Honey Ramen

Title: Honey Ramen (12/?)
Author: [info]jaesunbb 
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): 2MIN, JongTae
Genre: angst, AU, school life, romance, drama
Warnings: language, homophobia, OOC


     The sound of Minho's cell phone rang loudly throughout his room. His eyes reluctantly opened as he sleepily reached his arm out to his bedside table and tried to retrieve his phone to see what was causing his phone to ring. The phone continued to ring and vibrate until it danced off the table, hitting the floor with a thud. Minho groaned angrily and rolled to the side of the bed, groping for the cell phone under his bed. Eventually, his hand brushed up against it, and he grabbed it, hovering the device above his face. It was a text message from Key.

    Oh my ing...

    Minho cursed angrily in his head, rolling onto his side and putting his hand over his eyes. It was too early in the morning for Minho to receive a text. He shoved his cell phone under his pillow and ignored it, deciding to reply later after finishing his sleep.

    Not even a minute worth of sleep, Minho's phone rang again and he his hand under his pillow, snatching out his phone irritatedly. This time it was a call and Minho gives up and answers it.

    "What do you want?! The party's not even starting 'til eight. It's too ing early." Minho hissed, voice dripping with annoyance.

    "Early my ! It's three in the afternoon! Get your outta bed so Taemin and I can go shopping for the party." 

    Minho scrunched up his face and scoffed, "Shopping? You woke me up on a Saturday morning just to go shopping? You have plenty of clothes or whatever to wear. Screw you, I'm going back to bed."

    Minho was about to hang up and go back to sleep until Key makes a loud screeching noise on the other end of the line. Minho hears another voice in the background as Key begins to plead with him.

    "No, no, no! Wait! We need someone to drive us to Myeongdong. Pleeaase?"

    Minho pauses and briefly thinks for a second before replying, "Oh, yeah. I forgot. Your useless doesn't own a driver's license. Still, you can just go ask your mom, Taemin's mom, or I don't know... Jonghyun." Minho gritted his teeth as he spoke the shorter boy's name. He makes up a scenario in his head when he thinks about Key actually asking Jonghyun for a ride and he clenched his jaw. Taemin is going to be there too and he didn't want the two near each other.

    Minho sighs, "You know what? I'll drive you guys. Just wait thirty minutes. Meet you outside the neighborhood."

    Key squeals happily and tells Minho to hurry before he hung up.

    Minho inwardly groaned and threw the sheets off of him, swinging his feet over the side of the bed.

    "So ing... early." He mumbled to himself as rubbed his face with his the palms of his hands. He's used to waking up later in the afternoon on the weekends. He stands up and walks slowly to the bathroom to wash up.

    When he came back to his bedroom, he headed towards a long mirror stood next to his closet, from which his clothes toppled out. Minho grabbed the first pair of jeans he saw, and pulled them on, followed by his favorite gray v-neck. On his closet door hung his recently-washed black cardigan. He roughly put his arms through the sleeves and buttoned it up.

    He grabbed his car keys and his cell phone and stuffs it into his pocket, walking out of the room.

    As he shuts his bedroom door behind him, the door to his parent's room opens. His mother comes out with a tired look on her face, her hands deep into her robe's pockets. Minho quietly greets her before advancing towards the door leading to the garage.

    "Where are you going?"

    Minho stops and looks over his shoulder, "I'm going somewhere with my friends."

    She gives him a small nod before yawning, walking into the kitchen.

    Minho believes their conversation is over and heads into the garage, pressing on a certain button on his car keys before he hears the click of the doors unlocking in his car. He slides into the car and starts the engine, the garage doors sliding up as sunshine creeps in. When the garage doors are finally up, he pulls out into the driveway and heads towards the exit of the neighborhood.

    Once he reaches the curb that leads out the neighborhood, he automatically notices Key jumping up and down with his arms waving in the air, his back facing Minho. He sees Taemin watching Key with a small smile on his lips and he glances out of the corner of his eyes, his eyes locking with Minho's. Key turns around and follows the younger boy's gaze, he grinned as he jogged towards the car with Taemin following behind.

    Key pulls open the car door and climbs into the back seat along with Taemin. 

    Minho turns his head to face them and scoffs, "You're both sitting in the back? I feel like a chauffeur."

    "To Myeongdong, sir." Key replies, snickering as he waved his hand. 

