Class Divisions







THIRD POV (The next day…)
“WHAT!! THAT GOT THE PART AND I DIDN’T!!! SHE DIDN’T EVEN IN’ AUDITION!!!” The results of the play were out and everyone was lining up to see who would play the lead roles.
The obvious male role turned to be Park Chanyeol, and of course this made many females devastated as they were unable to play the part of Juliet with the king of the school himself. But, some girls still lightened up as they got minor roles instead of anything big; the only reason for lighting back up is that they still would be near Chanyeol…somewhat.
And, of course, the queen herself was angered by the results nonetheless. She, as many other girls, auditioned for the lead female role. And every year she would get it, but this special year, their last year to be exact, she was shown up by an Unknown. Oh, Naeun still got a part…as an understudy for Juliet.
“Talent.” Someone retorted, answering her retorical question.
“What? Want to say that again, ?” Naeun hissed as she spat venom towards the source of the voice.
“Gladly. She has talent, and you damn well don’t. Sure, you can sing pretty well, but in anything else you might as well just call it quits.” Amber stepped up with her arms crossed and a smug look written all over her face. She was enjoying this little fit Naeun, the “usual cutesy and happy” princess was throwing. Everyone was really; many were even taping it on their phones.
“Hah. Ain’t that a joke. An Unknown? Having talent? Please, they are of the lowest class for a reason. She must’ve got it another way. Maybe she slept-” But Naeun was cut off by a fist a centimeter away from her nose. She turned pale as she dropped to the ground out of surprisement and fear.
“Say that again. I dare, ya.” Silence. “Good. Next time you talk like that, I swear I won’t hesitate in making sure you need get some more surgery for that plastic nose of your’s.” Jinhee stated as she gave a piercing death glare to Naeun. Jinhee didn’t spare another word to Naeun as she turned and began to walk away from the fallen girl. Jinhee just saw Amber standing there with her arms crossed over her chest as she gave Jinhee and approving smile.

Before Jinhee was completely out of the group of students, Naeun mustered up the courage to speak one last thing, “Watch your back, Jinhee!! I won’t settle for understudy, especially to a nobody like you!” Jinhee paused for a moment as she slightly turned her head to the side.
“I expect nothing less from you, Son Naeun.” And she started to walk again with Amber following behind.


“That…was…pure awesomeness I must say, Ms. Lee Jinhee.” Amber nudged me lightly on the arm as we started to head to our homeroom class that we had together.
“Hah, thanks. It sure felt good to do that too.” I stated truthfully as I stretched my arms up into the air.

“Hehe, I bet. Now, what’s this whole deal with you getting the lead role? Tell me everything!” Amber asked. I just sighed in response as I told her the whole story involving the video going around school and the talk with the drama teacher and of this maybe rare abilities thing concerning over me.

“Wow.” She said. As I just nodded and hummed an “mhm” in response. “So, you’re like this rare kind of person with special abilities from all the classes?” She asked in clarification. I just shrugged and answer with a “maybe.” She was silent for a second as she was probably absorbing all this info that I just blantly dished out. “…so COOL!! I knew you were talented!! You just didn’t do anything about it.” Amber stated in a very proud tone as she puffed out her chest and held her head high. I couldn’t help but just snicker a little at my friend’s reaction and appearance at that moment.

As we stepped into the classroom, with Amber still acting all high and mighty, and me trying to contain my immense laughter, many started to rush up to the both of us. Well, mainly me it seemed as I turned to see Amber being pushed out by the crowd of students trying to ask me questions.

“How did you become the lead?”
“Do you know how lucky you are!?”

“I didn’t even see you audition that day!” These were mainly the girls that rushed up and caused up the chatter as they were probably the ones most affected. I’m pretty sure the guys could care less as the girls probably were a bit saddened by the results.

Before I could speak up, Amber already had for me, “Alright, ladies, make some room for the star. Don’t be so down, there’s always next time.” Amber grabbed my arm and pulled me away from our classmates’ wraths. I gave her a “thanks” as we both headed to our seats.
I feel that this is only the beginning.


