"Drunk Seung-Ri"

Am I Mrs. Lee Seunghyun or Mrs. Kwon Youngdon?

Am I Mrs. Lee Seunghyun or Mrs. Kwon Young Don?

By Ritastic

Chapter 14: "Drunk Seung-Ri"



"What are you doing here?" I asked him. "It's dangerous, and the paparazzis will snap a photo of you!"

Seung-Ri laughed. "Me? Heh. Nobody will. They are too scared of me, anyway."

He started walking around, almost falling down.

I agree, it was funny but I decided to not think of it.

Suddenly, he dragged me and stared at my face with his eyes.

I didn't know what was happening, and how it happened.

All I knew was that I was trapped between a handsome guy's hands and face.

"You like that Young Don guy, don't you? I know you like him." He whispered.

I didn't respond.

Seung-Ri laughed again. "Don't lie to me."

I was silent, wanting to escape from this club and go back to my dorm.

In a spilt second, Seung-Ri's lips touched mine.

I was surprised as ever.

I quickly pushed him back and ran out of the ear-splitting club.


When my eyes turned behind, I could see that Seung-Ri was running to me, too, but his face was very faint.

He then ran at a snail's pace.

"What the.." I mumbled under my breath.

I then saw a taxi, and went in quickly.

I panted repeatedly and thereupon, I saw Seung-Ri opening the door, and sitting down next to me.

"AH!" I shrieked.

Seung-Ri smiled horribly. His face was pale, as if he was about to puke after drinking beer.

"Where are you guys going?" The taxi driver asked.

"Wait! Uh... He has to puke." I immediately responded.

"I'll wait for you, but be quick!" The taxi driver replied.

I quickly opened the taxi door and held Seung-Ri to somewhere outside the club.

He then puked there, looking more weak than ever.

"Thank you. And I'm sorry for that. I wasn't thinking right." Seung-Ri huffed, with his hand on his chest.

I glanced at his face. "Are you okay now?"

"Sure." He spluttered.

I smirked. "Let's go then."

I then held him back to the taxi. 

After ten minutes, he slept on my shoulder.

I sighed and smiled at his cute face.

"Miss, we are here." The taxi driver began.

"Okay." I said, taking out some of my money to the taxi driver.

"Thank you." The driver grinned.

I smiled back at him. I then woke Seung-Ri up.

Seung-Ri yawned. "We're here already?"



So we got out of the taxi, and stood there in front of the YG building.

"Thank you." Seung-Ri thanked me again.

"It's no big deal." I giggled.

Seung-Ri beamed and blushed, revealing his pink cheeks.

He scratched his head. "I guess I'll go to my dorm now."

"Yeah." I spoke.

There was a moment of silence.

And it gave Seung-Ri a chance to peck on my cheek.

"HEY!" I shouted.

Seung-Ri snickered, running away from me.

I decided to not chase Seung-Ri and go back to my dorm.

It was super-duper-extra late when we arrived back here.

And when I checked my watch, it was 1 A.M.

When I finally reached my dorm-room, I couldn't help but to think of today.

Today was a long day.. But it was a special day, too.

I grimaced widely, and laughed at what happened today.

Some bad things happened, some good things happened.

I lied down in the bed (for the 1000th time) after doing my own personal bathroom errands.

And as I layed down there, my eyes began to shut.

I was beginning to feel sleepy.




(This was a cheesy chapter. I blame it on Seung-Ri and his cuteness. And prepare for more cheesy chapters. YAY)

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V-I-bb97 #1
Omg is this story about me?? Thats My My name (begin like this Vi.. )and i'm born in 97
and its My username on Tumblr and here too!! (V-I-bb97)
Sweetsailish #2
HAHAHAHA!!!<br />
What!!! That's my name!!! HOW??
What!!! That's my name!!! HOW??
I am going to subscribe and read later. Cus of the Twins, it attracts my attention!
Cherry_56 #6
ohmygod, cherry_56? Im shock.
Ritastic #7
omg thank you guys for the comments ;_;<br />
I'll be back soon. (lol2pmillbeback)<br />
-Ritastic (V)
kwonri #8
Thanks :D!!<br />
Can't wait for your new BIGBANG fanfic :)
I was only here yesterday and it ended T.T <br />
But thank you :P
Thank you for making this fanfic :P