Honey Ramen

Title: Honey Ramen (8/?)
Author: jaesunbb 
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): 2MIN, Minho/OC
Genre: angst, AU, school life, romance, drama
Warnings: language, violence, OOC
A/N: In this chapter, italics = flashback
Long chapter is long~



         Minho points at the girl in the photo with the hand that's around Taemin's neck, "You see this beautiful girl right here?" He lightly taps near the girl's head, "That's Park Jiyoung, she's the most funniest, and coolest girl ever. She was my science partner."

    Taemin turns to look at Minho with risen eyebrows, "Was?"

    Minho sighs deeply.


    Minho knew Jonghyun since he was sophomore at high school and the two were tied at the hip, skipping classes together, playing video games at each other's houses, and hanging out together after school and during the weekends.

    They were inseparable.

    Minho meets Jonghyun outside his doorstep all dressed nice and his hair neatly combed, a smile on his face. Jonghyun looks at him weirdly, "Wow~ look at you. You excited to go to school or what?"

    "Idiot, it's not that," Minho begans, laughing softly, "It's for someone."

    Jonghyun's jaw drops, "Oh my ing--Minho, why didn't you tell me--your best friend--anything?" He playfully punches Minho in the shoulder, grinning up at him like an idiot, "Tell me everything."

    Minho beams at his shorter companion before he walks a few feet ahead of him, he stops and turns around, nodding his head towards the sidewalk, motioning Jonghyun to follow him.

    Jonghyun quickly jogs to him, his hands clutching the straps of his backpack.

    Once Jonghyun catches up, Minho continues walking and speaks up, "I have this ing gorgeous girl as my science partner in fourth period. Her name's Jiyoung, and she's different from the rest of the girls at school. She loves music and she even knows how to speak English! She's funny too and she's hella cute."

    He's feeling like a naive teenage girl who's crushing hard.

    "Oh! I know her! She's pretty cool."

    Minho glares at him, "Back off, okay?"

    Jonghyun laughs and nods his head, "Dude. Don't worry. I'm not like that. I'll even promise you I won't." He holds out his pinky up at Minho.

    He stares at it and even though it's lame, Minho lifts up his pinky finger too and they wrapped their fingers together.

    "Pinky promise."


    Minho places his backpack onto the back of his chair before greeting his crush, Jiyoung and taking a sit besides the girl.

    "Hey, you're looking rather fresh today." She compliments, smirking at him as she scans him up and down with her muddy, brown eyes.

    Minho feels his stomach doing flips, he swallows the lump in his throat, "Thanks."

    The lesson starts and Minho can't take his eyes off at the girl sitting inches away from him. Her dyed copper hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail and her layered bangs covers her forehead. Minho wishes she would cut them off as he wants to see her entire beautiful face. When Jiyoung smiles at him, he can't help but smile back and stare at her eye smile.

    He ing loves it.

    Minho snaps out of his thoughts and hears the drop of a pencil and he automatically reaches down for it. But before he could even grab it, his head collides with Jiyoung.

    Minho picks up the light pink mechanical pencil before he pulls himself back up and apologizes. Jiyoung rubs the area near her hairline and mouthes an 'ow', hissing softly in pain.

    Minho thinks her action is cute and chuckles lightly at her and she playfully punches him, laughing along.

    When the teacher tells them to quit playing around, they pause for a few minutes before they continued snickering quietly.

    "Can I ask you something?" Minho mutters.

    Jiyoung nods her head in reply and Minho leans in towards the side of her head.

    "Go out on a date with me." Minho whipsers apprehensively in her ear. It sounded more like a demand rather than a request.

    Jiyoung doesn't respond, but reaches for Minho's hand hanging down beside his seat and laces her fingers with his. She gives a gentle squeeze and smiles.

    In Minho's mind, he sees himself jumping up and down happily as a big grin spreads across Minho's face.


    During lunch time, Minho leads Jiyoung with his hand intertwined with her's towards     the exit of the school, laughing as they push the large doors open.

    "Where are we going, Minho?"

    Minho smiles at her, "Somewhere awesome."

    Jiyoung giggles at his word choice as she follows closely behind him.

