It's Over

I Can Make You Smile

Seung Gi laughed hysterically, completely forgetting to point the gun back at Luhan and he found this as his chance to take action.


Luhan leapt up and knocked the gun out of Seung Gi’s hand and lunged himself at him, hoping to knock him off his balance – and it worked. Seung Gi fell with Luhan landing on top of him.


The two struggled with each other for a short while before Luhan noticed the sound of shuffling feet approaching their location. ‘A swat team?’ Luhan thought and desperately tried to keep Seung Gi from getting to the gun.


“Choi Seung Gi, this is the police! We’ll give you one chance to surrender now,” an officer shouted, however his presence was shrouded in the darkness of the factory.


“N-Never!” Seung Gi yelled and struggled against Luhan even more.


‘I can’t keep this up much longer! He’s t-too strong,’ Luhan thought worriedly and glanced around for help.


Seung Gi managed to free one of his arms and punched Luhan, knocking him from off top on him. He scrambled towards the gun and picked it up, aiming it at the darkness. “I’ll kill all of you!” he shouted psychotically and stood up.


“The suspect is hostile. Disarm him,” another officer said.


Another gunshot rang out in the deafening silence and struck Seung Gi’s hand, causing him to drop the gun and he sank to his knees.


“Move in!” a cop demanded and the swat team surrounded Seung Gi and Luhan.


One officer helped Luhan to his feet and assisted him on his walk over to Kai, who was surrounded by a medical team.



An officer aggressively pushed Seung Gi to the ground while another kicked the gun far away from him. “You’re going to be in jail for a long time buddy,” the officer commented and bound his wrists with handcuffs and pulled him to his feet.


On the way out of the abandoned factory, the officer read him his Miranda Rights as they routinely do but Seung Gi, however, wasn’t paying attention. He just wanted to get one last glimpse of Luhan. Just one last glimpse of him – and then he did. He saw a flash of his golden hair and his beautiful deer-like eyes before being shoved into the cop car.


‘I guess this is our final goodbye. I loved you Luhan… I really did. I’m just sorry that I couldn’t show it properly.’



Luhan knelt down beside Kai’s body and placed his hand in Kai’s hand. “Please don’t be dead… You can’t be dead! We’re finally f-free Jongin. We can finally be free a-and… and…” Luhan began but trailed off as his words turned into choked sobs.


He laid his head down on Kai’s chest and sobbed. “What were you thinking? Why did you provoke him?!” he cried and hit his chest with his fist, “why?!”


Then Luhan heard – “To save you…”


Luhan looked up to see Kai smiling down at him. “You didn’t think I was really dead, did you?” Kai asked with a slight smile.


Luhan’s face was now burning red from anger. “Pabo!” he exclaimed and hit Kai’s head.


“Yah!” Kai yelled and rubbed his head where Luhan hit him, “look.” He then ed his shirt to reveal that he was wearing a bulletproof vest. “Suho called me on the way over here and told me that he called the police so I was able to set up a plan with an officer before entering. I was going to invite Seung Gi to shoot me so you would have a chance to knock the gun away,” Kai explained, “and it worked perfectly.”


“Well I didn’t know about the plan! What if I didn’t knock the gun away?” Luhan asked with a pout.


“Then you’d be the real pabo… not me,” Kai said with a laugh.


“Aish!” Luhan muttered but couldn’t help but smile. He was so relieved that Kai was okay. He was relieved that everything was finally over. It was all over and now he could finally be with Kai. No more would they have to be hurt… no more would they have to hide their love… they were finally free.


They were free.


“Luhan…” Kai began and slowly sat up.


“Ne?” Luhan questioned, looking at him.


Kai gulped slightly and bit his lip. “Well I… umm…”


“What is it?” Luhan asked, tilting his head to the side slightly.


“Since all this is over… can we make this… us… official?” Kai asked, his face turning completely red.


Luhan smiled brightly and nodded, “yes! I-I’d… yes!” he said eagerly.


Kai took out the little black box with the necklace and handed it to Luhan. “Don’t worry, I’m not proposing… yet,” he said with a wink.


Luhan opened the box and gasped, clasping his hand over his mouth. “It’s beautiful!” he exclaimed in awe. He delicately ran his fingers over the heart pendant with their initial inside it. “I love it!” he added.


Kai took the necklace and latched it around his neck. “Let this be a symbol of my undying love for you.”


“K-Kai I…” Luhan began, tears forming like beautiful, sparkling diamonds in the corners of his eyes.


“Luhan, I love you,” Kai interrupted, “I didn’t know that love existed until you showed me. You… you mean so much to me. I’d even go around the world and back again if that meant I got to hold you in my arms. I know now that I need to have you in my life… forever.”


Luhan’s bottom lip quivered as tears slid down his face. He had never experienced such a beautiful, meaningful confession as he did just then. “Jongin… that was… beautiful. I-I don’t know what to… say. Nothing I can say will top that,” he said and Kai gently wiped away his tears.


“I know one thing you can say…” Kai smiled, “it’s four words.”


Luhan gently brushed Kai’s hair away from his eyes and smiled back. “Four words will never be enough to describe my love for you. I love you too Kim Jongin. I love you now and I’ll love you forever – until I draw my very last breath.”


With Luhan’s final statement, Kai’s eyes sparkled captivatingly like Luhan had never witnessed before and he noticed Kai slightly edging closer to his face. Luhan’s eyes slowly closed as his lips met Kai’s and they shared a kiss much like their first one – yet different. This one seemed to hold a deeper, more surreal meaning to it – it almost seemed too good to be true. It was as if he felt his soul finally being completed. He wasted so many years trying to fill the hole in his heart with material items… but Kai changed all of that. Kai became his reason to smile again. This was what true happiness felt like. And as he felt Kai smile into the kiss, Luhan knew he was feeling the same way.


They were deeply in love. Beautiful, harmonious love. And they were happy. Very happy.






Well now we've come to the end. ;3; I'm going to miss writing this story!

I hoped you all enjoyed it <3

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Thank you ALL! I love you guys~~ ^___^ <3










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Chapter 33: That's an amazing trailer ! O.O
Chapter 33: I love the trailer. T^T I miss this. Thank you again for granting my wish. ;)
HunhaNH97 #3
Chapter 18: Awesomeeeeeeeeee!!! You are a good author xD
Chapter 32: This is jjang authornim ♥
Chapter 32: OMYG!!! Ended already? Whyyyy!! But still this is the best. I can see how Romeo and Juliet their love story here... you portraited them well enough anf Luhan here being the princess of Jongin is the best. Good Thing Kai didn't die because I will kill him if he died. Hahahaha!!!

One of the best chaptered story I've ever read.
Chapter 32: Awww so cute glad they are together i love the story and the ending. :)
Chapter 32: Beautiful!!