2 화: 시작한 행복 - Happiness Starts

The Elites



                The bells end of the day is ringing is sounds like a very beautiful sound to every students ear. Different from any other Monday, this Monday, Saehee didn’t have the self-learning because of what Mrs. Jung said on Friday.

                “Attention! Greet!” commanded class president.

                “Kamsahamnida~” with that, Saehee took her bag and got out from her class.

                SSungjae got up and took his bag as well.

                “Oppa, you have early practice today?” said the girl beside him.

                “Aniya, but I have something else to do today. See you, Mina-ya.” Sungjae smiled and walked out from class.

                Saehee was texting Mrs. Jung while walking out from the school gate and stopped when she saw a bottle of banana milk in front of her. Even though she’s already knew who is it, she can’t help but look at the giver.

                “For you.” Sungjae said.

                With a sigh, Saehee received the banana milk. “Gomawoyo, Sungjae…. –ssi.”And start walking again, now with Sungjae beside her.

                “Are you going to your part-time job now?” Sungjae asked. “It’s in Myeongdong, right? Such a coincidence~ I want to go to Myeongdong, too!” Sungjae smiled and clapped his hands.

                Saehee took a peek at him, “Ah.. ne.. But today I didn’t work. I have something else to do..” she said.

                “Ah, really?” Sungjae scratched his un-itchy hair.  

                Saehee nodded and saw her bus arrived. “Oh, my bus is here. I’ll be going first, Sungjae-ssi. Thank you for the banana milk.”

                Sungjae just stand still looking at her climbing the bus. “A..Ah! Wait for me!” He ran and climbed the bus. He took a seat next to her and smiled.

                “Sungjae-ssi..” Saehee looked at him. “Why you’re here?”

                “I’m taking a bus ofcourse.” He answered.

                “Not that.. your said that you want to go to Myeongdong, didn’t you take the wrong bus?” She asked.

                “Ah..?” Sungjae remembered, “Oh.. that.. I forgot that is not in.. Myeongdong.. Ha ha..”

                Saehee nodded. “Ah ne..”

                The bus ride was filled with silent. Sungjae doesn’t know what to talk about and start thinking. When he want to say something, but Saehee started first.


                He turned to her. “Ne?”

                “I have something to ask..”

                Sungjae gulped and still remained calm. “What is it?”

                Saehee was hesitated at first, “Why… are you so… kind to me?” she asked. Sungjae lifts his eyebrow confused. “I mean.. we didn’t close at school… and barely exchange words… Its not that I don’t like you or anything but.. it’s just.. just just?” She look at him, demand an answer.

                “Well… can’t I? Being kind to you?” he answer with another question.

                “You know that we-“

                “It’s not the reason that I can’t, right?” He smiled.

                Saehee nod a little. “Ne.. well.. So what is the reason?”


                “You said that we being didn’t close at school is not the reason that you can’t.. um.. being kind to me.” She said. “So what is the reason?” she continued.

                Sungjae looked down. “Ah, that.. Uh, you know.. its because..” he looked at her that looking at him with her beautiful brown eyes behind her glasses. “Because I l—want! Want to… become friends with you?”

                Saehee blinked at Sungjae’s ‘confession’. “Really?” She asked.


                “That you want to be my friend?” she repeated. “I’m… a quite person, you know..” she lowed her head.

                Sungjae shrugged, “If so, I can’t be friend with a quite person?”

                Saehee smiled, “Sure, lets do it.” She said.

                “Do what?”

                “Become friends, ofcourse.” Saehee said, but didn’t dare to look at him.

               Saehee let out her hands and Sungjae took it. “Nice to meet you, Chingu-ya.” she smiled. “Ah! It’s my stop! Ahjussi, wait!” she let go his hand and got up. “See you tomorrow, Sungjae-ssi.”

                “Ah.. ne. Annyeong, Saehee-ya.” Sungjae waved at her from the bus.

                He took a sigh after the bus move again. “You’re in big trouble, Sungjae-ya.” He said to himself. “But, a nice move.. to fall deeper.”


                “I’m home~” Saehee said when she walked into the orphanage. Saehee turned her head to the luxurious car in front of the orphanage. “Whose car is that?” she asked to herself.

                “Oh, you’re home.” Mrs. Jung welcomed her.

                “Ne.” Saehee said, “What is it, Ahjumeoni?”

                “Ah… let’s just follow me to the living room, Saehee-ya.” Mrs. Jung said, while hold her hands.

                Saehee nodded. “Arasseo..”

                Saehee followed Mrs. Jung to the living room and she found a man in suit with his back on her. Saehee looked at Mrs. Jung confused. Mrs. Jung just nod at her.

                Am I getting adopted? Really? Who wants a quiet and useless girl like me?

                “Mr. Yoon..” Mrs. Jung called the man. “This is.. Saehee. Yoon Saehee.”

                That man got up and turned his body. There is something different when Saehee saw him. She felt something familiar from him, like she has been with him for a long time.

                “Is she.. Yoon Saehee?” The man asked.

                “Annyeonghaseyo..” Saehee bowed to him.

                That man just looked at Saehee and suddenly his tears fall down. Making Saehee surprised.

                “I’m sorry.. she’s just too..” that man can’t continue his words and put his palm on his face to prevent his tears fall again.

                “Take a seat first, Mr. Yoon.” Mrs. Jung said. “You too, Saehee-ya.” She looked at bewildered Saehee.

                Saehee nodded. “N-ne..” She can’t take her eyes from the man in front of her.


                “I’m sorry.. I was just..” the man start the conversation after he feels a bit calm. “Well, I was the one who should start, right?”

                Saehee blinked, “Start what?”

                Mrs. Jung looked at Saehee, “Well.. before that. Saehee-ya..” she looked straight into her eyes.


                “This man in front of you is actually..” Mrs. Jung said, “Your father.”







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nice story ^^
dilonaxo #2
Chapter 5: wow! daebak!

i already love it!