Honey Ramen

Title: Honey Ramen (1/?)
Rating: PG-13 - R (Depanding on chapter)
Pairing(s): 2MIN, JongTae, JongKey, Minho/OC
Genre: angst, AU, school life, romance, drama
Warnings: language, homophobia, bullying, OOC
Disclaimer: I don't own SHINee.



    Minho awoke Monday morning with the right side of his head throbbing horribly from drinking too much the night before. His vision was blurry, and he felt dizzy and severely nauseous. He slowly lifted his head off of his pillow, afraid that any sudden movements might make him feel worse.

    He squinted his eyes at his digital clock which read 6:53 a.m.

    Minho sighed miserably. He was aggravated about having to get up to head to school.  He reluctantly pulled himself out of bed, sitting up slowly and swinging his legs over the side. His vision started going fuzzy. He felt his head getting heavy and let it fall into his hands.

    . How was he going to make it through the entire ing day like this? His parents would be more than pissed if they found out he didn't go to school.

    He sat there for another couple of minutes. He glanced over at his clock again through his fingers and groaned when he saw that it was already 6:59. He started moving towards it, but not even a second later it ticked over to 7:00 and the alarm went off.

    The sound that the alarm made pierced straight through his head. Ignoring any pain he had, he darted over to the alarm and quickly shut it off. His body started giving out under his weight, but he managed to clumsily catch himself on his nightstand before advancing towards his bathroom, and taking a shower. 

    After buttoning up his school uniform halfway and sliding into his jacket, he quickly fixed his rather long, mocha hair in the hallway mirror, grabbed his worn out backpack off the foot of the table, shoved his cellphone into his pocket, and headed out into the winter air to school.



    When Minho got to school, he hung around the courtyard, and sat down on the plastic picnic table, settling the side of his head down against its hard surface. His throbbing head feeling slightly better than earlier this morning. He breathed out fog-like smoke, amused by how they slowly floated before disappearing into thin air. He his hands into the pockets of his jacket, shivering from the cold. He would've went inside, but he preferred the quiet than the loud, crowded areas.

    He sat there for what seemed like an hour before a short piercing bell echoed across the school campus, alerting the student body that classes were about to begin. 

    Minho lazily pushed himself away from the table he was resting on, snatching up his worn backpack with straps just barely held together with safety pins, and stalked towards his first period class. A few students continued chattering away and walking simultaneously while others rushed past by him towards the tall building, cheeks pink from the cold. He took his time approaching the large doors of the school, obviously not wanting to be there. 


    He took his seat near the back of the nosy junior classroom, back leaned against the cool plastic chair, and eyelids shut closed. His headache was completely gone, making Minho feel satisfied.

    "Hey! Minho!" A male voice loudly greeted, knocking Minho out of his trance when the person elbowed him rather hard in the side of his stomach.

    "Key. . Why did you do that for?!" Minho glared at him angrily before clutching his side, and hissing in slight pain. Key laughed lightly and playfully punched Minho in the shoulder. 
    Minho knew Key since junior high during the time where there was a fire drill and Key nagged to him about why would the school want the students to line up in a single file line and be calm as possible. He complained how he would just run the out instead of walking in a line. Minho didn't mind him at all, Key was absolutely right about how stupid school fire drills were. Minho was rather amused of the brunette and continued listening to his whines on that day. Since that day, they hung out mostly at school especially when they had classes together. They would sit next to each other until the teacher had to separate them for their horseplay. 

    Key took the sit beside Minho and rested his chin in the palm of his hand, "Can I sit here, hmm?" He already knew Minho didn't mind. It just felt neccesary to ask the mocha-haired boy.
    "You're already seated." Minho stated, arms crossed against his chest. Key rolled his eyes, a small smile played upon his lips.


    Minho sighed in relief when the teacher called out to gain the students attention. He was not in the mood to listen nor talk to the boy beside him today. Key puffed out his cheeks, craning his neck forward to face the front of the room where the teacher stood.

    "Good morning," Mrs. Jung began, "Everyone did their homework, correct?" 

    Knowing how strict Mrs. Jung was, most of the students nodded their heads. Even Key nodded his head. Was Minho the only one who didn't give a about it?
    "Choi Minho. Did you do your homework or not?"