For the rest of the day I would sometimes be stopped in the halls by other girls telling me the same thing over and over again. Asking the same questions and ranting on and on about me getting the part instead of they.
But, finally it was the end of the day and I wouldn’t have to deal with any more crap from those girls. God, they’re so tiring. They could at least come up with different comments, statements, and questions to rant to me about.

I headed down the hall to the two twin front doors that lead to the auditorium. I opened the doors only to see Minzy in the very front of the auditorium talking with the director/teacher. Oh, crap! I forgot about Minzy!! Oh no..I took the part from her…God, I feel like a horrible unnie to her…
I started to make my way down the stairs/aisle to the front of the auditorium. As I made my way down I became more aware of the others that were already here. I noticed that Park Chanyeol, that got the leading male role, was already flipping through the script with an unreadable  expression. I could see Naeun and others of the Performers class were talking as they snickered a little to themselves; and at times I caught their glances until they turned back a second later. Cowards.

I noticed Minzy was heading out of the auditorium as she was done talking with the director. Before she left I ran up to her, grabbing her wrist and calling out her name. She stiffened under my touch as she turned around and I felt her calm down a bit.
“Minzy, I’m-” But I couldn’t finish as she cut me off.

“Unnie! I got into the International Dancing Competition!! So I’m sorry that I won’t be here to be in the play. I’m also sorry for making you be in it with me. Ah! Also, congrats on making the female lead, and you said you weren’t good enough. Haha, silly unnie. Anyways, I have to go now. I wish you luck on the play, unnie! Fighting!” Minzy smiled to me, but I could tell how much it hurt her to not be in the play as her smile slipped for a split-second.

“Minzy, I’m sor-” But she stopped me again as she pulled my arm and brought me into a hug.

“I know what you’re gonna say. It’s alright. I’m alright. Just believe in yourself, Jen. I know you’ll be great.” She whispered as she hugged me tightly. I didn’t know how to respond. I was too stunned. I felt horrible but yet I felt relieved that Minzy is encouraging me so much. I hugged her back tightly as I only said one thing.

“Thank you.” Minzy released me from the hug as she looked to me giving a me a smile and gave me a “fighting sign” then left through the two doors. I just looked at the doors for a second until the director called me name out.

I rushed down to where everyone was and was handed a script. The director called for everyone to begin rehearsing with one another from the beginning scene. As everyone was making their way up the side stairs to the stage, I felt a certain someone’s foot slide in front of my ultimately making me trip. I let out a silent string of curse words as I held on tightly to my knee that bumped onto the steps.

“Omg, Jinhee, you should be more careful! Wouldn’t want you being hurt.” I heard the “she-witch” spout crap from . “Here let me help you~” Bull. She lent out her hand and instead of grabbing my wrist or hand she grabbed a fist full of my hair as she pulled it up.

“ARGH!!” I cried in pain, this is really asking for a new face, ain’t she?!

“Oops, my bad. I accidentally grabbed the wrong thing. Awww~ poor thing.” She faked innocence as I was trying to hold myself back from punching the lights out of this girl.

“Thanks for the help.” I managed to spit out as I limp up to the stage.

“Anytime, .~” I just shrugged off her last comment as I looked to the director who seemed to have turned a blind eye. Hah, as I thought, you really just need to stand up for yourself.

For 4 hours, we rehearsed all our lines and even were able to go through it once. As the play was in 3 weeks, we needed to hurry and learn our lines quickly. I could feel glares at the back of my head from most of the females as we practiced the romantic scenes quite a bit. The only scenes we didn’t practice, thank God, were the kissing scenes. As it would be that my hair would shield our faces as we “kiss;” once again, THANK THE LORD!

“Okay, that’s it for today! Good work, people! And be sure to practice your lines during your free time! See you all tomorrow!” And with that people started to pack their things and head back to either their dorm rooms or home(as some did leave near by and just commuted). “Ah, Chanyeol and Jinhee, stay back for a second.” As I was packing up and putting away the script in my bag, the director called out to us. I slung my bag over my shoulder as I started to walk to him.

Chanyeol was much taller than I, so I felt so short around him and I’m pretty tall for an 18 year old! “What is it you wanted to talk to us about?” Chanyeol spoke up. I could almost sense him fidget a bit as he stood next to me; what’s his deal?