    Minho huffs and turns back around, placing his hands on the steering wheel and heading out of the neighborhood into Seoul city. Key hunched over as he stood up inside the car to shove a CD into the car's CD player and Minho angrily barked at him to sit down while Taemin sat quietly.

    Upbeat music began to boom and Key started to dance in his seat, taking Taemin's arms as he forcefully waved them in the air. Taemin only smiled at him, not protesting against Key.

    "Wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy~" Key sang along in English with the woman on the CD. He pulls down his shades from his head and places them over his eyes, "Grab my glasses, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit this city~"

    Of course, Key brought an English CD along with him for he loved American artists and his English wasn't all that bad. Minho continues driving into the city, a small smile on his lips as he listened to Key sing along. When they hit a red light, he glances in the rear view mirror and watches Key dance and Taemin's arms being waved around.

    "Don't stop, make it pop. DJ, blow my speakers up. Tonight, I'mma fight. 'Til we see the sunlight." 

    The two boys seem to be having fun as Taemin's small smile spreads into a grin, dancing along with Key.

    Minho wonders if they notice him staring. His hands are going slack as he raised his eyebrows, trying to replace his hands back onto the steering wheel. His eyes are stuck on the rotating hips and waist of the the younger boy in the reflection. He snaps out of his trance when somebody behind his car honks their horn for him to go as the stoplight flashed green.

    "Wow~look at my son. He dances so good." Key commented which made Taemin's cheeks heat up.
    Minho smiles slightly and shakes his head, chuckling, "Son? I didn't know you had a , Key."

    Key roughly kicks the back of Minho's seat and rolls his eyes, going back to singing and dancing with Taemin in the back seat.

    When they finally arrive in the distract of Myeongdong in Seoul, it took a while for Minho to find a parking space in the crowded shopping area. Key's impatience and nagging didn't help at all but thank God for Taemin who calmed him down. For some reason, Key has a soft spot for Taemin -- his son.

    Minho eventually finds a parking spot big enough for his car to fit in between two large cars and Taemin sighs in relief because the two older boy's bickering was getting on his nerves.

    Key is the first one to hop out of the car with Minho and Taemin following last.

    "We should eat first then shop. That way, we burn calories while shopping." Key suggested before linking his arm with Taemin's and dragging him to a food place nearby. Minho watched the pair and followed behind them with a good amount of distance between them. He needed to be careful as he knew most of his classmates hung out here during the weekends.

    Key brings Taemin to a cafe filled with pastries and he drags the younger boy to the shelf of pastries in front of the store before lifting his sunglasses up onto his head. He his lips as he scans the tasty goods but makes a slight disgusted noise when he sees a carrot cake.

    Taemin furrows his eyebrows and asks, "What's wrong?"

    "I don't really like carrots." Key replied and he looks over his shoulder, searching for Minho. He finds him seated in the far corner of the shop with his arms folded across his chest. Key motions for him to come over with a wave of his hand. Minho looks him straight in the eye and doesn't move out from his seat. Key rolls his eyes at Minho's stubbornness before tugging on Taemin's sleeve.

    "What do you want? Mommy will buy it for you, hehe."

    Taemin blushes in embarassment since he wasn't used to Key calling himself Taemin's mom. He scoots over a couple steps and points at a cream cake with fresh strawberries on top. 


    Taemin nods and turns his gaze up to read the menu on the wall. It didn't him long for him to answer when he sees the words banana milk.

    Key nods before choosing his own pastry and drink. The store clerk greets them and takes their order. Within minutes, the black haired girl behind the counter handed them their order along with straws and napkins. Taemin carries the tray to the table Minho was seated at while Key followed closely behind him.

    The two sat across from Minho and Key spoke teasingly with a sing-song voice when he pulled open his cake's lid, "Look what we got~ and you have nothing." 

    Taemin can't help but laugh when he sees Key take a bite out of his cake and rubbing it in Minho's face, titling his head side to side as he his lips. Taemin stabs a straw into his banana milk before pulling open his cake's lid. 

    "Shut up, Key," Minho scoffs as he snatched Taemin's fork out of his hands and stealing a bite of his cake. Taemin snatches back his fork and sticks out his tongue playfully at Minho before taking another bite. Key laughs at the two and takes a sip of his drink.

    "Aw, how cute."

    Minho stomps on Key's foot from under the table and raises his eyebrows with a feigned innocence. Key curses at him before turning to Taemin, a piece of his cake on his fork.

    "You want to try?"

