Now He's Mine

I Can Make You Smile

Kai was walking down the hallway when he suddenly saw Kris and Suho kiss. ‘So they finally confessed their feelings, huh?’ Kai thought with a smirk and walked up to the happy couple that had just pulled back from their passionate kiss.


“Well congratulations,” Kai said with a teasing smile, “its about time you two grew some balls and confessed to each other. I swear…”


Both Suho and Kris looked at Kai wide-eyed. “What do you mean? You knew Kris liked me back?” Suho asked with surprise evident in his voice.


“Wait. You said you didn’t know if Suho liked me!” Kris exclaimed, becoming slightly frustrated at the fact that he could’ve been dating Suho a lot sooner.


“Yes you both told me that you liked each other but… it wasn’t my job to try and get you two together,” Kai said, looking at his nails with a bored expression, “one of you were going to have to man up one day. …So who was it? Who confessed first?”


“Well…” Kris began.


“I kind of found out by accident… I saw the present he had for me and one thing led to another,” Suho interrupted and his smile grew as he explained what happened.


“Aish! You guys are too shy,” Kai said with a laugh, “anyways… have any of you seen Luhan or were you too busy each other’s faces off to see?”


Kris narrowed his eyes at Kai while Suho rolled his eyes. “Very funny,” Kris muttered but couldn’t help but smile a little.


“W-Well I should… umm,” stammered Suho, not sure how to explain Luhan’s situation without hurting Kai too much.


Then suddenly the school doors opened and in walked Luhan… with Seung Gi’s arm across his shoulders.



Luhan woke up that Monday morning with an overwhelming feeling of dread – Kai would be back at school today. If it weren’t for Seung Gi, he would’ve been absolutely thrilled but no… he knew that things were going to go from bad to worse. And quick.


After doing his usual morning routine, Luhan quickly put on a pair of dark sunglasses and walked out his house. He then threw his backpack in the backseat and got in the car with Seung Gi but he didn’t say a word. He refused to say anything. He didn’t even want to look at him. He couldn’t understand why he enjoyed making his life so miserable? What did he even do to deserve being tortured like this?


“So you’re really not going to say anything to me?” Seung Gi asked while occasionally stealing glances at Luhan.


Luhan didn’t bother to answer him. At this point, he didn’t care anymore. No amount of physical pain Seung Gi could inflict on him would ever exceed the emotional pain he would feel if he lost Kai. No, correction… when he lost Kai. Luhan just sighed and continued looking out the window while praying for a miracle – a miracle that would never come.



They finally arrived at school and Seung Gi looked happier than ever. “Today is going to be a beautiful day, isn’t it?” Seung Gi in a singsong tone of voice.


‘It would be if you dropped dead,’ Luhan thought and rolled his eyes.


“Oh don’t be like that sweetheart, I only want to make you happy,” Seung Gi said mockingly when he saw Luhan roll his eyes.


Seung Gi then s his arm across Luhan’s shoulders and before Luhan could even push off his arm, he dramatically pushed open the school doors to deliberately try and attract attention to them – and he succeeded.



Kai and Luhan’s eyes immediately met as soon as they walked in the school and Luhan couldn’t read the expression on Kai’s face – he just saw his eyes look at him and then to Seung Gi and back to him. Luhan lunged forward in an attempt to run to Kai… he desperately wanted to explain everything to him… to be held by him… to kiss him… but Seung Gi wouldn’t allow it and he dug his nails in Luhan’s shoulder to get him to stay still.


Kai stood looking at the couple in disbelief and Seung Gi’s smirk pushed Kai over the edge. His eyes turned stone cold as he looked at both Luhan and Seung Gi and he turned around sharply, storming down the hallway.


“Hyung!” Suho called after Kai but he didn’t stop walking… Suho was a little hurt that Kai didn’t even acknowledge hearing his voice but that’s because Kai really didn’t hear Suho call his name – the only sound Kai could hear was the sound of his own heart shattering into a thousand pieces.


“K-Kai…” Luhan said under his breath as he watched him storm down the hallway and out of his sight, “I’m so sorry…”


All the while everyone else’s worlds were shattering, Seung Gi stood there with a huge sneer on his face. He had finally won. He had beaten Kai and Luhan was now his and his only.



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Chapter 33: That's an amazing trailer ! O.O
Chapter 33: I love the trailer. T^T I miss this. Thank you again for granting my wish. ;)
HunhaNH97 #3
Chapter 18: Awesomeeeeeeeeee!!! You are a good author xD
Chapter 32: This is jjang authornim ♥
Chapter 32: OMYG!!! Ended already? Whyyyy!! But still this is the best. I can see how Romeo and Juliet their love story here... you portraited them well enough anf Luhan here being the princess of Jongin is the best. Good Thing Kai didn't die because I will kill him if he died. Hahahaha!!!

One of the best chaptered story I've ever read.
Chapter 32: Awww so cute glad they are together i love the story and the ending. :)
Chapter 32: Beautiful!!