    Minho groaned. He could feel the awkward stares of the students in the classroom.

    "No." He replied. As expected, Mrs. Jung took fast steps to where he and Key sat. She stood there with a stern look on her face as if she was trying to mentally beat Minho up. She turned to Key and tapped him in the shoulder, asking him to sit in another desk. She knew they both were going to cause trouble in her class if they sat together any longer. As Key took his seat halfway across the room, he turned around and gave Minho a quick wave. Though Minho wasn't paying attention as he kept eye contact with the woman standing in front of him. She gave one last mean look at Minho before she turned her heel and went back to the front of the board. She collected the students' papers and stacked them in a neat pile on her desk before she began her lesson.

    Not even minutes later, the classroom entrance door cracked open. Minho turned his gaze towards the unfamiliar slim figure that slipped inside the classroom with a bright colored paper in hand meaning the person was new.

    "You're ten minutes late," Mrs. Jung scolded before taking the person's paper. She scanned it with her dull, brown eyes. Her face lit up. 

    "Lee Taemin. A freshman... in a junior class? Hm, you must be real smart, my boy." She gave him a small pat on the back before pointing at the empty sit next to Minho. After Taemin bowed his head and gave Mrs. Jung a small smile, he took a quick glance at Minho. Minho eyed the boy as he made his way between the desks. He took in the way the boy's auburn hair fell against his blemish-free, pale face. Skinny jeans hugging his thin legs as he took fast steps towards the table. The boy took his seat before gently placing his backpack on the ground near his chair.

    "Hello." Bright coffee eyes belonging to a smiling face greeted softly. Minho hummed in reply. The scent of sweet vanilla lingered in the air around them. Minho furrowed his eyebrows.

    "Are you seriously a guy? You smell and look like a chick." 

    Taemin only laughed awkwardly into the back of his hand, his eyes seemed as if they were smiling at Minho. Minho scoffed.

    For the entire class period, the pair sat in silence. Minho, however, stole swift glances at the boy beside him before he would notice. Something about Taemin intrigued him. Minho couldn't exactly describe the feeling. This was the first time a guy was of Minho's interest. He felt he was staring at the boy for way too long as Taemin caught his gaze. Minho quickly turned his attention to the notes he scribbled into his notebook a while ago, his hands shaking, and face slightly pink from embarrassment. 

    When class finally ended, Taemin told Minho goodbye which Minho replied to with a nod as he watched Taemin walk out the classroom. Minho flung his backpack over his shoulder and met Key outside the classroom. They walked beside each other to their second period since they both were going the same direction. Key spoke up with a subject that Minho wasn't pleased with.

    "What do you think about the new kid? You can't tell me you don't find him cute, even from a straight guy's point of view!" 

    Minho actually thought a little about this one. He'd never really put much thought into a guy's appearance before. He knew for a fact that Taemin was the only freshman in a junior class, and that Taemin was a smartass, smiley face .

    Taemin honestly wasn't bad looking. For a guy that is…

    Shaking his head in disgust, he looked wearily at Key, "Can we just not talk about this, dude? Who cares anyway? I'll see you at lunch, man." At that, Minho walked away, leaving a confused Key behind.


    Lunch started off pretty normal, Minho sat with his usual senior friends. Most of them were sharing dirty jokes about the girls two tables across from theirs' and talking about who's coming to Eli's party tomorrow. One person sat left of Minho, focusing on doing his homework while eating chicken. Minho didn't mind him but he wondered why the sandy-haired male even sat at this table. The seniors seated at this table were reckless, and rebellious while the older boy beside him was a friendly, straight A student. 

    "Ugh. I swear, if I ate that much chicken, Onew. I would totally puke." Soohyun commented. He stuck out his tongue and scrunched his face up in disgust, rolling his eyes back into his head. Minho and a few of the seniors laughed at Soohyun's facial expression.

    A huge grin spread across Onew's face, "I could never get tired of chicken." 

    Since Onew was a senior, Minho didn't see him much during school except for lunch and at several parties. Minho learned over the years of observing him that the senior was clumsy and had the ability to freeze up an atmosphere with whatever he does or says. He also learned that Onew was an extreme chicken maniac. He once tried to take a chicken leg but it only earned him a slap on the hand. But aside from that, Onew was pretty nice and Minho often talked to him about his problems. 

