Warm Winter

Warm Winter
[ Your POV ]
*sighs* "It's so cold...someone close the window...." , I groaned frustatingly as I pulled the duvets over my head to try to keep warm. After a few minutes with no changes in the damn temperature I threw the duvets off of my head and got out of bed to close the window. I didn't bother to open my eyes since I stayed here for so long and knew the layout of my room pretty well...at least that's what I think. I shuffled my feet to the window , bumping my legs on the boxes I had on the floor and cursing everytime I hit them. I was really frustrated and pretty much awakened by all that bumping and just wanted to slam the window shut but when I looked out I pretty much let all that bumping around go. It was snowing and I mean really pretty snow. I am pretty sure that the snowflakes were sparkling in the sunlight but that could have just been my imagination , my brain finally decided to wake up and I realised that I moved into this new house away from my parents as they thought I could handle being by myself. That still pisses me off because I had a lot of great friends back there but I didn't mind THAT much since my best friend moved near me as well with his 5 friends. I smiled and started rummaging through the boxes trying to find the winter outfit I had packed before laying them out on the bed and going into the bathroom. "I guess I should pay him and his friends a visit after I'm done ~" I sighed happily.
[ Daehyun's POV ]
"Yah hyung!" I yelled happily as I used my sleeve to wipe the snowball that Yongguk hyung threw at my face before I hurled a snowball at the back of Himchan's head before quickly running behind Zelo. Himchan whipped his head around and yelled "Who threw that darn snowball?" he laughed , a bit annoyed. I yelled while cowering behind Zelo's large body , "Zelo did it!" "Wha-? Hey hyung you can't do th-" he said before being interrupted by a snowball to the face. I laughed and quickly ran off before Zelo had anytime to react. I was about to throw a snowball at Yongguk hyung who was making a snowman of Tigger when I felt something cold at the back of my head. My first guess was that Zelo threw it to get revenge on me but all of them started waving at me except Yongguk who was busy building his Tigger. I was really confused so I just turned around and saw my best friend , Jung Soon Young. It's a surprise seeing her knowing that she was usually quite lazy. I laughed and threw a snowball at her but she just dodged it , making my snowball land on the neighbour's car. "Well , now I can forget about that 20 bucks." I sighed and smiled at Soon Young.
[ ???'s POV ]
I clenched my fists as I see her with Daehyun hyung...she seems much happier with him than with me...but I'll win her over someday...and when I do I'll make sure Daehyun hyung feels all the pain I felt...
[ No one's POV ]
All of them started greeting each other , as it had been the first time in a long while they had seen each other , even Yong Guk had stopped working on his snowman just to see Soon Young. Now everyone was feeling rather cold because of all that snow in their jackets and jeans so they all went into Daehyun's house , her hand automatically grabbing Daehyun's hand. Even though it was cold , his hand felt warm and she knew that Daehyun felt the same way...but she didn't know about HIS feelings...
[ A/N : OMG I swear I at writing this chapter because I feel like I'm too longwinded and I feel that this introduction is mostly seen throughout the whole AFF world but tell me what you guys think? ]
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Chapter 1: Oh my gaaaad!
IM. SO. CURIOUS. YEAAAAH~! (sorry i had to!)

but, i wonder who Daehyun's rival is!
you're doing an awesome job :)
Im excited! Update soon!