Honey Ramen

Title: Honey Ramen (2/?)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): 2MIN, JongTae
Genre: angst, AU, school life, romance, drama
Warnings: language, homophobia, bullying, OOC

A/N: There is violence in this one. Also, a party, and you know what goes on in a teenage party, heohoho.


       The warm sun rays cracked through the long paneled windows, causing Taemin to stir, and bury his face into his cool, satin pillow. Feeling not tired anymore, he groaned and laid on his back, blinking up at ceiling before he slowly brought himself up to the bathroom. 

       He cleanly brushed his teeth and did his business before fixing his ruby locks. After combing his hair, he stared at his reflection. He poked lightly at his flawless, milky cheek and pink lips. Did he really look like girl? It was true his facial structure was similar to a girl's, but he was definitely sure he was a man. He shook his head and returned to his bedroom to retrieve his backpack and school uniform which his mother ironed for him the night before. 

      Entering the living room, Taemin saw his mom sitting on the couch with a book in hand. He smiled and greeted her good morning before preparing himself a toaster strudel. In a matter of minutes, the pastry was already in his mouth, and he was pulling on his Navy Vans. Lastly, he grabbed his jacket and cell phone and headed out the door, waving goodbye to his mom.

      He walked for quite a while without paying attention to where he was going. He stopped for a moment, thinking as if he left something important at home. Taemin quickly decided he didn't and continued to walk. He shut his eyes, still deep in thought. He heard a car honk it's horn and snapped out of his thoughts instantly. He looked up in surprise at the fact that he had somehow managed to wander off into the middle of the road. He then felt something grasp his arm and pull him back roughly, causing him and whatever it was that had grabbed him to fall back onto the sidewalk.

    "ing , Lee! Are you ing retarded?" Taemin looked up shocked.

    Choi Minho.

    "I…uh…" Taemin didn't know what to say in the slightest. Minho just stared at him blankly.

    He was making Taemin nervous by his fierce stare. Shaking his head, Taemin stood up, and with his body acting on it's own, he offered a hand to pull Minho up.
    Minho eyed him and finally accepted.

    "I didn't know you lived around he--" Taemin started.

    "Mmm. 'Cause you're new around here, kid," Minho interrupted him. Taemin murmured a 'hmm' before curious eyes scanned Minho's rebellious attire. His tight jeans shredded at the knees, and his shirt ed halfway, showing the gray v-neck underneath.

    "Well…" Taemin thought for a moment, "I know this may sound kind of weird… but wanna walk to school with me?" He felt like such an idiot right now for randomly asking that.

    Minho just kept staring at him, and after what seemed like forever, finally nodded his head in agreement. Taemin looked at him, feeling a little unsure and nervous. His eyes moved to his neck when he noticed a scar around the collar of Minho's shirt. His eyes quickly darted back up to Minho's face, and Minho moved his hand to cover the mark, looking away from Taemin.

    Taemin didn't bother to question him about it. It wasn't any of his business anyway.

    The walk to school started off pretty awkward, but after a couple of minutes, the two of them actually found it a lot easier to talk, and was Minho actually kind of smiling? He almost looked… a little giddy, too. Taemin thought he should be a little freaked out by this little detail, but he actually found himself smiling happily about it.



    The two boys ended up making their way to first period together, still chattering away as they sat at their table. Key noticed the pair and strolled over to their desk, arms folded across his chest.

    "Well, look at this." He sarcastically spoke, a grin spread across his face. The two stopped their conversation and turned their heads to the brunette. Taemin looked at him with a confused look, yet a small, friendly smile was on his face. Minho scoffed and rolled his eyes.

    "What? Whatever you're thinking, Key. It's not like that, you gross bastard."

    "Like whaaat~?" Key replied, raising his voice in an odd sing-song voice, giggling away before the teacher could angrily call him to sit down at his desk. 

    "Don't mind him. He's always thinking nasty stuff like that." Minho waved off.

