person who admires waltz and only dreams of dancing one one day I am completly satisfied here. Thank you so much. Sincerely thank you
Pikrachu #3
Chapter 7: I love it. Read this last chapter is so enjoyable (I always feel that tbh).

aaaaaa it's difficult to describe this feels, their ending such a one fine day chapter. The ending scene gets more adorable by the minute, I gulped every time I read the line one by one slowly, like Kai will kiss me, like I can feel his gaze. Kai sure so gorgeous in this chapter askjdhlajshdlakjhdlakjda.

Congratulations for finishing you debut story in AFF!!! I definitely will read your upcoming story!!! :)
Chapter 7: Ohmygod they are like sooo cute together
Kai is so patient and gentle and playful and such a tease oh mygoodd I cant...
And Chanyeol and Jeanete fits each other very well xD I mean with the whole speaker announcement thing
Pikrachu #5
So this how their story began!
Aya mention Kyungsoo I got overwhelmed lol XD
I feel pretty suprised we got back to the first step (ugh I thought it will be last chapter and fortunately no! phew..)
And now I know how they met my feels for this couple just increase more more more and more
Tbh, I can't find this kind of plot many in asianfanfics.. daily life (college life to be exact) that so realistic so lovely so thoughtful yet simple I ADORE IT
This story give me a teenager feels that make me fluttering and giggling.

I hope you will keep make a story in AFF best of luck for all of your story (I'll read 5 4 3 To Kiss too ;;)

Oh! Just saying I tried Aya's method 2-2 breathing system, and it worked!! I can run without panting heavily :)
Pikrachu #6
Chapter 5: Woah woah woah I'm lateeeeee
Like always this story make me blushing while read it.
I reaaaaaally love them for being together because I love the atmosphere of this couple. It's rather soothing.
I can never get bored of Kai's effort to get Aya cause it's just lovely <3
And chanyeol's appear always surprised me in a hillarous way ;;

Anyway I don't know but everytime after I read This runaway waltz I just want to get shower HAHA.

looking forward to the next chapter I smell something extremely fluff and romantic will come??? /wink
Chapter 5: I'm crying
The feels ;A;
Pikrachu #8
Chapter 3: OH MY GOSH
even this is still the third step but the feels already overwhelmed me! I feel butterflies in my stomach when read this chapter omg

tbh this is my favorite jonginxoc's fic ever I don't lie.
The romantic chemistry between aya and jongin is adorable. Actually I don't really understand with the pace of this story, just why Ara keep looking for another guy? Why Kai love this girl so much? Let's hope we'll find the answer soon.

I know I'm a overreact reader but I really like your writing-style, I hope you'll write kyungsoo's fic one day :')
Chapter 2: Hey girl, since you mentioned your story, I've come over to check it out! I absolutely love it. I have the ad chap 2, but I wanted to comment first.
The way you described everything (especially at the start) was splendid. The part before he asked if she wanted a kiss was really well-expressed too, and I loved it.
Good luck for the rest of your chapters! I shall go on to chap 2 now XD