I Have my Ways...

I Have my Ways...

“WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP~!!!” your little sister sang/shouted at the top of her lungs while jumping on your bed. “Ughhh…” you grumbled into your pillow. “Come on~~~ Let’s go visit the oppas… Pleaseeee” she whined. “Soojung-ah. Stop. Why are you so hyper this morning.” You mumbled. “I SAID I WANNA GO SEE SEHUNNIE OPPA!” she screamed. You couldn’t take it anymore. You got up, grabbed your pillow and whacked her with it making her fall to the floor. “Ahh!” she screamed as she fell. "HE'S YOUR BOYFRIEND, DON'T YOU SEE HIM ENOUGH ALREADY?!" you yelled, letting out an aggravated sigh. Soojung got up and brushed herself off. “Well you're nice…” she commented. “But can we please go see the Exo oppas? Don't you miss your boyfriend? I mean, you haven't seen Luhan oppa since like... yesterday.” she pointed out. “Exactly. I saw him yesterday. And the day before that, and the day before that. You don't have to be near your boyfriend 24/7.” You said while stumbling over to the bathroom where you washed up. “Well Sehun and I do~", she sang, skipping off to her room to get ready. "Ugh... young love..." you muttered under your breath.

You both washed up and got dressed. You wore dark skinny jeans with a superman sweatshirt. Your hair was up in a messy bun and you didn’t bother with make up because you just were too tired to care. You grabbed your phone and dialed the number you knew by heart. It rung 2 times before he answered. “Hello?” Luhan answered in his y morning voice. “Hey.” You said. “Morning babe.” “Morning oppa. Did you just wake up?” “Yeah….” “Oh. Well Soojung wants to see Sehun today. You guys are free, right?” “Yeah sure, just come over. Sehun was just whining about going over to see Soojung too.” “Okay! Jeezus those two just can't keep off of each other.” “That's what I said. But according to Sehun, 'I would never understand because their love is just too great for me to comprehend' Whatever that's supposed to mean." "It's his hormones talking." "Aha! Bye babe. See you soon.” “Bye” you said as you hung up and walked into Soojung's room.

"Let's go.” You said. "Wait, unnie can you braid my hair?” she asked. "Sure... sit down" you replied as she sat in front of your feet and you started to seperate her hair into three sections. “So what’s Luhan Oppa planning for your birthday?” she asked. “I don’t know… I overheard him talk about it with the boys a couple of days ago, but they found me hiding before I actually heard anything…” you explained. “Oh… maybe you can get one of the boys to crack and spill the beans today. Hehe.” she joked. “Hmmm…. Maybe…” you thought to yourself. You finished her hair and the two of you were off to the EXO house.

You knocked and a few seconds later, Luhan opened the door. “Hey Soojung.” He greeted. “Hi oppa.” she replied before running to off to Sehun. “Hey baby.” He  smiled, opening his arms. “Hi.” You said hugging his waist as he pecked your cheek. You inhaled his scent. “How did I get so lucky?” you thought. You both went inside and took a seat on the couch. “Did you guys eat yet?” you asked them. “No, not yet, but Luhan hyung was just about to go out and get take-out from the diner nearby.” Chanyeol replied. “I’ll be back soon.” Luhan said and walked out the door. Sehun and Soojung went to his room to hang out and the rest of Exo and you were sitting on the couch watching T.V. “Perfect time to initiate my plan.” You thought in your head.

“So…” you started, “my birthday’s in a couple of days…” “Yeah…” Kai, who was next to you, said. “Do you guys, by any chance, know what Luhan has planned?” you asked, batting your eyelashes. All heads turned to you, paired with surprised faces. “Uhhh….ummm….” Kai stuttered. “Come on….” You thought in your mind. You looked at him straight in the eyes and gave him the most seductive expression you could manage. “Jongin-ah….” You cooed placing a hand on his stomach. “Ummm….” He said uncomfortably. “Yah! Kim Jongin...정신 차려!!! (get your head straight!!!) Don’t fall for it!” Baekhyun warned. “S…s…sorry... C…can’t tell you.” He struggled. “Ugh! Fine!” you said. “Next target.” You said in your head. “Chanyeol-ah…” you coaxed in the iest voice you could muster up. You went over to where he was sitting and looked at him. You leaned over to his ear and whispered, “You’ll tell me, right?”. “uhhh….. ummm……” he stuttered. “Come on! Just tell me already! He’s about to crack. What do I do?!” you thought to yourself. You suddenly sat on his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Chanyeol-ah. Please?” you begged putting on a cute aegyo face. “He’s gonna take you to the beach and give you a couple ring and then we’re gonna pop out like ninjas and perform ‘Happy Birthday to You’ and then you guys are gonna eat some cake. And then just when you think that it’s over, he’s gonna surprise you with two tickets to Hawaii so you guys can go on couple vacation together!” Chanyeol blurted out, all in one breath. “YAH!” Baekhyun yelled. “Sorry guys…” Chanyeol apologized. “Yes!” you cheered in victory, "My plan actually worked!".

You got off of Chanyeol and went back to your original spot. You were enjoying the movie while the rest of the boys nagged at poor Chanyeol, telling him how Luhan was 'totally gonna kill him'. Then, Luhan arrived home with the food. “FOOD!” Tao and Kyungsoo screamed with joy. Sehun and Soojung came out of his room and joined the rest. While you guys were eating, all of the sudden you said, “So Oppa….” “Hmm?” Luhan looked up. “I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii, how’d you know?” you asked with a smirk. He looked back at you with round eyes. “How did you find out?” he asked in disbelief. "I have my ways..." you answered while Chanyeol's face began to redden.

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eunjung99 #1
Chapter 1: sequal pleaseee
Chapter 1: its a cute story..
omgbaek #3
this is so cute omg ;u;
Chapter 1: AWW luhan oppa poor chanyeol oppa
Chapter 1: Ahahahahahah loved it xDD