    Doojoon waved his hand frantically at Minho's direction, trying to grab his attention. Minho noticed and nodded back in his direction. 

    "What?" He loudly called out over the excessive chattering of his senior friends. Doojoon cleared the area around him on the table and leaned agaisnt the table on his stomach in attempt to reach Minho. Minho thought it was the stupidest thing to do as Doojoon could have simply just walked around the table and talk to him. But of course, Minho could have done that too. He was just too ing comfortable to get up.

    "Are you going to Eli's party tomorrow?"

    Minho took a brief second to think before he replied, "Of course, man. Why wouldn't I be going?"

    "Good to hear!" Doojoon smirked, "Are you taking Jiyoung along with you?"

    "What? Me and Jiyoung? Dude, we broke up months ago. Where the hell have you been?" Doojoon actually looked kind of surprised by this.

    "What happened, man?" Doojoon asked curiously.

    "She just wouldn't leave me alone. Always being so ing clingy." Minho looked miserable. "One time I had to sit with her in some goddamn shoe store for two ing hours. A ing shoe store."

    Doojoon tried to suppress a laugh but failed horribly, "Did you pick out any pretty shoes for yourself, princess Minho?"

    "Oh. And Jiyoung took Minho to a Hello Kitty store for an hour and a half." Onew added, mouthful of his last chicken leg. Doojoon turned to him, lips forming a small 'o' before grinning slightly.

    "Gross, dude. Close your ing mouth," Minho complained before he sighed, "Anyway… Jiyoung -- I'm done with her."

    "Hey. At least there's gonna be tons of different girls from other schools at Eli's party. Man, I can't ing wait." Doojoon bit his bottom lip as he fidgeted his body around in excitement. He then yelped in surprise as he was pushed back down into his seat by Junhyung, who seemed annoyed by his behavior.

    "How about you calm your down?" He suggested, half playfully punching Doojoon in the side, who only laughed and grinned in returned. Minho laughed along. 

    After taking a few seconds to glance around the cafeteria, Minho noticed Taemin who stood near the snack store. Jonghyun, the guy from band with the banana swipe also stood beside him. Minho eyed them as they talked and laughed. Taemin followed behind Jonghyun as they strolled towards where Minho and the other senior boys were sitting. Minho quickly turned his gaze away from the pair. Onew immediately noticed the two and waved. Seeing the table full, the pair stood at the front end of the table.

    "Hey. Bling. I see you got a new friend, huh?" 

    Jonghyun grinned, "Yep. Taemin meet Onew. Onew meet Taemin." Onew brightly flashed him a smile. Jonghyun chattered with Onew, not paying attention to the others as Soohyun was the first one to acknowledge Taemin as he gawked at him.

    "Yah! He looks so pretty!"

    Taemin smiled, his cheeks hot from embarrassment. He then noticed Minho who was merely looking at some random graffiti drawn on the table.

    "Hi, Minho." Taemin greeted, giving him a small wave. 

    Minho looked up at the younger boy with a bored expression on his face, "Hey." 

    The senior boys chatted with Taemin and Jonghyun before the bell rung. Minho was glad as he didn't feel comfortable with Taemin being there near him. Whole groups of students walked to their next period classes, Minho walked as far as he could away from Taemin and followed behind the crowds towards his next period.


    That night in his room at home, Minho stripped down to his boxers and slid into his bed. He sighed as he folded his hands behind his head, staring up at the gray ceiling. At this time at night, Minho took the time to think about his day and some things he could remember in his past. Then he remembered.

    Taemin is in his first period class, seated right next to him.

    Oh .

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ghostgirlfriend #1
Chapter 14: thank you for uploading this story! it was my favorite 2min fic on LJ too. it was just so different and realistic from the rest. it wasn't too cliche either. i really wonder what happened to jaesunbb. he was such a good writer ;_; i wish he at least told us a reason why he deleted...
Chapter 14: hope you'll make some closure for this story... it's really nice.
Bunnyhutch #3
Chapter 9: I really love this story!