    Minho takes the girl across the street to a nearby music store.

    They entered the store and Minho looks at Jiyoung, she seems pleased as she scans the store.

    They walk through the aisles of CDs and excitedly drags her to one of those listening machines and places the headphones on her ears. Jiyoung furrows her eyebrows, wondering what Minho's trying to do.

    Minho places the headphones over his ears also before going through the list of songs on the station. He smiles to himself before he presses play.

    The song starts playing and Jiyoung places pressure on the side of the headphone, bringing it closer to her ear. It was an upbeat Indie song with slow lyrics and she recognizes the English language as the man in the song sings.

    The lyrics of the song makes Jiyoung's heart flutter and she closes her eyelids.

    Minho glances nervously at her and he feels this is just an illusion.

    The girl he liked for months is right beside him, holding onto his hand.

    Once the song finishes, Jiyoung looks up at the taller boy and she smiles, "That was beautiful."

    Minho returns the smile and they awkwardly stand there, staring into each other's eyes, waiting.

    Unexpectedly, Jiyoung pulls him by his tie and their lips are crashing together.

    Minho realizes this isn't an illusion.


    The two were now offically a couple after several dates together and Jonghyun feels happy for the couple. He even bought couple shirts for them on their hundredth day together.

    Minho wanders around the hallways searching for Jiyoung.

    It was strange that she wasn't waiting for him near the entrance of the cafeteria as she usually does.

    He walked through the crowds of people before stoping just in front of the band room when he hears the sound of panting.

    Minho raises his shaky hand onto the handle of the door, he doesn't want to be a creep and barge in, but the sound was getting to his head.

    He opens the door and scanned the room.

    Minho felt his stomach tighten at the next sight.

    Jiyoung was lying back against the wall with Jonghyun plastered all over her, making out, and his hands roaming around everywhere. And did his hand just go down between her legs? ing hell.

    Minho clenches his teeth hard.

    "What the is going on here?!" Minho screamed at the two. He was furious.

    He stomped right up to the pair, and pries the two off of each other before punching Jonghyun hard on the shoulder.

    Choi Minho was ing pissed.

    Jonghyun doesn't do or say anything neither does Jiyoung who's head is lowered down.

    Minho clutches the shorter boy by his shirt and slams him against a wall. Jonghyun could literally feel the waves of hatred radiating off of Minho's body.

    "Stop it!"

    The shout catches Minho off-guard as he turns his head to the crying girl a few feet away.

    Minho glared complete hatred at Jonghyn before letting his fist loosen around the boy's shirt. He spits at his shoe and walks away.


    During soccer practice after school, Minho stayed away from Jonghyun as possible. When the coach went off inside the building to get some supplies, hell broke loose when Jonghyun confronted Minho about what happened during lunch earlier.

    "Minho," Jonghyun started, "I'm sorry! But Jiyoung and I feel for each other!" Minho furrowed his eyebrows, irritated by Jonghyun.

    "Yeah, you ing do feel for each other. I just saw it earlier." Minho snapped back as he glared at him angrily.

    Jonghyun's hand reaches for Minho's shoulder but Minho swats it away, "I'm warning you."

    "Listen to me!" Jonghyun loudly yells, "I've known Jiyoung more than you and I like her! She likes me too!"

    He didn't care that he was making a scene. He didn't care that the entire team went quiet. He didn't care that there were a ton of people staring at the little fight he was having.

    "You promised me, man! You promised you would back off!" Minho barks back, the veins in his neck popping out as he angrily clenches his fists.

    Jonghyun lowers his gaze, "I'm sorry."

    Minho's breathing increased as he glared at the shorter boy.

    Doojoon looked over at Minho once he saw this and panicked. He threw his arms around Minho to stop him, but Minho pried him off and charged towards Jonghyun, throwing a punch across his face.    

    Jonghyun suddenly whips out a pocket knife and slices Minho on the neck.

    Minho hisses loudly and bends down in pain before regaining himself. He shoves Jonghyun down towards the ground causing the knife in his hand to fly off somewhere out in the field.

