Silent Melody
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Lunch was always a disaster waiting to happen. 

As Luhan walked his way to the cafeteria, he could once again feel the burning stares scorch his entire body. His heart was pumping in his chest, his palms were sweaty, and his head was pounding. Nervous. Luhan was nervous. Nervous to the extent that he would rather roll himself down a hill than be the victim of these stares. Did the boy from the roof tell about Luhan's little secret? Although, the secret wasn't so little. 

Luhan was considered the freak of the school. If the freak could talk, he wouldn't be a freak. Luhan had the face and the body; in other words, Luhan is physically perfect. Mentally, that's a different story. With just a word, Luhan could have changed his whole status. If he had another word vomit, he might as well just tell the whole population of South Korea how ing rich and truly vulnerable he is, and that wasn't something he needed at the moment. 

"Yo, Sehun." A brown haired boy made his way towards the other.

"Ah, hey."

"You got a detention slip. I was gonna give it to you in gym but those damn girls tore it out of my hands and ing ripped it to shreds, shouting, "This is the best for our oppa!" and like that." The brown haired boy shrugged and patted the other boy on his shoulder.

"It's okay. Thanks anyways, bro. Hey ... you know that deaf guy?"

", I forgot his name, but yeah. Why? He's in my first class. Ran out like the coward he is."

The boy's eyebrows furrowed slightly. Coward? Honestly, the boy hasn't seen someone as brave as him since forever. "Uh, well. I don't know. I was just wondering. I gotta go man."



Out of the corner of his eye, Luhan could see the two having a slow-and what seemed like a boring-conversation. The brunette was speaking too fast for Luhan to comprehend, but the other boy was speaking slowly, all while glancing back and forth between his friend and Luhan himself. The boy was teasing him, daring him to read his lips and speak out. Luhan still couldn't understand what he was saying. He knows for sure that the boy said something about 'deaf' but that was it. 



Luhan felt annoyed with the boy; how his hair was too spiky to be natural, the holes and rips in his uniform, the stoned face that he has when he speaks to another human being, and lastly, that annoying stare. The stare that Luhan absolutely hates, because he feels weak under it. Anyone who knows Luhan would say that Luhan hates feeling weak.



The rest of day went by as smoothly as it could. Luhan started to insist that people were just being extra curious on the particular day at lunch. He was trying to believe that the boy hadn't told anyone about their little secret. 



Oppa, lets go to the tailer shop and get our clothes made because the party is tomorrow. We have to look pretty!

Okay, okay. 

Luhan walked hand in hand with Ailynn to the closest tailer shop, whose owners just happened to be close family friends. Luhan has never really met them, but he believes they must be nice from all the stories Ailynn tells him. The moment he walks in, he is hit by a wave of heat and a strange odor. The wallpaper on all four walls of the small shop are peeled and the chairs in the waiting room are made of soft wood which Luhan knows he would break with only half his weight. 

"Ailynn, dear!" A tiny lady with high cheekbones and slightly fading black hair ran out of what seemed to be the supply room of the store. Her eyes were shaped like crescent moons as she held her arms up and waited for the young girl to hug her. The creases on her forehead seemed to smoothen as she brushed the hair out of Ailynn's face. Luhan simply stood like a statue and watched as the two interacted like mother and daughter reuniting after separating for years. "I missed you so much ... why do you not visit me anymore? Do you not miss me?" Before his sister could answer, the woman turned to look at Luhan. Her eyes flashed as she held his gaze.

A spark. There was a spark in her eyes that Luhan could not define. He could not even imagine what she was thinking. His judgment was always the bes

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Chapter 3: I loveeeeee your story! Its so cute ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Please update soon! Gambate, Author-san!
Chapter 3: Was is Sehun Luhan talked to before or was it another person? O.o
Chapter 1: i love luhans character he understands hes fragile yet stull learns to find his own way of indepenece