    "Thinking nasty stuff like what?"

    Minho stared at Taemin with a face that read 'are-you-kidding-me' before he snorted. Taemin looked more confused than before, his eyebrows raised in question. 

    When class finally started, Taemin was already prepared. He had his subject notebook out onto the desk with a mechanical pencil in hand, ready to write down anything the teacher requested. He turned his gaze to Minho, and noticed him leaning back into his chair, and though the necessary materials were out spread onto the table, he looked like he was daydreaming. 

    Throughout class, several times had Taemin caught Minho looking at him.

    "Er. Minho, can you stop staring at me?"

    "Stupid. I was looking at your notes," Minho scorned and angrily shook his head.

    Taemin glances at Minho's paper as though to double check that he was not actually staring at him. Minho leans away before Taemin could even check. He turned his paper a certain angle, and started to pretend to write. 

    Mrs. Jung assigns everyone into pairs for a class project. Since the tables were shared by two people, partners were already chosen. Taemin could tell Minho wasn't pleased. 

    After the project was explained, Mrs. Jung continues writing on the board, and so does Taemin.

    Taemin's mechanical pencil just ran out of lead. He thinks he was writing his notes too hard. He raised his eyes to the side of Minho's head. He bit his bottom lip for a few moments before softly tapping the older boy beside him on the shoulder. 


    After Taemin holds up his mechanical pencil, he clicks away. Minho glares, but digs into his pocket and hands Taemin one reluctantly. 

    "Keep it. I don't want it." Minho mutters. Taemin nods and thanks him and returns to writing his notes. Minho shoves his hands into his jean's pockets and rolls his eyes.



    During lunch, Taemin sits with his dinosaur-look-alike friend, Jonghyun and several other junior boys and girls. He tells his older friend about Minho, and Jonghyun furrows his eyebrows angrily.

    "Don't hang out with that ."

    Taemin is surprised with Jonghyun's use of language since it was the first he heard him cuss. 

    "Why?" He asked curiously. Jonghyun glances behind them where Minho and the other senior boys sat. 

    "Just don't. Minho is a ing ." Jonghyun spats loud enough for the other older boy to hear. Minho twists around, his eyes narrowed into slits. 

    "What the did you say?" Minho says calmly, though Taemin could clearly hear the anger in his voice raising. 

    Jonghyun smirks and slowly repeats what he says, "You. Are. An. ."

    Before Taemin knew it, Minho is up on his feet, inching threateningly towards Jonghyun. Onew tries to calm him down, but Minho tears his grip away from him. Taemin's mouth agape from what's happening in front of his view. The people around them chants and cheers for them to fight. A couple of students betting on who's gonna get their kicked. Key rushes towards the scene, deciding whether to interfere or not.

    Minho backs the shorter male against the table. His knuckles connect with the side of Jonghyun's skull and he hits the floor of the cafeteria heavily. Jonghyun raises up quickly, violence breaks from him instantly and Minho manages to dodge a swift kick to the groin. Minho quickly hauls Jonghyun the collar of his school uniform, pushing him against the table violently.

    "You better shut your mouth." He whispers harshly, "I wasn't the one who ed someone's girlfriend."

    Minho roughly puts him down before school supervisors could take him away by his arm to the dean's office. Minho gives Taemin a smirk before facing forward. Taemin is in shock. Is this who his partner in first period really is?


    Taemin hadn't wanted to go to this Eli guy's party. Even if Key begged him saying it would be fun, he didn't even know Key well and didn't want to risk being grounded by his mother. Still, Key managed to show up on his doorstep and had been able to convince him into coming.

    With Key, though, Taemin could feel a sense of security. He almost felt safe walking up to Eli's house, though he  still felt nervous every now and then. 

    The party had started off pretty quiet that night. But as time passed, hoards of people came pouring into the house all at once it seemed.

