4 화: 하늘 고등학교 - Haneul High School (Haneul Go)

The Elites


It’s 12 am now and a lunch time in Saehee’s school. Saehee opened her lunch box and eat. Alone. Even though she has a friend now, and that is Sungjae, she’s rarely eat with him. He’s sometimes absent for 3 days of 6 days of school, and the teacher didn’t really questioned him about it. Even though Saehee wants to know what happen to him, to always absent for something she didn’t know, she just shrugged it off. Maybe a rumour about him being the only heir was right, so he always been so busy.

Saehee is in middle of eating her egg roll when she heard someone called her name.

“Ya, Yoon Saehee.”

She turned and found Jonghyuk, her class president, was the one who called her.

“Ne?” Saehee answered while put a hand over , because she’s in the middle of chewing.

“Kim Seonsaengnim called you to meet her in the Teacher’s Room.” Jonghyuk said.

“Right now?” She asked.

Jonghyuk looked at her, “Aniyo, tomorrow. Ofcourse now, you nerd.”

Saehee gulped the food in and tidied up the lunch box on her desk. She walked out from class and go straight to the Teacher’s Room. She walked in and approached Kim Seonsaengnim’s desk.

“Annyeonghaseyo, Seonsaengnim.” She bowed to her homeroom teacher. “I heard that you called me..”

Kim Seonsaengnim turned her chair to Saehee, “Ah, yes.” She brought a chair in front of her and told Saehee to sit on it. Saehee obeyed. “Saehee-ya, you know that Haneul Go had sent you a scholarship, right?”

Saehee blinked, “Ne.. But I already dropped the scholarship, Seonsaengnim.”

“Well.. they sent it again. The Just Upgraded version one.”

“Ne?” Saehee straight up.

Kim Seonsaengnim looked at her desk and pulled out a big brown envelope and took a paper from it. “You dropped the scholarship because of the school needs right?”

Saehee nodded, “Ne.. because the scholarship didn’t include the school uniform. As much as I want to enter Haneul Go, I can’t afford money to buy the uniform.”

“Well, in this upgraded one said that they included everything for school. Uniform, school needs, and every club needs that you’ll join later.” Kim Seonsaengnim read the paper.

Saehee put her hands on , “J-jeongmalyo, Seonsaengnim?”

Kim Seonsaengnim smiled and nodded, “Yes. I’m surprised too. But I’m happy as well. Its such a pity if a talented student like you is hidden in the small school like this. The best student needs the best one.”

Saehee looked down, flattered of what Kim Seonsaengnim just said to her. “Anieyo.. I’m not that good, Seonsaengnim..”

Kim Seonsaengnim hit Saehee’s arm. “Aigoo! Don’t hide your self-esteem like that! Here,” Kim Seonsaengnim handed Saehee the big envelope, “You have to change after you enter this elite school okay? I will watching you from here.” Kim Seonsaengnim let out a sign finger of im-watching-you.

Saehee looked at the big envelope in her hands and smiled to her homeroom teacher. “Kamsahamnida, Seonsaengnim!”


“I’m home~” Saehee sang after she entered the mansion.

“Oh, you’re home~” Her father welcomed her from the big living room.

“Oh, you come home early, Appa.” Saehee smiled to her father.

“I am~ I’m boring with meetings so I just come home to see my pretty daughter!” He chukled.

“Aigoo.. such a child-like Appa that I have.” Saehee put down her bag on the couch and the envelope as well, because it didn’t fit into her bag.

“Oh, what’s that envelope, darling?” Yoon Kyesaeng pointed at the big envelope.

“Oh, this?” Saehee looked at the envelope and became bright. “Appa, you know about I always want to enter Haneul Go, right? They sent me another scholarship and it’s an upgraded one.” She continued, “Now the scholarship includes everything! Including the uniform!”

Yoon Kyesang smiled at his daughter happiness, “Are you that happy?”

Saehee nodded, “I heard that Haneul Go has a very big library and most of the books is the original one. I always want to visit that..”

“Aigoo.. I should’ve done this from the start..” Said Yoon Kyesang without realize.

 Saehee turned to him, “What do you mean?”

Yoon Kyesaeng blinked at her, “Mean by what?”

“You said that you should have done what from the start..” Saehee repeated.

Yoon Kyesang bewildered, “Ah.. that is.. umm..”

“Perhaps.. Is this your doing, Appa?” she raised the envelope.

