Miracles Don't Exist

Miracles Don't Exist


I lost the most beautiful woman in my life.  You were the light to my day.  You were the splash of color in my world of black and white.  You were my saving breath when I was drowning.  You were my everything, and I lost you.  I was selfish and didn’t pay attention to your fragile heart.  I saw you, I fell for you, I had you, I loved you, I got bored, and I broke you.  It’s my entire fault.  Now all I can do is miss you.  I can survive but not live.  I cannot live because in order to do that I would need you.  I let you slip between my fingers like sand. 

I was standing outside by the bench in the park where we met, hoping that you would turn up.  It was snowing outside and the clock was about to strike midnight.  The cold bit my nose but I stayed hoping you would remember.  I was hoping that you still wanted me like I wanted you.  But miracles don’t exist.  Not after what I did to you.  I continued to wait.  The park was lite up with bright lights and decorated for the holidays.  Couples lingered around the small shops and along the street.  I watched them in envy. 

I replayed our sweet memories together in my head.  Regretting what I did.  How I hurt you, how I betrayed you, all for a stupid power.  Anger flashed through my body.  Not at you though.  At me.  At myself.  I regret everything I did to you.  I chose this stupid power over the woman I loved.  It wasn’t worth it.  It never was.  I was and still am miserable ever sense you left.  Standing here alone makes me finally feel the full effect of loosing you.  It’s like a part of me was ripped away and it hurt like hell. 

The night started to get colder, still I stayed.  The park was empty like my heart.  I couldn’t even feel anything.  Only the cold hallow pain that you left me with.  Tears dripped down the sides of my cheeks, blurring my vision.  I didn’t do anything to wipe them away.  I let them fall.  I once read the tears defy science.  Tear glands were only suppose to moisten the eyes, not create enough moisture to over flow the eyes.  Its like tears are a way we express the animal inside us.  The monster inside us.  We are all monsters, full of greed and selfishness.  It disgusts myself of what I have become.  I let the monster within me get the best.  I let it win.  The monster I have become isn’t the person I wanted to be.  If I could go back to the small, weak person I was to get your love I would in a heartbeat.  I don’t need this supernatural power.  It is only a reminder of all the bad mistakes I made with you. 

I can’t stop myself from looking through our scrapbook every night.  Looking at the pictures and the memories.  I guess that’s why people like taking pictures.  People can change all they want but they stay the same in the picture.  People who say this are wise.  You only know how much you love a person once they are gone.  Never could that be any more true that it already is.  I hope you can forgive me.  For when I look through our scrapbook of memories I cry.  And when I cry my tears drip onto the paper and smear your elegant handwriting.  I can’t help myself from doing so.  My emotions always hit my like a tsunami wave.  It comes crashing down all at once. 

All around me was silent.  The snow continued to fall.  It was like it was showing me how many tears you cried over me.  I miss you so much.  I clutch onto the small present I had prepared to give you if you showed up.  The park clock struck midnight.  My tears continued to fall.  The lights continued to shine.  The snow continued to fall.  You didn’t come.  I should’ve known.  I just had this spark of hope hoping you would come.  Hoping that you would at least show up.

“Happy anniversary.”  The words come out bitter and they tasted sour leaving my mouth.  I closed my eyes as the last tear from my eyes fell.

“Happy anniversary.”  My eyes flashed open.  I knew that voice.  It was the same voice that replayed through my head day and night.  It was the voice I longed to hear for so long.  It was you.  I quickly whirled around looking for you.  My eyes searched frantically around the square.  Nobody.  It was only my imagination.  I should’ve known.  Miracles don’t exist.  I fell to my knees.  My tears crashed down harder than ever.  I screamed out. 

“WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?!”  I cried out.  I don’t know to whom exactly or if it was even for somebody.  Sobs racked through my body and tears stained the fresh blanket of snow around me.  I clutched onto the small present I brought.  The world around me started to flicker.  The clock was reversing, going backwards.  People were rewinding like a tape.  The sun rose from the opposite side of the earth shining high up in the sky.  Laughter and chatter filled the air.  I stood there rooted to my spot.  But then I saw it.  I saw you.  You were waiting by the park bench.  You were standing there with a small present in your hand looking amongst the crowd.  Looking for someone.  I just stood there and watched you.  Time started to fast-forward this time.  People started walking faster, noises became a blur.  But still you stood there looking for someone.  Whoever you were waiting for never showed up.  A tear escaped you eye and stained your satin skin.  With your head hung low you walked away.  That’s when I saw myself.  I had just arrived after you had escaped into the crowd.  I had missed you by seconds.  You did care.  Then things began to go even faster.  I was finally back in my original time.  The clock one in the morning.  I stood in the middle of the park with my head hung low.  I had missed you by only a second.

The thing about my power, I can go anywhere in time I want to.  But if I goes into the past, I can’t change anything.  If I do I could alter the future.  It was forbidden to change something once it had been done. 

“Dammit!”  I sank to the ground once again.  Nothing came out.  No tears, no sobs, nothing.  It looks like I’m finally a monster. 




So what do you think?  Should I make this into a chaptered story?  Tell me in the comments please ^^  

I wrote this because I wanted to celebrate Exo's comeback and after I saw the MV I just had this idea so I hope you enjoyed :)

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Chapter 3: It's so sad!!!
Chapter 1: Wow! Awesome great story u hv made! ^_^
Chapter 1: it was pretty good. yeah that happens. missing some one by minutes even by seconds.
Chapter 2: my feels~ you should create a chapter about this one since i got interested with this one :D
Chapter 1: Hey, this is amazing! Made it into chapter! ^^
Chapter 1: Ooooo I think it should be a chaptered story!
LittleAsianNinja #7
Chapter 1: Please make this into a chaptered story
goodess #8
Chapter 1: I think you should make it into chapter...
Chapter 1: T_T Tao feels regret T_T
The story's so sad :(
But I love it :)