    Taemin nods his head and tries to take Key's fork out of his hands to feed himself.

    Key pulls back his fork and opens his mouth as a demonstration, "No. Say aah~"

    Taemin hesitatingly opens his mouth and brings his mouth towards the fork. Once again, Key playfully pulls back and giggles. Taemin smiles and dabs on the cake with his tongue.

    Minho swallows at the sight and secretly reaches for Key's drink. He takes a long sip. 

    He stares down at the front of his pants like he's discovering this for the first time, wondering how obvious he is. He needed to think of something or someone terrible.


    Minho scrunches up his face at the image of the boy's face in his mind, not feeling aroused anymore, and he slides the drink back to where it was placed. He looks back up and no longer sees Taemin at the cake but instead sees half empty plates.

    Key takes his drink and takes a long sip before snapping at Minho, "Yah! Don't think I didn't see that, you sneaky bastard."

    The two finishes up their food and Taemin thanks Key for buying him the delicious dessert.

    "Aigoo, my son~" Key says, making baby noises, and pinching Taemin's cheeks. Taemin retracts back and smiles, rubbing at his cheeks. Minho couldn't believe the pair's actions. They really looked like mother and son and he was freaked out by it yet amused.

    They exit the store and once again, Key links his arm with Taemin's while Minho stayed back a distance.

    "Where next? Hmm." Key said out loud to himself, scanning the crowded areas and reading the building names as if he was a tourist. "Of course, Migliore! Let's go, go!"

    Taemin had to walk quickly as Key was pulling him towards the big, eight story building. 

    Minho watches them disappear into the building from a bench just outside. He sighs and closes his eyelids.

    "Hey Minho." Someone breathes into his ear, causing him to jump slightly in his seat. Minho twists his head around and shoots the person a scathing look. His heart starts to race when he comes face to face with Junhyung, his hands shoved into his colorful hoodie's pockets, and hunched over to level his gaze with Minho's.

    "What are you doing here?!" Minho asks angrily.

    "I should be the one asking you that." Junhyung showed his Cheshire cat smile and his insides froze. Did he see him with Key and Taemin? He wasn't worried about being seen with Key, but with Taemin... that's a whole different story.

    " off," Minho spat, turning back around and folding his arms across his torso.

    "You're dating Taemin," he whispers near Minho's ear. Chills travel up and down his spine. 

    "No, I'm not." Minho answered calmly. 
    "Whatever, ."

    Junhyung walks away, humming happily as he turned around a corner.

    Minho merely flips him off as a response and scoffs.

    After what seemed like forever to Minho, the pair came out of the building with their hands full of shopping bags. Key happily skipped towards Minho, swinging the bags around as Taemin struggled to carry the bags on both of his hands.

    Minho laughs at him and takes several of the bags from his hands. Taemin thanks him as he felt much better and lighter. 

    The trio walked back to where Minho parked the car. He chucks the shopping bags in the trunk of his car and Key shrieked at him.

    "Idiot! Be careful!"

    Minho walks over to pat Key on the chest before getting in the passenger seat of the vehicle. Taemin carefully places the bags into the trunk, not wanting to anger Key and climbs into the back, leaning against the window and feeling a little bit better after all that weight was taken off him. Key makes sure all the items in the bags are okay before flopping beside Taemin.

    Minho starts up the car and pulls out of the driveway, heading down the street back to their neighborhood. 

    "You wanna know what we bought?" Key doesn't pause for Minho answer, "I bought this y shirt that shows off the shoulders. Oh! And I bought my son a y shirt too. Hehe. But my shirt's ier."

    "So you two are going to dress up as s for the party? That's nice." Minho commented sarcastically.

    "Puh-lease, boy," Key snapped back in English before returning to Korean, "it's called being fashionable."

    Taemin laughs in amusement at Key and Key laughs along with him, asking him if his English was pretty good in English but Taemin doesn't understand and continues laughing. Minho turns up the volume of the music and hopes for Key to shut up, but fails when Key just thanks him and sings along.

    "P-p-p-poker face, p-p-p-poker face~"

    Key turns to Taemin and shows him some kind of move that had to do with his fingers. He curled his index finger and placed it onto of his thumbnail before placing it over his eye and singing along. Taemin imitates him and giggles while doing so.

    After a whole lot of laughter from the two in the back seat, Minho drops Taemin and Key to their houses with their shopping bags, telling them he will see them later at the party before driving off.