Yoon Kyesang sighed and nodded, “Yeah..” Saehee looked at him surprised. “But I didn’t do something that I shouldn’t do, you know! I just told my friend that coincidently is the head of administration in Haneul Go. Because, if they’re sent the scholarship just like that. No one will accept it and they will regret to lose a talented student like you and the other talented students. But it actually turns out that they’re actually in the crisis of expenses because of embezzlement that the late headmaster had been done. So, I just give them a little expense to cover their loss.”

Saehee widened her eyes, “So you paid for all the scholarships?!”

“I like doing some kind things, daughter.” He grins.

Saehee looked at her father’s innocent face. He does everything for her. He even paid for all sholarships that she can’t imagine how much is it. Saehee approached her father and hugged him.

“My father is the best.” She said while duck her head to hide her tears.

Yoon Kyesang smiled and pat his daughter’s head. “I know~”



Saehee already wore her Haneul Go uniform and now she’s waiting for her schedule in Haneul Go’s Administration Room. She saw about another 3-4 scholarship students that also waiting for their schedule.

Appa really does paid for all the scholarships.. She felt a pinch of guilty whenever she thought about it. Well, you have to  become the best Saehee-ya! Don’t let your father disappointed! Aja aja fighting! She raised her fits.

“Yoon Saehee.” She heard her name being called.

“Ne!” She got up and approached the administrator desk.

The administrator looking at her, “Uwa, I just looked at your photo but you’re actually prettier.” She commented.

Saehee didn’t know what to say, “Ah.. Kamsahamnida.” She bowed a little.

Here,” the administrator handed her a tab. “If you open this, this is about your schedule, your locker number, which class you attend, and your homeroom teacher.” She motioned at the screen, “Here is about the school rules and this is the list of the school teacher and their phone number. In case that the students have something to ask to their teacher.” She motioned again, “Because you’re already registered into Haneul Go’s web account, you can look for anything you want to know about Haneul Go from there. You can look for what kind of club do you like or suggest a club. Got it?”

Saehee looked at the tab back to the administrator, “Are you giving me this?” she raised the tab.

The administrator chuckled, “Yes, this is one of the school needs. Because of your generous father helped us, we can provide a better one.” She added the last one.

Saehee hang open, she just can be amazed. “O-oh, ne.. Kamsahamnida..” she bowed and walked out.

“Uwaah…” she’s still looked at the tab, “I can’t help but thinking of how much Appa paid for the scholarship..” She start to walked and look for the information from the tab. “Class 2-A, second floor, locker number 1288…” she read, “.. fishing club, hiking club, hose riding club, golf club, diving club, travelling club, omo.. it’s even had a shopping club.”

Because this school is HUGE. Saehee has a problem of finding her class. “2-A.. 2-A.. where is it? The map in the tab didn’t really help me because I can’t read it..” She look left and right. “Aigoo.. where is- Ah!” she bumped into someone in front of her.

“Ya! Can you- Oh.” The person she bumped to didn’t finish his words after he saw her.

“I’m sorry” she bowed, “But I’m in kind of problem in finding my class, can you tell me where is 2-A room is?”

He turned his head and laughs a little after saw her action.

Saehee confused why does he laughs but follow his direction. “Oh, there it is!” she pointed out. “Kamsahamnida~” she run a little to her class.

The person that Saehee just bumped into is smirked, his eyes followed where Saehee just gone. “Interesting.”


-The same day, Saehee’s old school-

Sungjae is happy because he can go to school today. He felt so bad because he can’t go to school yesterday and the day before yesterday, and he didn’t tell Saehee’s why. He planned to asked for Saehee’s phone number today, so it can make everything easier.

He walked into the class and when his eyes tfixed to the desk at the corner beside window, 2 rows from back, he didn’t see Saehee there. He crunched his eyebrows. She didn’t school today? Sungjae look around and didn’t see any sign of Saehee, so he just walk to his desk and approach Mina that sit beside him.

“Mina-ya.” He called.

“Eung?” She turned to her.

“Do you see Saehee? She didn’t go to school today?” His eyes still landed on Saehee’s desk.

“You didn’t know?” Mina asked him back.

Sungjae looked at her confused, “Didn’t know what?”

“Saehee’s transferred.” She answered.

Sungjae widened his eyes, “What?!”

Mina nodded, “It’s so suddenly, I know.. It’s kind of surprised me as well. She’s transferred to that elite school.. with full scholarship! Uniform, school needs, everything is include! Wow.. how lucky of her.”

“Wait, where does she transferred to?” Sungjae asked.

“It's Haneul Go.” Mina answered.

 Sungjae widened his eyes.



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nice story ^^
dilonaxo #2
Chapter 5: wow! daebak!

i already love it!