    He followed Key around for the most part. Well, Key dragged him around more or less. They were bouncing from groups of people until Key finally decided he just wanted to go find Minho and the others and hang out with them. 

    Taemin and Key sat down side by side joining in on Minho and several others' conversation. Minho noticed Taemin and furrowed his eyebrows.

    "What are you doing here, kid? You shouldn't be here."

    Was Minho concerned about him?
    Key waved him off, "Taemin's not a baby, you know!"

    Minho pretty much just sat there smoking, barely paying attention to anything being said. Taemin would awkwardly chime in with a few words here and there, but other than that he remained mostly quiet. Key offered him a strong smelling drink, and though he didn't want to, he took few swigs of it. He felt a bit nauseous.

    After a while of sitting there and doing nothing but talking, Key's ADD finally kicked in.

    "Alright, this, dude. Let's get a huge drinking game going outside or something." Key suggested.

    "It's cold as out, man," Jinwoon whined, "Why can't we do it in here?"

    "Dude, just drink a load. You won't feel anything soon, or at least you won't care about it. Stop being such a buzz kill," Key retorted and walked away.

    After about 15 minutes of gathering a bunch of willing people together outside around a bonfire, Key came up with the oh-so-original idea of daring people. If they couldn't do what the person asked them to do, than they had to take 4 shots. 

    The game pretty much consisted of the guys getting the girls to do with one another. The majority of the time when the guys were forced to do something, they would chicken out and just take the shots while the girls glared at them. That is until it rolled around to Key.

    Nicole had dared him to and bite at Mir's s. Much to Mir's dismay Key happily agreed to do so. After having to forcefully hold Mir down to get his task done, Key had the biggest smirk on his face.

    "Alright! My turn!" Key was beaming. Minho looked at him with extreme agitation. "HMMMM, this is a tough choice. Who hasn't been called upon yet?" Key pretended to look over the circle of people as if he hadn't already made his decision.

    "How about you, Taemin," suggested Key. Taemin looked at him only slightly nervously.

    Taemin had already pounded back a lot of alcohol before the game had taken place. He was feeling rather brave right now. 

    "Hmmm, now what should we have you doing? And to who?" He again, quickly scanned the crowd, and his eyes landed on Minho.

    Minho's stomach did a huge flip, as he glared death wishes into Key.

    Oh .

    Key's famous grin widened. "Why don't you kiss the pretty Taemin, Minho?"

    Taemin turned to look at Minho who looked like he was about to be sick. Minho's normally cool and collected demeanor had completely melted away to absolutely nothing. The entire crowd just watched them in near dead silence aside from a few random whispers.

    Taemin got up to make his way over to the traumatized Minho, stumbling as he went from how much alcohol he'd consumed. He almost tripped over someone's stretched out legs but swiftly caught him self on the arm of Minho's chair.

    He leaned over Minho, slowly closing in on Minho's mouth. Minho just stared into Taemin's eyes. Taemin brought his lips closer to Minho's, and bit down lightly on Minho's bottom lip before it. Taemin planted a few slow, sweet kisses on Minho's lips. Minho shivered at the intimate contact from Taemin. 

    Before Taemin could do anything else, Minho shoved a hand in Taemin's face, pushing the smaller boy off of him onto the ground. To Taemin's horror at the realization of what he did, he constantly bowed his head down and apologized.

    "Just get the away from me, freak." Minho spat.

     Taemin could hear whispers coming from everyone and was afraid to look around at their faces. 

    Taemin stormed out of there, and ran home.

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ghostgirlfriend #1
Chapter 14: thank you for uploading this story! it was my favorite 2min fic on LJ too. it was just so different and realistic from the rest. it wasn't too cliche either. i really wonder what happened to jaesunbb. he was such a good writer ;_; i wish he at least told us a reason why he deleted...
Chapter 14: hope you'll make some closure for this story... it's really nice.
Bunnyhutch #3
Chapter 9: I really love this story!