“Ah, yes. I wanted to tell you both that I am advising you to become closer outside of the play. It would be much easier if you two were closer since then you both would be able to loosen up more and become comfortable working together.” The teacher said.

“But-” Chanyeol and I both said at the same time.

“No, buts. It’s a requirement. Now go. I’ll see you both tomorrow.” And before we could say anything else he was already gone.


The teacher left as soon as he finished speaking. I sighed and looked to my side only to see the girl that was standing next to me a second ago, gone.

I looked back and saw she was already walking away and about to head out. “Hey! Wait up!!” I yelled to her. She looked back to me with a confused expression as one brow was up and the other was furrowed. Giving me a sort of “WTF?” look. I just gave her a sheepish sort of smile in return as I was quite glad she stopped. But, I would never admit it.

“What?” She asked. Uhhh, if I remember correctly her name is Jinhee?

“Well, the teacher said we have to get along. I bet you want to know who I am.” I told her.

“Not really.” She instantly shot back. Ouch.

“Heh, you probably already know anyways. I’m Park Chanyeol. Chanyeol is just fine though.” I played off.

“As I said, I don’t want to associate myself with you. No offense.” She said. Ouch, another straight shot.

“Hah, it’s cool. Anyways, what’s your name?” I still said as though I didn’t hear her.

“Did you not just hear me?” She asked a little perplexed and I could sorta tell she was losiong her patience.

“Woah, calm down. Sorry. Didn’t mean to get you angry, Jinhee.” Oops.

“Pft. It’s fine. Whatever. Don’t ask my name if you already knew it.” She huffed.

“It would’ve bee much easier if you just told me it, ya’know. I don’t know you are so reluctant to anyways. It’s a really pretty name. I don’t see why you want to hide it.”



“…It’s a really pretty name. I don’t see why you want to hide it.” My eyes widened at his words. I bit my lip gently as I didn’t respond. I could feel some of the heat rush to my face as I just looked to the ground to hide it.

“That’s none of your business, Mr. Park.” I stated. My heart beat quickened as I talked to him. What’s wrong with me?! Why am I acting like this around a guy like that?!

“Mr. Park? Woah, formal aren’t we? Ms…” He stopped, probably waiting for me to say my full name. Ugh, this brat.

“Lee. My name is Lee Jinhee. Happy?” I plainly stated still refusing to look at him.

“Ah, see that wasn’t hard. Lee Jinhee, huh? Well, it’s nice to meet you, Madam Jinhee.” He walked infront of me as he bowed down. I just looked down at him with confusion written plainly across my face. What the?


“Haha, just staying in character.” He looked up and winked, the heat in my face started to rise up again as I turned my head and covered the bottomk half of my face with my hand. From my peripheral vision he looked to me and stood back up. I felt him grab my wrist and pull my hand down and away from my face. I looked up to him as he looked down to me. I felt his face come slowly closer to mine as I felt his hot breath on my nose.

My mind was blank as I didn’t know what to think. My heart rate quickened as nervousness and anxiousness rushed over me all at once. What was I to do? I wasn’t think. He came closer to my face as he was about a centimeter away from one another. He grabbed my hands and put them on his chest as I felt his heart beat quite quick as well, making me a bit surprised.

I grabbed onto his shirt as he loosely draped his arms around my waist. I don’t what this was I felt in my chest as my faced heated up from his warm breath and my blushing. Our lips were quite close until….I regained my consciousness.

I pushed him away from me and looked to him one last time. I saw he had a shocked expression written on his face as his eyes were wide in shock. I didn’t know what to do as I just ran pass him and straight to my dorm. Blocking out everything around me. Once I made it to my dorm room, I opened the door and quickly shut it. I put my back to the door and slid down it. My hand tightly holding onto my chest and my other hand on my forehead as my head was spinning.

What’s wrong with me?!




AUTHOR'S NOTE : Nothing really to say...hope chapter 3 made sense and all. One more chapter to go! Thanks and baiz! -Panda3093



credits to fallen angel


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2NE1Blackjack000 #1
OH this seems interesting please update soon !!!