    "If Jiyoung really liked you, why would she be with me?!" Minho spats, repeatedly hitting him roughly in the face. The players of the team tried to peel Minho away but Minho brushes them off, telling them to back up or else they'll get beaten up too.

    Jonghyun coughs and whispers, "Because she was using you."

    This made Minho even madder than he was before as he takes Jonghyun's head by the sides and bashing it hard against the grassy ground.

    The coach sees the pair and dashes towards them, ripping Minho off of Jonghyun. He holds Jonghyun in his arms as he dials 119 for an ambulance and wipes away the blood tricking down Jonghyun's face.

    "What is your problem?! Are you trying to kill him?! You blew it, Minho! You're off the team!" The coach yells at Minho.

    Minho doesn't response. He was stunned at what he just did. He stares at his shaky, bloody hands with widen eyes.

    The ambulance finally arrives and Jonghyun is carried into the vehicle.

    The police roughly grabs Minho by his arms as they slapped on handcuffs around his wrists.

    "You did wrong, my boy."


    After paying off charges for assault and Minho finally finished his probation, Minho's parents agreed to take Minho to a doctor.

     Minho yells at the doctor in front of him, "I don't have a ing bipolar disorder. If you haven't notice, I'm seventeen! Haven't you ever been a teenager?!"

    Minho's parents grabs him by the back of his shirt and pulls him back into the seat, telling him to be quiet and listen to what the doctor says.

    "Minho, I'll be prescribing you pills that will help you," The doctor begans before turning to his parents, "Be sure to take him to a therapist. There's a really good one I strongly recommend---"

    Minho tunes out everything surrounding him, his mind is ed over. He traces the bandage down his neck where Jonghyun had sliced him with a knife.

    What a ing loser trying to fight with a knife.

    He snaps out of his trance when the doctor pats his shoulder and tells him everything is going to be okay.



    Taemin looks at him sincerely as Minho puts the photo back into his wallet.

    Taemin wonders why Minho even still keeps the picture after all that has happen between the trio.

    "Why do you still have that photo?"

    Minho takes his arm off around Taemin's neck and rubs his temples, "It doesn't mean anything to me anymore, but I just can't throw it away... I don't know why."

    Taemin nods his head before lying his back against his bed, his hands folded behind his head.

    Something is itching Taemin though.

    "What happened to Jiyoung though?"

    Minho stares in front of him, "She died before I could even tell her that we're over."

    Taemin lifts himself off his bed, looking at Minho with widen eyes, "You're kidding right?"

    "How could I joke about something like that? Stupid." Minho gently smacks the back of Taemin's head. Before Taemin could even ask how, Minho quickly responds with a shake of his head.

    He doesn't know what happened.

    "That's why I'm not talking about her. I'm afraid she'll come and haunt me or something..."

    Taemin finally shuts his mouth and stops asking questions, he understands now.

    They sat awkwardly on Taemin's bed until Taemin speaks up, "So... you got a haircut."

    Minho nods, smiling at him, "You like?"

    Taemin scoffs and rolls his eyes.

    There is a knock on Taemin's door and Taemin shouts for the person to come in. His mother opens the door and  smiles at the pair before asking Minho if he would like to sleep over tonight.

    Taemin shakes his head frantically at his mother, mouthing 'no' at her. She ignores him and continues smiling at Minho, patiently waiting for an answer.

    Minho looks at Taemin and laughs before returning his gaze to the older woman, "Yes. I would like to, Mrs. Lee. Thank you."

    Taemin wants to crawl into a hole and just die as he smacks his forehead with the palm of his hand.

    His mom shuts the door behind her and Taemin could hear her giggling, probably over how 'handsome' Minho looks.

    Taemin slowly looks at Minho and Minho's grinning at him like an idiot.

    his life.

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ghostgirlfriend #1
Chapter 14: thank you for uploading this story! it was my favorite 2min fic on LJ too. it was just so different and realistic from the rest. it wasn't too cliche either. i really wonder what happened to jaesunbb. he was such a good writer ;_; i wish he at least told us a reason why he deleted...
Chapter 14: hope you'll make some closure for this story... it's really nice.
Bunnyhutch #3
Chapter 9: I really love this story!