    Minho and Taemin sat uncomfortably on the same couch in Eli's basement with Key and Onew, surrounded by their drunken friends. Jonghyun kept a good distance away from Minho as Key had warned him to stay away. He was upstairs in the kitchen or somewhere with several other friends.

    Minho wanted to just to the hell out of Taemin more than anything right now because of his attire and appearance tonight. The younger boy wore a dark gray, sleeveless jacket over a tank top with a neckline that hung low, showing off his milky upper chest and collar bones. His long, auburn hair was pulled into a loose ponytail and his eyes were lightly lined with black pencil. He figured Key was the one who dressed the boy up and mentally took note to praise Key later.

    Having to sneak around to be with Taemin was starting to get to him, and it had only been about two weeks since this thing between them had started in the first place. He didn't know how much longer they could keep this up. The longing to touch and screw and kiss and hold was just too much for him to bear sometimes. But at the same time, he didn't want anyone to know about them or about the fact that he liked Taemin -- a boy.

    Taemin looked over at Minho sadly, and Minho just turned away, not wanting to deal with it. He pulled his cigarette up to his mouth and took a long drag from it. Maybe everyone would be too trashed soon to notice them making out on the couch. 

    Minho couldn't help himself and quickly glanced back over at Taemin, who was already deep in conversation with Key. 

    Kiseop noticed Minho and trotted over to him, his body swaying unsteadily.

    "Hey! Let's go upstairs. Eli has a bunch of joints and bongs and up there," Kiseop suggested, his thumb pointing in the direction of the stairs. Minho looks at him briefly and notices a colorful hoodie in the background. His hands began to sweat and he sees Junhyung, drinking away. Luckily, the boy wasn't looking in his direction, but Minho had to leave out of his sight fast for he didn't want Junhyung to notice him sitting beside Taemin.

    "Okay," Minho said flatly as he got up with Kiseop to go upstairs, not even once glancing at Taemin. 

    Kiseop swung his arm around Minho's shoulder as the two of them walked away, followed by a trail of cigarette smoke.

    Taemin looked at the two boys walking away, slightly jealous. Taemin grumbled and turned back to Key, who looked at him with sympathy.

    "It's okay, Taemin. Maybe tonight you guys can... get it on." Key grinned and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

    "Whatever," Taemin muttered as he reached over Key to grab the bottle of whiskey that was sitting on the table beside them. He chugged half of it down in one drink, his throat starting to burn like mad.

    Key looked at him with an eyebrow cocked, "Slow down with that." He tried to grab the bottle away from Taemin, but he only retracted back, protecting the bottle.

    "Aish," Key said, starting to get pissed off with Taemin, "continue drinking then, stupid."    

    Minho and Kiseop sat on the floor in the living room while they and the other people around them took turns taking hits off the bongs being passed around the group.

    Minho did feel bad for just walking out on Taemin like that, but he couldn't take the risk of being seen with him. Though the feeling of booze and weed was enough to relax him.

    One of the many bongs being passed around made its way back to Minho and Kiseop who both took a hit off of it and passed it to whoever was sitting beside them.

    "Hey, handsome," A girl beside him said,"How's it going?" 

    Minho looked her over with his eyes. She looked a bit older than Minho and she was pretty attractive with muddy brown eyes and hair tied up in a messy bun. He couldn't help himself but look down at her chest which was pretty big for her petite figure.

    She looked at Minho with smokey eyes as she placed a hand over his thigh, slowly closing the gap between their bodies. The crowd began cheering and hooting as the girl sat on top Minho, who's hands were roaming her body. He sees Junhyung climb up the stairs and his eyes watching the two. Minho smirks, noticing Junhyung's shocked look before pulling the girl into a kiss. Who's the now?

    Taemin waited impatiently for Minho until he had enough and stood up, climbing up the stairs to find Minho with the bottle of whiskey still in his hands. He was pissed off at Minho for ditching him like that.

    He walked through the crowds of people to get upstairs, having to force his way through because no one would move. 

    When he reached the top, he scanned the room for Minho and sees a girl on his lap with Minho making out with her. Taemin stormed through the crowds of people and roughly pulled the girl off of Minho, throwing her aside with his free hand as she yelped.

    "What are you doing with her?!" Taemin spat in Minho's face, smashing the bottle near the older boy, but not directly at him. The crowd that had gathered around to see what all the commotion was about and they stared quietly at the scene in front of them. They start whispering and some kicked at the shards of glass littered on the floor. Key, Onew, and Jonghyun also stood among the still crowd. 

