Moonless night

Love Personified
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"Lu...Luhan?!?!" You stammered in disbelief. "What the heck are you doing here?!" Your eyes rested on a man looking so out of place sitting on your parents' worn out sofa. You looked at him from head to toe.

*Nothing has changed* You thought. He is still the same old bollock he was-is. Except that, you couldn't help but to admit that he somehow became more....attractive. The last time you saw him was when you guys were 13.  Your hormones weren't fully developed at that time. 

The young adult Luhan is nothing to be compared with the skinny, four eyed Luhan he was. He works out, you noticed. More defined jawline. You swear you could picture six packs hiding in his expensive suit that probably cost more than your car. Big ugly glasses missing without a trace. He looked not too bad. you thought

"Looking at what you like, I see" He smirked. His smirked blew it all away. Yup, it's him.The same old Luhan.

Luhan got up from the sofa and slowly made his way towards you. You felt your heart beating faster. He stopped in front of you and bent towards you, bringing himself closer. "You look the same. Wait, no. I didn't recall you having this terrible eye bags." He looked deep into your soul. Your heart skipped a beat.

"Been crying a lot? I would have done the same thing if I was in your place." He whispered slowly. He was an inch away from you and you beckoned him slowly only to find him coming towards you, smirking.

You were thinking of all the things you can do to save yourself. You remembered reading a book on how to save yourself from this very situation. *The first step is to- what's the first step? Crap!*

Your back hit the wall and you were too shocked to do anything.  He had the killer look upon his face, trapping you in his arms at both side. y arms. Oh brain would you just shut up! You closed your eyes hoping that it will all end. You waited for 30 seconds and nothing happened. You slowly opened your eyes and saw Luhan retrieved back to the sofa looking at you blankly.

Pheewwh. you sighed.

" I want you to marry me" 




He parked his red Ferrari gallantly in front of a medium sized, four bedroom house. Plants grew everywhere in large plastic pots placed neatly at the veranda. Just before the entrance, lies a small garden, ardorned with enticing green grass. Roses of different colours came together in a perfect nuance.

He looked at himself through the rear mirror, fixing his slightly tangled hair by pressing his hair firmly to keep them in place. He took a deep breath and headed towards the house.

"May I help you?" Asked a lady in her mid 50's.

"Well, I am Luhan. I am not sure whether you remember me but I used to live next door with my grandmother"

Before moving to Seoul, Luhan used to live next door with his grandmother. His parents were just starting their own company and were so occupied with their work that they had no one to watch over Luhan thus putting him in the care of his grandmother. Which Luhan thought , was the best decision ever. 

"Oh! I remember you! you are Jenny's friend aren't you?" The lady who claimed to be Mrs Oh, giggled estaticly."Well, come in." She invited him rather too joyous. However, Luhan could see through her glistening brown eyes. Despair and sorrow. He knew that she is dealing with a major problem.Well let's just say he did his homework beforehand.

"What brings you here?" questioned your mom as she settled down. Luhan sat at the old square table in one of the unmatching chairs and examined the living room.It was definitely not bigger than his but somehow, warmer. Over the small fireplace in the family room was a row of pictures. First a wedding picture of Mr and Mrs Oh, the next one was the three of you celebrating your birthday followed by your childhood pictures and the latest one was you in your working suit. He can't help but to smile, showing his pecfect line of white teeth.

"I actually have something really important I want to tell you" Luhan drifted back his attention towards your mom. "I know that what I am about to say might shock you and I take full responsibility of what your daughter and I had done." Luhan faked a sad face and looked down anxiously hoping your mom would buy it"

"What are you trying to say here?" Your mom asked looking puzzled. her face slowly turning sour.

"Your daughter is..."

"Well she is what?" asked your mom impatiently.

"She is pregnant" Luhan blurted out and looked down, refused to see how your mom would react. He was praying in his heart that your mom would buy it. This is his only chance. You are his only chance. A gr

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sandradeer #1
Update please
sandradeer #2
Chapter 4: i really love your plot please cont. this story :)
sandradeer #3
Chapter 4: update soon please
sandradeer #4
Chapter 4: update please
sandradeer #5
Chapter 4: update please
sandradeer #6
Chapter 4: update please
sandradeer #7
Chapter 4: update please
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Chapter 4: update please
sandradeer #9
Chapter 4: update please