
Head Over Heels
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Jiho was on his way to Jenissi's place which was nearly 2km away from his home. He wanted to reach the grocery shop first, he always goes to since he was hungry and didn't want to eat his snacks. After going in the tiny shop, the nice ahjumma greeted him. Jiho bowed back and took out a pack of kimbap from a shelf and went to the counter to pay. While the ahjumma was taking her time to check the price, he noticed that two gangster-like men were observing him. Jiho found their behaviour a bit suspicious but shrugged it away as the men continued to look at snacks. When he gave the ahjumma the money for the kimbap he glanced to the men, who were busy at deciding on what snacks to take, he calmed down. As he left the shop he assured that the dudes weren't following him and went to the little libary that was just a street away from the shop. *I think I'm getting paranoid* he thought about the men. *Keep cool, man. Nobody knows who you are* this thought was directed to himself. He sat on the stairs of the libary and couldn't help thinking about his dad. The anger started heating up again. He began unpacking his kimbap as his stomach grumbled. While munching his snack he thought about the same question over again and again and again and again (A/N see what I did there xD /A/N). What are his father's intentions?

He let out a sigh in frustration and decided to make his way to Jenissi, since it was evening now. When he took a few steps he sensed something strange, like he was being followed. He glanced over his shoulder to take a look. Quite startling was, that his instinct didn't deceive earlier, because he discovered the two men from the shop. To check if they are chasing him or just coincidentally going the same way he was, he took a detour and turned quite often around the cor

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Hi guys! This is the first fanfiction I've ever made


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Chapter 14: Aww.... I want to read more. Please update soon! I can't wait to know what happens. This story surely cracked me up. I really love Xero! Is she in danger? If she is,I hope she quickly learns martial arts or maybe that certain so-called boyfriend can help her
Milarock #2
Chapter 14: Ahhh~ good story. ㅋㅋㅋ is she in danger?? Hahah ANYWAYS... Update soon ^.^
Chapter 14: Update it fasttt TAT
Chapter 13: Ahhh update! XD
I want. Kiss. Now XD
Jiho isn't my freakin bias but who careeess *jumpes around*
i love this story !
chunjoe1004 #6
Chapter 12: nice story !
totaahassan #7
Nice story
Cropped_Angsy #8
Chapter 12: Kyaaaaa!! Xero you really are... Emm I wish I were mirae. Update soon, please
Chapter 12:*loss of words*

All duh suspense Lmao xD
_Sona_ #10
Chapter 4: Lol it ain't chonny xd