You have changed...

Not as Your Friend, But as Your Love...(2 SHOTS)

“Yaahh! Baro-ahh! Why are you so slow, heh?” I called him out.

“Nee…” He replied and walked faster.


Yep! Baro is my only friend. We are bestfriend since we were in the kindergarten. But hey, please don’t think the other subject, okay? He is just my friend, my best friend, for exactly. Not less and not more!


At Lunch Time


“Haneul-ahh…” he said.

“What?” I asked without looked at him.

“What did you do…last afternoon after school?” he asked, hesitated.

“Well, I had my turn to clean the classroom  and then.. I went home.” I said, unwilling.

“No, no, after that..” he said again, shocked his head.

“Well, let me think…umm…” I mumbled.

“After that…What did you do…with..Kwangmin?” he said, tried to not looked at me.

“Hmm..?Oohh! Ahahhaa, well, he needed my help to buy something, What’s wrong with that?” I asked.

“Mmm…nothing…” Then he walked away.

“Huh? What’s wrong with him?” I thought, shrugged and backed to my food.


_ _ _ _ _ _


“Boo!!” I tried to startle Baro from behind his locker. But he just looked at me for a while, sighed and closed his locker.

“Huh? Yaahh! What’s this? You always startle if I did this to you!” I pouted.

“…Stop playing around…”he said coldly and walked away.

“Huuhh??! What’s that mean? Yaahhh! Baro-ahhh!! Wait for me!!” I half ran, followed him.


After School

“Yaahh! Baro-ahh! We go home together! Wait for me!!” I shouted and quickly kept my things back to my bag.


But he just walked away out of the class.

“Huu-uhh! That kid! What’s wrong with him actually?” I pouted.

 Then I felt a tap in my shoulder, I turned to see, then I saw Kwangmin stood there, smiled widely to me.

“Ah? Kwangmin-ahh, What’s it?” I asked, a little bit surprised.

“Umm…well..Do you have time.. after this?” he asked, hesitated.

“Hmm? Let me think…well, actually no. Why? Do you need my help again?” I asked, chuckled a bit.

“Umm…yeah..Can you accompany me to go to the park?” he said, brightly.

“Hmm..” I thought for a while. “Sure, let’s go!” I replied.


Baro P.O.V

‘Aisshh, where is she actually? I’ve been waiting for her almost twenty minutes! Don’t blame me if I went home by myself!’ I thought as looking at my watch. I was about to go then my phone rang. It was Haneul!


“Hmm..” I answered, felt a little angry.

“Baro-ahh, I’m sorry, I have to accompany Kwangmin again today, you can go home first, ok? Mianhe…” she said at the other side.

“W-whatt?! Yaahh! Haneul-ahh I’ve been-“

“Baro-ahh, I have to go, bye!! See ya!” she cut me off and hang up her phone.

“Psshh…” I let out a big sigh then looked down at my phone.


‘See? It’s Kwangmin again… To be honest..I couldn’t understand my heart these few days. Something hurt inside me when I saw her with this Kwangmin guy. She is my friend, right? My best friend for sure. It’s not a right way to be jealous when your friend got a new friend, right? Right?’ Hhhh…but this feelings seemed different. That’s right, there’s something wrong with me…’


End of Baro P.O.V


At School

“Baro-ahh! I’ve heard that this afternoon Music Show will be held at the park! Let’s go together!” I nudged him who kept his head laid on the desk.

“…I don’t want to…” he replied, unwilling.

“Aisshh, Baro-ahh~ Let’s us, hmm?hmm?” I kept on nudged him.

“….I said I don’t want to Haneul-ahh…” he said without looked at me.

“Psshh..Baro-ahh~ Come on!Let’s us-“

“I’ve said to you, Haneul! I don’t want to! Why don’t you invite that Kwangmin guy to go with you?!” he said in all of sudden as stood up from his seat, made my heart jumped a bit.

“Y-yahh…Baro-ahh..W-why-“ I stuttered. But he just stared at me for a while then walked out of the class.


‘Gosh, what’s wrong with him actually?? Really, I never see him like this before! Psshh, I wonder what happened with him…’


_ _ _ _ _ _


Since that day, he avoided to meet me. At class, almost a whole day he just stared out of a window. At lunch time, I couldn’t find him anywhere. And after school, he always be the one who walked out from the class.

Ggaaahhh, I even tried to call and sent him messages. But he never picked them up or replied my messages! So I decided to meet him. I want to apologize, maybe he wasn’t in mood that time…I just don’t want to our friendship to end like this…


After School


“Baro-ah!” I blocked his way as he tried to walked out of the class.

“I need to talk to you.” I said as I staring straight to him.

But he seemed trying not to look at me, so I pulled his wrist and dragged him to the nearest park.


Baro P.O.V

I was about to walked out then Haneul blocked my way. Psshh..What now? I’ve been trying to avoid her for these few days! Well, I felt a little regret cause I’ve shouted at her last time. And..I don’t know how to apologize to her. So…yeah…

But then I felt my wrist was pulled by her. She dragged me to the park near school.

End of Baro P.O.V


“Baro-ah, mianhee…” I started.

“I know I heve no right to force you that-“ I began to explain but he cut me off.

“It’s okay,” he finally said.

“I was wrong too..Actually I don’t have to be that angry…” he said again.

“…So?” I turned to see him with a wide smile.

“WE’RE BACKK!!” I shouted as I hugged him happily.


Baro P.O.V

“…So?” she turned at me smile widely.

Aisshh, this girl! Really, can’t she just keep that sweet smile just for herself? Look, now my heart began to race again, I don’t know why and since when this stupid feelings appeared, everytime I’m with her, this heart can’t stop beating wildly.

