
Dark Chocolate Love ♀♥♂


*Beep beep beep beep*

I woke up tired and sleepy.

I couldn't sleep last night. Guess I was too excited and I kept twisting and turning at night.

I wake up unrelectantly and go brush my teeth.

I look at my own reflection and I finally realized how ugly I look. I wanted to change for real now. I imagine how I look 4 months from now and I imagine a beautiful skinny girl with perfect skin. I snapped out of it and continued to brush my teeth.

I get dressed, and for once I think about what I should wear today. I put on my favorite outfit that Mihun gave to me. Guess I wanted to look pretty today. I don't know why. I wore a cardigan with a fashion t-shirt that says " Don't Judge Me". I love that phrase. I wore the skinny jeans Mihyun gave me for the first time today. I feel so accomplished. I also wore the black creepers that Mihyun chose for my birthday. I look at myself in the mirror, although I look foolish in this outfit and you can see the fat. I feel pretty. I actually do.

I look at the time and I realized I spent too much time on picking my outfit. Aish! I ran downstairs, and grab some bread.  


" Sorry omma I'm late I can't eat breakfast with you. " I screamed from the door.

" Aish that stupid girl. *laughs playfully* " Omma playfully babbled out.

I literally made a dash for school. People were looking at me weirdly and some even laughed at me. I heard one say out loud that I look like a clown pretending to be a pretty girl. I quickly run past them. I don't want all this. I feel my fists tense up, but I can't be mad at them forever right? I'm going to change.

Finally, I arrived at school. I walk up to Mihyun at her locker. I poke up, she studders. " What's wro..." I say. Before I could finish, Mihyun says something that made me think good about myself.

" OMMO! YOU LOOK REALLY PRETTY TODAY JINJU! " She complimented(screamed literally).

" I'm so proud of you. " She says after.

Mihyun hugs me and then the bells rings.

" See you at lunch, pretty girl " She says.

That just made my day. I have never been complimented before. She even said it so happily. Is this how you feel when you're pretty and people compliment you? Is that why people want to be pretty? I don't know, but I feel happy and I'm glowing inside.

After my classes, the bell rings for lunch. I hurrily go to the table Mihyun and I sit at. I surprisly saw Daehyun sitting at our table with a bunch of girls. Did he know we were sitting here? Did he just come here to take our table? He was flirting with those girls and I'm just standing here. I feel my fists getting tense again. I can't go slap him. He did nothing to me. It's just my fault that I fell for his face. I get myself to not cry and walk away.


I woke up feeling restless.

I unwillingly get up after 5 min. I don't know. I just feel extremely tired today.

I brush my teeth and throw some random shirt and jeans on.

I go downstairs and bam! My mom prepared a big breakfast for me! OMG! I haven't had a good breakfast in a long time! There's bacon and eggs, waffles, pancakes, and muffin. I stuff whatever I could in my mouth. Eventually I finished it all.

" Omo, Daehyun my good son. Finishing everything I'm so proud. " Omma said.

" Hehe. When it comes to food I can't hold back " I stated, " and THANKS MOM."

I hurrily go out the door and I look back to see my mom smiling. I haven't seen her smile since last month. Is it because of me? I wonder. I just feel so refreshed after that breakfast. Guess my mom just knows I'm down and cooks this good breakfast. I wonder if my day goes well today. I hope so. I cross my fingers.

I get to school and notice Jinju talking to Mihyun. Suddenly I notice Mihyun hugging Jinju saying how pretty she is. I do admit that Jinju dressed nicely today, but she's still not up to standards. I watched as Mihyun left after the bells right. Her smile is so dazzling. She is perfect for me. ♥

As I was walking to my classroom, I notice girls avoiding me. Is it because of the incident yesterday? I think so. Oh well, haters gonna hate. Not my fault.

After the lunch bells rings, I go to the cafeteria. I spot these girls sitting at Mihyun and Jinju's table. I wonder what they're planning. I walk up to them and they all scream OPPA! UGHH. These girls with their ugly aegyo. Just pisses me off.

" What do you want? " I say.

" That wench took my boyfriend away. Now, all he does is look at her. " One girl yells angrily.

