Word count: 1616

Summary: Fan mail, hate mail, love letters – at the end of the day, we’re all still pissed GD’s Crooked won Best Dance at MAMA 2013.

AN: I’m sure Seungri probably receives more than 150, but the writer’s block prompt was apparent on 150.


[He was excited to find 150 new emails in his inbox.]


“Wow! So many messages from the fans!” Seungri yelled excitedly, grinning widely from ear to ear. He began clicking at the screen wildly, crushing the computer mouse beneath his index finger. “It hasn’t even been that long since I last checked my fanmail address!”


“It’s been, like, a week. Of course they’ve all piled up by now.” Mihyo yawned, casually stealing a glance at the screen as she strolled past the kitchen counter, where Seungri was propped up on a barstool with his laptop. Seungri didn’t even answer, too fixated by the electronic letters of admiration and praise various fangirls and even fanboys had sent him.


“Less than five days.” Seungri corrected his girlfriend, his eyes never leaving the laptop monitor as he scanned each and every word of adoration from his loving fans. Mihyo gave a huff of disgust as she flicked the switch on the filtered coffee machine with a slap, staring daggers at Seungri the whole time.


“Aw, this one is so cute!” Seungri declared. He cleared his throat before reading the message aloud. “Dear oppa! I love you! You are the best! The most perfect human being to ever come into existence! The absolute ideal man! I wish for my husband to be just like you! Or, better yet…for my husband to be you, oppa! I love you!” Seungri gave a sigh of satisfaction. “She’s so right, you know? Ah, the girls are really the best. Guys say they want to be like you, and that’s great and all. But girls really well and truly love you. They’re so cute, ah! Really the best thing to wake up to! When you have fans, what more could you possibly want or need from the world?! VIPs, I love you too!” Seungri squealed as he actually leaned in to hug the laptop screen to his bare chest, still damp from the shower. He hadn’t so much as looked at Mihyo that morning, even though she was glaring so intensely at him from across the room that her gaze may as well have been on fire. She herself could have been on fire, and Seungri would probably be too busy counting the number of words in each fan letter to notice.


The coffee finally finished brewing after another five minutes of Seungri reading aloud his puke-inducing love letters to his pretending-not-to-be-interested girlfriend. Mihyo grimaced as she sipped from the mug, trying not to wince as Seungri finished letter number seven.


“…Oppa, last night I dreamt your lips were on mine, and then we rode away into the sunset on a white horse, like a prince! Kya~! So embarrassing! But…I wish it really did happen! I love you! Love, your number one fan!” Seungri chuckled, his ego swelling more than an stuck in leather pants. It was ridiculous, Mihyo thought. And high time to put it to an end.


“Seungri oppa,” Seungri immediately began the next letter, not even pausing for breath. “Because I am a true VIP for you, I bought the second album making photobook straight away! You look so handsome and y, oppa! I especially love the photos of you waking up in bed and in your dressing robe…it makes me fantasise about and wonder what it would be like to wake up with you, oppa, like a new bride…” Seungri momentarily leaned back on the stool, lazily crossing his arms behind his head. “I wonder, huh?” A not-so-secret grin broke out on his sharp face as Mihyo’s grip tightened on the mug, her knuckles rapidly turning apple-white. As amazing as it would be to chuck scalding coffee at her annoyingly arrogant boyfriend, there had to be another, sneakier weapon she could use. Mihyo just had to be patient.


“Anyway, carrying on. I really am a true fan, oppa. I bought the photobook so I could watch your dance practises because I paid, unlike the filth who are secretly sharing the links on the internet without buying your photobook. I am not like them, oppa. I am a real VIP, and I love you! I also love the dance videos! Oppa, when you dance, you’re so cool and hot! It’s such a shame…” Seungri suddenly trailed off, stopping short. Interested peaked, Mihyo stepped around the counter, mug still in hand, and read the screen over Seungri’s shoulder.


It’s such a shame that Jiyong oppa won Best Dance at MAMA this year,” Mihyo continued drily for Seungri as she read aloud, a viciously smug smirk contouring her face. “I really thought ‘Gotta Talk to U’ was amazing. But we all knew from the start that Jiyong oppa would win. It was so cruel to pit the two of you against each other! He is the king, after all. Nobody can compare to him. He’s just that much more popular. Seungri oppa is cute, but Jiyong oppa is on a whole different level. Better luck next time, oppa. Let’s hope that you won’t be competing against Jiyong oppa again next year. Fighting!”         