“WE’RE BACKK!!” she shouted, overjoyed. Then in all of sudden, she hugged me!

Gggaahh, Gosh! My heart beat! How could this happen?!

 “H-haneul-ahh…” I said.

“Hmm?” she looked up, still hugged me.

“I-it’s s-so tight…” I finally said.

“Omoo! Mianhee Baro-ahh~ Ahaaahaaa, I’m just so happy right now!” she shouted happily.


‘Psshhh, this if she knew…this feelings inside me…’



At School


“Well, students, here your homework for this week! Don’t forget to submit it on Friday, okay?” Our Biology teacher said.

“Yes, sonsaengnim.” All of us answered. Then Kwangmin approached my desk.

“Ah, Kwangmin-ah?” I said.

“Haneul-ahh, let’s us do this together!” he said, gave me his sweet smile.

“Hmm, okay! This afternoon at the library, okay?” I added.

“Okay, I’ll wait for you there.” Then he walked back to his seat.


I was about to walked out of the class then Baro called me.


“Ah, Baro-ahh, What’s it? I asked him.

“Let’s us do this homework together!” he said as raising the paper in front of my face.

“Sure, this afternoon at the library, okay?” I smiled to him.

“ Yay! I’ll wait you there!” he said again and walked away.


After School

I was already at the library, waited for Kwangmin and Baro.

‘Aissh, these kids, where are they actually?’ I thought.

Then someone nudged me from behind, I turned around and saw Kwangmin.

“Ahh, Kwangmin-ahh, You’re here!” I said almost whispered. *We are at the library, remember? ^^

He nodded and took a seat beside me.

“You’ve been waiting for a long time?” he asked.

“Not really.” I shocked my head. “It’s okay.” I added.

“Why aren’t we starting now?” he then asked.

“Oh, Baro said want to join us too.” I said as seeing around, tried to find Baro.

“Ohh..” he simple nodded.


Baro P.O.V

Finally! I have time alone with Haneul! Yay! It has been a long time since the last time we spent our time together. I walked in to the library. My eyes was busy to search Haneul’s figure.

“Well, where’s she?” I mumbled. Then my eyes caught something at the corner.

‘She is Haneul, right? Wait, and beside her is…’ Without thinking any longer I approached their desk, quickly. Then Haneul looked up, faced me.

“Ah, Baro-ahh, finally you’re here. I was th-“ she said but I cut her off.

“I guess, just two of us.” I simple said.

“Baro, what do you mean?” she asked me with confused look.

“You didn’t tell me that HE join with us.” I pointed a guy beside her.

End of Baro P.O.V


“Ahh, mianhee Baro-ah, I forgot to tell you, he asked me first, then you came up to me and asked me too, so I thought it was good that we three worked together.” I explained to him.

“Hmm..” he replied, unwilling then took a seat in front of me.


‘I knew from his replied, he was mad. Hhhh~ really, sometimes it’s hard for me to understand him. Recently, he acted like someone strange, not Baro my bestie.’

_ _ _ _ _ _


“Haneul-ah?” Kwangmin suddenly asked me.

“Hmm?” I replied without looked at him.

“I feel a little confused about this…” he said again.

“Let me see…Ohh, you can find the answer in this book.” I handed him my book.

“Here, I’ll show it to you.” I added.

“He-emm.” He nodded.


Baro P.O.V

“Haneul-ah?” I heard that Kwangmin guy called Haneul.

“Hmm?” she replied.

“I feel a little confused about this…” he said again.

“Let me see…-“

Ggaaahhh, Look! How close they are now! I don’t know why, but something inside me forced me to do a bad thing to this Kwangmin guy. Really, I wanna punch his face right now!Arrgghh! Wake up Baro, wake up!!

End of Baro P.O.V


Finished showed the answer for Kwangmin, then I looked up to check Baro. But there I found him stared straight at me. No! At us! At Kwangmin exactly. I could see the anger in his eyes, really, I never see him like this before.

“Baro-ah? Gwenchana?” I asked him with worried expression.

“…I’m okay.” He looked at me with blank expression then back to his book.


One and half our later, we have finished our homework.

“Ahh~Finally!” I said and stretched my hand.

“Thanks Haneul, you help me a lot.” Kwangmin said as gathering his things back to his bag.

“It’s okay, Kwangmin, we did it together.” I said as giving him a smile.

“Ba-“ I was about to talk to Baro but he had stood up from his seat and walked to the exit door.


‘Aishh this kid, happen again?’


“Kwangmin-ah, I go first okay? Bye!” I waved to him as I running to follow Baro.

“Baro-ahh!Hhhh!Hhh!”I called him out and tried to catch my breath.


‘Aishh, Why is he walking that fast?’


“Baro-ah!” I called him again as I trying to catch his arm.

“Baro-ah, I’ve-“ He turned around and grabbed my shoulders in all of sudden then pushed me against the wall.

“B-baro-ahh…” I gasped, startled.

“Tell me! How much you like that Kwangmin guy!!” he shouted straight at my face.

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great story >__<
Gosshh...AMAZING love story promize!!
Momoo_xx #3
sssoooooooo cute!!
love the story~touching;)
omo !! you used the song MISTAKE ~! I love it ~!! <3 <3 <br />
Amazing story !! ^___________^<br />
I really love the part when Gongchan punched the wall ! lolol just kidding xD
@Yosoph14: oh my dear!! thank you so much~~ your comment made me blush *kekekeke <br />
I'm glad that you like it! please look forward to my other story~ heheeehee :D<br />
<br />
with love,
Your so good!!<br />
i feel a i skip a heartbeat many times! mostly at the chapter 1! REALLY!!!<br />
Im so amazed!!