    Minho looks at the people crowded around them, embarrassed, and he angrily stands up, roughly taking Taemin's arm and forcefully dragging him outside where no one can see them.

    Jonghyun frantically pushed his way through the crowds of people and tried to run after the two, but Key pulls him back from the collar of his leather jacket, hissing, "You'll just make it worse!"

    "He'll hurt Taemin! He has done it before!" Jonghyun snapped back, struggling to get out of Key's grip. Onew clutches a hand onto Jonghyun's sleeve, assisting Key as he also pulls him back, shaking his head.

    Minho violently shoves Taemin into a tree, glancing around to make sure no one is there, and he glares at the younger boy in front of him who's eyes are misty.

    "Y-you're just drunk, right? You're just messing around." Taemin sharply inhales a deep breath through his mouth, "Because you and I..."

    Minho scoffs and turns away, "You and I? There's no you and I! I was just joking, man!" He turns his head to meet Taemin's shaky gaze.
    Taemin shakes his head, his eyebrows furrowed angrily as he shouted, "Don't lie! I know how you really feel!"

    Minho darts in front of Taemin, roughly clutching the thin tank top in his hands, "The you do." He releases his grip and clutches Taemin's cheeks with a hand. 

    "I was just playing with you! Got that?" Minho barks, slapping his cheek, and making Taemin sway, his head in the direction of the slap. Taemin slowly raises his gaze as Minho turns around, taking a few steps back away from Taemin. As he was about to walk away, he pauses and turns back to face the younger boy.

    "Love is for a man and a woman," He says harshly, "And you're not a girl." At that, he walks away and Taemin watches him leave.

    He lowers his gaze and let the stream of tears roll down his cheeks onto the grassy ground. He chokes back a sob as he hears the sound of foot steps heading towards him. He slowly turns his head and see Jonghyun walking towards him with a sadden expression.

    Jonghyun gently wrapped his arms around Taemin and the younger boy buries his head into Jonghyun's neck, letting it all out.

    Minutes later of Taemin's sobbing, Taemin grew weak from crying as he sleepily leaned against Jonghyun who helped him up and escorted him back home.

    Taemin's mother wasn't all that happy to see Jonghyun for she believed he was the one that made Taemin cry the other day, neither was she pleased to see Taemin with a wet face. But Jonghyun begs with her to let him settle Taemin in his bed. She sighs and lets the yellow-fringed boy in, watching him from the living room as he slowly climbed up the stairs to Taemin's room.

    Jonghyun lead Taemin into his bed and tucked him in snugly after undoing the boy's ponytail and removing his jacket. He sat on the edge of his bed and brushed strands of hair out of Taemin's face. 

    As Jonghyun got up to leave since Taemin's mother called for him to go from the doorway of Taemin's room, he felt Taemin grab onto his arm.

    "Jus… can you… stay a bit… please?" Taemin pleaded with Jonghyun weakly. Taemin's mom overhears and she nods, telling Jonghyun he can stay for a little longer. She leaves the two alone and strolls back downstairs.

    Jonghyun sighed softly and sat back down onto the bed with Taemin, holding his hand. He felt so bad for Taemin and angry at Minho for doing or saying whatever to him and as much as he wanted to beat Minho up, he knew he was no match for the taller boy.

    A few short minutes later, Taemin had fallen asleep, his grip on Jonghyun's hand becoming loose. Jonghyun patted him gently on the arm, leaning over to leave a kiss on his forehead before he walked out of the room and quietly closed the door. 

    Jonghyun rested his head against the door for a minute, thinking about how he was going to ask Taemin what's going on between Minho and him. Jonghyun frowned sadly; he had never seen Taemin cry so hard over someone or something. 

    Jonghyun jogged down the stairs and asked Taemin's mother if he can visit tomorrow afternoon. She thinks for a short moment before giving him a small nod and he leaves the Lee residence.

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ghostgirlfriend #1
Chapter 14: thank you for uploading this story! it was my favorite 2min fic on LJ too. it was just so different and realistic from the rest. it wasn't too cliche either. i really wonder what happened to jaesunbb. he was such a good writer ;_; i wish he at least told us a reason why he deleted...
Chapter 14: hope you'll make some closure for this story... it's really nice.
Bunnyhutch #3
Chapter 9: I really love this story!