" Oppa, please help us destroy this wench. " All the girls say as if they had been suffering.

I sit down trying to talk them out of it. I couldn't convince them, then I used my last resource. Flirting.

" Girls~, Oppa will go on a date with you if you drop the plan. " I flirtly say.

" I'll kiss all you girls. " I added. F$%^! I covered my mouth. Stupid mouth! Why can't you shut up!

" OPPA~! , we agree! " The girls all screamed at once.

That was whn I saw Jinju standing there. Then, she ran away. Oh well. WAIT. What if she saw me flirting with those girls? What if she tell Mihyun?! AISH. I start to have doubts about her.


I finally found Mihyun in the crowd of people at the lunch line. She has 2 sandwiches with her. She gives me one. I thank her.

" Mihyun, let's go sit somewhere else. " I state.

" Why? " She questions.

" Daehyun and his "girls" are sitting at out table, we shouldn't bother them. " I say sadly.

" It's alright, we could go to the rooftop where no one is at. " She happily says.

When we get to the rooftop the first thing she says is what's wrong. I say nothing. I tell her how he's sitting with a bunch of girls and flirting with them.

" That bastard. " Mihyun yells.

" I'm going to hate him because of you, and because he's a playboy. " She added.

In my heart I have a sign of relief. I'm gald that Mihyun doesn't like Daehyun. I suspect he likes her. I wonder why Mihyun doesn't have a boyfriend and everyone hates her. I should go ask her.

I ask Mihyun why everyone hates her and she tells me it's a long story. She doesn't want to tell me until I lose my weight. We make a deal. I'm soo getting hyped to losing weight.

The bell rings for class, and we go.


After she walks away, I start talking to the girls again. I decide to actually go out with them to get some excitement. I feel like I should go back to my playboy years. But, I can't.

The bells ring, and I go back to class.

After school, I meet up with the girls and we go to eat. They decided to go to a cake shop, and so we went. They ate a cake and I had to kiss them one-by-one. UGH. I don't even like them. But, atleast their mouths were squishy and soft. I'm still a man you know. I have erted feelings.

I manage to shoo all the girls home and walk back home. Tonight we had an okayish dinner. Not much food. I love food. It just makes me happy and full. I wish there were more. I chitchatted with my parents and went up to my room.

I studied a bit and played videogames. I received a lot of text from my other friends and I noticed one, from my bestfriend, HIMCHAN. He says he's transferring to this school tomorrow. I'm so excited. We could hangout and all. No boys in this school like me. They don't want to be my friend since I stole all the girls away. Serves them right. Not. Oh well, who cares. At least Himchan-hyung is coming to my school.

I go sleep thinking about my past friendships and girls. I also thought about the past when I was a major playboy. It was Himchan-hyung who convinced to stop hurting girls' feelings. He kept nagging me about it and we finally made a deal. This year I would not play, but I already broke it. Oh well, going to get major nagging from Himchan-hyung tomorrow.

Good night.



The bell rings to end school.

Mihyun and I head to the gym again. I wonder why Mihyun has to go to the gym even though she is skinny. I guess she has to keep her shape. This time, I call my mom to inform her that we are going to stay at the gym for 2 hours and excercise.

*2 Hours later*

*pant* *pant* *cough* *cough*

" Hoff hoff. Mihyun-ah, I'm so tired. I can't move anymore. " I barely say.

" Don't worry you'll get used to it. " Mihyun said calmly.

We go our separate ways and I finally get home.

My mom cooks up a low-calorie dinner and I munch away. Even though I eat less now, I still can't hold in my hunger. But this time, I ate less and I feel full. I finish with dinner and my mom tells me to keep up the good work. I stay and chitchat with her before going up to my room to study makeup and fashion about ulzzangs online. I stay up until 12 AM.

I go to sleep that night about making my eyes bigger with double eye-lid tape and eyeliner.






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Chapter 2: I'm loving it so far!~
(on the 2nd chapter~!)
Awesome job!!!
Chapter 3: Cool....PLS Update.....
The story and starts looks cool. But ill be honest im more happier if himchan is the leading man