There was a pause before Mihyo continued. Seungri hadn’t budged an inch or uttered a single sound, his head motionless and slumped on the polished granite countertop.


“Don’t need anything from this world but your fans, huh?” Mihyo parroted Seungri’s words, her eyebrows raised at her boyfriend’s pathetic form.


“Why are you drinking coffee, anyway?” Seungri suddenly whirled around. However, he didn’t dare face Mihyo. Instead, he stared out into the distance, towards the large wall-like windows. “You hate it.”


“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you were too busy studying all your lifeline letters to even register my presence, let alone what beverage I was drinking.” Mihyo sharply snapped in an attempt to cover the fact that she herself had been so focused on pretending not to pay attention to Seungri and his fans whilst simultaneously hanging on to every last detail, that she hadn’t even noticed she’d made and then consequently drunk the bitter, acrid concoction she usually hated so much.


“Give it to me.” Seungri sighed, reaching out for the mug. However, he found himself grasping the air as Mihyo took a step backwards.


“Don’t make me throw this in your face.” She merely growled in response, glaring at him menacingly.


“Baby,” Seungri slowly rose to his feet. A small, teasing smile played on his admittedly breath-taking face. “Are you angry at me? Are you…jealous?


“Not even in your dreams!” Mihyo scoffed. She slammed the coffee mug down on the counter, before flouncing on her heel as she attempted to stalk back to the bedroom. However, she found the entrance suddenly blocked by Seungri and his incredibly muscular physique. Standing a good head taller than her, he actually made a very difficult door blockade to get past.


“Okay. Tell me you’re not jealous.” Seungri grinned down at Mihyo, who was practically seething. “Then I’ll let you pass.”


Mihyo widened her almond-shaped eyes at him in enraged disbelief. “I…am not…”


She suddenly fell limp, flopping against Seungri’s chest as a puffy, pink pout overtook her face.


“…Maybe a little bit…”


Seungri leaned down to let her protruding lips meet his, and they stood like that in the doorway for some time, simply kissing. Mihyo let her hands roam all over Seungri’s body, his face, clutching his back, feeling his rock-hard abdomen, whilst Seungri purely held her tight and close in his arms.


When they finally slowed to a halt, Mihyo drew back and stared up searchingly into Seungri’s eyes, expectant. He pretended to frown, feigning confusion before a sunny smile broke out on his face, and he leaned in to give his pouting girlfriend another quick kiss, giggling mischievously.


“Sorry baby, but you had to suffer for congratulating Jiyong-hyung on his MAMA awards-”


“What?!” Mihyo’s eyes flew to Seungri’s. Seeing he was actually serious, her eyes widened. “What the ?! How could I not?! Do you not realise how weird it would have looked if I was the only one in the audience not clapping or cheering?! It’s just plain rude! What possibly-”


“Plus, I like it when you’re jealous.” Seungri smoothly cut in, still smirking. Mihyo stared up at him, jaw slack and absolutely speechless. “It’s so cute yet y when you get all mad. You don’t even have any idea, baby. Trust me.”


Mihyo automatically found her lower lip jutting out in discontent, and, not wanting to please her egotistical boyfriend, quickly bit it to put it back in place. Seungri only laughed and ducked down to kiss her yet again.


“That hurt.” She admitted with a whine. Her eyes fell to the floor, too embarrassed to look at Seungri.


“So did losing at MAMA.” Seungri quietly confessed, slinging his arms around Mihyo’s waist and pulling her in even closer. Mihyo’s lips parted wordlessly as she gazed up at Seungri, her eyes washed over with understanding and sadness at how hurt he had truly been. Crooked didn’t even have a ing dance, whereas Gotta Talk to U actually did, and was amazing at that. And not just because Seungri was her boyfriend. Anyone with eyes could see just how good a dancer Seungri was in that video.


“I’m sorry, baby.” Mihyo murmured gently. She pressed her face to his chest, tracing his jaw with her hand in soothing motions.


“I’m sorry, too.” Seungri whispered back, kissing her head. “You know that you’re the only one in the whole entire world I need. Even without me telling you that. I love you.”


Mihyo lifted her head to smile sweetly up at him. “Glad to know we’re on the same page.” She giggled softly. “I love you, too.”

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